The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 647 Level 2 Immortal Body, Collecting Chapter Earth Soul

Chapter 647 Twelve Immortal Physiques, Take Back Earth Soul
In the chaotic world of emptiness and turbulence, Sun Yurong sat cross-legged in the medicine garden, activated the time acceleration of [-] times, and the spiritual energy of the sky and the earth kept pouring into Sun Yuhong's body.

Sun Yuhong looked at the three treasures in front of him that could help the physical body break through to the twelfth level, with scorching eyes.

With the help of the spirits of the Heaven, Humanity and Dao Palace, Sun Wei sneaked into the other three reincarnations respectively, and after going through untold hardships, he obtained the three most precious treasures pointed out by the Heavenly Dao in the virtual universe.

Now that Sun Yu's physical body has been cultivated to the level of the nine-level immortal body, now with the help of these three treasures, he can raise the physical body to the twelve-level immortal body like a broken bamboo all the way.

Immediately, Sun Yan began to retreat, first crushing the flowers and leaves of the other shore, and turning them into a green juice.Sun Quanhong opened his mouth and drank the green juice, and suddenly, the spiritual power of Bi'anhua began to temper Sun Quan's body.

At this moment, Sun Yu's body, tempered by the spiritual power of the Bian Hua, was advancing from the Nine Levels to the Ten Levels.

The chaotic world turns into dust in the turbulent flow of the void, and the Qiankun cauldron isolates the secrets of the heavens. Even the sage of Wuji would never want to find the chaotic world in the turbulent flow of the void.

Earth Immortal Realm, Qitian League.

It has been more than a year since Sun Yuwen went to the six realms of reincarnation, and there has been no news about it.All the saints gathered at the main peak of Sword Sect to discuss this matter.

"I think the best news is that no news comes back. Wukong should still look for the whereabouts of the earth soul. His earth soul is hidden in the six reincarnations. It will take some time to completely find the six reincarnations." Bing. Saint Sun Tzu said in a deep voice.

"With Huang's current status and status, once the earth soul is recovered in the six realms of reincarnation, it will definitely be blocked by many forces. We must be prepared now, and we must not let the forces of the underworld prevent Sun Quan from recovering all the earth souls !” Yin Yang Saint Zou Yan said in a deep voice.

As soon as these words came out, all the saints nodded in unison.

Zhen Yuanzi said in a deep voice: "In the underworld, Taoist Minghe is in charge of the reincarnation of Shura Dao. He will definitely make a move. The ghost clan previously brought ghost robbery to Wukong because of the prehistoric way of heaven, and the ghost clan also had a Da Luo Jinxian fall, so the hungry ghost Dao reincarnation, ghost emperors of the five directions and even ghost ancestors will never sit idly by."

"The reincarnation of the hell realm is in charge of Houtu himself. Wukong is already an undying enemy with the Wu Clan, so Houtu cannot stand by and watch. We must also stop Houtu, the co-lord of the six reincarnations, and prevent her from tampering with the six reincarnations. "The Queen Mother of the West, Jin Huang, added.

"The other three reincarnations may also attack, so we must block the six reincarnations. Once the great sage becomes an immortal soul, he can quickly break through to the fairyland. When the great sage becomes an immortal, Qi Tianmeng's luck will skyrocket again!" Shenjun Mengzhang said in a deep voice.

In the chaotic world, with the help of the three great treasures, Sun Wei has successively broken through the tenth and eleventh levels of the realm of the physical body and fairy body, and now it has reached the twelfth level.

With the immortal body of the twelve realms, Sun Wei stood up, feeling that every inch of muscle in his body was full of strength.

After consolidating for a while, Sun Huang turned his gaze to the distant Six Realms of Samsara.

Suddenly, the spirit of the Heavenly Human Dao Palace descended from the sky.

Sun Yuwen entered the void and turbulent flow from the chaotic world, and took the chaotic world into his body.

"Recovering the earth soul in the six realms of reincarnation will definitely alarm the powerhouses of the six realms of reincarnation. There must be a safe place, so choose the reincarnation of heaven and man."

Sun Yutong's mind, mind and will communicated with the spirit of Heaven, Humanity and Dao Palace, and suddenly, Sun Yuhong's figure turned into a ray of divine light and flew away through the air.

After the spirit of the Heavenly and Human Dao Palace moved Sun Weiyu to the reincarnation of the Heavenly and Human Dao, at this moment, Sun Weiyu temporarily acted as the master of the reincarnation of the Heavenly and Human Dao.

Even if it is the co-lord of the six realms of reincarnation, it is impossible to enter the reincarnation of heaven and humanity.

All of a sudden, Sun Wei radiated his mind and will to communicate with the six realms of reincarnation.

In an instant, Sun Huang suddenly realized.

From the first great sage Equaling Heaven to the present Sun Yu, he has gone through all ages.

Although there are reincarnations for thousands of generations, only nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-six reincarnation bodies and souls are in the six realms of reincarnation.

The soul of the first life, the soul of the current world, the soul of Yun Feiyang who annihilated Jian Zong a billion years ago, and the soul of the ancestor Yin of the Tang Dynasty in the previous life have all gathered in Sun Yu's body.

And 96 reincarnation bodies and earth souls are evenly divided among the six reincarnations.In each reincarnation, there are 660 six reincarnation souls.

At this moment, Sun Yu's mind, mind and will control the reincarnation of heaven and humanity.And the 660 sixth reincarnated body and earth souls in the reincarnation of heaven and man, in an instant, turned into a series of soul shadows, and directly submerged into Sun Yu's body.

Now, in the space of the Purple Mansion, Sun Yu's soul is sleeping deep in the space of the Purple Mansion.And when the 660 reincarnated earth souls turned into soul shadows entered the Zifu space, they immediately opened up the Earth soul space in the emptiness of the Zifu space.

The earth soul space is incomparably vast and vast, because every reincarnation earth soul of Sun Wei now has a soul body as high as tens of thousands of feet.

There are 660 earth souls, and each six earth souls form a small earth soul space, which sits on the top, bottom, left, right, front, and back respectively. This small earth soul space can accommodate six earth souls.

In this case, the current earth soul space is composed of 270 seven small earth soul spaces like this.There are still four earth souls, because there are still two earth souls missing, and it is temporarily impossible to form a small earth soul space.

In an instant, the vast soul power filled the earth soul space in an instant.

"Absorbing the power of the six realms of reincarnation, these earth souls are now no less than the souls of real immortals. Once the nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-six earth souls return to their bodies, plus the heavenly soul that has been kept in the slough of the Lingming stone monkey, And the gigantic Fate Soul that is sleeping now, the fairy soul transformed from the three souls, how huge it must be!"

Sun Yu was a little surprised, the earth soul is so powerful, the sky soul must be stronger than the earth soul.

Sun Wei took back the earth soul of the 660 sixth reincarnation in the reincarnation of heaven and humanity, causing the reincarnation of heaven and humanity to vibrate endlessly.

It's just that Sun Yu temporarily took over the position of the Lord of the Reincarnation of the Heaven and Human Way, and suppressed the shock of the Reincarnation of the Heaven and Human Way with the Lord of the Reincarnation of the Heaven and Human Way.

The other five reincarnations only felt a slight shock, and the reincarnation shock was not too strong.

But at this moment, when Sun Yu's mind and will reveal the reincarnation of heaven and man, and communicate with the earth soul in the reincarnation of Shura Dao, suddenly, the reincarnation of Shura Dao shakes sharply.

In the reincarnation of Shura Dao, countless Shura raised their heads to look at the sky. At this moment, the sky and the earth trembled, and the earth trembled and the mountains shook.

The reincarnation of Shura Dao was shaken, and in an instant, Taoist Styx in the sea of ​​Shura's blood suddenly opened his eyes.

Taoist Styx took a step, and teleported from the blood sea of ​​Shura to the reincarnation of Shura Dao.

Taoist Minghe's spiritual consciousness covered Shura Dao's reincarnation in an instant, and found that the shock of Shura Dao's reincarnation came from the heart of reincarnation.

Suddenly, Taoist Minghe suddenly saw in the heart of reincarnation, there are 660 reincarnated souls who are about to leave the heart of reincarnation and leave the reincarnation of Shura Dao.

"Sun Yung!"

The appearance of the reincarnated body and earth soul, Taoist Styx, will never be forgotten.

"It turns out that I came to Shura Dao to reincarnate the earth soul, but how can I let you do what you want!"

In an instant, Taoist Minghe made a move to imprison the heart of reincarnation.

Suddenly, Sun Wei lost his sense of the earth soul in the reincarnation of Shura Dao.

In the cycle of reincarnation in the way of heaven and man, Sun Yuwen impressively runs through the reincarnation of the way of heaven and humanity and the reincarnation of Asura!

At this moment, the entire samsara of the six realms was shaken.

"Old man Minghe, do you also want to prevent my grandson from recovering the earth soul?"

At this moment, Sun Yuhong has the Kunlun Mirror on his head and the Qiankun Ding on his feet, bursting out with vast and incomparable power.

"A mere ant dares to speak nonsense in front of me!"

Taoist Styx descended to Shura Dao reincarnation in real body, and is also the master of reincarnation. At this moment, he is not afraid of any saint in the prehistoric world.

Unless Sanqing came in person and the Five Emperors took action, Taoist Minghe asked himself that he was not afraid of the saints.

Even if it is Duobao, even if it is Xuandu, Taoist Minghe is not afraid of it at this moment.

And at this moment, the sky above Asura Dao reincarnation, the void shattered impressively.

At this moment, Zhen Yuanzi, the ancestor of the Earth Immortal, descended impressively with a ginseng fruit tree, one of the top ten innate spiritual roots, in his hand.

"Minghe, you and Kunpeng besieged my elder brother Hongyun back then, and I will settle this account with you today!"

In an instant, Zhen Yuanzi urged the Xiantian Lingbao book in his hand.

Immediately, the congenital spirit treasure erupted with immeasurable divine power, supreme divine power, filling Shura Dao reincarnation in an instant.

"Zhen Yuanzi, back then you could only watch Hongyun's death and soul disappear with your own eyes. Now you can also only watch all of this, and you can't do anything. If you want to compete against me, you'd better practice a few more epochs!"

Taoist Minghe was extremely rampant. At this moment, Taoist Minghe had a thought, and the twelfth-rank fire red lotus, which was far away in the sea of ​​Shura's blood, suddenly descended!

The Taoist of Minghe steps on the twelfth-grade fire red lotus, and holds the innate top-grade Lingbao Abi Yuantu double swords in both hands.The fighting intent is overwhelming, and the killing intent is like a tide.

"Styx, do you think this is still the ancient era?"

In an instant, Zhen Yuanzi activated the top ten ginseng fruit trees with innate spiritual roots, and suddenly, the ginseng fruit trees erupted with a terrifying divine power!

"Half-step infinite spiritual root!"

Taoist Styx suddenly changed color!

He never imagined that the ginseng fruit tree in Zhen Yuanzi's hands had already surpassed the acme of prehistoric innate spiritual roots, and now it could be half-step infinite spiritual roots!
Once the ginseng fruit tree truly becomes the infinite spiritual root, then it is a divine tree of good fortune.In this case, it is completely comparable to a Promise Golden Immortal.

Because the ginseng fruit tree is difficult to prove the way, I am afraid that when it becomes the sacred tree of good fortune, it will be able to compare with the infinite holy king.

The Promise Sage King, but only the invincible strong among the Dzogchen Promise Golden Immortals can be called the Promise Sage King.

At this moment, the ginseng fruit tree exploded with divine power, breaking the restriction that Styx set on the heart of reincarnation.

In an instant, Sun Yu immediately retrieved the earth soul of the 660th reincarnation body in the reincarnation of the Shura Dao!

In an instant, in the purple mansion, within the earth soul space, the earth soul returns to its place, and the vast and boundless power of the earth soul is mighty in the space of the earth soul, like a boundless ocean of earth souls, and the power of the earth soul sets off turbulent waves .

(End of this chapter)

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