Chapter 606
Southern Wilderness, the camp of the Demon Race.

A group of Hunyuan saints from the demon race outside the sky gathered together when they heard the roar of the Wuji Golden Immortal.

"This time, we must not allow Sun Yu to easily escape from the dead situation. Although he used the Qiankun Ding to isolate and suppress all the secrets, it just exposed his position, and the Qiankun Ding is an innate treasure, and he cannot always activate it."

Jie Mozi said coldly.

"The Qiankun cauldron can only isolate and suppress the secrets of heaven, but it can only be isolated for a while, but it cannot be suppressed for a lifetime. Before Honghuang, the super-first-class forces sent Taiyi Tianxian to kill him, and he fell completely. How can the three religions and the lich dragon and phoenix give up? Just let them know. They sent Da Luo Jinxian, if this happens, Sun Yu will not escape death."

The grave demon sneered coldly.

The words of Jie Mozi and Grave Demon made the eyes of other saints shine.It also satisfied the Promise Golden Immortal, and nodded slightly.

"The news was leaked to the Three Sects and the Four Clans of the Dragon, Phoenix and Lich through the spies of the local forces. If the seven major forces send Da Luo Jinxian to take action, he will definitely not be able to escape!"

Wuji Jinxian said angrily.

"I will obey!"

In an instant, the seven saints took orders together.

Suddenly, everywhere in the prehistoric world, undercurrents surged.

Under the deliberate or unintentional disclosure of the demons outside the sky, seven chess pieces were exposed, and finally the news that Sun Yu was hunted down by Da Luojin was known to the seven super first-class forces.

Without any hesitation, the seven super-first-class forces immediately dispatched Da Luo Jinxian, who had never appeared in the wild, to the void and turbulent flow to intercept and kill Sun Yu.

The three sects of human beings, the four clans of dragon, phoenix and lich, these seven superpowers all have innumerable hidden powers.

Now it is not easy for the seven super first-class forces to use it a little and send Da Luo Jinxian directly.

At this moment, amidst the turbulent flow of the void, a whim came in the center of the dark.

The crisis of life and death shrouded Sun Yu's mind in an instant, and suddenly, Sun Yu changed direction, from east to west.

In an instant, this scene was immediately sensed by the Wuji Golden Immortal of the Outer Heaven Demon Race.Afterwards, the seven superpowers of the Three Sects and the Dragon, Phoenix, Lich, and the Four Clans of the Dragon, Phoenix, Lich, and the Seven Superpowers received a steady stream of news, and locked the true location of Sun Yu.

Up to now, the seven super-first-class forces have faintly noticed that it was the demons outside the sky who secretly revealed this news.

However, the seven super-first-class forces want to kill Sun Yuhong and take away his luck.In that case, the emperors of the seven super-first-class forces can jump up and become the strongest emperors in the prehistoric world.

In that case, it will take the initiative in the immeasurable calamity in the future.

So even though they knew that it was the demons from outside the sky who borrowed their swords to kill people, the seven super-first-class forces were willing to be sharp blades.

The seven great Luo Jinxians galloped rapidly in the turbulent flow of the void, chasing after Sun Yutong frantically.

In the midst of the turbulent flow of the void, Sun Wei drove towards a deeper turbulent flow of the void.

"Kunlun Jingling, do you know if there is any Jedi in Xihuang that can kill Da Luo Jinxian?"

Relying on the protection of the Qiankun Ding, Sun Yuhong might not die if he broke into the Jedi together, but the Da Luo Jinxian would definitely die.

"Great Sage, there is such a desperate place in the vast western wilderness. But these Daluo Jinxians definitely have at least the mark of a saint. Even if they are in danger, please use the Hunyuan Saint to help, and they can easily turn the crisis into safety."

Kunlun Jingling felt that the method Sun Wei had thought was unreliable.

"In the turbulence of the vast void, it is impossible to let Jiang Ziya or Annihilation Sword Master take action now. We can only go to Xihuang to see if there is a chance of survival!"

Sun Yuhong felt more and more powerless, and the Qiankun Ding couldn't keep moving.But if the Qiankun cauldron can't suppress and isolate the secrets of heaven, then Da Luo Jinxian in the chaotic world will take action immediately.

In that case, perhaps before the arrival of the seven Da Luo Jinxians, Sun Yu would have died at the hands of the Da Luo Jinxians in the chaotic world.

"Great Sage, resign yourself to fate. Flee according to your intuition. Now that it is the Seven Tribulations, no matter how powerful the Seven Tribulations are, the Dao is fifty and the sky is four or nine. There is always someone who escapes. Under the way of heaven, There is a glimmer of life!"

Kunlun Jingjingling said in a deep voice.

"My old grandson has indeed sensed this sliver of life, and now he can only follow this sliver of life to escape!"

All of a sudden, Sun Wei activated the chaotic qi, and wings grew on his back.The wings vibrated rapidly, and quickly shuttled through the turbulent flow of the void.

And at this moment, in the turbulent flow of the void, there were a few more Da Luo Jinxians who were chasing after Sun Yuyu!

The demons outside the sky were afraid that the seven great Luo Jinxians from the seven superpowers would not be able to completely kill Sun Yutong, so they quietly informed Tianting and Taoist Minghe.

Immediately, Heavenly Court and Shura Dao also sent Daluo Jinxian to the void.

At the same time, in the Jiuyou Underworld, the ancestral witch and empress earth ordered a ghost clan Daluo Jinxian to enter the void and turbulent flow.

In the Pangu Temple, the ancestral shamans and the three great shamans will be informed of the news that the ancestral shamans and the three great shamans will be sent by the ghost tribe Daluo Jinxian.

"Senior Houtu, our Wu Clan has already sent Da Luo Jinxian to hunt down and kill Sun Yu. Why do you need to send another Da Luo Jinxian of the ghost clan to go there? If this is the case, it will be very easy to be exposed!"

Chi You, the lord of Jiuli, was puzzled and asked in a deep voice.

At the same time, other ancestral witches also looked at the ancestral witch's queen land.

Empress Zuwu showed a sneer, "It was not my idea to send Da Luo Jinxian, a ghost clan, to chase and kill Sun Yu in the chaotic flow of the void."

"How is this possible? Within the witch clan, our ancestors and witches are not as good as you now. Could it be that Father God has awakened?

"Time ancestor Wuzhu Jiuyin immediately expressed his disbelief. Since Zuwu Houtu opened up the six reincarnations, he has become the seventh heavenly sage in the prehistoric times.

At that time, the ancestral witch Houtu had already faintly surpassed the other eleven ancestral witches.

Over the years, Houtu has controlled the six realms of reincarnation, reincarnating heroes among the six realms of reincarnation into the witch clan.

This has made the witch clan powerful, and geniuses have emerged from generation to generation.

The merits and virtues of ancestors and queens to the witches are obvious to all.And now among the twelve ancestor witches, the ancestor witch Houtu is the highest.

What's more, the ancestral witches and queens have never fallen. These years, they have been secretly practicing in the six reincarnations, and they can be said to be second only to Sanqing in terms of Taoism and karma.

"The Great Desolate Heavenly Dao, I just sensed that the Great Desolate Heavenly Dao leaked a secret. That's why I ordered the ghost clan to send a Da Luo Jinxian to the void. Now it seems that it is very likely that Sun Wei is going through the Seven Tribulations! "

The ancestral witches and empresses have participated in good fortune, and their Taoism is profound, and they have already guessed the true purpose of the prehistoric way of heaven.

"So that's it. It seems that he is indeed going through the Seven Tribulations. Otherwise, he wouldn't let the ghost clan take action. The ghost clan Da Luo Jinxian should represent the ghost tribulation!"

Space Ancestor Wudi Jiang said in a deep voice.

"At the beginning, the Demon Clan secretly leaked the news to our Witch Clan. Of course, at the same time, the Dragon Clan, Phoenix Clan, Monster Clan and others also learned about the Three Sects. So our seven superpowers all sent a Daluo Jinxian Afterwards, the demons outside the sky leaked the news to Tianting and Styx, if this is the case, Tianting and Shura Dao will also take action!"

The ancestral witch empress is superb in Taoism, and she has faintly sensed many secrets, and she has sorted out the ins and outs of this matter.

"In that case, in the turbulent flow of the void, there are ten Da Luo Jinxians rushing forward. In addition, there was also a Da Luo Jinxian who was attacked by the demons outside the sky before. In this case, there are eleven Da Luo Jinxians!"

Wu Zhurong, the ancestor of fire, said excitedly.

But as soon as he said this, the expressions of the other ancestor witches and the three great witches sank.

"In the middle of the void back then, the number was also eleven. But none of them could kill him. Instead, he calculated and killed the 54 Chaos Golden Immortals of the Outer Demon Race and the 27 Chaos Golden Immortals of the Primordial Demonic Dao. This will almost wipe out the Primordial Demon Dao Chaos Golden Immortal!"

Wu Gonggong, the ancestor of water, said coldly.

"Hmph, today is not the same as in the past. What's more, we can shoot at will, this time Sun Yu will definitely be buried in the turbulence of the void!"

Wu Li, the patriarch of gold, snorted coldly and said in a deep voice.

In the turbulent flow of the void, Da Luo Jinxian, the major force that was chasing Sun Yuhong, quickly gathered together.

In normal times, these big Luo Jinxians would not cooperate so sincerely.

But now they all have powerful pointers behind them, and ten Da Luo Jinxians form a large formation of searching the sky and searching the earth in ten directions.As long as Sun Yu is still within the ten directions, he cannot escape.

When the big array inspired ten breaths, all of a sudden, ten Da Luo Jinxians discovered Sun Yu's trace at the same time.

In the turbulent flow of the vast void, the figure of Sun Wei was like a shooting star, crazily shuttled back and forth.

Suddenly, ten big Luo Jinxians chased after him in an instant.

At the same time, Sun Wei also sensed the breath of the ten Da Luo Jinxians at the same time.

The ten great Luo Jinxians came chasing after him frantically, and Sun Yutong looked solemn and calm.

But at this moment, Sun Yu still could only feel a little bit of vitality in his mind.It's still uncertain where the vitality is, and Sun Wei is frantically fleeing along the faint trace of vitality.

But in the turbulent flow of the void, no matter how fast Sun Yu was, he couldn't be faster than Da Luo Jinxian.

It may be that the real immortal Chunyang can't catch up with Sun Wei, but the great power of the great prehistoric who has already proved the position of the Daluo Jinxian can cross the void with one step.

Suddenly, ten great Luo Jinxians caught up with Sun Rong.

At this moment, ten thousand miles away from Sun Yu, ten Da Luo Jinxian performed the Da Luo Immortal Technique together.

The ten Daluo immortal arts directly overwhelmed the sky and covered the earth, and they bombarded and killed Sun Yutong.

The power of the Ten Da Luo Immortal Techniques is unparalleled, with the power to destroy the world!

And at this moment, Sun Wei sensed an extremely intense life-and-death crisis.

But at this moment, Sun Quan had another whim in his heart!

"The six calamities have arrived!"

The ten Da Luo Jinxians, including five Da Luo Jinxians, represent the seven kalpas of witches, demons, ghosts, Buddhas, and gods.

Although Sun Huang had passed the magic calamity, at this moment, the six calamities were added to his body.

The Qiankun Ding was more and more unable to suppress and isolate all the secrets of the heavens, and Sun Wei had already felt the Wuji Golden Immortal Qi machine like a gangrene.

Once the Qiankunding can't isolate and suppress the secrets of heaven, the Daluo Jinxian in the chaotic world will become a life-threatening immortal calamity.

In this case, there are immortal calamities inside, five calamities outside, and internal and external troubles. It is difficult for Sun Yutong to decipher the calamity of seven kills.

(End of this chapter)

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