The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 664 Opening up the Road to Cultivation

Chapter 664 Opening up the Road to Cultivation

"Master, do you know how my old grandson became a fairy?" Sun Wukong smiled wryly.

"My teacher has been paying attention to you all the time, but I have the difficulty of not being able to make a move. My teacher personally watched you first break free from the shackles of the rules of fate, and then break the rules of the pangu universe's heavenly operation. In the case of never having a fateful battle with Luo Wutian , Forced to become a fairy." Tian Chanzi said in a deep voice.

"Master, you don't know something. When my grandson's cultivation base broke through to the pure Yang true immortal, the Pangu universe's heavenly law operation rules suddenly closed the door to my grandson's origin. It made it impossible for my grandson to entrust his soul seal when he became a fairy. In the sea of ​​origin, if this is the case, my old grandson's path to immortal cultivation is equivalent to being forcibly cut off by the rules of the heavenly law of the Pangu universe!"

Speaking of this, Sun Wukong's eyes flashed a trace of resentment towards the rules of the Pan Gu universe.

Hearing this, Tian Chanzi finally knew the real reason why Sun Wukong said before that he wanted to open up a road to immortality.

"Wukong, don't be discouraged. As a teacher, I believe that you can open up a road of cultivating immortals that suits you. The road of cultivating immortals in the wilderness was opened by Taoist Hongjun. If the road of cultivating immortals you open up in the future is better than the road of cultivating immortals now It is easier for immortals to become holy, so in the future, the Pangu universe will be dominated by the road of cultivating immortals opened by you." Tian Chanzi comforted Sun Wukong.

"Master, do you know what way my grandson is practicing?" Sun Wukong asked.

Tian Chanzi pondered for a while, and said, "If the teacher guessed correctly, you should be practicing the Dao of Chaos."

Hearing this, Monkey King asked again: "Master, are you a black robe?"

Monkey King wanted to ask this question from the very beginning of the master-student reunion, but when the saints came, Monkey King had to suppress this question.

"Black robe? Who is it?" Tian Chanzi had never heard of black robe.

"Master, you don't know the black robe?" A trace of suspicion flashed in Sun Wukong's eyes.

Before the black robe helped him like that, Sun Wukong always suspected that the black robe was the master.

But when I asked Master now, it can be seen that Master answered decisively and his eyes were clear. Monkey King can be sure that Master did not lie.

But if the master is not the black robe, then who is the black robe.What is the purpose of helping him so hard.

For a moment, Sun Wukong couldn't figure out the purpose of the black robe.

"If this black robe comes to you again in the future, let me take a look at it." Tian Chanzi said in a deep voice.

Monkey King scratched his head, he was absolutely sure that what the master said was not lying.

But a black robe suddenly appeared in this world, who was so kind to him for no reason, Sun Wukong felt very puzzled and confused now.

"Since the master is not a black robe, then don't get entangled in this issue. What's your opinion, master, about my old grandson's blazing another path of cultivating immortals?" Sun Wukong said in a deep voice.

"I'm afraid I can't give you too many opinions as a teacher, but based on years of cultivation experience, I feel that you have to open up another road to immortality, and you must focus on your chaotic road. In other words, this road to immortality can only Suitable for Chaos Dao!" Tian Chanzi said in a deep voice.

When Sun Wukong heard this, he immediately felt that it made sense.

Monkey King continued to scratch his head, "But how can we bring together the Dao of Chaos and the Road of Cultivating Immortals?"

To re-open a path of cultivating immortals is no less difficult than raising a law of heaven to a law of good fortune.

"As a teacher, I have some ideas here. I will tell you as a teacher. Maybe it will touch you." Tian Chanzi smiled slightly, "The current path of cultivating immortals in the Pangu universe was formulated by Hongjun in the ancient era. Divide the realm of cultivation, Open up the sea of ​​origin. There are ten stages in Pangu’s journey of cultivating immortals in the universe, each corresponding to the sea of ​​origin.”

"Pangu universe's road to immortality is the tenth stage of the immortal realm. Under the Daluo Jinxian, he can comprehend the origin of each rule. The Daluo Jinxian comprehends the rules of time and space, and can live the same life as the sky, and his life can have a calamity. If you can survive the calamity, Da Luo Luo Jinxian can be said to be immortal. All of this is due to the rules of time and space that can prolong life."

"However, in the Xiantian Era before the Primordial Era, there was no realm of cultivation. The innate gods and demons were born as Hunyuan saints, and the laws and demons were born as good fortune saints."

"Until the Primordial Era, the acquired spirits gradually multiplied. Only the realm of cultivation, and the road to immortality. If you want to open up another road to immortality, you have to completely forget the current road to immortality."

Sun Wukong heard what his master Tianchanzi said, and suddenly, a flash of light rose in his mind.

Although the aura flashed by, Monkey King caught it.

"Master, my old grandson understands what you mean. In fact, there is no cultivation realm at all. It's just that Hongjun formulated various cultivation realms in order to allow the acquired souls to have a path to advanced cultivation. This is the road of cultivating the immortals of the Pangu universe. If the cultivators of the Pangu universe want to prove the Daluo Jinxian, if they want to become holy, they must advance along this road of cultivating immortals."

Tian Chanzi smiled slightly, and said: "Wukong, you are really talented and smart. With a little guidance from your teacher, you can draw inferences immediately. The road of cultivating immortals you want to open up is destined to be full of thorns. But if you can succeed, then you will be able to do so in the future." In the Pangu universe, you can stand shoulder to shoulder with Daozu Hongjun. You even have the possibility of surpassing Daozu Hongjun, standing on the top of Hongmeng Sea."

"The road to immortality that Hongjun opened up for the monks of the Pangu universe clearly divides the cultivation of immortals into ten stages. In this case, it is tantamount to dividing the road to immortality into ten stages. And it will also be divided into ten stages from the pure Yang Zhenxian to the Hongmeng saint. His cultivation level is completely divided, as long as he follows this road of cultivating immortals and progresses all the way, he will eventually be able to cultivate to the realm of the primordial sage." Sun Wukong said in a deep voice.

"Nowadays, there is no Hongmeng saint in the Pangu universe. It is still unknown whether this road of cultivating immortals can cultivate Hongmeng saints. And even if you can cultivate to the realm of Hongmeng saints, if there is no way of the saint emperor, then this road of cultivating immortals will not be possible. It's complete!" Tian Chanzi said in a deep voice.

"I'm afraid no one knows this except Hongjun. And my grandson thinks that even Hongjun doesn't know whether the monks of Pangu Universe have been cultivating along the road he opened up to cultivate to the level of Hongmeng Sage Emperor." The realm is unknown." Sun Wukong said in a deep voice.

"So, Wukong, you have a great responsibility. You are the creator of the road to immortality that you opened up. No matter what level you can cultivate in the future, your road to immortality will stop at that level." Tian Chanzi told Wukong, "No matter what , the foundation of practice must be solid. You can't develop rashly, you have to think twice."

Sun Wukong smiled slightly, "Of course my grandson knows this, it's related to my grandson's own Daoist foundation."

"Just now, there was a flash of light in my old grandson's heart, and he had some clues about the road of cultivating immortals on the Dao of Chaos. My grandson can completely divide the road of cultivating immortals on the Dao of Chaos into ten stages. In this case, each stage is [-]%. And in [-]% Among them, it can be divided into five halves. This is actually so that my old grandson can correspond to the journey of cultivating immortals in the Pangu universe."

Convenient with others, convenient with yourself.

If Sun Wukong wants to grow the road of cultivating the immortals on the Dao of Chaos in the future, he must learn the advantages of the road of cultivating immortals in the Pangu universe.

Remove the chaff and save the essence, so that the path of cultivating immortals on the Chaos Avenue can be more recognized by monks.

Tian Chanzi thought for a long time after listening to Monkey King's words.

"But Wukong, have you ever thought about it, how do you judge that the Dao of Chaos has reached [-]%?"

Tian Chanzi asked the most critical question.

"My old grandson can't even say this, he can only feel it, not express it in words. Moreover, if we start the road of cultivating immortals on the Dao of Chaos, many times my old grandson will cross the river by feeling the stones. If you have to let my old grandson say it, It can only be said to be based on intuition!" Sun Wukong replied with a wry smile.

"If this is the case, that's the only way to do it. However, I think you can refer to the virtual universe's heavenly way. If you can refine an intelligent core like the virtual universe's heavenly way, it may open up the chaotic road for you to cultivate immortality. It was extremely helpful." Tian Chanzi smiled slightly.

The speaker has no intention, the listener has the heart.

At this time, according to what the master said, Sun Wukong really wanted to obtain such a treasure as the Chaos Calculator. .

All of a sudden, Monkey King felt the need to communicate with the chaotic astronomical instrument in the virtual universe.Take a look at how the three Great Chaos Spirit Monkeys refined the Chaos Astronomical Instrument, and what kind of treasure was used to successfully refine it.

Sun Wukong once entered the chaotic astronomical instrument with his spiritual consciousness, and found that it was composed of countless chaotic runes, but only the chaotic runes could not form a chaotic astronomical instrument.

Some treasures of heaven, material and earth are also added, so that the chaotic rune can have such terrifying computing power as the chaotic astronomical instrument.

If one could really possess a treasure like the Chaos Calculator, then not only would one be able to easily deduce the Chaos Dao, but one could also use such a treasure to assess the cultivation level of the Chaos Dao's road to immortality.

It is impossible for Monkey King to take away the chaotic astronomical instrument in the virtual universe from Hongjun.In this case, you can only refine one such treasure by yourself.

"Thank you for your guidance, my old grandson is already very confident in opening up the road of cultivating immortals on the Dao of Chaos. Since the rules of the Pangu universe and the laws of heaven do not allow my grandson to take the path of cultivating immortals in the Pangu universe, then my grandson will open up another road of cultivating immortals so that Take a look at Pangu Universe and Heaven." Sun Wukong said in a deep voice.

"As a teacher, first go to familiarize yourself with the affairs of the Qitian League with the saints. You don't have to be distracted from dealing with the affairs of the Qitian League. With the presence of the saints and the teacher, you can rest assured. The battle of Huaguoshan is imminent, and the teacher will help you Make plans."

After finishing speaking, Tian Chanzi teleported away.

Sun Wukong's mind and will immediately sank into the virtual universe, and in an instant, he directly communicated with the heavens in the virtual universe.

At the risk of being noticed by Hongjun, Monkey King secretly activated the eternal authority.

Suddenly, Sun Wukong felt that the aura of the chaotic celestial instrument descended into the virtual universe's own cave.

"Chaos counts Tianyi, can you deduce what kind of natural treasures and earthly treasures were used by the three great chaotic monkeys to refine the treasures of good fortune like you?" Sun Wukong knew that time was running out, and Hongjun might be aware of it at any time, so he asked immediately. road.

(End of this chapter)

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