The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 700 No. 1 on the True Immortal Ranking

Chapter 700 No. [-] on the True Immortal Ranking
Sun Wukong casts his supernatural power 'soaring through the clouds and riding the fog' and sits cross-legged on a cloud of chaotic clouds.Like the light of the sky, piercing the sky.

Using the magic power of chaos to activate the supernatural power 'flying the clouds and driving the fog', the speed of the chaotic clouds piercing through the void is only eight thousand miles slower than the somersaulting clouds.

A somersault cloud can travel a hundred and eight thousand miles.

At the same time, the chaotic cloud can span hundreds of thousands of miles.

Sun Wukong is in the posture of inadvertently facing the sky, and his mind and consciousness sink into the chaotic green lotus.

Previously, 36 Great Thousand Worlds were successively opened up. The profound rules of the Great Dao and the profound meanings of the laws of heaven were imprinted on the chaotic green lotus.

If one can thoroughly comprehend the mysterious rules and the profound truths of laws, one will reach the principles of chaos.

From this point of view, Sun Wukong's "Daoyuan, Daoji" surpasses all the strongest in Hongmenghai.

Even if they are as powerful as the masters of the universe, their grandmeng-level avenues are the ultimate, the apex of the avenues, but they are only below the grandmeng dao.

Sun Wukong's chaotic avenue is extremely extreme, the avenue is at its peak, but it reaches the Tao.

Suddenly, Monkey King received a voice transmission from the mind.

"Wukong, my mind has sunk into the virtual universe, I have something important to discuss."

The master of time and space, Jiang Ziya, is mighty and overpowering the prehistoric world. With a thought, he can reach all three realms and six realms, nine heavens and ten places.

Sun Wukong temporarily terminated his comprehension of the mysterious rules and the profound meaning of the law, his mind and will were separated from the chaotic Qinglian, and sank into the virtual universe.

In the virtual universe, there is also a mountain of flowers and fruits.

But Jiang Ziya is also extremely powerful. With a single thought of creation in the void, he opened up Huaguoshan dojo in the virtual universe, which is exactly the same as the real Huaguoshan.

All the saints and immortals of the Qitian League also opened caves in the Huaguoshan Dojo in the virtual universe.

Many immortals, at any time, separate a divine consciousness to stay in the Huaguo Mountain dojo.

On the top of Huaguo Mountain, Sun Wukong's mind and will turned into the appearance of Monkey King, and he came directly to the top of Huaguo Mountain.

"What's the point of asking my old grandson to come in such an emergency?" Sun Wukong looked at the gloomy faces of the saints and asked aloud.

"Jiejiao, the moving Chan Erjiao, the four clans of dragon, phoenix and lich, the six super-first-class forces each sent the strongest Tongtian Lingxian under their command to the six fairy cities." Jiang Ziya, the master of time and space, said in a deep voice.

Sun Wukong frowned, "Don't you believe in my old grandson's combat power? The strongest spirit fairy? When you meet my old grandson, you will also be defeated by a blow."

Sun Wukong is full of self-confidence, and he never puts the most powerful spirit fairy of the six super-first-class forces in his eyes.

"Wukong, we knew you would think this way, so we deliberately let you enter the virtual universe. There are countless immortals in the Pangu universe. Now it's a world of dragons and snakes, and a world of great struggle. If you break through to the heavenly fairy, you will naturally You can ignore these Heavenly Immortals. But you are only a pure Yang True Immortal now, and these Heavenly Immortals are your strong enemies." Tian Chanzi smiled slightly.

"This time it can be said that the real enemy is present. The Tongtian spirits sent by the six super first-class forces are not comparable to ordinary Tongtian spirits." Zhen Yuanzi said in a deep voice.

The words of the master and Zhen Yuanzi aroused a trace of curiosity in Sun Wukong's heart.

"What kind of heaven-reaching fairy makes you all think that it is my old grandson's rival?"

The saints were about to say that suddenly, in the virtual universe, in all the spaces, a huge and incomparably golden list appeared!

The huge five golden seal characters traverse the sky.

Prehistoric True Immortal List!
At this moment, all immortal monks in the virtual universe can see this golden immortal list.

Suddenly, all the saints of the Qitian League, Qiqi's face darkened.

"What a Hongjun, who actually wants to use his body to replace the way of heaven." Jiang Ziya, the master of time and space, said with a gloomy expression.

Monkey King and the saints are puzzled, it's just a golden fairy list.

Moreover, not long after Hongjun opened up the virtual universe, he incorporated the rules of the treasure of fortune, the ancient fighting battlefield, into the virtual universe, coupled with the rules of the Wuji Tianbei, it is not surprising to create such a list of true immortals.

Seeing the puzzled faces of Sun Wukong and the saints, Jiang Ziya explained: "A grandmist universe, except for the master of the universe, can only accommodate at most 36 Hongmeng saints, 360 infinite Hunyuan Daluo Jinxians, 12 Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal, [-] Chaos Golden Immortals."

"These secrets of the primordial universe, with the invasion of the prehistoric world by the demons outside the sky, and the opening of the ancient era, the mist of the long river of heaven and secrets has been blown away, and they are vaguely known." Shenjun Mengzhang said in a deep voice.

"Then tell you now, Hongjun's ambition. In a Hongmeng universe, the number of strong people above the Da Luo Jinxian can't be violated even by the master of the universe. The number of immortals under the Chaos Golden Immortal depends on the number of the origin of the way of heaven. The origin of the Dao of Heaven in the Hongmeng Universe is powerful, and there are more sixth-grade immortals under the Chaos Golden Immortal than in other Hongmeng Universes." Jiang Ziya, the master of time and space, said in a deep voice.

At this moment, Sun Wukong and the saints of the Qitian League finally understand what Jiang Ziya said about Hongjun's ambition!

"That is to say, within the three realms and six realms of the Pangu universe, within the nine heavens and ten places, the number of immortals of each rank is determined by the heavenly dao of the Pangu universe. But now that Hongjun has set up a list of true immortals in the virtual universe, he wants to replace the heavenly dao." Sun Wukong Shen Said loudly.

"Previously, Daozu Hongjun used his body to fit the way of heaven and focused on the way of heaven. But now he wants to replace the way of heaven in the Pangu universe with the way of heaven in the virtual universe. This is to surpass the way of heaven." Tian Chanzi's words were concise and clear. Listen to know and understand the meaning.

"Now it's just the list of true immortals. As the immortals in the wild are becoming more and more inseparable from the virtual universe, Hongjun will announce the list of spirit immortals, list of jade immortals, list of mysterious immortals, list of heavenly immortals, and list of golden immortals in sequence. Pan Gu's universe and heavenly authority were directly deprived." Jiang Ziya, the lord of time and space, saw through Hongjun's intentions at a glance.

"This is a game between Hongjun and Heaven, and we can't intervene at the moment. And just watch the fire from the other side and reap the benefits of the fisherman." Bingsheng Sun Wu said in a deep voice.

"Our Qitianmeng has become a pawn in the game between Hongjun and the Dao of Heaven. Please take a closer look at the list of true immortals!" Jiang Ziya, the master of time and space, smiled wryly.

The sages and Sun Wukong took a closer look, only to realize, "My old grandson is actually number one on the list of true immortals?"

The Golden Immortal List, which includes all the pure Yang True Immortals in the prehistoric world, ranks first, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, Sun Wukong.

"What a Hongjun, after knowing your identity, announcing the list of true immortals at this time is clearly using Wukong as a pawn to play against Heavenly Dao. If this is the case, doesn't it mean that Heavenly Dao wants to get rid of Wukong and be quick?" Annihilation Sword Saint said coldly.

Pan Gu Universe Heavenly Dao wants to suppress the prehistoric true immortal list, first of all, it must get rid of Monkey King who is number one on the true immortal list.

"If this is the case, then the six super powers Tongtian Lingxian who intercepted Wukong on the six fairy cities will definitely be blessed by the heavens." The yin and yang sage Zou Yan said in a deep voice.

A sneer appeared on the corner of Sun Wukong's mouth, "Hongjun regards my grandson as a pawn, and Tiandao has always wanted to kill my grandson. This is because Hongjun and Tiandao forced my grandson to be their enemy. My grandson wants to see See if Hongjun and Tiandao can kill my old grandson!"

At this moment, Monkey King's fierce power was fully displayed, and his unruly temperament was fully revealed.

"It seems that Wukong and you are going to rescue Wujing on this trip. It is really a catastrophe. At present, you must kill the Tongtian Lingxian who has been blessed by the heavens from the six super-class forces one by one, and gather the Nine Leaf Resurrection Grass. When you reach the Liusha River, you have to help Wujing, to rule the eight hundred quicksand realms. In the end, we must find ways to break the restriction of Tongtian, so that Wujing can truly embark on the road to return!" Tian Chanzi said in a deep voice.

"Then kill the Tongtian Spirit Immortals of the six super-first-class forces first, even if they are blessed by the Dao of Heaven. Anyone who stands in my way will die!" Monkey King showed his murderous intent, and his killing intent soared into the sky, straight to the sky.

The prehistoric true immortal list presents a virtual universe, shocking the three realms and six realms, nine heavens and ten places.

The major forces in the prehistoric world, like immortals as many as Hengsha, were talking about it.All of a sudden, the virtual universe was rampant.

"Although we have known for a long time that the virtual universe incorporates the rules of Time and Space Trading Company, Wuji Tianbei, and Huanggu Battlefield, I never thought that the Great Desolate True Immortal List would appear at such a critical moment."

"The Great Sage Equaling Heaven, Sun Wukong, is indeed number one on the list of true immortals!"

"If he is not number one on the list of prehistoric true immortals, no true immortal Chunyang dares to call him number one."

"The Great Sage Equaling Heaven has been reincarnated and rebuilt, and now he is number one on the list of true immortals. This is not too surprising."

"All the pure Yang true immortals in Honghuang can find their rankings in the list of true immortals. There will be no fakes in the virtual universe. It seems that in the future, you don't need to fight in the wild, you just need to ask the other party's ranking in the list of immortals!"

"Haha, if the other party ranks higher than you in the immortal list, then admit defeat. If the other party is lower than you, and if the other party does not admit defeat, then let him understand that the virtual universe immortal list is not for nothing!"

"This golden fairy list includes all the pure Yang true immortals in the prehistoric three realms, six realms, nine heavens and ten lands. The virtual universe can be said to be infinitely magical!"

"I feel the power of the heavenly dao in the virtual universe is no less than the heavenly dao of the Pangu universe."

Even a true immortal Chunyang can feel that the mountain rain is about to come and the wind is blowing over the building.

The Heavenly Dao of the virtual universe is more and more powerful than the Heavenly Dao of the Pangu Universe.

Chunyang Zhenxian can understand that this is Daozu Hongjun competing with Pangu Heavenly Dao.

But for the super-first-class forces in the prehistoric world, it was extremely painful.

The game between Hongjun and Tiandao is bound to make the major superpowers take sides.

But for Qi Tianmeng, there is no such difficulty in choosing!

Qi Tianmeng was born to stand on the opposite side of Daozu Hongjun and Pan Gu Tiandao!

Choose no one!
The Qitianmeng has such a transcendent status, all because Jiang Ziya, the master of time and space, is in charge.

Because of him, Daozu Hongjun and Pan Gu Tiandao didn't dare to force Qi Tianmeng to stand in line.

It's just that Daozu Hongjun and Pangu Tiandao don't force Jiang Ziya, but it doesn't mean they will give up playing with the chess piece Sun Wukong.

Daozu Hongjun is superior in chess. In this round of the game with Heaven, his chess piece is Monkey King.

In desperation, Heavenly Dao can only bless the power of Heavenly Dao on the six Tongtian Lingxians of the six super-first-class forces, hoping to use the power of Heavenly Dao's blessing to kill Hongjun Chess Son Wukong.

All of a sudden, Sun Wukong's journey to the west was full of calamities, and it was really more difficult than the journey to the west in the Middle Ages.

(End of this chapter)

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