The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 413 Killing Blade

Chapter 413 Killing Blade

The peerless Tianjiao of the Outer Demon Race, Yuan Kong, holds a strangely shaped weapon.A murderous aura burst out, and the killing intent soared to the sky.

At the same time, Yuan Kong suddenly exploded into a field.

Killing Field!
The terrifying domain that the Slaughtering Emperor Clan used to deter Hongmenghai, in this killing domain, the killing intent was boiling, the killing intent was fierce, and the murderous aura was soaring.

In an instant, the void within the Luck Jade Lotus was completely covered by the killing field.

Although Yuan Kong was only a Dzogchen in the Immortal Realm, but now that he is displaying the Killing Domain, Sun Yu does not find it strange at all.

Although Yuan Kong is the peerless arrogance of the demon race outside the sky, he really came out of the killing universe.

The vast Hongmeng sea, the killing universe, is one of the 36 Hongmeng universes.

The Lord of Slaughter deters Hongmenghai.

He is in charge of the Great Dao of Slaughter, but all the Dao of Slaughter in the major Hongmeng universes in the Hongmeng Sea are all under the control of the Lord of Slaughter.

The killing divine power generated by killing will eventually return to the original sea of ​​killing in the killing universe.

At this moment, Sun Quan felt that the strange-shaped weapon in Yuan Kong's hand was very suitable for this killing field.

With a thought, the Ruyi golden cudgel was held tightly in Sun Yu's hand.

"Last time, my old grandson could only kill your avatar, and now you can never escape from birth again. Whether it is the demon clan outside the sky or the emperor clan, if you dare to fight against my grandson, you will die in the My grandson's stick!"

Sun Yan's killing intent was awe-inspiring, his killing intent was fierce, and his killing intent was like a tide, so he was able to slightly resist the power of the killing field.

The killing field covers all the void of the Qi Luck Jade Lotus, and the entire space within the Qi Luck Jade Lotus is replaced by the killing field.

At this moment, a fierce murderous intent emanated from the Killing Realm, locking on to Sun Rong.

And in this killing field, Sun Yu felt extremely uncomfortable.

In addition, because the Slaughtering Avenue is one of the 36 Hongmeng Avenues in the Hongmeng Sea, apart from the Hongmeng Avenue of the same level, other avenues below the Hongmeng Avenue, even the Kaitian Avenue, will be suppressed by the Slaughtering Hongmeng Avenue.

Fortunately, Sun Yu's practice is the Dao of Chaos, and according to the rank of the Dao, he has to surpass the Dao of Slaughtering Hongmeng.

Of course, the Dao of Chaos cannot surpass the Dao of Slaughtering Hongmeng because it has not yet given birth to a supreme being in the Great Perfection Realm of a Hongmeng Saint.

In other words, the Dao of Chaos practiced by Sun Wei is comparable to the Dao of Slaughtering Hongmeng in the field of killing today, and there is no distinction between them.

Sun Yu was not suppressed by the killing field much, but felt a little uncomfortable.

This scene has exceeded Yuan Kong's expectations.

"Who do you think you are, under my killing field, you will die for sure. Sun Wei, you will not escape the fate of death today. If you have a last word, read it because you are barely considered the peerless genius of the Pangu universe. I can pass on your last words."

Yuan Kong's expression was cold, and there was a trace of murderous intent on his face.

"Last words?" Sun Wei dismissed them, "Yuan Kong, if this is your last words, in the future when my old grandson kills those immortals from the Demon Race, I will carve your last words on their bodies."

The demons ravaged the prehistoric world, and the lives of the people were devastated, bringing a great catastrophe to the prehistoric land.

The catastrophe of the demon clan swept across the prehistoric world, and Sun Wei's hatred for the demon clan outside the sky was like a tide.

"Sun Yu, you are also considered the peerless genius of the Pangu universe, and you are lucky to die under the killing blade in my hands!"

Yuan Kong gritted his teeth, his words were full of murderous intent.

"The Slaughtering Blade? The Slaughtering Emperor Clan used it to deter Hongmenghai's fame. According to legend, the Slaughtering Blade in the hands of the Slaughter Lord is a treasure of chaos, and in terms of attack, it can directly catch up with the Hongmeng Spiritual Treasure, the Heavenly God Axe. In many chaos Among the treasures, the Slaughtering Blade is considered to be famous far and wide!"

Sun Yuhong said politely that although he wanted to kill Yuan Kong, it didn't mean that Sun Yuhong looked down on Killing Blade.

The real killing blade is the natal divine soldier of the killing master.

Among the Chaos Supreme Treasures, it can be regarded as a very powerful Chaos Supreme Treasure.

"It's even better if you know the reputation of the Slaughtering Blade. Then you should know how powerful the Slaughtering Blade is."

Yuan Kong held the killing blade, and he was absolutely confident in killing Sun Yu.

Not to mention, the killing blade is still in the killing field.

Once the Slaughtering Blade and the Slaughtering Domain cooperate, the power of the Slaughtering Blade will increase by more than ten times.

In addition, the killing blade can also be used as the core of the killing field.

In that case, if you want to break the killing field, you must first smash the killing blade, otherwise, you must not break the killing field.

At this moment, Yuan Kong was blessed with the divine power of killing, and suddenly, he burst out with fierce murderous intent, boiling killing intent, and skyrocketing murderous aura at the same time.

All of a sudden, killing intent, killing intent and murderous aura were all blessed on the killing blade.

In an instant, Yuankong held the killing blade in his hand, and suddenly launched an attack on Sun Yutong.

In an instant, Yuan Kong made a move, and the killing blade in his hand suddenly turned into a knife.

"Heaven Slashing Knife!"

The killing blade can change according to Yuan Kong's will, turning into any killing weapon at will.

The killing blade is not completely fixed in shape.

Seeing the killing blade, he could change its shape at will, and for a moment, killing intent arose in Sun Yu's heart.

This gave Sun Yu one more reason to kill Yuan Kong.

Sun Yu wanted to seize the killing blade in Yuan Kong's hand, extract the Ruyi iron from it, and then integrate it into the Ruyi golden cudgel.

Sun Yu's Ruyi Golden Cudgel can change its shape arbitrarily, because the Ruyi Golden Cudgel contains a little bit of Ruyi Divine Iron.

But now, after the Ruyi Golden Cudgel is smelted into the Chaos Divine Iron and some Primordial Spiritual Objects and Chaos Wonders, the proportion of Ruyi Divine Iron is very small.

It is no longer possible to think of it as before, changing as you wish.

Nowadays, although the size can still be changed as desired, but it is not as easy as before, and it has become extremely difficult to change into other weapons at will.

Sun Rong's thoughts were circulating, and in this flash of light, the killing blade turned into a sky-slashing knife, which suddenly slashed towards Sun Rong with a peerless sword energy that could shatter the world.

The Heaven Zhan Dao transformed from the Slaughtering Blade is unparalleled in power and power. Not only does it burst out with a sky-destroying aura, but the Heaven Zhan Sword is also incomparably powerful and invincible.

Datiandi will be cut to pieces by Zhantian Knife, and this blow is also blessed by the Killing Domain.

The horrific Zhantian Saber, the power of the killing field, and the peerless sword energy combine to attack and kill. It is unparalleled in power and power, and it is difficult to resist if you look at the same level of talent.

Not to mention, Sun Wei is just a Void Realm cultivator.

Although the Zhantian Saber is mighty, but how can Sun Yu is the kind of person who can be caught without a fight.

Just at this very moment.Sun Yu picked up the Ruyi Golden Cudgel and smashed it frantically at the Zhantian Saber.

In an instant, Ruyi's golden cudgel directly smashed through the shackles of the killing field, shaking the killing field with its terrifying force.

Chaos breaks the sky!
The first form of attacking supernatural power created by Sun Yuhong, suddenly, the chaos on the Ruyi Golden Cudgel is powerful, unparalleled and mighty.

All of a sudden, in the void, the Heaven Slashing Saber Qi and the Chaos Breaking Heaven Cudgel collided impressively.

In an instant, two extremely powerful tricks collided, and waves of destructive storms appeared.

When the extreme killing power collided, a storm of destruction appeared, sweeping the nine heavens and ten places.

In the luck jade lotus, in the killing field, there are many destructive powers.

Slaughter and destruction both belong to the Hongmeng Avenue, but the power of killing and the power of destruction are completely different.

At this moment, because it was filled with too much destructive power, the power of the killing field was weakened a little.

But this did not affect Yuan Kong's extreme power of urging the killing blade in the slightest. Although Sun Yu resisted the Tianzhan Dao, Yuan Kong's expression remained unchanged.

Although he was disdainful in his heart, even though he believed that he would definitely be able to kill Sun Yu, Yuan Kong didn't think that Sun Yu couldn't even resist the first move of the Killing Blade.

At this moment, the killing blade changed again.

And this change caused a fierce killing intent to rise in Sun Yu's heart, and the killing intent was like a tide!
"Yuan Kong, you are courting death!"

Sun Yu was so angry because Yuan Kong was despicable and shameless, and he used the most powerful stunt of the Pangu universe to deal with Sun Yu.

Kill the Immortal Sword!
One of Zhu Xian's Four Swords!

The Slaughtering Blade turned into the Immortal Slaughter Sword. Although it is not as good as the Slaughter Immortal Sword, which is one of the genuine Four Immortal Execution Swords held by the Master Tongtian, the Immortal Slaughter Sword in front of Sun Yu's eyes is powerful enough to easily kill Chunyang Zhenxian and Tongtian Ling fairy.

Even if Yuanshi Yuxian was in person, he might be killed by the Immortal Killing Sword!

The Slaughtering Blade is infinitely powerful, and now it has turned into the Slaughtering Immortal Sword. Yuan Kong combined the power of the Slaughtering Hongmeng Avenue and absorbed the power of the Slaughtering Domain to bless the Slaughtering Immortal Sword.
It feels like the reappearance of the Killing Immortal Sword, one of the Four Swords of Jade Immortals, perfectly showing the terrifying power of the Killing Immortal Sword to the fullest.

At this moment, the Slaying Immortal Sword erupted with a mighty power that soared to the sky, killing the immortal god's supreme sword power.

In an instant, the Immortal Killing Sword carried the ultimate pure killing sword power, mighty and mighty, permeating the Jade Lotus of Luck.

At the same time, the Immortal-Slaying Sword slashed in the air, and suddenly, an Immortal-Slaying Sword Qi that could make immortal gods drink their hatred suddenly shot towards Sun Yutong!

The Immortal Killing Sword Qi is so powerful that it is difficult to describe the power of this sword in words.

This sword qi of killing immortals completely has the spirit of the four swords of killing immortals as the number one killing treasure in the universe.

Qi swallowed mountains and rivers, sword qi pierced the nine skies, soared to the tenth place, all three realms and six realms trembled.

At this very moment, Sun Wei poured endless chaotic energy into Ruyi Golden Cudgel.

Suddenly, in order to fight against the Immortal Slaughtering Sword Qi, Sun Wei could only use sword skills!

【Annihilation Sword Way】!
Half-step Promise!

In an instant, chaotic qi crazily poured into the Ruyi golden cudgel, and at the same time, the destructive power in the killing was aroused!
Although the power of destruction is not the power of annihilation, at this moment, Sun Yu is desperate and regards these powers of destruction as the power of annihilation.

In an instant, the half-step Wuji-level 'Annihilation Swordsmanship' cut out impressively.

At the same time, a powerful and mighty Annihilation Sword Qi rushed out.

In an instant, in midair, two extremely powerful sword qi were about to collide with each other.

(End of this chapter)

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