Chapter 81
Even though Sun Yutong summoned the power of the mighty river, he could kill a group of demonic monks without any effort.

But in Sun Yu's purple mansion, Emperor Donghua somewhat complained about Sun Yu's arrogance.

"My lord, this is not in line with the plan we agreed on before."

Emperor Donghua wanted to form an alliance with Sun Rong, so to destroy Moxiu, Emperor Donghua felt that he was the first step in making a challenge to Sun Rong.

However, at the critical moment, Sun Wei did not follow the previous negotiation, which aroused the resentment left by the ancient beast.

"Emperor, my old grandson said this just on a whim. Although the demons and the Yuanshi Demon Sect plotted against my grandson in this battle, there must be some powerful demons behind the scenes who are secretly paying attention. It is true that the previous discussions have aroused the resentment of the ancient beasts. , can destroy the demon cultivator, but it has the risk of exposing the emperor."

Sun Yuhong explained sincerely that, no matter in terms of reason or emotion, Sun Yuhong did not want to implicate Emperor Donghua because of this.

Previously, Emperor Donghua helped him enter the Chaos Valley, obtained the Chaos Spirit Grass, and practiced the Houtian Five Elements Dao Body, not to mention that Emperor Donghua also gave him a top-level soldier to stabilize the cave.

It can be said that Emperor Donghua has already formed a good relationship with Sun Yu.

Even if he doesn't help Sun Rong anymore, Sun Rong will try his best to collect broken Kunlun mirror fragments for Emperor Donghua if he wants to settle this karma.

Emperor Donghua understood in an instant, and couldn't help sighing with emotion: "No matter how many times he reincarnates, the Great Sage still values ​​love and righteousness so much."

Because of the emphasis on friendship, Sun Yu didn't want Emperor Donghua to risk being exposed because of him.

Emperor Donghua's cultivation base has not been restored. If he really encounters the Demon Lord of Yuanshi, he will definitely not be the opponent of the Hunyuan Saint.

What's more, once it is known that Emperor Donghua's Cannian is attached to Sun Rong, the current Hunyuan saints of the Lich and Monster clans, the demon masters Kunpeng and Chi You Xingtian are likely to make a move.

"My old grandson has only one advantage!" Sun Yu laughed at himself.

"Since this is the case, it's fine, but what is the Great Sage going to do now? Whether it's the Demon Race or the Yuanshi Demon Sect, they will never let it go."

Emperor Donghua said in a deep voice in the Purple Mansion.

Before the words fell, Sun Yu's face changed slightly.

At this moment, Sun Yu felt that beyond the ancient battlefield, a vast and sharp energy radiated from the depths of the void like an overwhelming sky.

Primordial Demon Lord!

The Yuanshi Demon Lord in the Realm of Hunyuan Saint was sent out, and he sensed that the clone was destroyed.

The Yuanshi demon master was furious, thinking that he was the master of the Yuanshi demon sect of the five great demon sects in the prehistoric world, a majestic Hunyuan saint.

But the clone was destroyed by the Qi trainer in the small alchemy realm, and Ruuo waited for Sun Yu to leave the ancient battlefield alive.

If this news spreads, he, Yuanshi Demon Lord, will instantly become the laughing stock of the wild.

Whether it is to complete the task assigned by the demon clan, or for the sake of his own reputation, the real purpose of the Yuanshi Demon Lord is to kill Sun Yu.

Sun Yu must not be allowed to leave the ancient battlefield alive.

Under the anger of the Yuanshi Demon Lord, he was about to attack the ancient battlefield.

But all of a sudden, behind him, the void was torn apart, and a magnificent and immeasurable aura burst towards him.

Immediately, a Pangu flag shook the sun, moon and stars, and shook the prehistoric world.

The Pangu Banner hit the Yuanshi Demon Lord heavily, and the power of the innate treasure shattered the layers of void barriers deep in the void.

In an instant, an extremely violent void storm swept across.

"Yuanshi Tianzun!"

The Demon Lord Yuanshi was so enraged, he never thought that Yuanshi Tianzun was waiting for him here.

At this moment, in the depths of the void, the figure of Yuanshi Tianzun, one of the Sanqing, suddenly appeared.

"Little devil, dare to usurp the name of the poor."

Yuanshi Tianzun was so angry that he had long wanted to kill Yuanshi Demon Lord and then hurry up.

The demon sage of the demon clan cultivated the demon master of Yuanshi, named Yuanshi, in order to win his luck.

Therefore, Chanjiao and Yuanshi Demon Sect are absolute mortal enemies.

In an instant, Yuanshi Tianzun hit the Pangu banner at Yuanshi Demon Lord again!
The Demon Lord Yuanshi had been hit by the Pangu banner before, his body was broken, and he could no longer bear the second blow.

At this moment, the Wooden Demon Sage guarding Donghuang suddenly descended.

A magic tree covered the sky and covered the sun, filling the entire turbulent void.

The magic tree restrained the Pangu banner, and then the figure of the wood demon saint appeared in the depths of the void.

"Yuanshi Tianzun, you are a dignified Wuji Golden Immortal, and you actually shot a little Hunyuan Saint. You have lost the face of the Wuji Golden Immortal!"

Wood Demon Sage rescued Yuanshi Demon Lord at a critical moment, Yuanshi Demon Lord and other five demon saints were cultivated by the Demon Race with great effort, and they would never be allowed to be easily broken in the hands of Yuanshi Tianzun.

"Sage Wood Demon, are you here to seek death?"

Yuanshi Tianzun was very domineering, and suddenly, the Pangu banner unfolded, and a world-destructive aura filled the entire depth of the void!
In an instant, the void storm that swept up was directly annihilated by the Pangu Banner on the spot.

The endless magic tree that pervades the depths of the void has also been annihilated a lot.

"Yuanshi Tianzun, without such an innate treasure as Pangu Banner, you are no match for this seat at all!"

In the prehistoric world, the most precious treasure of the wood demon sage was suppressed, and its power was not as powerful as the innate treasure like Pangu Banner, which could be used with all its strength.

What's more, among the top ten innate treasures in the prehistoric world, Pangu Banner is unmatched in terms of attack.

The Wood Demon Sage suffered a heavy blow, took away the Yuanshi Demon Lord, and escaped from the depths of the void!

Don't chase after the poor, Yuanshi Tianzun has seriously injured the Yuanshi Demon Lord, and the Yuanshi Demon Lord must raise at least one Yuanhui to recover.

In this Yuanhui, Chanjiao has a chance to find the headquarters of Yuanshi Demon Lord.

With this in mind, Yuanshi Tianzun returned to the Qingwei Heavenly Palace in the Holy Land.

In Juegu, Emperor Donghua could not believe it when he sensed the mighty aura of the Demon Lord Yuanshi disappearing.

"Great Sage, Yuanshi Tianzun was invited by you?"

Emperor Donghua can be said to be overjoyed, he never imagined that the Monkey King would have such planning skills.

"Before, my old grandson summoned Haoran Changhe, inspired Yuanshi Taoist scriptures, and called the name of Tianzun, which naturally alarmed Tianzun. Haoran Changhe can spy on fate and time and space to a certain extent. My old grandson used my old grandson to condense a coordinate deep in the void. , please ask Tianzun to ambush there in advance. Sure enough, the Demon Lord Yuanshi took the bait."

Sun Yuyu summoned Haoran Changhe before, not only to suppress and kill the demons, but also to deceive the world.

Only with the power of the vast river can the secret be temporarily covered, so that the Demon Lord Yuanshi will not be aware that the secret has changed.

"It's a pity that this blow failed to completely destroy the Yuanshi Demon Lord. Otherwise, once the Yuanshi Demon Lord falls, the Yuanshi Demon Sect is almost like fish on the chopping board, and will be slaughtered by the three religions."

Emperor Donghua said with some regret.

"The Demon Lord Yuanshi will not be wiped out so easily. The five great demon saints have planted marks in his body. That's why he was able to block the blow of Pangu Banner before. This blow from Pangu Banner."

Sun Yu had never thought that he could destroy Yuanshi Demon Lord in one fell swoop before. If Yuanshi Demon Lord could be eliminated so easily, he would have been destroyed by Yuanshi Tianzun long ago.

"It's good for the great sage to plan like this, so as not to reveal the resentment of the ancient beasts for the time being, it can also be used to plot against opponents at critical moments. But now, as long as you pass through the sky, you can reach the real valley."

Emperor Donghua also had to admit in his heart that Sun Yu's current plan could be said to be seamless.

Borrowing strength, killing people with a knife, and seriously injuring Yuanshi Demon Lord, in this case, Yuanshi Demon Sect will hardly have the strength to attack him next.

Chanjiao will definitely go all out to track down the whereabouts of the members of the Yuanshi Demon Sect, and will stop at nothing to destroy the Yuanshi Demon Sect.

"To be able to do all of this, we must rely on the power of Haoran Changhe. Without Haoran Changhe, my old grandson would not be able to hide the truth."

Sun Wukong knew that it was extremely difficult to conceal the spiritual sense of a Hunyuan sage, and this time the Yuanshi Demon Lord was also arrogant, otherwise, he would not have taken the bait so easily.

But in any case, being able to severely injure the Yuanshi Demon Lord has achieved the goal that Sun Yuhong had previously envisioned.

"The key to this plan is to create an illusion for the Demon Race and the Yuanshi Demon Sect, that is, they will think that you have been connected with the Chanjiao. Originally, you, the Great Sage, came from Le Ansun under the rule of the Daqi Dynasty. Sir, the Daqi Dynasty is backed by Chanjiao, so it is not surprising that you have a close relationship with Chanjiao."

Emperor Donghua sorted out the relationship, and found that Sun Wei, the demon lord who calculated Yuanshi, had an additional effect, that is, it could make the demons dare not act rashly.

As for Sun Yuhong, what he lacks most is time. His current cultivation is too low. If he waits until his cultivation reaches Da Luo Jinxian or Chaos Golden Immortal, then he is truly qualified to become a chess player and play on the chess game.

"Now my old grandson has great karma with Jiejiao. If we want to fight against Jiejiao in the future, we must rely more on the power of Chanjiao. Now we have formed a good relationship with Tianzun first, so that we can invite Chanjiao disciples in the future."

Sun Quan knew very well what he was going to do.

Jiejiao can now be regarded as the first teaching of the prehistoric three religions. Duobao, Guiling, Jinling, Wudang, Sanxiao, and even Zhao Gongming are no less than the ancient golden immortals of Chanjiao.

In the battle of Conferring the Gods in ancient times, Sanxiao almost swept away the twelve golden immortals of Chanjiao, and with the help of the Hunyuan Jindou, cut off the three flowers on top of the golden immortals.

What's more, Duobao, the second-generation elder brother, has returned now. Duobao is a combination of Taoism and Buddha, and his cultivation level can be regarded as the No. 1 of the second generation of the three religions.

It is difficult for Renjiao Xuandu, Chanjiao Randeng, Guangchengzi and Yuding to compete with Duobao.

"Although Jiejiao is strong, as long as the great sage takes one step at a time and fights steadily, with the great sage's current potential, he will be no less than Duobao when he ascends to the Hunyuan sage in the future."

Emperor Donghua smiled slightly, and the many great powers in the prehistoric era did not know how much potential the current Sun Wei had.

And only Emperor Donghua, who had followed Sun Rong for a period of time, knew that Sun Rong was favored by the Taoist ancestors, and the opportunities and good luck he got, would even make some Hunyuan sages jealous.

Sun Yu turned around and looked at the disciples of the Qing Emperor Xianmen.

"Through the first-line genius to reach the real valley, but it's extremely dangerous!"

In the true Juegu, the residual resentment of the ancient beasts floats in the void.

The disciples of the Qingdi Immortal Gate stepped into it, and they must have narrowly escaped death.

(End of this chapter)

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