The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 429 The number of 1 yuan, the chaotic array

Chapter 429 The number of one element, the chaotic array
Hearing this, Sun Yu's expression became more and more violent.

Sun Wei's fierceness was on display, and his fierce power was fully displayed. The unruly, arrogant and unruly in his bones burst out.

"The heart of the universe belongs to my grandson, and so does Pangu's essence and blood. Do you think that if you don't give it to me, my grandson won't be able to get it?"

Sun Yuhong's low and deep words contained boiling killing intent and fierce killing intent.In an instant, the luck jade lotus under Sun Yu's feet increased to twelve petals.

And at this moment, Sun Yu communicated with the luck in the jade lotus, and in an instant, his mind sank into the rules of the original universe.

All of a sudden, the heart of the universe appeared in front of Sun Yu through the void.

Seeing this scene, the Luck Demon God was furious.

It's just that now he is breaking away from the heavenly way of the original universe, and he can't control the heavenly way of the original universe as he wanted before. At this moment, he can only watch Sun Yutong communicate with the rules of the original universe, and forcefully obtain the heart of the universe from him.

In an instant, the heart of the universe was once again tightly held by Sun Quanhong's hands.

And at this moment, according to the rules of the primordial universe, Sun Yu can comprehend the heart of the universe for 120 eight hours.

During these 120 eight hours, unless the Luck Demon God completely breaks the rules of the original universe, otherwise, he can only watch Sun Yuyu comprehend the heart of the universe.

At this moment, the situation was urgent, and Sun Wei temporarily put aside the threat of the Demon God of Luck being by his side, and devoted himself to comprehending the heart of the universe!
Now, in the chaotic spiritual sea, there are only [-] chaotic talismans that can make the talismans in the chaotic spiritual sea reach the number of one yuan.

If you really gather all the chaotic talismans of one yuan, you can form a chaotic talisman array.

At that time, the chaotic talisman will be able to completely replace the chaotic talisman that appeared before to condense the golden core.

Once the chaotic talisman array is condensed into a golden elixir, in this case, Sun Yu's golden elixir will truly be a chaotic golden elixir!
In this case, the golden elixir of chaos is compatible with the avenue of chaos.

The original golden elixir of Sun Yuhong was just a golden elixir, not a lawful golden elixir that contained some kind of Dao attribute. Changing it to a chaotic golden elixir would not affect the rank of the golden elixir.

Otherwise, if the Jindan grade fell from the Hongmeng grade, Sun Yu would definitely regret it extremely.

In the primordial universe, Sun Yutong comprehended the heart of the universe, and at this moment, in the prehistoric world, waves of turmoil were set off because of Sun Yurong.

In the Pangu Temple, the imprint of the true spirit placed in the Pangu Temple by Emperor Pangu sank into the Pangu Witch Pond.

The mark of the true spirit began to absorb the vitality, essence and blood in the Pangu Witch Pond, and began to recast the physical body.

Suddenly, with a teleportation, the three great witches and the twelve ancestor witches came to the side of the Pangu Wuchi to guard the resurrection of the Pangu emperor.

And at this moment, the faces of the three great witches and the twelve ancestor witches were extremely ugly.

"How is it possible? With the power of Pangu's essence and blood, he was able to cast Pangu's projection, Pangu's incarnation, and even Pangu's real body one after another, yet he lost to Sun Yu?" Wu Gonggong, the ancestor of water, said in amazement.

Time Ancestor Wuzhu Jiuyin's face was confused. He couldn't figure out how the Emperor Pangu, who was carrying Pangu's blood essence, could lose to Sun Yuhong. Comparable to the Taiyi Heavenly Immortal! And using the third form of Unfolding the Heavenly God Axe, even Da Luo Jinxian can match it!"

Zuwu Houtu sighed, and said: "For all of this now, we can only ask him about the battle situation after he is resurrected!"

Although the Pangu Temple is an innate treasure, it can suppress the luck of the witch clan.But it can't completely suppress luck like Qiankun Ding.

The prehistoric sage made some calculations, and used the Supreme Sacred Heart to deduce the long river of heavenly secrets, and immediately knew that the peerless arrogance of the Wu clan, Emperor Pangu, was also defeated by Sun Yutong.

All of a sudden, the prehistoric saints who sensed the secret of heaven couldn't help being extremely surprised.

"Sun Yuzhen really swept away all the arrogance of the prehistoric young generation!"

"It's really worthy of being the king of Tianjiao!"

"Ao Tianhuang from the Dragon Clan, Feng Jiuxiao from the Phoenix Clan, and Pangu Emperor from the Witch Clan, the three most powerful talents in the prehistoric world today, were all defeated by him!"

"Looking at it this way, Kunpeng Minghe, the Nine Great Demon Sects, the Five Great Demon Sects, and the Supreme Three Sects all suffered unjust defeats!"

"It's a pity that there is no super power behind him to protect him. Otherwise, the heart of the universe will always be obtained by him!"

"Beyond the original universe, Sanqing is guarding it, and it is bound to seize the heart of the universe. In the prehistoric world, it is not that there are no strong fighters against Sanqing, but it is impossible for Sanqing to fight to the death for the heart of the universe!"

It's just that some prehistoric sages hoped that Sun Wei could create another miracle.

It's just that thinking that Sun Yu's opponent this time is Sanqing, the difficulty of creating a miracle is simply as difficult as heaven.

In the primordial universe, Sun Yu comprehended the heart of the universe, and the luck in the jade lotus was rapidly consumed.

At this moment, the Demon God of Luck looked at Sun Yutong who was above the Jade Lotus of Luck, with murderous intent.

In the chaotic spiritual sea, one after another of obscure chaotic runes were infused with chaotic spiritual power.

Completely receiving the infusion of Chaos Spiritual Power is equivalent to being able to withstand the Dao Rhyme of Chaos Dao.

In this way, the chaotic rune can be transformed into a chaotic talisman.

Sun Yu knew that now he had strong enemies inside and outside.

But the heart of the universe, Sun Yuhong refused to let go no matter what.

Until now, Sun Yu's path to the great road has been clarified.

First comprehend 12 chaotic talismans, and then form a chaotic talisman array. In this way, the golden elixir can be transformed into a chaotic golden elixir.

Immediately afterwards, the Five Elements Cave was transformed into a chaotic world with the heart of the universe, a chaotic spirit treasure.

The core of the chaotic world is the heart of the universe.

Let the heart of the universe be the foundation of the chaotic world, as well as the nourishment of the chaotic world, cultivate the avenue of chaos, and then derive other laws from the avenue of chaos!
In the Hongmeng Sea, there are two truly supreme avenues, the Hongmeng Avenue and the Chaos Avenue.

And such as the Dao of Power, the Dao of Demons, the Dao of Time and Space, the Dao of Reincarnation, etc., can be said to be derived from the Hongmeng Dao.

But now in the Hongmeng Sea, under the Hongmeng Avenue, there are 36 Hongmeng-level avenues!

As for the Chaos Avenue, which can keep pace with Hongmeng Avenue, sit on an equal footing, be indistinguishable, and indistinguishable, Sun Yu firmly believes that it can also enter Hongmeng Avenue, and many avenues will be derived.

With firm confidence in the Dao of Chaos, although it is getting more and more difficult for Sun Quan to comprehend the chaotic runes, at this moment, Sun Quan's potential is forced out by the demon god of luck, which makes the speed of Sun Quan's comprehension of the chaotic runes unimaginable So slow!

Sun Yu felt that 120 eight hours was enough for him to realize another [-] Chaos runes.

At this time, in the Pangu Temple, for the three Great Witches and the Twelve Ancestral Witches, the days seemed like years. They felt that time passed too slowly.

It was not until three days later that Emperor Pangu was resurrected from the Pangu Wuchi.

Emperor Pangu was reborn, and this time he also incorporated a drop of Pangu's blood into it again.

In this case, he is still the peerless arrogance of the Wu Clan.

It's just that he, who has once again fused Pangu's essence and blood, is no longer as arrogant as before, and he will not be as confident as before to be able to sit on an equal footing with the three great witches and the twelve ancestor witches.

"Juniors, see the Twelve Ancestral Witches and the Three Great Ancestral Witches!" Pangu Emperor took the initiative to salute, pretending to be a junior. Immediately, the faces of the three great witches and the Twelve Ancestral Witches all changed.

Although the emperor Pangu was extremely arrogant before, in his eyes, he didn't mind at all, and even the three great witches and the twelve ancestor witches felt that only in this way, the emperor Pangu could make rapid progress, stand on the top of the prehistoric arrogance, and become the only one. the proud king.

But now that Emperor Pangu is back to life, he no longer has the arrogant attitude of looking down on the prehistoric world and smiling proudly.

But right now, it's not the time to think about it.

"Emperor, why on earth, why didn't you kill Sun Yu?" Wu Zhurong, the patriarch of fire, asked in a deep voice.

"The younger generation's fault, if you can perfectly arouse [-]% of the power of Pangu's blood essence, you will be able to kill Sun Yu in one fell swoop. It's a pity that for some reason, when the younger generation stimulates [-]% of the power of Pangu's blood essence, it is like encountering No matter how hard it gets to the barrier, Pangu's blood essence can't be aroused to [-]% of its power!"

Emperor Pangu was a little frustrated and regretful.

If he was given another chance, perhaps he would be able to arouse Pan Gu's blood essence to [-]% of its power!

"It's not your fault, it's no wonder that the Demon God of Luck hasn't responded all this time, it turns out that he has been secretly guarding against us all the time. It's just that we are too high-profile, but as long as we enter the original universe, it is impossible to deceive the Demon God of Luck, the master of the original universe. It can only be said that the heart of the universe, our witch clan and it, have nothing to do with it!"

The ancestral witch empress said categorically!

"Senior Houtu, are you saying that the younger generation can't arouse [-]% of the power of Pangu's blood essence, and that it's the luck demon god who is behind the scenes?" Pangu's face suddenly showed endless anger.

"Although I can't say for sure, there is at least a [-]% chance that the Luck Demon God is behind the scenes. In fact, he did this to prevent him from being killed by your summoned Pangu real body. It's just that he didn't expect that he did this. Everything, on the contrary, has been fulfilled by Sun Quan!"

The ancestral witch and queen soil could guess that at this moment, the Luck Demon God must also be extremely regretful.

For the Demon God of Luck, the most ideal result should be that the son of Emperor Pangu and Sun Yutong died together, and both jade and stone died together.

But now, the son of Emperor Pangu was killed by Sun Wei, who became a variable and continued to stay in the original universe.

In this case, it is unknown what changes a variable will bring to the primordial universe and the primordial universe.

In the original universe, 120 eight hours passed by in a hurry.

In the luck jade lotus, there is no trace of luck anymore.

There are 12 chaotic talismans in Sun Yu's chaotic spiritual sea.

Suddenly, these chaotic talismans formed a perfect and unparalleled chaotic talisman array!

In the chaotic spiritual sea, the number of chaotic talismans reached one yuan, making this chaotic talisman array couldn't be more perfect, as if it was made by nature.

(End of this chapter)

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