The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 637 A Small Trial, Holy Palace Trial

Chapter 637 A Small Trial, Holy Palace Trial

And at this moment, void ripples suddenly appeared above the valley.

Then countless void ripples gathered together and turned into a void gate.

The Void Gate was fixed above the valley, and then gradually grew larger.

In this case, looking up at the sky above the valley is equivalent to seeing a huge hole with a radius of ten thousand zhang.

And at this moment, streaks of sword light and streaks of escaping light flew out from the void gate.

"The legend in the family is indeed correct. Every other era, the trial of the Holy Palace will be selected in this forbidden area!"

"I really want to fight against the outstanding talents who have self-proclaimed themselves in the forbidden area in the past era, and see whether it is the outstanding talents in the past or the outstanding talents in the current world!"

"Don't underestimate those outstanding talents, especially those who have claimed hundreds of epochs or thousands of epochs in this forbidden area. Their only wish is to become the master of the holy palace."

"The forbidden area is only opened once in an era, and it has been opened thousands of times in so many eras. Those kings who have won the first place in trials for many times should not be underestimated!"

"Ten times to become a king, a hundred times to become an emperor, and a thousand times to become an emperor. There is not a single Tianjiao in this forbidden land who can become an emperor, but there are a few emperors!"

All of a sudden, in the void, many outstanding people were talking about it.

And at this moment, in the valley, Xiao Ru stared at the void with wide eyes.

"Big brother, what are they talking about? Xiao Ru doesn't understand at all, do you know, big brother?" Xiao Ru asked Sun Yu with a curious expression on her big black eyes.

At this moment, Xiaoru's words attracted the attention of a crowd of heroes in the void.

"how is this possible?"

"We entered the forbidden area together for the trial of the Holy Palace. These two heavenly beings are not the outstanding talents of our batch of Holy Palace trials!"

"Could it be...they are the outstanding talents left over from entering the forbidden area in the previous era?"

"Hurry up... catch them... ask about this forbidden area!"

All of a sudden, there were several sword lights and tunnel lights flying directly towards Sun Yutong and Xiaoru.

Seeing the menacing hero approaching, Xiao Ru immediately threw herself into Sun Yu's arms.

"Big brother, they are so vicious, I'm afraid!"

These outstanding people who came here to be slaughtered viciously scared Xiaoru to tears!
Immediately, Sun Yu stood up.

At this moment, Sun Yu's face was full of fierceness.

"Scared Xiao Ru to tears, what should you do!"

Sun Yu uttered a loud shout, shaking the valley.

"It seems to be a hard bone, but I like to chew on hard bones!"

At this moment, one of the fastest heroes, Tianjiao, had already reached ten feet in front of Sun Yuhong.

At this moment, his hands were clawed, like an eagle pounced on a rabbit, and he grabbed at Sun Yu with a hint of ferocity.

Although Sun Yuhong lost his memory, his physical fighting instinct was still there at this moment.

All of a sudden, Sun Wei directly clenched his five fingers and punched out!
In an instant, the terrific strength of the punch directly blasted this ferocious culling hero into a cloud of blood mist!
This outstanding man lost to the power of Sun Huang's punch, and was killed on the spot by the violent punch.

Seeing this scene with his own eyes, Renjie Tianjiao, who came to kill Sun Yu at the same time, did not retreat, but showed endless ferocity on his face.

"You dare to kill our brother, you are courting death!"

At this moment, several outstanding people came to attack, and at this moment, the sword light shot out, and the fierce sword light suddenly slashed towards Sun Yutong!
All of a sudden, the unparalleled murderous intent suddenly stimulated Sun Yuhong, and the violent spirit in Sun Yuhong's bones surged and burst out violently.

"You are all going to die!"

All of a sudden, Sun Yu punched again and again.

Every punch directly smashed a hero!
No outstanding person can resist the terrifying punch.

But at this moment, the attacks made by these outstanding people before they died, the fierce sword light slashed at Sun Yu's body, just shredded Sun Yu's clothes.

Sun Quan's physical body was extremely strong, and these sword lights did not cause any damage to Sun Quan's physical body at all.

All of a sudden, the heroes who were still in the void were all dumbfounded!

"Is this the strength of a hero in the ancient era?"

"I didn't use any true energy, didn't use any boxing supernatural powers, and just directly blasted the spot with terrifying fist strength!"

"Is he an ancient hero or an ancient arrogance?"

"Those dead renjie tianjiao were too reckless. They shot without asking clearly. What do you think ancient renjie are?"

In an instant, in the void, it gradually became a boiling situation.

And at this moment, several huge warships slowly sailed out of the Void Gate.

These warships dug directly from the Heaven-reaching Shenmu appeared in the sky, exuding awe-inspiring power.

"what happened?"

The owner of a warship asked coldly.

"Under this valley, there are suspected ancient heroes."

Immediately, the hero Tianjiao of the tribe where the owner of the warship belonged immediately answered.

"Then what are you waiting for, go catch it and ask for information about the forbidden area!" The master of the warship roared out.

"A few reckless people Jie Tianjiao wanted to arrest them just now, but he killed them on the spot, leaving no bones left!" This tribe's Jie Tianjiao broke out in a cold sweat, he didn't want to die in vain.

Sun Wei's strength lies there, no matter how strong you are, you can't resist his terrifying punch.

And this is still a long-range battle, if it is close, you will not even know how to die.

"Waste, they are all a bunch of waste. You can't do this little thing well, so what's the use of keeping you!" After the master of the warship reprimanded him, he directly steered the warship and descended from the sky!

The gigantic warship rammed directly towards Sun Wei and Xiaoru in the valley.

Seeing this scene, a cold light flashed in Sun Yu's eyes.

At this moment, Sun Wei took Xiaoru and jumped heavily, and jumped onto the battleship directly!

At this moment, on the battleship, there is only the master of the battleship, a proud man.

The master of the warship was very happy to see Sun Yu taking the initiative to seek death.

But at this moment, his face froze!
Because at this moment, the warship was completely out of his control, and the warship fell directly at a terrifying speed!

Sun Wei and Xiaoru seemed to weigh hundreds of millions of tons, and they directly crushed the warship so that it fell crazily!

All of a sudden, the warship crashed into the valley, which was extremely tragic.

Immediately, the warship turned into pieces, but at this moment, Sun Wei and Xiaoru were safe and sound.

Sun Yu was a little surprised, how could Xiaoru be so heavy?

Although he lost his memory, Sun Wei could faintly feel the extraordinary quality of this warship, but he couldn't carry Xiaoru.

As a result, the warship fell heavily to the ground as if it was suddenly hit by a hundred million tons of heavy stones.

This warship, which was hollowed out from a piece of heaven-reaching divine wood, turned into pieces like this.

"I am going to kill you!"

The master of the warship was in a terrible embarrassment, his face was disheveled and his hair was disheveled.

The Lord of the Warship seems to have forgotten the previous warning from the hero, and came directly to Sun Yu's side!

Suddenly, he was tragic!
The master of the warship held an extremely sharp long sword, but was immediately snatched away by Sun Yu.

With a thought in Sun Yu's mind, the long sword was received into the mysterious space.

Then Sun Quan grabbed the master of the warship with both hands, and suddenly exerted force.

Sun Wei directly tore the master of the warship to pieces, and finally disliked the outstanding man who smashed his body in half into the void!
"Whoever dares to offend me again will end up like this!"

Sun Yu's act of killing chickens to make an example to monkeys completely deterred this lawless hero!

"Am I not mistaken?"

"A dignified young master of the tribe, was he torn to pieces on the spot like this?"

"It's scary, bloody, and violent!"

"This ancient monster is so powerful, it looks like a monster!"

In the void, many outstanding talents were shocked.

Such a bloody and violent scene made these outstanding talents feel horrified.

At this moment, a group of warship masters came in front of many heroes.

"Fellow Taoist, we have no malicious intentions. We are the outstanding talents who participated in the trial of the Holy Palace this time. May I ask, are you the outstanding talents who participated in the trial of the Holy Palace before?"

A handsome and handsome young man stood at the bow of the boat and asked with a smile.

"do not know!"

Sun Wei replied bluntly.

"do not know?"

These Tianjiao never expected that Sun Yu would say such a thing.

"Big brother, he doesn't know who he is, and he doesn't know where he comes from." At this moment, Xiao Ru, who was with Sun Rong, explained for Sun Rong.

Her voice gradually lowered, and she muttered to herself: "Xiao Ru doesn't know who she is, nor where she comes from!"

"Have you lost your memory?" The group of Tianjiao looked at each other, they felt that it was really new, and they met two outstanding Tianjiao who lost their memory at the same time.

"Although fellow daoist has lost his memory, fellow daoist can follow us. Maybe we can help fellow daoist regain his memory. In this case, fellow daoist will know his identity!"

Immediately, Tianjiao recruited Sun Yu.

After all, Sun Yu's combat strength was revealed a little before, and he was no less than these Tianjiao.

With such a powerful Sun Yu at his side, even if he encounters any danger, he can have more strength.

Hearing these words, Sun Quan looked at Xiao Ru, and at this moment Xiao Ru also looked at Sun Quan.

"Xiao Ru, shall we go?" Sun Yu asked.

"Big brother, some big brothers are full of malice towards you. You don't want to go, we will go, and follow the sister who doesn't have any malice towards you!"

Although Xiaoru doesn't know who she is, she has an extremely keen inner feeling.

"Okay, you point the way!"

All of a sudden, Sun Wei took Xiaoru's physical body directly to the sky.

And at this moment, Xiao Ru pointed at a warship!
Suddenly, in the void, Sun Wei turned into a ray of light, and came directly to a warship!
"Big brother, everyone else is malicious to us!"

Xiao Ru stood at the bow and looked at the other warships.

But at this time, Sun Wei looked at the owner of the warship.

It's a woman whose face is covered with a black veil, and she can't see her exact appearance!
Moreover, this woman was wearing a black dress, wrapping her graceful and exquisite body.

Seeing this scene, Sun Yu was vaguely familiar with it.It seems that in the memory that I can't recall, there was an acquaintance who often did this.

(End of this chapter)

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