The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 694 The Grace of Enlightenment, the Blood Spirit Orb

Chapter 694 The Grace of Enlightenment, the Blood Spirit Orb

In the chaotic Qinglian world, all the saints and immortals of the Qitian League who had awakened solemnly saluted Sun Wukong.

Monkey King immediately mobilized the power of the world to help the saints and immortals.

"Now we are on the same boat, and you are the mainstay of the Qitian League. My grandson is the leader of the Qitian League, and I am full of gratitude." Sun Wukong said in a deep voice.

"Wukong, thank you for the grace of becoming Dao. With this time I personally watched you open up the world, our chances of becoming Dao have been greatly improved. If we can advance to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in the future, it is all thanks to your help this time." Chaos Gold The sub-sage Sun Eighteen, who was cultivated at the peak of the immortal, is very grateful to Sun Wukong.

"Wukong, this time I saw you open up the Great Thousand World, and for us Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, you opened the door of Wuji and stepped into the realm of good fortune. It is very important for whether you can advance to Wuji Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian." Zhen Yuan Said with gratitude.

"Wukong, you don't know how difficult it is to seek the Tao. Thinking back to the ancient times, we, the congenital beings, the ancient gods, tried hard to seek the Tao, but couldn't find it. Back then, Taoist ancestor Hongjun preached in Zixiao Palace, attracting countless creatures from the wild to listen. Dao. I just want to comprehend the true meaning of Dao, and there is a way to cultivate Dao." Shenjun Mengzhang said with emotion.

"If you hear the Dao in the morning, you can die in the evening. For us Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, it is immortal. The only obsession is to see the peak of the Dao. If you did not open up the world this time, let us witness the rules of the Dao for ourselves According to the law of heaven, I know that without this trip, I am afraid that it is impossible to break through to the infinite Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in this life." Bingsheng Sun Wu said with a sigh.

"We're all one family, don't speak two different languages. Now that you're all awake, let's go back to Huaguo Mountain!"

With a thought, Sun Wukong left the world of chaotic Qinglian.

Reluctantly glanced at the body of the Lingming stone monkey, just as Monkey King was about to leave, suddenly, three huge, indomitable violent apes appeared beside him.

"Liu Er, Yuan Hong, Wu Zhiqi, you wait for my grandson. One day, my grandson will let you know how miserable the end will be if you are an enemy of my grandson. Especially you Liu Er, My old grandson will never forget the great performance in Daleiyin Temple in the Middle Ages!"

Sun Wukong shouted coldly, looking at the three great spirit monkeys with unfriendly eyes.

"Sun Wukong, you are only a pure Yang true immortal now. Maybe when you become a saint, we will have already broken through to the position of Primordial Primordial Primordial Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal." Yuan Hong said dismissively.

"Just wait, I'm afraid you won't be able to break through to the Primordial Infinity Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in this life. You wait for my old grandson, just wait in this chaotic sea, and wait to die!"

Monkey King didn't want to talk any more with the three spirit monkeys of the chaotic world, and left the chaotic sea with the chaotic Qinglian world.

The six-eared macaque looked gloomy, and they had no idea what the Monkey King was doing with the body of the Lingming stone monkey this time!
They were very puzzled. Before Sun Wukong entered the Chaos Sea, he was only at the peak of the Pure Yang True Immortal.

Leaving the Primal Chaos Sea now is only the cultivation base of the Pure Yang True Immortal Dzogchen!

Could it be that Sun Wukong merged with the body of Lingming Stone Monkey just to break through his cultivation?
The six-eared macaque didn't believe it.

It's a pity that Jiang Ziya, the lord of time and space, protects Monkey King, and they dare not do anything!

Besides, in this chaotic sea, even if they do something, it probably won't help.

That existence will not let them kill Sun Wukong.

All the saints and immortals of the Qitian League returned to Huaguo Mountain. At this time, all of them felt a sense of vicissitudes of life and a new sky.

In the chaotic sea, in Sun Wukong's chaotic Qinglian world, under the acceleration of [-] times of time, he stayed for three months!
In terms of prehistoric time, it would be a full 7000 years.

For the saints and immortals, 7000 years in normal times is just a small retreat.

However, even if you retreat for 700 billion years, the harvest will not be as great as this 7000 years.

Come back now, all saints and immortals, retreat again!

Donghai Biyou Palace had passed out for three months before, and Zhao Gongming, who had just woken up, suddenly couldn't sense the Dinghai Shenzhu, and vomited blood again.

Beside him, Jiejiao Basheng watched this scene with a gloomy expression.

"Junior Brother Gongming, what's wrong with you?" Seeing Zhao Gongming vomit blood again, Duobao asked extremely worried.

Zhao Gongming's breath is weak, and most of his Taoism and deeds are carried by the Dinghai Shenzhu.

Now that he has completely lost the Dinghai Divine Orb, his whole body is weakened, and his foundation is even more vain.

His cultivation level plummeted, and he almost fell into the realm of the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal.In the end, it was stable in the early stage of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and then it stopped falling.

"The Dinghai Divine Pearl is completely lost. Just now I sensed the imprint of the divine sense in the pearl, and the Dinghai Divine Pearl has been opened up into a great world." Zhao Gongming said with great sorrow.

As soon as these words came out, Duobao clenched his fists instantly, and his veins bulged!
"Sun Wukong, I, Duobao, swear to kill you!"

Duobao felt that Zhao Gongming's catastrophe was all because of him.

If he hadn't insisted on dealing with the Qitianmeng and Sun Wukong, Zhao Gongming would not have lost the Dinghai Shenzhu!
Now the cultivation base can only be maintained at the initial stage of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. If he can't find a suitable treasure of enlightenment and suffers another serious injury, it is very likely that he will fall to the holy throne like the quasi-said Taoist and the guiding Taoist .

In that case, it would be as difficult as ascending to the sky to become a saint!

After all, after billions of years, even with the help of Buddhist luck, the quasi-said Taoist and the guiding Taoist can no longer ascend to the holy throne.

At this moment, the leader of Tongtian came teleportingly, and the leader of Tongtian handed Zhao Gongming a string of blood-colored jade beads.

"Blood Spirit Bead!" Duobao blurted out.

"Master, aren't these the 36 blood spirit beads of Taoist Minghe?" Yun Xiao asked curiously.

There was a glimmer of hope in Zhao Gongming's eyes. With these 36 blood spirit orbs, he could quickly recover his cultivation by carrying his own morality and deeds in them.

"It is indeed Styx's Blood Spirit Orb. In order to save his life, he is afraid that the Qitian League will attack Shura Dao, so he hereby asks the Three Sects and the Four Clans of Dragon, Phoenix and Lich to protect his life. If the teacher fails to retake the Dinghai God Orb for Gongming, he will Ask Minghe to take out these 36 blood spirit beads." Tong Tian said in a deep voice.

"Master, your kindness to your disciple is as great as a mountain, and your disciple will live forever, so it is hard to repay it." Zhao Gongming knelt in front of Tongtian.

"You and I, master and apprentice, don't need to repay the favor. It's a pity that the master didn't get back the Dinghai Shenzhu for you. Before this battle, I didn't expect Jiang Ziya to be a clone of the Lord of Time and Space." When the Master Tongtian mentioned Jiang Ziya, he felt endless anger.

"Master, it's useless to be a disciple. It was plotted by Tian Chanzi, and the Qitian League took away the Dinghai Shenzhu. I just asked Master to bear the big karma for my disciples. If once the Qitian League attacks Shura Dao, The master has no choice but to act. The disciple feels ashamed in his heart, and he is ashamed of the master." Zhao Gongming revealed his true feelings.

"You don't have to feel guilty. The karma between Jiejiao and Qitianmeng is not over. Sooner or later, the master will ask Qitianmeng to return everything. For this set of blood spirit beads, let Bixiao and Yunxiao He Qiongxiao urges the Hunyuan Jindou to refine the blood and evil spirit in it. It can become a treasure of great merit and virtue, and you can refine it again to carry the Taoist industry and deeds." The leader of Tongtian said in a deep voice.

"We obey!" Of course San Xiao would not refuse.

"Master, Sun Wukong has obtained Huaguo Mountain now. He must go to Liusha River soon to rescue Sha Wujing. This disciple is not reconciled, and must not let Sun Wukong rescue Sha Wujing easily." Duobao said through gritted teeth.

"We can't let him get it easily. Now I'm cutting off the teaching and Qi Tianmeng is in a state of conflict. You don't have to be afraid of Jiang Ziya, the master will not let Jiang Ziya do whatever he wants. As long as you don't take action yourself, and calculate behind the scenes, he I have nothing to say." The Master Tongtian said coldly.

Although Jiang Ziya revealed his identity, he is the Lord of Time and Space!
But today's prehistoric times are changing.Many masters of the universe intervened, and Daozu Hongjun, who is comparable to the master of the universe, guarded the prehistoric world.

What's more, Jiang Ziya is only the avatar of the Lord of the Universe, not the actual Lord of Time and Space.

Although the lord of time and space participates in good fortune, he is the lord of one universe.

But in this wilderness, it is as difficult as going to the sky for Jiang Ziya to break through to the Primordial Infinity Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

In this case, in Tong Tian's mind, once he breaks through the Primordial Infinity Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian, he will definitely find Jiang Ziya for revenge.

How could Tongtian swallow this breath if he didn't take revenge.

Tong Tian, ​​who has always been domineering and protective, will not give up his revenge easily.

"Master, this disciple understands. This disciple will act carefully, and will never implicate Junior Brother Gongming like this time." Duobao said in a deep voice.

"Although Gongming lost the Dinghai God Orb this time, once he refines 36 Blood Spirit God Orbs, with his extraordinary merit and virtue, he may be able to see the Gate of Infinity. As for the cause and effect with Styx, you don't have to worry about it. Moreover, it is impossible for the Qitian League to attack Shura Dao at present." Tongtian Cult Master said in a deep voice.

"That apprentice is for Sun Wukong's business, and let him suffer ninety-nine and 81 times. In the prehistoric times, it is not only us who see the Qi Tianmeng as a thorn in the side and a thorn in the flesh. There are also people who teach, the demons outside the sky, and the dragon and the phoenix. Lich, besides this, the Asura Ghost Clan, Haotian Court, Eternal Clan, and Thunder God Clan also want to deal with Sun Wukong quickly." Duobao said coldly.

Looking at the prehistoric world, only the Sword Sect of the White Emperor and the Black Emperor, the human race of the Yellow Emperor, the Qing Chi Xianmen of the Qing Emperor and the Red Emperor, and the Qilin family of the Water and Fire Qilin would not attack Monkey King.Other super powers have reasons to get rid of Monkey King.

It can be said that Qi Tianmeng is still the enemy of the whole world in the prehistoric world!
Whoever makes Sun Wukong too good, the wood is more beautiful than the forest, the wind will destroy it.

The Supreme Heavenly Emperor of the prehistoric future, except for the Qitianmeng and the Qilin Clan, no one wants Sun Wukong to sit on the throne of Heavenly Emperor.

At present, in the position of suppressing and dealing with Monkey King, many super-first-class forces can work together.

After getting rid of Monkey King, they will compete for the position of Supreme Heavenly Emperor.

Get rid of the biggest threat first, so that the other Hongmeng emperors will have a bright future.

Tong Tian nodded slightly, letting Duo Bao do these things.

In Huaguo Mountain, Monkey King is ready to set off to Liusha River.

(End of this chapter)

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