The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 669 The Peerless Talent of Huaguo Mountain

Chapter 669 The Peerless Talent of Huaguo Mountain
Sun Wukong deduced his current combat power very carefully, and found that at most he could only compete with the immortal who had just entered the sky.

The Pangu universe's laws of heavenly operation imprisoned most of Sun Wukong's combat power, making Sun Wukong's current combat power not as good as that of the fairyland.

Even if Sun Wukong used Chaos Strike when he was in the Tribulation Realm, his combat power would be higher than it is now.

Sun Wukong's body is covered with densely packed chains of laws, and all the chains of laws trap Sun Wukong.

Monkey King surged with endless violence, and his heart was filled with hatred and anger towards Pan Gu's universe.

"Pangu Universe Heavenly Way, do you think this will make my grandson submit?"

Sun Wukong roared in his heart, he would never give in.

In Huaguo Mountain, with the establishment of the Loose Cultivator Alliance and the exercise of immortal soldiers, the Huaguoshan Loose Cultivator Alliance, with the strong support of Jiejiao, has millions of Immortal Cultivators, the eight Daluo Golden Immortals, and the four Chaos Golden Immortals. Withdrawing from Qi Tianmeng's conquest is as easy as flipping palms.

Although the Qitianmeng is a top-notch force in the Pangu universe, it is by no means as powerful as the Jiejiao.

In order to support the Huaguoshan Loose Cultivator Alliance this time, and to prevent the morale of these casual cultivators from falling, in addition to not directly sending the Jiejiao Taoist soldiers, the Hunyuan Saint, Chaos Golden Immortal, and Daluo Golden Immortal of the Jiejiao will all take action.

The reason why the Taoist soldiers do not come out is because there are millions of immortal cultivators in Huaguo Mountain.

In the eyes of the saints of Jiejiao, the millions of immortal cultivators gathered by the Huaguoshan Loose Cultivator Alliance are enough to resist the Qitian League's immortal cultivator army.

Even if it can't resist, the victory or defeat of the Xianxiu Army is irrelevant to the overall situation.

The key to the victory of the Qitian League and the Huaguoshan Sanxiu Alliance lies in the Daluo Golden Immortal, Chaos Golden Immortal, Hunyuan Saint and Wuji Golden Immortal.

And even if Jiejiao suffered a crushing defeat in the three major battlefields of Daluo Jinxian, Chaos Golden Immortal and Hunyuan Saint, as long as Jiejiao's last leader, Tongtian, takes the shot and wields the four swords of Zhuxian's first killing treasure in the universe, he can turn the situation around and turn defeat into victory.

Of course, the Saints of Jiejiao, Chaos Golden Immortal, and Daluo Golden Immortal did not think that they would lose to Qi Tianmeng.

There are nine saints in Jiejiao, but in Qitianmeng there are only six saints: Zhen Yuanzi, the ancestor of the Earth Immortal, Yunyao, the Queen Mother of the Golden Emperor Xi, Mengzhang, the Qinglong incarnation, the Annihilation Sword Saint, Sun Wu, the Soldier Saint, and Zou Yan, the Yin and Yang Saint. .

In terms of the number of saints, Jiejiao far exceeds Qitianmeng.Not only that, but in terms of saint combat power, Jiejiao also has an advantage.

In Jiejiao, there is Duobao who is faintly the number one saint in the prehistoric world, Zhao Gongming, a sage who holds 24 Dinghai God beads, and the three who are in charge of Hunyuan Jindou, who once made the Twelve Golden Immortals lose face in the battle of the ancient Gods. Empress Xiao.

In addition, the four holy mothers of Jiejiao are also powerful, overwhelming the three realms and six realms.

If the Four Holy Mothers hold the Four Swords of Zhu Xian to fight, then at least the Four Great Holy Mothers are capable of fighting against the eight Hunyuan Saints.

As for Chaos Golden Immortal and Daluo Golden Immortal, Jiejiao has an overall advantage.

In addition to the Zhuxian Sword Formation, Jiejiao can also set up the Ten Jue Formation, the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation and the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation.

If these formations let Chaos Golden Immortal and Daluo Jinxian become the masters of the formation, then the power of the formation will even catch up with the power of Hunyuan.

The Huaguoshan Loose Cultivation Alliance is backed by Jiejiao and has occupied Huaguoshan, so the luck is great.

At this time, the Huaguo Mountain Loose Cultivation Alliance is like God's help. There are four talented peerless talents joining the Huaguo Mountain Loose Cultivation Alliance.

In the eyes of the four Chaos Golden Immortals and the eight Da Luo Jinxians of the Huaguo Mountain Loose Cultivation Alliance, these four highly qualified peerless talents have come to join Huaguo Mountain.

But in the eyes of the sage Zhao Gongming, it is another view.

In Biyou Palace, a clone of Zhao Gongming is talking about this matter.

"The four unrivaled talents we have intercepted have entered the Huaguoshan Loose Cultivation Alliance. And under my instruction, these four unrivaled talents have now been accepted as personal heirs by the four Chaos Golden Immortals of the Huaguoshan Loose Cultivation Alliance. disciple."

"They will soon be able to completely capture the luck of the Huaguo Mountain Loose Cultivation Alliance, and completely capture the luck merits of millions of immortal cultivators, eight Da Luo Jinxians, and four Chaos Golden Immortals. , there is a great possibility of becoming a saint!" The Holy Mother of Golden Spirit said happily.

"Regardless of whether the Huaguoshan Loose Cultivation Alliance is defeated or not, the merits of luck must not fall into the hands of these casual cultivators. Even if the Huaguoshan Loose Cultivation Alliance repelled the Qitian League with the support of my teacher, these luck merits , should belong to my sect!" The Holy Mother of Wudang said in a deep voice.

"After they absorb the luck of the Huaguoshan Loose Cultivation Alliance, let these four peerless talents declare war against the Qi Tianmeng's Qishitianjiao in the virtual universe. In this way, we can do our best to win the Qitian League's luck. !” said the Holy Mother of Ghosts coldly.

A sneer appeared on the corner of Zhao Gongming's avatar's mouth, and said: "Among the Qitian League, there are Sun Wukong, the emperor's son, and Mo Yuzhu, the emperor's daughter, who are qualified to be Hongmeng level. There are Wu Zhao, Jiang Mingzhu, Mo Yuzhu, and Huangyao. Apart from that, there are not many peers. Without the blessing of luck, Qi Tianmeng's peers are nothing more than Zhuo Bufan, Sun Bing, Sun Wushuang, Yan Xu, etc."

After listening to Zhao Gongming's words, Bi Xiao answered, "These four peerless geniuses cannot compete with the emperor's sons, daughters, and peerless geniuses. Only challenge the four peerless geniuses of the Qitian League. In this case, we will win all four battles." If you do, you can almost take away nearly [-]% of Qi Tianmeng's luck!"

"Of course, Zhuo Bufan will be the master of the Yin-Yang Dao Palace in the future, Yan Xu will be the young master of the Suzaku God Clan, and Sun Wushuang and Sun Bing will command the soldiers and guards of the Sun Clan's Taoist Legion in Le'an. The Tianmeng will definitely suffer heavy losses!" Yun Xiao said coldly.

The saints of Jujiao discussed it in this way, but it is a treasure to be in charge of this matter.The other Eight Sages all looked at Senior Brother Duobao.

Duobao pondered for a moment, then slowly said: "You can give it a try, if they are defeated and killed. It's just the four peerless talents. Today's prehistoric, peerless talents can be called the crucian carp that crosses the river!"

As soon as these words came out, the Four Great Virgins, the avatar of the sage Zhao Gongming, and San Xiao all smiled slightly.

For today's prehistoric sages, everyone knows the reason why there are so many unrivaled talents from all major forces in the prehistoric world like a blowout.

"Not only the Peerless Tianjiao, but many super-class forces have also brought in many peerless Tianjiao. In terms of the number of Peerless Tianjiao and Peerless Tianjiao, we don't cut too many teachings!" Qiong Xiao chuckled.

Duobao dismissed the countless unrivaled talents and peerless talents that appeared in the prehistoric era, and said: "In the Xiantian Era, these innate gods and law demons were almost completely defeated. If it weren't for the virtual universe opened by the master to communicate with the Xiantian Era, these ancestors The remnants of the gods and demons of the law can run through the long river of time, and enter the reincarnation of the six realms of reincarnation through the virtual universe. Before long, when there are strong people who can go back to the innate era, these innate gods and demons of the law will be imprisoned."

"Brother, even though that's the case, there may be some truly strong ones among these peerless talents and peerless talents. After all, there are so many innate gods and law demons who fell in the congenital era, and now they are in the great world. Train to become truly strong!" Zhao Gongming said slowly.

"That's why I let these four Peerless Talents go to the Qitian League to challenge. If they can succeed, it's great. If they lose, it depends on their performance. They can stimulate their potential, and they can be cultivated. If they are just trash, then There is no need to waste Jiejiao's natural talents and earthly treasures!" Duobao said ruthlessly.

"It should be so. The treasures of heaven and earth that I have taught are not endless. Let these unrivaled talents try to see how powerful the Qi Tianmeng is. It is impossible to defeat the Qitianmeng at once. As long as Only by disintegrating Qitianmeng's luck little by little in this way can the Qitianmeng disappear in smoke!" said the Holy Mother of Jinling coldly.

The Huaguoshan Loose Cultivation Alliance, worshiped the peerless geniuses under the sect of the four Chaos Golden Immortals, and were directly renamed Gudengzi, Chihuozi, Jinzhongzi, and Aurora Zi by the Chaos Golden Immortals.

The four Chaos Golden Immortals forcibly did this, completely disregarding the wishes of the four Unrivaled Talents.

The four Unrivaled Talents gathered together in the cave, with expressions of anger on their faces.

"These four Chaos Golden Immortals and ants are too deceitful. If I regain the strength of the time of complete victory, I can kill tens of thousands of them with my backhand." Gu Dengzi said coldly.

"We want to seize the luck of Huaguo Mountain, but these four old and immortal villains want to take away our luck through such a name change. Even if we become famous in the wild and powerful in the three realms and six realms, most of the luck will They will all fall into their hands!" Chi Huozi said angrily.

"Now that I am in the Huaguo Mountain Loose Cultivation Alliance, I can't kill these four chaotic golden fairy ants for the time being, that's all I can do. Moreover, Zhao Gongming, the sage of the Jiejiao, ordered me to challenge the four peerless geniuses of the Qitian League!" Jin Zhongzi Said coldly.

Jiguangzi took a look at the other three peers, and said in a deep voice: "The most urgent thing is to consider how to kill the four peers of the Qitian League. If we can capture the luck of the Qitian League's peers, we can make up for our fate. Once If our destiny is restored to its original state and our true spirit returns, then we will be able to restore our congenital era's all-powerful strength!"

"This Jiejiao is not well-intentioned. He clearly uses us as pawns to test the Qitianmeng. It's just that he can't resist the Jiejiao now. It seems that he must recover his full victory strength as soon as possible!" Gu Dengzi said coldly.

"First try to kill Qi Tianmeng's peerless genius and complete the task of intercepting the teaching. Then get as many treasures as possible from the intercepting teaching, and restore our cultivation as soon as possible. Once we have the cultivation of a saint again, then the intercepting teaching will be He won't treat us as pawns easily. We can become one of the intercepting chess players from pawns!" Chi Huozi said coldly.

"Now the aura of the Pangu universe is getting more and more abundant, and the luck of the Qitian League is getting more and more prosperous. It seems that we should go to the Qitian League as soon as possible and challenge the four unrivaled talents of the Qitian League. If we can win, we can capture the Qitian League and the Qitian League. The luck of the two sides of Huaguoshan can also improve the status in the Jiejiao!" Jin Zhongzi said coldly.

"It's true that the four Peerless Talents of the Qi Tian League are not good enemies, let's divide it up now, whoever challenges who!" Aurora Zi said coldly!

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(End of this chapter)

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