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Chapter 106 One-person fight against Daheng!

Chapter 106 Fighting against Daheng alone! (Four more ask for a monthly ticket)

Open the dot connecter and click directly on the emperor to renew.

After thinking about it for a while, Xia Nuan's current list is 4500 million. If you want to hit the list, it is relatively safe to reach 5000 million.

The current list is 2600 million, which means that Liu Xiao has to recharge 2400 million, and the emperor's renewal fee for six months must be renewed 122 times.

After setting the clicker to [-] second, Liu Xiao yawned, and went to the kitchen to get a banana.

It's just over 2000 million, it's not too easy for Liu Xiao.

However, it is really troublesome to renew the fee every time before swiping the gift, Liu Xiao took out another mobile phone and sent Lanlan a message to see if the renewal process can be cancelled.

After all, the renewal time of Xiao Xiao's account is almost 200 years now, and there is no point in continuing to renew it.

Watching Brother Xiao Xiao's renewal barrage pop up in the live broadcast room, the confidence of millions of tourists was once again boosted.

So what if Xia Nuan paid 4500 million?
With Brother Xiao Xiao's strength, there is no problem at all!
"Everyone, brush up the light sticks and cheer for Brother Xiao Xiao!"

Xiaojuzi was looking for an accompanist, and Xiaohuya took the initiative to take charge of the field control.

Countless tourists brushed up the light sticks consciously.

And Xiao Xiao's renewal times on the public screen are also increasing.

"60 times, breaking [-] million!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao is still going on, and has no intention of stopping at all!"

"Some anchors are mean-spirited. They were slapped in the face last time, but they dare to come this time!"

"Hahaha, I'm already waiting for brother Xiao Xiao to slap me in the face!"

"Two thousand or so is nothing to Brother Xiao Xiao!"

"The emperor [Xiao Xiao] renews the fee of the emperor*6!"

"100 time!"

"120 time!"

"Stop, stop!"

"2400 million, this wave is stable!"

The audience in the live broadcast room suddenly burst into cheers.

The 2400 million renewal fee is all typed out, but it is the total list of 5000 million!
"Why not have a song by Xu Song, give it to everyone!"

Zhao Ning cleared her trembling voice, and tried her best to show herself in the best condition.

For her tonight, it was also a bit dreamy.

The 300 million paid by the trade union and the 500 million paid by the bald man, all of which she wants to return in full.

But the rest of the money doesn't seem to need to be returned.
She no longer dared to think about how much income this was.

A real overnight success!
On the other side, everyone in Daheng, who had been watching the screen all the time, turned dark again at the moment when Xiao Xiao's renewal ended.

"This is not fried golden flower, do you have to follow?"

The fifth child was about to cry.

Xia Nuan dialed 4500 million in the live broadcast room, but Xiao Xiao is still following her!

This Xiao Xiao, does your family run a banknote printing factory?
He did some calculations, and in the Little Orange Live Broadcasting Room, after the nearly 1000 million paid by his big brothers for friendship, the remaining 4000 million were all paid by Lehua himself!
The gifts given by the anchors of Baldy, B Wen, and Kaka will naturally be counted on Lehua's head.

Calculated in this way, Lehua's investment and Daheng's investment are exactly the same.

"Don't they care about the bald man?"

Brother Jiu exclaimed.

When Brother Hua analyzed it before, he thought that Xiao Xiao might have 5000 to [-] million funds.

But as far as the current situation is concerned, just one live broadcast room of Xiaojuzi has almost used up this quota.

"Xiao Xiao should still have some funds. Like me, he must have left behind." Brother Hua gritted his teeth.

"It's almost eleven o'clock, and the gap between Xia Nuan and Xia Nuan is not too big. Let's hit Xiao Fei first!"

At this last moment, he really didn't dare to gamble.

If Xiao Xiao wants to hit 5000 million in the Xiaojuzi live broadcast room, let him do it. Anyway, Xia Nuan also hit 4600 million, which is barely a tie.

If Daheng invests more money in Xia Nuan, it will be hard to guarantee that Xiaofei's side will be overwhelmed.

Currently, the trade union still has a quota of 6000 million.

And Xiaofei's fans can also circle a lot, and it is estimated that the final number will be about 6500 million to 7000 million.

He didn't believe that Xiao Xiao still had so much money to fight with him!

Even, if Xiao Xiao can only hit 2000 million, he can hit Xia Nuan again with a backhand, and he wants all of his brother and sister!

"Okay, let's go to Xiaofei's live broadcast room first!"

Several people nodded affirmatively.

If 7000 million can't win the first place, it's too outrageous!
In Huya's headquarters, Vice President Du, who was still working overtime, felt a little uneasy.

Although the more Daheng and Xiao Xiao fought, the more Huya's blood flowed, but he couldn't be happy for a while.

He just told Xiao Xiao that Daheng only had 4000 million funds two days ago, and he was slapped in the face today.

For Xia Nuan's live broadcast room alone, the list has reached 4500 million, not to mention Xiaofei's side.

What would Xiao Xiao think of him?

Deliberately leaking false news, is it Daheng's traitor?

If this matter is not handled properly, it may lead to the complete loss of Xiao Xiao on the Huya platform!

Just when Vice President Du was very annoyed and was thinking about how to apologize to Xiao Xiao, Lan Lan walked into the office.

"Mr. Du, brother Xiao Xiao asked me just now if he could cancel the emperor's renewal limit on his account, and if you recharge, you will get a [-]% return directly."

"Renewal limit?"

Vice President Du was taken aback.

Xiao Xiao wants to cancel the restriction on renewing the Emperor, doesn't this mean that he will continue to play on the platform?
Does Xiao Xiao not mind what happened before?
"This is no problem. I will notify the technical department immediately, and it will be resolved within 10 minutes. If Xiao Xiao has any requirements in the future, please notify me as soon as possible."

"Okay, then I will reply to Brother Xiao Xiao."

Lanlan pushed her blue plastic-framed glasses and nodded excitedly.

An account manager who can handle affairs is a good account manager!

Now, I can show my presence again in front of Brother Xiao Xiao.

Vice President Du is still very fast.

When Liu Xiao had just finished eating the bananas and hadn't started to collect gifts, the official private message to him had already popped up.

The general meaning is that as long as this account is recharged with gold beans in the future, it will be the same as the emperor's renewal fee, and it will directly increase by [-]%.

"It's more convenient now."

Liu Xiao nodded in satisfaction.

Throwing the banana peels into the trash, Liu Xiao clicked on the magic book with his right hand and directly adjusted to the maximum number.

"The emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent out the magic book *1314!"

Immediately, the speed of the light stick gifts on the public screen in the live broadcast room was raised to a higher level again.

"Brother Xiao Xiao has started!"

"Didn't Xia Nuan let go just now, let me say something again if I have the ability!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao is invincible!"

"Tiger Bud Fighting Emperor Xiao Xiao!"

With the first gift message, the gift combos in the public screen area never stopped.

One second is a 1314 magic book!
"Brother Xiao Xiao is a real bull!"

Xiao Huya and the others also praised one after another.

They have also played on the live broadcast platform for a long time. Although they don't usually come to Xingxiu, they still know Daheng's reputation.

If these gods want to come to Xingxiu to play, they have to go to Xiao Fei and Xia Nuan's live broadcast room to give a reward. This is called worshiping the pier.

And Brother Xiao Xiao, with his own strength, can fight against Daheng, a company-like union!
Brother Xiao Xiao's strength, compared to theirs, does not know how many levels higher!
 Four more, ask for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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