The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 685 The Arrogant Chaos Golden Immortal

Chapter 685 The Arrogant Chaos Golden Immortal

Although all the saints of the Qitian League are not afraid of many treasures.

But after all, there are nine Hunyuan sages in Jiejiao, and they also set up the Supreme God Formation [Nine-curved Yellow River Formation].

According to the three talents in this formation, the wonder of the world is hidden.There are the elixir of confusion and the formula of closing the immortals, which can lose the spirit of the immortal, eliminate the soul of the immortal, trap the shape of the immortal, damage the spirit of the immortal, lose the original essence of the immortal, and damage the limbs of the immortal.

Immortals enter here and become mortals, and mortals enter here and die.There is no straightness in the nine songs, the songs are full of wonders of good fortune, and the secrets of immortals.Even if he is a Hunyuan saint, it will be difficult to escape from this.

The heaven and the earth are lined up, and the Yellow River is in a potential position.The wind is howling, and the black mist permeates the sun and the moon.Swinging leisurely, Yaoyao Mingming.The misfortune is soaring, and the haze is penetrating.Destroy the soul, let you practice for thousands of years to become a cake; lose your spirit and lose your spirit, even if you escape ten thousand calamities and hardships, you will lose your footing.

The Nine Sages of Jiejiao sit in the formation of the Yellow River in Jiuqu. Even if the Twelve Golden Immortals explained the teachings in ancient times, the twelve Hunyuan Saints today dare not come to enter the formation.

"The Supreme Divine Formation [Jiuqu Yellow River Formation] is one of the three supreme divine formations that you taught, second only to the Zhuxian Sword Formation. I want to break through your nine-curved Yellow River formation."

Suddenly, Tian Chanzi, who had always been silent, said in a deep voice.

"It's up to you?" Duobao looked at Tianchanzi with disdain and contempt.

"Duobao, today is not the same as in the past. In the ancient era, before I became enlightened, Hongjun preached and went to the Zixiao Palace to listen to the sermon. This guy took advantage of my cocoon and suppressed the six-winged sky with the golden lotus of the twelve merits. The dharma body of the cicada, and then mobilize the divine banner and the green lotus color flag to suppress me."

Tian Chanzi mentioned the ancient past with great hatred.

"Afterwards, the Ancient Era took over, Zhunti Lijiao was sanctified, and continued to suppress me as a sage of heaven. Until after the Battle of the Gods in the Ancient Era, in order to make Western religion flourish in the Middle Ages, I was named Jin Chanzi, worship under your door. Then reincarnated and reborn as Tang Sanzang, complete the journey to the west to learn Buddhist scriptures."

"You guys actually let Wukong fall in Daleiyin Temple. Our master and apprentice have a mortal enmity with you. You won't have much time to enjoy yourself, so I will let you pay some price today. When Wukong's cultivation base is with you, Let's see if Tongtian can protect you at that time!"

Tian Chanzi gritted his teeth and said, bursting out with a fierce murderous intent.With overflowing murderous intent and boiling killing intent, the entire void seemed to turn into a killing purgatory.

"Tianchanzi, you and Sun Wukong want to take revenge, that's wishful thinking. I will let you watch how to destroy and destroy the Qitian League. At that time, I'm afraid you don't want revenge, but think about how to keep Xiao life." Duobao said rampantly.

Above the floating fairy city, Monkey King gritted his silver teeth angrily, and his veins bulged.

"Duobao, if my old grandson smashes you to death, you should save your life!"

Monkey King shouted angrily, echoing in the sky.

"Qi Tian Meng, today must be destroyed!" Duo Bao said wildly.

Tian Chanzi sneered, and suddenly, he turned directly into the main body of the six-winged Tian Chan.

In the void, the six wings spread out, covering the sky and covering the sky and the sun.

Zhen Yuanzi, the ancestor of the Earth Immortal, Yunyao, the Queen Mother of the Jinhuangxi, Mengzhang Shenjun, Annihilation Sword Saint, Sun Wu, the Warrior Saint, and Zou Yan, the Yin and Yang Saint, stood on the six wings respectively.

With a shake of the six wings, it directly tore through the void and rushed into the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation.

The Supreme God Formation [Nine-curved Yellow River Formation] and the Six-Winged Cicada entered the Void Realm in an instant. Only the Void Realm can withstand the battle of saints.

After the Cicada left, Jiang Ziya suddenly said: "Tongtian, you have watched such a good show for so long, it should be enough!"

Suddenly, with a thought in Jiang Ziya's mind, the Space-Time Firm suddenly slammed into the void!
In an instant, streams of sword energy shot out.

The entire East China Sea was instantly enveloped by a sword of good fortune.

Zhuxian Sword Formation!

The leader of Tongtian came to the East China Sea in person, and beside him were the four swords of Zhu Xian, spinning endlessly.

The terrifying sword power of Zhuxian Sword Formation is mighty and mighty, covering the three realms and six realms in an instant, shocking the nine heavens and ten earths.

"Jiang Ziya, you are looking for your own death, and I will help you today!"

The Master Tongtian came to the East China Sea battlefield with the Zhuxian Sword Formation in order to deal with Jiang Ziya.

"Tongtian, you are too crazy. If you want me to die, even Daode and Yuanshi dare not say such crazy words in front of me."

Jiang Ziya's expression was indifferent, and he held the Time-Space Trading Company, the fortune treasure, to fight against the fortune sword, the mighty immortal sword array.

Tong Tian's face showed anger. In the past, he had never put Jiang Ziya in his eyes at all.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Ziya turned out to be the reincarnation of Honghuang Flying Bear, and he was secretly in charge of the time-space business, and with his strength to prove the Tao, he was able to fight against the Wuji Golden Immortal Dzogchen with the Dzogchen of the Hunyuan Realm.

But this time, Jiejiao made up his mind to destroy Qitianmeng, and Tongtian had no choice but to do it himself.

Hong Huang said that he was arrogant and arrogant, but in Tongtian's eyes, Jiang Ziya was the truly lawless and arrogant.

"Come to the void world to lead the death!"

After Tongtian's words fell, the Zhuxian Sword Formation pierced through the void and descended directly into the depths of the void realm.

Without fear, Jiang Ziya arrived at the depths of the Void Realm almost at the same time as Tongtian with the Time-Space Trading Company, the treasure of good fortune.

Jiang Ziya left the Floating Immortal City, Qi Tianmeng Da Luo Jinxian, Chaos Golden Immortal and Hunyuan Saint were all restrained by the same level of power.

At this moment, the four Chaos Golden Immortals and the eight Daluo Golden Immortals standing on the top of Huaguo Mountain came to Floating Immortal City with a teleport.

"Sun Wukong, all the powers of your Qitian League are restrained now. With this floating fairy city, can you resist us?"

Immortal Chihuo is extremely arrogant at this moment, defiant to no one.

"Being an enemy of Jiejiao is destined to end badly. Monkey King, do you still wish to take back Huaguo Mountain? My life is at stake, and Huaguo Mountain will be your burial place!"

Taoist Admiralty is arrogant and arrogant.

"Even if the Xianxiu Legion of the Huaguoshan Loose Cultivation Alliance is dead, as long as we are still there, the Huaguoshan Loose Cultivation Alliance will continue to be incensed and have a long-lasting luck. Sun Wukong, die!"

The real Jiguang's attitude at the moment is arrogant and condescending.

Taoist Gudeng showed disdain, looking at the Qitian League's army of immortal cultivators in the floating fairy city, like ants.

In his eyes, these ants can be killed with just a few gestures.

Taoist Gu Deng turned his nostrils to the sky, staring at everything. "Sun Wukong, if you kneel down and beg for mercy now, you can still save the lives of the ants in your Qitian League. Otherwise, today we, the four Chaos Golden Immortals and the eight Daluo Golden Immortals, will definitely crush your Qitian League and let you Qi Tianmeng, blood flows like rivers!"

Above the floating fairy city, Sun Wukong was extremely angry.

The four Chaos Golden Immortals were arrogant and domineering, and their contentment made Sun Wukong arouse great anger in his heart.

In the virtual universe, the immortals who witnessed this scene were divided into two factions.

Some immortals who had a good impression of Qi Tianmeng were extremely worried.

"Qi Tianmeng made some mistakes. No matter what, they should leave Chaos Golden Immortal and Daluo Golden Immortal to guard the Immortal City."

"These four Chaos Golden Immortals are so arrogant, they are destined to end badly."

"Jiejiao bullies others, and now all the powerful members of the Qitian League are restrained by Jiejiao. This floating fairy city may not be able to withstand the attack of the four Chaos Golden Immortals and the eight Daluo Golden Immortals."

"Great Sage Equaling Heaven, auspicious people have their own celestial features, you will definitely not die, and you will be able to turn the crisis into safety."

"Now the Qitian League's Xianxiu army in the floating fairy city is absolutely unable to compete with the four Chaos Golden Immortals and the eight Daluo Golden Immortals!"

"Now it depends on whether the other super powers in Honghuang, Jianzong and Qingchi Xianmen, will come to the rescue!"

"I believe that the Qi Tian League has its own great luck to protect it, and it will definitely be able to escape this catastrophe."

"Just four Chaos Golden Immortals and eight Daluo Golden Immortals can level the Qitian League? I don't believe it!"

"I don't believe it either, Qi Tianmeng doesn't have any cards!"

"As long as you persist for a while, a Chaos Golden Immortal can come back to activate the power of the Floating Immortal City, and the Qi Tianmeng will not bleed into rivers."

More immortals gloated over other people's misfortunes, and even couldn't help but cheer each other up.

"Look how arrogant Sun Wukong is now!"

"The Qitianmeng will be crushed, and Sun Wukong will be reduced to a lonely family. Without the Qitianmeng, he will lose the qualification to fight for the emperor."

"It's really gratifying. The Qitian League will soon be razed to the ground. A force that dares to claim to be on the same level as the sky, but was destroyed by the four Chaos Golden Immortals and the eight Daluo Golden Immortals, is not worthy of being called a super-class force at all."

"Qi Tianmeng was so popular in the past, and now it has come to this end, it deserves what it deserves, and it's a dead end."

"The law of heaven is clear, and the retribution is not good. The Qi Tian League formed by a group of mobs and a group of scattered people is destined to be unable to continue."

Immortals from the three sects, the monster clan, the witch clan, the dragon clan, the phoenix clan, the thunder god clan, the eternal clan and other forces were extremely happy to see the Qitianmeng in disaster.

If it wasn't too far away, it would definitely be worse.

At the same time, amidst the prehistoric waters, the undercurrent was turbulent.

Seeing this scene, Kong Xuan of the Phoenix Clan quietly left the barren island in the southwest and hurried towards the East China Sea.

In his eyes, Monkey King is doomed to die.

In this case, once Sun Wukong died, he would be able to take away the Chaos Spirit Grass.

At this time, not only Kong Xuan, but also other super powers in Honghuang also sent powerful people to the East China Sea secretly, trying to get a share of the pie after the Qitian League was destroyed.

Monkey King was furious, holding the Ruyi Golden Cudgel tightly in his hand.

Smiling back in anger, a sneer of contempt appeared in his eyes.

"Destroy the Qitian League? Just relying on you four idiots and eight trash, it's wishful thinking."

Sun Wukong's rebelliousness in his bones at this moment is fully revealed.

Hearing Sun Wukong angrily scolding himself as an idiot, the Four Great Chaos Golden Immortals were extremely angry.

"Sun Wukong, you still have to be stubborn when you are about to die. Since you are not willing to kneel down and suffer death, today I will let you watch how we slaughter the lives of these ants!"

The Gudeng Taoist worshiped the congenital spiritual treasure, a 'Yangyang Lantern'.

The congenital spirit treasure sacrificed by Taoist Admiralty is called 'Wind and Thunder Admiralty'.

Aurora is a real person offering sacrifices to a mirror, the innate spiritual treasure 'Aurora Mirror'.

The real Chihuo is holding a sword, the innate spiritual treasure 'Red Fire Sword'.

In an instant, the power of the four chaotic golden immortals and the power of the four innate spirit treasures blasted towards the floating fairy city together.

(End of this chapter)

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