The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 678 Resurrection of the Primordial Madman

Chapter 678 Resurrection of the Primordial Madman
On the floating fairy city, Sun Wukong separated a divine consciousness and sank into the virtual universe.

Countless prehistoric immortals were amazed by the terrifying divine power of the 33-day treasure, and had no idea where the 33-day treasure came from.

Suddenly, Monkey King frowned, thinking about it.

The spiritual consciousness exits the virtual universe, and the voice of the mind is transmitted to the saints.

"My old grandson just came up with a good idea. The myths and legends of the 33-day treasure and the ancient madman have been strictly sealed by the sect. Except for the ancient power, these immortals don't know about it. If this is the case, we can't let a generation of heroes. Really disappear, restart his myths and legends. Let the name of the 33-day treasure and the ancient madman resound throughout the virtual universe."

After Sun Wukong's words fell, a slight smile appeared on the faces of all the saints at the same time.

"This is a good plan. It is an open plan. It can not only discredit Duobao, but also make Tongtian lose face. The most important thing is that if all sentient beings can revive the madman who fell in the ancient times, then things will become very interesting. Yibao On the way to prove the Tao, Duobao will have a very strong opponent!" Bingsheng Sun Wu said in a deep voice.

"Although the Primordial Madman completely fell in the ancient times, but now the prehistoric madman is full of luck. As long as the 33-day treasure is still there, then the true spirit of the Primordial Madman will not completely dissipate. The power of sentient beings can call back the sleeping true spirit. If the Primordial Madman The true spirits are gathered together, and once they are revived, they will definitely be enemies of the Jiejiao!" Zou Yan, the yin and yang sage, laughed lightly.

"Although an enemy's enemy may not be able to become a friend, but seeing the deflated Jujiao and Duobao's ashen face, this plan is worth a try." Shenjun Mengzhang laughed.

Immediately, all the saints of the Qitian League separated countless consciousnesses and sank into the virtual universe.

In an instant, the myth about the 33-day treasure and the legend of the ancient madman spread throughout the entire virtual universe.

The virtual universe gathered most immortals in the prehistoric world, and all of a sudden, these immortals knew the myths and legends of the ancient madman and his 33-day treasure.

"Duobao is simply too shameless, the death of the ancient madman is really unfair!"

"Tongtian is not just protecting his shortcomings, he completely treats Duobao as his own son!"

"Poor immemorial madman, if he didn't die in the hands of Duobao in ancient times, then if he lives up to now, he can at least be comparable to Emperor Jun Taiyi and the Twelve Ancestral Witches, and is one of the Primordial Promise Golden Immortals!"

"What a Tongtian, what a multi-treasure, and let the ancient madman fall in order to seize the 33-day treasure. Such actions are despicable and shameless to the extreme."

"Duobao, who is even more despicable and shameless, is still boasting about the 33-day supreme treasure and the road to becoming holy with treasures, he was the one who created it!"

All of a sudden, in the virtual universe, countless immortals turned to the sky.

Previously, the Jiejiao had overwhelmed the prehistoric world, covered the three realms and six realms, and swept nine heavens and ten places.There are countless immortals who have resentment against Jiejiao in their hearts, but they never dared to vent it in the past.

But now, the law does not blame the public.In the entire virtual universe, there are immortals swearing at Jiejiao for being despicable and shameless, especially the words against Duobao, which are extremely ugly.

Similarly, Tong Tian, ​​who has always been domineering and protective, did not escape this abuse.

Countless immortals felt sorry for the ancient madman. At this time, the mind power of all beings broke through time and space and penetrated the heavens. The mind power of all beings recited the name of the ancient madman and the 33 heavenly treasures. Invisibly, the true spirit of the ancient madman was awakened by the mind power of all beings.

In Biyou Palace, Duobao was furious.

"Damn Qi Tianmeng, damn Qi Tianmeng!"

Duobao is furious, now in the virtual universe, he can be said to be a street mouse, everyone shouts and beats him.

Those immortals who were oppressed by the Judgment in the past vented their anger one after another.In the virtual universe, they raged at Duobao and Tongtian.

All of a sudden, the reputation of Jiejiao was not good.

The insults of many immortals even shook the Jiejiao Qi movement.

Above the East China Sea, Sun Wukong and the saints' extremely keen senses suddenly felt a slight fluctuation in the 33-day treasure.

"Sure enough, as my old grandson expected, the 33-day treasure has exchanged lives with the ancient madman. Now the thought power of all beings may have awakened the sleeping true spirit of the ancient madman. If this happens, it will directly cause the 33-day treasure to vibrate!"

Sun Wukong was very happy. If the ancient madman can really be resurrected, even if he doesn't join the Qitian League, he will be an undying and mortal enemy with Duobao.

Not only because in the ancient times, the ancient madman fell in the hands of Tongtian.But now, once the ancient madman is resurrected, if he wants to take the road of proving the way with treasures, he will definitely become the enemy of the Dao with Duobao.

Thirty-three days when the Supreme Treasure awakened, and at this moment, Monkey King gave an outrageous order.

"Equal to the Heavens and the Apes, break the 33 Heavenly Immortal Treasures!"

Monkey King's choice of fighters is extremely ingenious, and suddenly, Qi Tian Zhan Yuan makes a strong and unparalleled move!

Qi Tian Zhan Yuan condensed an incomparably huge stick that lifted the sky, and in an instant, with one stick, it smashed hard at the 33 Heavenly Supreme Treasure!

Suddenly, a storm of destruction erupted!
33 Tianxian Bao is unstoppable and powerful.Although they resisted a slamming blow from the giant stick of the sky, at this moment, the 33 Heavenly Immortal Treasures suddenly separated!

At the same time, Monkey King ordered again!

"The guards of the Qitian League fight against the 33 Tianxian treasures!"

As long as 33 days of immortal treasures cannot be gathered together, then they are just ordinary immortal treasures.

And if the 33 Heavenly Immortal Treasures are gathered together, at least 33 times the super strength can be exploded. In that case, the thirty guardian immortals of the Qitian League will all be at a disadvantage.

33 Tianxianbao is separated, even if Sun Wukong doesn't order it, the commanders of the guards will know it, divide it and destroy it.

In an instant, Zhuo Bufan, the 'Heart of Heaven's Mystery', took the five virtuous guards of the Yin-Yang Dao Palace to find one of the 33 heavenly treasures, 'Zhou Tianyi'.

Immortal treasure Zhou Tianyi can deduce the secrets of heaven, and Zhuo Bufan also has the heart of secrets.All of a sudden, Zhuo Bufan led the five virtuous guards to suppress Zhou Tianyi, and competed with Zhou Tianyi to deduce the secret.

In the Biyou Palace, Duobao's face was extremely gloomy when he saw the 33 Heavenly Immortal Treasures being scattered by the giant stick held up to the sky!
"Variation, this is one of the variables that completely exceeded our expectations. For this chess game, the most annoying thing is the variable!" Zhao Gongming said in a deep voice.

"Even if the 33 Heavenly Immortal Treasures are broken up, there are 12 immortals for each of them as a treasure to prove the Tao. With the help of the 33 Heavenly Immortal Treasures, it is not necessarily impossible for an army of the same level to fight against each other. "The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit said in a deep voice.

"Now we can only hope that the 33 Taoist soldiers will be able to defeat the 33 elite Taoist soldiers of the Qitian League with the help of the [-] immortal treasures," said the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit in a deep voice.

Duobao breathed a sigh of relief, and said in a deep voice: "Brother Gongming, just in case, it is better to start the ambush as soon as possible. Otherwise, if the Huaguoshan Loose Cultivation Alliance and the Xianxiu of the Three Great Immortal Islands appear to be defeated , I'm afraid I won't be able to return to heaven!"

"Eldest brother, I know. I will go to the East China Sea in person, and I must persuade the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea to take action!"

Zhao Gongming's avatar agreed.

The deity Zhao Gongming, who was far away in Huaguo Mountain, separated an avatar in an instant, left Huaguo Mountain silently, and rushed to the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea.

Above the East China Sea, an extremely fierce battle erupted crazily!
The Qi Tian League's thirty guards are now fighting against a 33-day fairy treasure.

Only the three immortal treasures of Tongtian Bridge, Rongtian Bracelet and Pirates of Heaven Ladder are put aside for the time being.

Duobao, who is far away in the Biyou Palace in the East China Sea, is pinching the seal formula with his hands. 33 Heavenly Immortal Treasures, gradually revealing the realm of immortal treasures.

Every fairy treasure has a treasure world inside.

These treasure worlds are all treasures who are Hunyuan saints, who went to the depths of the void interlayer to capture the fragments of the void, blend them into the fairy treasures, and become the fairy treasure world.

At this time, the Huaguoshan Loose Cultivation Alliance and Mishima Taoist soldiers entered the fairy treasure world one after another, making the fairy treasure temporarily become the most precious treasure for these immortals!

With the full assistance of 33 Heavenly Immortal Treasures, the Huaguoshan Loose Cultivation Alliance and Mishima Taoist Soldiers were able to fight against Qi Tianmeng.

Seeing this scene, Monkey King ordered again!
"The thirteen elite Taoist soldiers quickly smashed the 33 heavenly treasures in front of them. The other seventeen elite Taoist soldiers tried to delay the time until the main Taoist soldiers smashed the immortal treasures."

Sun Wukong's voice directly resounded through every immortal's sea of ​​consciousness through Qi Tianmeng's luck!
Suddenly, the situation changed.

The seventeen elite Taoist soldiers of the Qitian League mainly focused on besieging the 33 Tianxianbao.

The thirteen guards must concentrate all their strength to completely smash the fairy treasure in front of them.

With this order, the thirteen elite Taoist soldiers of the Qitian League will use their supernatural powers.

As time passed, more and more immortal monks knew the myths and legends of the 33-day treasure and the ancient madman.

Many immortal monks sighed for the ancient madman. If he hadn't fallen, the prehistoric world would have been even more exciting with the ancient madman around!
The thought power of all living beings penetrates the time and space of the heavens, awakening the sleeping true spirit of the ancient madman.

When the true spirit began to return, memories emerged in the sea of ​​consciousness. In the midst of the flood, an immortal suddenly opened his eyes, and suddenly there were two fierce and incomparable lights, flashing past, piercing the void.

"Tongtian, Duobao, you can't imagine that this seat will reappear in this way. I also want to thank Qi Tianmeng. If it wasn't for dealing with Jiejiao, this seat would not be resurrected so quickly."

In the cave, the immortal was talking to himself, deep in his eyes, there was endless resentment towards Tongtian and Duobao.

This kind of resentment is difficult to wash away even if the water pours into the sky.

The true spirit of the ancient madman has returned and embarked on the road of return.The consciousness sank into the virtual universe, and instantly understood the big and small things that happened in the prehistoric world since his fall.

"I didn't expect that several epochs have passed in the blink of an eye, and now it is the ancient epoch. From the ancient era, there is a complete gap between the ancient epoch, the ancient epoch and the medieval epoch. The prehistoric era is no longer without saints. Now if you want to dominate the prehistoric era, I'm afraid even the Wuji Golden Immortal can't suppress the Three Realms and Six Paths. Only by becoming a Primordial Saint can we shock the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths!"

The ancient madman's heart was full of ups and downs, and his mood was very restless.

Tongtian and Duobao didn't expect that the ancient madman would return to the prehistoric so soon!

(End of this chapter)

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