Chapter 653
And at this moment, Luo Wutian was completely awakened by the words of Western Demon Buddha.

Like a drum in the evening and a bell in the morning, it dispelled the fog in Luo Wutian's heart.

"It turns out that this is the invincible heart that my father once told me, but in the wild, whoever Hongjun sends will be swept away by me!"

Luo Wutian said coldly.

"For the young lord, there will never be fewer opponents in the future. Even if there is no Sun Yuhong, there will be Li Weihong and Zhou Yuhong. These are all great enemies on the young master's road, but for now, the young master The Lord needs to win this battle, otherwise, luck will be lost!"

Seeing that Luo Wutian really heard his words in his heart, Western Demon Buddha was very happy.

"If the first lore can't kill Sun Yu, what about your second lore?" Luo Wutian asked with concern.

"Young master, I need your cooperation for my second lore. You only need to..., and so on, Sun Yu will definitely die!"

Western Demon Buddha was deeply afraid of being eavesdropped, even if there was a Rahu restraint in the palace, at this moment he would send his voice through his mind.

"Yes, this is indeed a good plan. This young master will go to the prehistoric world with you, and personally see how Sun Yu's fall!"

Luo Wutian laughed out loud, feeling extremely happy!

"Young master, there is a saying in our prehistoric world, that is, if you want to destroy it, you must first make it crazy." The Western Demon Buddha had a grim expression. If he could get Luo Wutian's help, it would be equivalent to having a big backer!
It doesn't matter even if the Western Demon Sect perishes. In this case, there will be a place among the Demon Clans Beyond Heaven.

Immediately, Luo Wutian followed the Golden Demon Sage and the Western Demon Buddha, through the eternal universe channel, back to the Pangu universe.

In the sea of ​​chaos, Sun Wei didn't know the passage of time. In the Lingming stone monkey's remains, he crossed the Immortal Body Realm and the Immortal Heaven Realm one after another, and raised his cultivation level to the Great Perfection of the Immortal Realm in one go. Only then did he end this retreat !
Now that Sun Yu was standing on the fifth step of the fairyland, there was no room for improvement in his cultivation.

At this moment, Sun Yu can even touch the barrier of Chunyang True Immortal, as long as he breaks through this barrier, he can prove the position of True Immortal.

Of course, to break through this layer of barriers, one must go through the Immortal Tribulation.

In addition, after passing through the Immortal Tribulation, if you win the fateful battle with Luo Wutian in the Immortal Realm, you will be able to break into the Pure Yang True Immortal Realm smoothly.

At this moment, in Sun Yu's heart, it never occurred to him that Luo Wutian's cultivation would not reach the Great Perfection in the fairyland!

After finishing this retreat, Sun Wei left the Chaos Sea and returned to the Qitian League of the Earth Immortal Realm.

At the same time, in the 33-fold magical Da Luotian, in the camp of the demon army, a magic mirror showed the picture of the Eastern Wilderness Qitian League in the Earth Immortal Realm.

Beside Luo Wutian, stood the Golden Demon Sage and the Western Demon Buddha respectively.

At this time, seeing this scene, the Western Demon Buddha made a gloomy and cold voice: "Young master, the real show is about to begin. Sun Yu is about to pass through the immortal calamity. At this time, start his path to perdition!"

A slight sneer appeared on the corner of Luo Wutian's mouth, and he stared at the magic mirror without blinking.

Sun Yu returned to the land of Jin Jue, but did not return to the Annihilation Sword Sect. Just above the vast sky of Jin Jue Land, a roaring sound erupted from his body.

At the same time, a powerful and incomparably powerful aura roared out of Sun Yu's body.

At this moment, Sun Huang exuded an incomparably powerful aura!

Suddenly, this powerful and unparalleled aura rushed straight into the sky, stirring up the situation.

The cultivation base has reached the Great Perfection of the Immortal Realm, and Sun Yuyan resolutely and directly triggered the Immortal Tribulation.

At the same time, in the virtual universe, some great powers have used supernatural powers such as thousands of miles to reflect, and displayed the picture of Sun Yu's journey through the celestial calamity in the virtual universe.

In an instant, in the virtual universe, countless immortals personally watched this rare scene of crossing the immortal tribulation.

On top of the Annihilation Sword Sect, all the saints of the Qitian League headed by Jiang Ziya secretly aroused their mana and energy, and surrounded the land of Jue Jin.

Sun Yuwen crossed the celestial calamity, and would never allow other great powers to destroy it.

At this moment, when Sun Quan was crossing the immortal tribulation, Wu Qingqing, who was far away from Qingdi's fairy gate, suddenly felt a whim.

Somewhere, her spiritual sense sensed that Sun Yu was in danger.

With such a feeling in her heart, Wu Qingqing felt a little ridiculous at first.

Her son, now in the Annihilation Sword Sect, is protected by many Hunyuan Saints, how could he be in a life-and-death crisis?
It's just that this whim was so violent that Wu Qingqing had no choice but to believe it.

All of a sudden, Wu Qingqing left her cave and directly entered the teleportation formation. She wanted to go back to Sun Yu's side and see it for herself, so she could feel at ease.

Wu Qingqing walked into the teleportation array leading to the Annihilation Sword Sect from the Qingchi Immortal Gate, and suddenly, her figure disappeared!

At the same time, in the chaotic sea, the violent and turbulent chaotic air raged under his feet.

The black robe was looking at the figure standing beside him faintly at this moment, and the faint voice seemed to come from the incomparably distant ancient times.

"This good show is really staged!"

The black robe said lightly.

The figure beside the black robe nodded numbly.

In an instant, the black robe disappeared into the sea of ​​chaos with this figure!

In the sky over the Land of Golden Jue, Sun Yu's aura soared straight to the sky, which shocked the ubiquitous prehistoric heaven!
Suddenly, a gigantic Eye of Punishment loomed above the Land of Golden Judgment.

Seeing this scene, the pupils of all the saints of the Qitian League shrank on the main peak of Annihilation Sword Sect!
"Sure enough, as expected, Huan is favored by the Dao of Heaven on the one hand, and envied by the Dao of Heaven at the same time. Heaven is jealous of talents, and variables like him, for the prehistoric Dao of Heaven, naturally don't want too many occurrences."

Jiang Ziya said in a deep voice.

"I always have a bad feeling. It seems that this fairy disaster is not as simple as we expected!"

At this time, a strong sense of badness rose in the heart of Shenjun Mengzhang.

"All the mysteries are completely blocked by the primordial way of heaven. We can't pry into the mysteries at all, not even a trace of it. Today's long river of mysteries is completely muddled by the prehistoric way of heaven. It's extremely confusing." Zhen Yuanzi said in a deep voice.

"Huan is protected by the Qiankun Ding and the Kunlun Mirror, and the auspicious person has his own celestial appearance. Now we can only expect his great luck to protect him!" Bingsheng Sun Wu said in a deep voice.

"It's just that this is very passive, but we have nothing to do now. We can't intervene in this celestial calamity at all. Now that even the Eye of Heaven's Punishment has descended, presumably other forces in the wild are paying attention to this scene!" Zou Yan, the yin and yang sage , said with a wry smile.

"It's all up to Wu Hong himself, he's not completely powerless to resist!" Jiang Ziya said in a deep voice, worrying out of thin air, to no avail.

In the sky above the land of absolute gold, the Eye of Heaven's Punishment descended.

In this case, it means that Sun Yu's immortal calamity has come completely!
All of a sudden, Sun Yuhong's Immortal Tribulation came out from the Eye of Heaven's Punishment!
Seeing this scene, Sun Quan's pupils shrank!
This is not an ordinary celestial calamity, but the legendary heavenly punishment celestial calamity.

According to ancient legends, whenever encountering such a celestial calamity, there will be no one in a million.

Since ancient times, there were only five Qi practitioners in the Immortal Realm who had encountered this kind of immortal calamity.

Sun Wei is the sixth!
The reason why the Heaven's Punishment and Immortal Tribulation is so terrifying is because the power of the Immortal Tribulation is the light of Heaven's Punishment!

In an instant, a ray of divine punishment descended from the eye of divine punishment!
At this moment, this ray of divine punishment shattered the void and flew towards Sun Yu in a mighty way!
At this moment, at the moment when the light of punishment was emitted, Sun Yu seemed to have realized something in the dark.

The reason why this celestial calamity will become a heavenly punishment celestial calamity is because Sun Yu's Dao foundation violated the rules of the prehistoric operation several times before.

For example, the golden elixir of Sun Yuhong has become the golden elixir of Hongmeng.The yin god of Sun Yuhong is also the yin god of Hongmeng.Yangshen and True Spirit are both primordial open heavens.

Now that the prehistoric world has brought down the immortal calamity, it is tantamount to settling old and new grudges together!

This led to the appearance of Heaven's Punishment Immortal Tribulation, which caused the Light of Heaven's Punishment to be so terrifying!
The speed of the Light of Punishment is unparalleled, and it is unique in the universe, and Sun Wei is completely unable to dodge it.

Sun Yu's body was directly hit by the light of punishment!

At this moment, even though Sun Yu's immortal body had been raised to the twelfth level, he was extremely vulnerable in front of the light of punishment from heaven!

Sun Quan's body turned into a coke in an instant.

At this moment, all the vitality in Sun Yu's physical body was completely wiped out by the light of divine punishment!
"Goddamn thief, if you want to kill my old grandson, how can my old grandson let you do what you want!"

In an instant, Sun Yutong aroused the chaotic psychic liquid in the chaotic world.

The chaotic psychic liquid entered the body, bringing infinite vitality to Sun Yu's physical body.

At this moment, Sun Yu's physical body transformed.

The light of divine punishment blasted out the vitality of Sun Quanhong's physical body, and now that the chaotic spiritual liquid entered it, it aroused Sun Quan's physical body, which is the innate chaotic Taoist body with endless potential!

At this moment, the immeasurable potential of the physical body is communicated, just like the divine treasure of the physical body is opened up!
It's just that this is only the first celestial calamity, and now Sun Wei has no idea how many times of divine punishment there will be in this celestial calamity!
In the eyes of Honghuang's other great powers, Honghuang Tiandao both favors and fears Sun Yuhong.But in Sun Yu's eyes, he didn't see it that way. When he was practicing the Dao of Chaos, the prehistoric world had nothing but murderous intent for him!
Sun Yu didn't know why Honghuang Tiandao was so persistent in killing the monks who practiced the Dao of Chaos!

But in the prehistoric world, it is extremely difficult to cultivate the Dao of Chaos.

Because you have to go against the sky.

Even within the Qitian League, not many monks can practice the Dao of Chaos.

Among them, the Great Desolate Heavenly Dao's suppression of the Dao of Chaos has reached an extreme.

Now, Honghuang Tiandao wants to use the immortal calamity to completely kill Sun Yu.

Suddenly, this actually aroused the violence and fierceness in Sun Quan's bones.

Honghuang Tiandao wanted him to die, but Sun Wei didn't die!

The energy of chaos has been mobilized, and at this moment, the chaotic green lotus is ready to emit a chaotic blue light at any time!
This immortal calamity is especially dangerous!

The calamity of the Immortal Tribulation shocked the entire prehistoric world.

Many immortals never imagined that Sun Yu's immortal tribulation would be so dangerous and difficult.

All of a sudden, the immortals of many forces gloated at their misfortune.

(End of this chapter)

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