The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 620 The Foundation of Casting, Time Slayer Demon God

Chapter 620 The Foundation of Casting, Time Slayer Demon God
Without the divine power to protect the divine body, although the divine bodies of these law demons and innate gods and demons are strong, it is difficult to resist the frenzy of magical powers formed by the combination of many magical powers.

Therefore, these law demon gods and innate gods and demons have only the way to fall.

All of a sudden, Sun Wei got many godheads.

And at this moment, the 360 ​​fragments of the Godhead on the Avenue of Time, Sun Yu has gathered.

Immediately afterwards, Sun Yu was ready to return to the future time and space.

"Only a fool would challenge Hongjun, who even Luohu dare not easily provoke. Although Hongjun, who is holding the jade plate of good fortune, is only a sage of Hongmeng at the peak, whether Luohu can defeat him is still a question!"

Although Luo Hui was known as the number one powerhouse in Hongmenghai after Pangu opened the sky and fell, in Sun Yu's heart, the unfathomable Hongjun, who holds one of the three great treasures of Hongmeng Lingbao, is probably the real number one in Hongmenghai. strong.

And if Hongjun proves the Dzogchen Dao Fruit of the Hongmeng Saint, then there may be no suspense.

Although Sun Yu's time demon body now possesses terrifying combat power comparable to that of the Wuji Golden Immortal Dzogchen, if he challenges Daozu Hongjun, who is at the peak of Hongmeng Saint, he will die without knowing how to die.

Not to mention that Hongjun is also holding the good luck jade plate, one of the three great primordial spiritual treasures.

Immediately, Sun Yuhong let go of the constraints of time and space, and suddenly, the Time Demon God Daoguo took Sun Yuhong downstream!

Sun Yuhong went down the river of time, and at this moment, the backlash of the river of time could not help Sun Yutong, so these backlashes of the river of time became the strongest driving force.

Not only that, but the power of the River of Time itself to correct and constrict has also become one of the driving forces for Sun Yu to go down the river.

In this case, there are three major driving forces for Sun Yu to go down the river.

Just by taking one step, Sun Wei has crossed the innate age and four eras, and is about to return to the present world.

And at the moment before returning to the present world, a sneer appeared on the corner of Sun Yu's mouth.

"Time Demon God, my old grandson really wants to see how you will take away the Dao fruit!"

Sun Yu said coldly.

After the words fell, Sun Yuhong completely returned to the present world!

And at this moment, in the innate secret realm, the law demon and the innate gods and demons sensed the breath of the time demon, and these law demons and innate gods and demons suddenly became extremely violent.

"Damn Time Demon God, do you think you can always hide in the past time and space?"

"It's you who made all of our Law Demon Gods and Innate God Demons unable to become the Lord of the Great Dao!"

"Haha, you didn't end well either. Even if you collected all 360 time godhead fragments, you still failed to become the master of the time avenue of the Pan Gu universe."

Now it's just the law demons and innate gods and demons who are just remnant spirits laughing and gloating.

But at this moment, in Sun Yu's sea of ​​consciousness, the terrifying roar of the Time Demon God came out.

"Where is the Dao Fruit of this Demon God?"

Because in the past time and space, the fate of the Time Demon God was changed by Sun Quanhong, so when Sun Quanhong returned to the present time and space, the Time Demon God, who had burnt out the power of the residual spirit, was resurrected again.

Moreover, the current Time Demon God is still at the peak of the disabled spirit state.

The so-called peak refers to the peak state when the Time Demon God just entered Sun Yu's sea of ​​consciousness.

"Time Demon God, my old grandson has already said that you are too naive, and you are too naive. Do you really think that my old grandson will bring back your Dao Fruit exactly and make you an existence like the Wuji Golden Immortal Dzogchen? "

Above the Sea of ​​Consciousness, the chaotic god-man with the appearance of Sun Wei sneered.

"Damn it, where did you hide the dao fruit of this demon god, this demon god can't sense it at all!"

The Time Demon God was furious and roared out!

His calculations are not flawless, and Sun Wei goes back to the past time and space to change his fate in the past time and space.

Then Sun Yu returned to the present time and space, and returned with the Wuji Golden Immortal Dzogchen Daoguo.In that case, the Time Demon God can instantly reshape the physical body, and become a Dzogchen Promise Golden Immortal.

But now, the most crucial Dao fruit of his resurrection has disappeared.

No matter how the demon god can sense it, he can't sense it.

"Your Dao Fruit, of course, was thrown into the past time and space by my grandson. Do you think my grandson will bring your Dao Fruit back to the present time and space?"

The Chaos God Man sneered all over his face.

"Humble and humble acquired ants, how dare you play with this demon god like this. Now this demon god will make you pay a heavy price. You should never have returned to the present time and space while you were still crossing the catastrophe of the Dao of Transformation !"

The Demon God of Time calmed down, and now that Sun Yu had returned to the present time and space, the catastrophe of transformation had not yet passed.

In this case, Sun Yu would not have the slightest resistance to the time demon's supernatural attack!
In that case, the Demon God of Time would think that he was a chopping board, and Sun Yu was just a fish waiting to be slaughtered on the chopping board.

"Hey, my grandson said that you are naive and naive, how can you change it. My grandson is coming back now, of course I have the confidence of my grandson!"

Sun Yutong sighed, as if he was really worried about the IQ of the Time Demon God.

"No amount of confidence and trump card can change your fate today!"

Suddenly, the Demon God of Time left Sun Rong's Sea of ​​Consciousness, no longer thinking about taking Sun Rong away.

All of a sudden, other Law Demon Gods and Innate God Demons from the outside world were dumbfounded, and each of them became dumbfounded, almost as dumb as a chicken.

As soon as the Time Demon God left Sun Yuhong's body, in this case, Sun Yurong was Sun Yuhong, and the Time Demon God was the Time Demon God.

Suddenly, other Law Demon Gods and Innate God Demons felt that there was something hidden in this.

"Now I give you one last chance to hand over the Dao Fruit of this Demon God, otherwise, this Demon God will make you regret being an enemy of this Demon God today!"

At this moment, the Demon God of Time still wanted to intimidate Sun Rong, and asked Sun Rong to hand it over on his own initiative. In this way, he could also save some divine power.

It's a pity that Sun Yu's response to him was a sneer slowly appearing on the corner of his mouth.

"My old grandson said, don't be so naive and naive. You just don't believe it, you have the guts, just go ahead!"

Sun Wei challenged the Demon God of Time.


The time demon god's lungs exploded with anger, and Sun Wei, who in his eyes was just a lowly acquired ant, provoked him again and again.

He didn't take him seriously at all, and contemptuously contemptuous of the Demon God of Law.

All of a sudden, the Time Demon God made a sudden move!
But at this moment, a bright mirror slowly appeared in front of Sun Yuhong.

"Kunlun mirror, you really didn't disappoint my old grandson!"

The reason why Sun Quanhong returned to the current time and space is because the Kunlun Mirror has swallowed the fragments.

Now, although the Kunlun mirror has not completely recovered to its peak, but now, Sun Yu has his own way to let the Kunlun mirror temporarily have the stalwart power of the peak or even beyond the peak!

The Kunlun Mirror flew into Sun Rong's body, and suddenly, Sun Rong injected the complete time godhead obtained from the past time and space into the Kunlun Mirror's body.

"Kunlun Jingling, you can just absorb the divine power from this godhead to replenish consumption. Then you can also engrave a copy of the time avenue rule runes in this time godhead. My grandson thinks that you get these time avenue rule runes, Presumably it should be able to forge the foundation of good fortune!"

Sun Wei communicates with the Kunlun Mirror!
Suddenly, Sun Wei sensed the extreme joy from the Kunlun Mirror Spirit.

"Great Sage, you are not wrong. If I fully comprehend the rule runes of the Dao of Time in the Godhead of Time, I will indeed be able to advance to the ranks of Fortune Spirit Treasures!"

At this moment, Kunlun Jingling couldn't express his kindness to Sun Yuhong in his heart.

This is simply the grace of enlightenment!

For the Kunlun mirror, it has always been obsessed with advanced good fortune and spiritual treasures.

But Kunlun Jingling never imagined that his obsession would come true while temporarily following Sun Yu.

If Kunlun Mirror is not the congenital spiritual treasure associated with Emperor Donghua, and if Emperor Donghua is not about to return, then Kunlun Mirror may directly recognize Sun Yu as the master.

"The Time Demon God Cannian outside will be handed over to you, and my old grandson has to overcome the catastrophe of the Dao of Transformation. You don't need to save the divine power in the Time Godhead, as long as you repel the Time Demon God Cannian."

"If you really can't do anything and can't compete, then delay time. When my old grandson survives the catastrophe of transformation and returns from the Qiankun Cauldron, he will be able to suppress and kill this Time Demon God no matter what!"

Sun Wei sent a sound transmission to Kunlun Jingling!

"Great Sage, you can go through the calamity with peace of mind. It's just a remnant of the law demon god, how can it resist the power of the Kunlun mirror!"

Kunlun Jingling said confidently!

All of a sudden, Sun Wei began to truly cross the catastrophe of the Dao of Transformation.

And the Kunlun mirror flew out of Sun Rong's body, directly distorting time.

All of a sudden, the attacking supernatural power released by the Time Demon God was directly sent to the unknown time and space by the Kunlun Mirror.

And at this moment, the Kunlun Mirror absorbs the vast power of the Godhead of Time, and suddenly, the Kunlun Mirror emits a quiet and cold light!

These are the lights of time. The Kunlun mirror is not only superb in illusion, but also can distort time.

In an instant, the Kunlun Mirror relied on the vast divine power of the Time Godhead to fight against the Time Demon God in the void.

At this moment, Sun Yu was completely protected by the Kunlun Mirror's distorted time barrier.

Unless the barrier of time can be broken, otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to hurt Sun Rongyu in the slightest.

But at this moment, the remnants of other law demon gods and innate gods and demons did not move rashly.

Because of the power of the Kunlun Mirror, they were intimidated!
It made them dare not act rashly, after all, the Kunlun Mirror and the Time Demon God have not yet decided the winner!
But as time passed, the time demon god consumed a lot of power and became weaker and weaker.

But on the other hand, the divine power erupted by the Kunlun Mirror is getting stronger and stronger.Because the Kunlun mirror is in the battle, it gradually engraves the time avenue rule runes in the time godhead into the Kunlun mirror.

In this case, it means that although the Kunlun mirror has not yet returned to its peak, it has the terrifying divine power that was even beyond its peak!
The Kunlun mirror, which is the first innate top-grade spiritual treasure in the prehistoric world, surpasses the peak of terrifying divine power, which is comparable to the unrivaled extreme divine power of the Qiankun Ding.

This kind of divine power is enough to contend even in the heyday of the Time Demon God.Not to mention that the time demon god consumes a lot of power now, and he will be directly killed by Kunlun mirror volley in no time!

(End of this chapter)

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