Chapter 671
On the battlefield of Unrivaled Tianjiao Seizing Luck, Zhuo Bufan and Gu Dengzi intertwined each other, each mustering the fierce and incomparable pure Yang Xianli, blasting towards the other side.

In the hands of Zhuo Bufan and Gu Dengzi, Chunyang Xianli transforms all kinds of totems of the most powerful beasts, all kinds of super powerful magic weapons and gods, and contains his own Taoism and deeds in the pure Yang Xianli. If you don't pay attention, there will be Possibly dead.

Above the floating fairy city, Zou Yan, the sage of yin and yang, showed a little nervous expression.

All along, Zhuo Bufan seldom fought the enemy head-on.

They are all strategizing thousands of miles away, and often the enemy is dead before they can exert their strength.

"These evil beasts are nothing more than the reincarnation of the congenital wood gods and demons. In terms of combat power, they belong to the lowest level among the congenital gods and demons. Bufan has the heart of heavenly secrets and can predict the enemy's opportunities. Even if he loses, he will not be in danger of falling " Seeing Zou Yan's nervous expression, Sun Wukong said with a chuckle.

"Hey, even so, after all, they are the reincarnation of the innate gods and demons. At the beginning of the prehistoric era, the innate gods and demons came into being, and they are born saints. Although most of the innate gods and demons fell in the innate era, there are also some outstanding ones who stand out. Zou Yan, the sage of yin and yang, was even more worried when he heard what Sun Wukong said.

"People often say that the authorities are obsessed, but the bystanders are clear. You are still too worried, so you can't really measure Bufan's combat power. Wukong is right, Bufan has a heart of heaven and earth, not as weak as you imagine." Bing Sheng Sun Wu gently With a smile.

Zou Yan sighed, and said: "Even if you become a saint, you still have emotions and desires. Worry is unavoidable, but if jade is not cut, it is not a tool. Only after such tempering can there be great achievements. It is my appearance, I should let him go Go fight."

At this moment, Zou Yan felt that he had protected Zhuo Bufan too well in the past.So much so that now facing the reincarnation of a mere congenital god and demon, he seemed so nervous.

If Monkey King were to face off against the reincarnated body of an innate god and demon, Zou Yan would never feel a little nervous if he asked himself.

"Humble ants, you dare to compete with me in pure Yang immortal power!"

Gu Dengzi dismissed it, he was the reincarnation of the congenital Mu Xing God and Demon, and the Mu Xing Chunyang Immortal Power was extremely powerful, and he looked down upon the vast majority of Pure Yang True Immortals in the prehistoric world.

Even if Zhuo Bufan contained his own body and deeds in the pure yang celestial power, he would never think of taking advantage of the pure yang celestial power.

Innate gods and demons, born saints.

Even if he no longer has the prestige of completely defeating the pinnacle, in the eyes of Gu Dengzi, he is not equal to a mere Qi Tian League Peerless Talent.

On the battlefield, Gu Dengzi's pure Yang immortal power has already gained an absolute advantage.

Pure yang celestial power fills the void, and the celestial power distorts the rules to form a pure yang force field.

Gu Dengzi felt that he only needed to use [-]% of his immortal power to kill Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan's eyes were full of cold light, and suddenly, his figure was ethereal, moving through the pure yang force field.

"Everything about you is under my control. From the moment you start thinking of becoming an enemy of Qi Tianmeng, your life will enter the countdown."

Zhuo Bufan is incomparably domineering, with Tianji Wenxin's terrifying divine power, mighty and mighty, like brilliant heavenly power, overwhelming the sky and bombarding Gudengzi.

At this moment, in Gu Dengzi's eyes, Zhuo Bufan seemed to be the omniscient and omnipotent Supreme Heavenly Dao. That kind of divine power made Gu Dengzi's heart tremble.

In the Xiantian Era, many innate gods and demons have challenged Pangu's universe and the way of heaven, and they all want to replace him, but no innate gods and demons can succeed in matching the way of heaven like Hongjun.

Today, Zhuo Bufan's unrivaled power seems to bring Gu Dengzi back to the innate era and face the prehistoric world.

Suddenly, Gu Dengzi lost his mind for a while.

And at this moment, Zhuo Bufan seized the opportunity.

The extraordinary sword is out of its sheath!
A fierce and unparalleled sword energy directly slashed towards Gu Dengzi!
The sword qi hit his body, and the crisis of life and death shrouded Gu Dengzi's mind, which shocked Gu Dengzi and brought him back to his senses.

The extremely fierce sword energy slashed on Gu Dengzi's Chunyang fairy body, but it could no longer be stored.

At this time, on Gudengzi's Chunyang fairy body, countless Chunyang Wooden Immortal Talismans appeared.The dense talisman makes Gu Dengzi's pure yang body like a sky-reaching building that can withstand the erosion of the ages.

Gu Dengzi's celestial body was unparalleled, and he resisted Zhuo Bufan's fierce blow without any damage.

Gu Dengzi's face was ferocious, extremely ugly.

"I didn't expect that I was almost injured by you, a humble ant, and you dare to strike me with a sword. You will have to pay a heavy price."

Relying on the strength of his celestial body, Gu Dengzi grabbed Zhuo Bufan's celestial sword in one go.

"Do you think I only have this little attack?"

Suddenly, Zhuo Bufan's fairy sword was crushed by Gu Dengzi.But suddenly, a unparalleled sword light shattered the void, piercing through layers of space.


This unparalleled sword light is a small sword that is extremely sharp. The moment Gu Dengzi crushed the fairy sword, he lost his mind, and was directly urged by Zhuo Bufan to use the sword control technique to move the sharp little sword, and it suddenly pierced Gu Dengzi's eyes.

Gu Dengzi suddenly let out an incomparably miserable cry. Even in the Xiantian Era, he had never suffered such a serious injury.

Gu Dengzi is not the kind of ruthless innate god and demon, unable to blew his eyes, let alone pull out his little sword with determination.

Gu Dengzi stimulated Mu Xing's pure Yang celestial power, rushing towards his eyes like a surge, wanting to refine this sharp little sword.

A sneer appeared on the corner of Zhuo Bufan's mouth, when Gu Dengzi wrapped the little sword with his immortal power, suddenly, it seemed to arouse the restraint in the little sword.

The Annihilation Sword Intent radiated out in a mighty manner, directly destroying one of Gu Dengzi's eyes with the force of destroying the world.

Seeing this scene, everyone above the floating fairy city was amazed.

"Who made this sword for him? It's so insidious!" Sun Wukong said with a chuckle.

"Who else is red when he sees Zhu, and black when he sees ink. Qingfeng was sent to protect Zhuo Bufan, Sun Bin, Guan Zhong and other counselors when he annihilated Jianzong Daluo Jinxian." Yinyang Dao Palace Daluo Jinxian Zou Yan smiled lightly.

"This move is really powerful, and it completely captures the arrogance and arrogance of the reincarnated body of the innate god and demon. But I am afraid that this lonely lamp will never feel underestimated again." Zou Yan, the sage of yin and yang, said with a smile.

"No matter how hard he struggles, he will definitely be defeated. Moreover, he has not realized until now the horror of Tianji Wenxin!" Sun Wukong said with great certainty.

Zhuo Bufan once challenged him to fully display the horror of Tianji Wenxin.

It's a pity that no matter how powerful Zhuo Bufan's Tianji Wenxin is, he can't resist the Ruyi Golden Cudgel in Monkey King's hand.

A sweep!
However, Gu Dengzi was unable to sweep away Zhuo Bufan.

In that case, he can only experience for himself how tortured and tormented Tianji Wenxin's exhaustive strategy is to predict the enemy's first opportunity.

One of Gu Dengzi's eyes was destroyed, which made him furious and murderous.

The extremely fierce killing intent shot straight into the sky.

Waves of shocking murderous aura emanated, covering the battlefield of Seizing Luck.

Gu Dengzi suddenly aroused an extremely powerful spiritual treasure, and suddenly, this spiritual treasure erupted with shocking power that would destroy the world.

"Companion Xiantian Lingbao!" Zou Yan said in a deep voice, his pupils shrinking.

"Every innate god and demon is born with an accompanying innate spirit treasure. It's just that the vast majority of innate gods and demons can't upgrade the innate spirit treasure to the best innate spirit treasure, and there is no hope of good fortune!" Jiang Ziya said in a deep voice .

After Gu Dengzi inspired the Xiantian Spiritual Treasure, his power was unmatched, and the Xiantian Spiritual Treasure charged towards Zhuo Bufan with great power.

"Humble ant, you dare to hurt me, and you will pay with your life!"

Gu Dengzi's expression was extremely ferocious, like a ferocious demon.

There was a sneer at the corner of Zhuo Bufan's mouth, and suddenly, his figure continued to draw afterimages in the void.

These afterimages were blasted out by the power of the innate spirit treasure, but there were more and more afterimages.

Zhuo Bufan's real body disappeared without a sound, as if he had never appeared before.

Seeing this scene, Sun Wukong said to himself: "My heart is the heart of heaven!"

This realm, did not expect Zhuo Bufan to have reached it.

Now Zhuo Bufan is equivalent to the legendary Tianxin, completely fused with the void.

Gu Dengzi's companion congenital spirit treasure is powerful and mighty, if Gu Dengzi's cultivation has returned to the peak of the victory period, he will activate the congenital spirit treasure and possess the power to destroy the battlefield of fortune.

It's just that Gu Dengzi is only a reincarnation now. Although he has the luck blessing of the Huaguoshan Loose Cultivation Alliance, he still cannot fully arouse the power of the innate spiritual treasure.

On the contrary, he felt the endless bondage. In the void, there was a sword of ghosts and gods that appeared like ghosts and ghosts!

This is Zhuo Bufan's own unpredictable sword!

Unpredictable, unfathomable, unfathomable!

All of a sudden, the three kendo mysteries erupted together, which completely lost Gu Dengzi.

"As an enemy of my Qitian League, you should be punished!"

In an instant, the Ghost God Sword slashed towards Gu Dengzi with the force of God and Ghost Wushuang.

The moment the ghost sword came, Gu Dengzi opened his eyes.

"Waiting for you for a long time!"

Gu Dengzi repeated the old trick again, relying on the extremely powerful fairy body, and directly grabbed the ghost sword with his bare hands.

"Do you think this is just a ghost sword with physical attacks?"

Zhuo Bufan's incomparably cold voice sounded out loud.

In an instant, Zhuo Bufan's ghost sword suddenly separated into ghost sword and divine sword in the void.

The ghost sword contains the profound meaning of material attack, and the divine sword contains the profound meaning of soul attack.

Suddenly, Zhuo Bufan's Tianji Wenxin carried the profound meaning of the divine sword, and completely cut into Gudengzi's sea of ​​consciousness.

"Seize the luck of the gods and demons from the innate, and prove the innate against the day after tomorrow!"

Zhuo Bufan gave up everything, and directly wanted to take away the innate gods and demons!

At this moment, Gu Dengzi was extremely angry.

But to no avail, Zhuo Bufan fully mobilized the power of Tianji Wenxin to completely destroy his god and occupy the magpie's nest.

"It's worth it to give up a Tianji Wenxin in exchange for a reincarnated body of an innate god and demon!"

Zhuo Bufan blew himself up, and in an instant, he completely destroyed the god of innate gods and demons.

Gu Dengzi suddenly fell to the ground, and suddenly, his consciousness returned to his body, and he competed with Zhuo Bufan.

Seeing this scene, Zhen Yuanzi immediately took Zhuo Bufan into his pocket with a wave of his hand.

Zhao Gongming was so angry that his face was extremely ugly.

(End of this chapter)

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