The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 563 Sword Demon Royal Family, Demon God Beacon

Chapter 563 Sword Demon Royal Family, Demon God Beacon

On Feiyang Peak, Sun Wei sat cross-legged on the top of the peak, comprehending the aura of catastrophe permeating between heaven and earth.

The demons outside the sky invaded the prehistoric world in an all-round way, bringing endless catastrophe to the Three Realms.

All of a sudden, the aura of catastrophe permeated the air, and in the void, the Dao of Catastrophe, the Way of Calamity, and other avenues related to the 'Road of Catastrophe' were particularly active.The rules of the Dao directly reveal the void, which can easily be enlightened by monks.

At this moment, Jiang Ziya's spiritual consciousness transmitted the voice to Sun Wei.

"Huan, just now Taoist ancestor Hongjun sent a sound transmission to the prehistoric sages, Chunyang Zhenxian and above immortals can enter the virtual universe with the soul consciousness of immortals. Qi trainers under immortals, as long as any Taoist soldiers, a Taoist soldier You can have an independent cave in the virtual universe and enter the virtual universe!"

"Could it be that Daozu Hongjun is going to completely open the treasure house of the wild?" Sun Yu said in a deep voice.

"It is not only a complete opening of the prehistoric treasure house, but also a new contribution point. But if you kill a sixth-level demon, you can get one contribution point. By analogy, you can get [-] contribution points if you kill a tenth-level demon. .”

"What about the realm of immortals?" Sun Yu was concerned about how many contribution points he could get by killing demons above the tenth rank of the demons outside the sky.

"Chunyang True Immortal, one hundred thousand contributions. Tongtian Lingxian, one million contributions. Yuanshi Yuxian, ten million contributions. Taiqing Profound Immortal, one hundred million contributions. And those who kill Taiyi Celestial Immortals can get one billion contributions."

"Killing the first five realms of immortality, that is, the demons of the eleventh to fifteenth ranks, is also a contribution. If my old grandson guessed correctly, kill Daluo Jinxian, Chaos Golden Immortal, Hunyuan Saint, Wuji Jinxian, Hongmeng sage, definitely does not get contribution points!" Sun Yu said in a deep voice.

"You guessed it right, you can get wish points by beheading the powerhouses of the five realms after the immortal position. The number of wish points is directly evaluated by Honghuang Tiandao and Daozu Hongjun. Wish points can be exchanged for luck, merit, yin, holy Virtue, and even wish points can be directly exchanged for holy positions. In short, the amount of wish points depends on luck!"

"That's right. The Da Luo Golden Immortal and the Chaos Golden Immortal can never be compared with the five realms of immortals. In the 36 Hongmeng Universe, the Da Luo Golden Immortal and the Chaos Golden Immortal are both considered to be strong!" Sun Yu felt that this was reasonable, and killed It is impossible to measure the death of a Da Luo Jinxian by contribution points.

For a Hongmeng universe, to evaluate whether it is strong or not, the number and combat power of Da Luo Jinxian and Chaos Golden Immortal directly affect whether the Hongmeng universe is strong or not.

As for the immortals and Qi practitioners under the Daluo Jinxian, there are hundreds of millions of them in every Hongmeng universe, countless.

Starting from Daluo Jinxian, practicing the laws of time and space, one can almost live as long as the sky.In this case, there will be almost infinite longevity to comprehend the Dao!

And the immortals under the Daluo Jinxian, although they claim to live forever, can live through one era, that is, 290 billion years.

But Da Luo Jinxian is different, as long as he does not encounter death calamity, Da Luo Jin Xian can survive birth and death beyond the number of calamities.

"The demons from outside the sky invaded the prehistoric world. The lowest cultivation level is the sixth-level demon race, that is, the monks in the spiritual realm of the Pangu universe. And our Taoist soldiers, who have the lowest cultivation level, are also in the spiritual realm. The monks under the spiritual realm do not need to become Taoists. Soldiers, but they must be cultivated to be quasi-dao soldiers." Sun Yu said in a deep voice.

"You don't have to worry about these things. At present, the most important thing for you is to break through the Tribulation Realm. Becoming a monk in the Tribulation Realm is your top priority. And when you step into the Pure Yang True Immortal, your combat power will be turned upside down. changes. By then, it can be said to be advancing by leaps and bounds!"

Jiang Ziya has high hopes for Sun Rong. At present, Sun Rong is only in the Dao realm and cannot affect the overall situation!

But with the improvement of Sun Yu's cultivation base, if Sun Yu's cultivation base has a Da Luo Jinxian at this moment, it will definitely make the demons outside the sky extremely afraid.

And once the cultivation base is promoted to the Golden Immortal of Chaos, Sun Wei is qualified to prove the Tao with strength!
And once he becomes a saint, he will be comparable to the Promise Golden Immortal!

Relying on Sun Yu's luck, after becoming a high-level immortal, his strength will be even stronger, which is incomparably against the sky.

Therefore, no matter whether Jiang Ziya wins this battle or not, he will definitely save Sun Yu's life.

In this case, as long as Sun Wei is still alive in the future, even if the Daqi Dynasty, Annihilation Jianzong, Le'an Sun Clan, and Yinyang Dao Palace are seriously injured in this invasion of the demon clan from outside the sky, as long as Sun Wei is there, they will be able to survive. Can live forever.

"Treasures, cultivation resources, etc. are all available to my grandson. The most urgent thing is to break through to the catastrophe. Since I can't break through the retreat, I still have to fight on the battlefield! At that time, let's see how the demons outside the sky line up. Old Sun most wants to advance in battle!"

Sun Yu said in a deep voice.

"Then let's wait for this battle to come. The Outer Demons have already set off from eight days in the east. The demon warships are transporting the Outer Demons. When conquering the Eastern Desolation, the Outer Demons will definitely be treated as a super power by the Daqi Dynasty. !"

Because Sun Yu has eternal authority in the virtual universe, and as the son of the quasi-destiny, Sun Yu has an independent cave in the virtual universe.

Sun Yu's consciousness sank into the virtual universe, and suddenly, he directly summoned the heavenly way of the virtual universe!
And at this moment, the virtual universe Heavenly Dao was summoned by Sun Yuyan, which immediately attracted Hongjun's attention.

"Heavenly Dao of the virtual universe, what are the conditions for my grandson to resurrect Sun Wushuang who died in the luck universe?"

Sun Wei never forgot to resurrect Sun Wushuang, and he never had this opportunity before.But if the foreign demons invaded the prehistoric world in an all-round way today, in this case, he should not refuse to ask about the way of heaven in the virtual universe.

Moreover, Sun Yu believed that as long as he was in this Pangu universe, there must be a way to revive Sun Wushuang.

"Sun Wushuang burned the Three Treasures of Essence, Qi and God in the universe of luck, exhausting the power of the true spirit. But his luck is immortal, and in the long river of luck in the wild, there is still a trace of the projection of the true spirit wrapped in luck. It took ten If you wish, you can build a Heroic Spirit Altar and summon the projection of Sun Wushuang's true spirit in the long river of luck. But you need to turn into a heroic spirit, and then accumulate luck merits to complete the true spirit."

Tiandao of the virtual universe responded indifferently.

"Okay, my old grandson knows!"

There is hope for the resurrection of Sun Wushuang, and Sun Wei can finally settle his mind.

What he was most afraid of was that Tiandao of the virtual universe would say that he could not resurrect Sun Wushuang, and that would be an unbearable burden.

At present, it is the barrier of the robbery that traps Sun Wei, not the Dao of Chaos. Naturally, Sun Wei will not spend contributions to deduce the Dao of Chaos.

Sun Wei left the virtual universe to become an independent cave, and sat cross-legged on Feiyang Peak, waiting for the arrival of the army of demons from beyond the sky!
During the eight days in the east, countless extraterrestrial demons rushed towards the Great Qi Dynasty on the demon warships.

And the leader of these demons outside the sky is a Promise Golden Immortal!
"Golden Demon Sage, this bastard, is more than successful than he is. The old man's son, worshiped under his sect and became his disciple, but died at the hands of Annihilation Sword Sect. But he didn't want to avenge his disciple, since that's the case , the old man will take action himself, annihilating and annihilating Jianzong!"

This Wuji Golden Immortal is the father of the demon saint who fell and annihilated the Sword Sect.

In the Rahu universe, this Wuji Golden Immortal and the fallen Hunyuan Saint all belong to the sword demon clan!
The Sword Demon Clan, in the Rahu universe, is a natural ally with the Gold Demon Clan!

However, they are not as powerful as the Golden Demon clan.

And the royal family among the Sword Demon clan is known as the 'Silence Clan'.

"Ancestor Cha, the Golden Demon Sage had ulterior motives when he accepted your son as his disciple. According to the Golden Demon Sage, your son's holy throne was usurped by a Da Luo Jinxian named He Hentian from the Annihilation Sword Sect. As a result, he became a Primordial Saint, this time, Patriarch, you will definitely be able to regain your son's holy position!"

The most outstanding descendant of the younger generation of the Mu Mo clan of the sword demon royal family, Mo Mo Cang, who has the appearance of a infinite saint, said coldly.

Hearing the words, Hu Mosha sneered coldly and said: Of course, his holy throne must be regained, so that my son can rest in peace under the Nine Springs.Hateful Hongjun, it's a pity that he doesn't have the strength to take revenge on him now. "

"Shazu, you should forget about your hatred for Hongjun for the time being. If Hongjun is really provoked, the devil will not save you!" Mu Mocang said in a deep voice.

"Since you can't attack Hongjun, let's level up the Annihilation Sword Sect. We can return after leveling the four prehistoric first-class forces, Daqi Dynasty, Yinyang Dao Palace, Le'an Sun Clan, and Annihilation Sword Sect." Silence brake Said coldly.

The army of the Outer Demon Clan led by the Sword Demon Royal Clan headed straight for the land of Jinjue, instantly making the Daqi Dynasty and other four first-rate forces know who the leader of the Outer Demon Clan is this time.

At this moment, He Hentian climbed Feiyang Peak.

"This time, the leader of the demon clan outside the sky is a Wuji golden immortal from the sword demon royal family, named Mu Mosha. And following him are four Hunyuan saints from the sword demon royal clan. A blood feud that lasts forever, this battle may be the battle of the curtain call!"

"If this is the case, Hu Mosha will definitely want to deprive you of your Hunyuan holy position regardless of everything. In this case, if my old grandson is him, he will send the strongest Hunyuan saint to kill you. In this case, you must be more careful!"

Sun Yu didn't know what He Hentian was up to, but since He Hentian came to Feiyang Peak to talk about it, Sun Yu couldn't intervene in the battle of saints!

Although He Hentian ascended to the holy throne, he can almost be said to be the weakest Hunyuan saint in the prehistoric world.

Because before usurping the Holy Throne, he was only a Da Luo Jinxian.

However, Sun Yu felt that there was a big secret in He Hentian.

"I hope this battle can stimulate my true potential, so that I can catch up with you in the future!"

He Hentian left after saying this!

This sentence made Sun Yu even more confused.

And at this moment, the sound transmission of the Annihilation Sword Master resounded in Sun Yuhong's mind.

"After he ascended to the Holy Throne, he had a premonition that he might be a pawn laid by the Demon God of Hatred. He is a signpost living in this world. One day, when the Demon God of Hatred returns from the hatred of all beings, Definitely take back the beacon!"

The words of the Annihilation Sword Master shocked Sun Yuyan extremely!
"He is actually related to the Demon God of Hate, the first Chaos Demon God of the Three Thousand Ways. This is really interesting!"

Sun Yu had just competed with the Despair Demon God, one of the first generation Chaos Demon Gods, in the depths of the Chaos Sea. He naturally knew how powerful these first generation Chaos Demon Gods were!
Although every first-generation Chaos Demon God has temporarily fallen, when they return, they will attack the Great Perfection of the Hongmeng Saint.

(End of this chapter)

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