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Chapter 113 Typing with both hands to show his innocence is [Why did he catch up from behind] ten th

Chapter 113 Type with both hands to show innocence

"Welcome to the big brothers of the emperor to enter Feng'er's live broadcast room."

Feng'er opened his mouth cautiously.

She just came to the live broadcast platform, and although she is not very familiar with it, she still has some understanding of the title of the live broadcast platform.

Those who can hold the title of emperor must be the most distinguished group of people on the Huya platform!

There are not many emperors on the entire platform, but in just a short while, more than a dozen emperors entered his live broadcast room.

As for an emperor whose ID is Xiao Xiao, when she entered the live broadcast room just now, the four red characters with the first Shenhao made her eyelids twitch.

At this moment, [-] to [-] viewers have clicked in to the live broadcast room.

They also want to see which lucky person can get a gift worth 999 million yuan.

"This anchor doesn't seem to know the situation, she looks so confused!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao is really good at playing, as expected, the live broadcast still needs to be like this to be good!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao is just playing around occasionally, it would be boring if there are too many rewards like this."

"Anyway, this anchor will definitely get rich tonight!"

Tourists with various signs were talking about it.

Seeing the tens of thousands of people suddenly appearing in the live broadcast room, Feng'er was inevitably at a loss.

She has not been in Huya for long, and she has just figured out the rules of Huya's operation.

Just thinking about how to join a union to end his career as an electricity bill anchor, 8 to [-] people rushed into the live broadcast room.

She, a newcomer who has just entered the live broadcast industry, has never seen such a big scene?
Especially now that it is still early in the morning, there are already few active tourists, and the number of [-] to [-] is even more terrifying.

This is already the highest popularity of the first-line anchors in the early morning file!

Liu Xiao paused for a while, and then started to swipe directly after flushing some money.

"The emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent Huya No. 100*[-]!"


"Congratulations to the host, dinner is ready!"

"Congratulations, you are the daughter of destiny!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao is so arrogant!"

On the public screen of the live broadcast room, tourists typed and spoke one after another.

In the center of the live broadcast room, groups of big rockets kept taking off, no matter how slow Feng'er was, he still knew what happened.

A Huya No. 1000 is 100 yuan, and a group of 10 is [-] yuan!

And this Shenhao named Brother Xiao Xiao has already swiped more than 20 groups in ten seconds, which is more than 200 million.

Moreover, it continues to refresh the screen!
After millions of brushes, Feng'er's voice became trembling.

Although the purpose of being an anchor is to make money, the speed of making money is too fast, right?

Although I don't know what the purpose of brother Xiao Xiao is.

But she knew that when the opportunity to soar to the sky came, even if she sold her body, it would be worth selling so much money!
The speed of swiping the screen of gifts in the live broadcast room is getting faster and faster.

"The emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent Huya No. 100 *98*[-] combos!"

"The emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent Huya No. 90*[-]!"

Soon, the last two barrages of gifts ended.

One point is not much, one point is not much, exactly 999 million!
The first two weeks of June have ended, and the list of each anchor has been refreshed.

On the weekly ranking list, Feng'er's ID has risen all the way, from the 1000th place to overcoming obstacles, and firmly settled in the first place.

The third week of June, No. [-] on the weekly list!

"Brother Xiao Xiao, is this going to show another heroine?"

"This anchor is a dance anchor. To be fair, he has a very good figure, but he doesn't know how talented he is."

"If Brother Xiao Xiao wants to support her, I'm afraid he will be able to take Xia Nuan's place in less than two weeks, right?"

"It would be great if that was the case!"

"Wonderful to hear it!"

Many fans of Lehua were discussing in the barrage.

Baldy has already terminated the contract with the Liangkai union. If they want to sign a union later, it will most likely be Lehua.

As for Xiaojuzi and Yang Zi, they are Lehua's anchors themselves. With the support of Brother Xiao Xiao, now one is a super first-line anchor and the other is a first-line anchor.

Baldy is the No. [-] brother of Pai Mian, Yang Zi is the news anchor, and Little Orange is the singing anchor.

Wouldn't it be perfect if there was another dancing anchor?
"Thank you Brother Xiao Xiao for the gift, thank you very much!"

Feng'er's heart was beating non-stop, and he held his chest and bent down to thank him again and again.

A total of 1000 million gifts, but 500 million were allocated to her!
Liu Xiao posted three tiger-headed smiley faces on the public screen, and jumped back to Baldy's live broadcast room again.

The bald man and the little orange each performed their talents for a while, and Liu Xiao didn't intend to continue playing.

"You guys play, I'll go first."

Standing up and stretching, Liu Xiao yawned big.

Before I knew it, I played from eight o'clock to one o'clock in the morning.

Thinking about going out during the day, Liu Xiao decisively turned off the live broadcast.

When the fans in the live broadcast saw Brother Xiao Xiao going offline, they also dispersed one after another.

"Brothers, it's time for me to go offline to prepare materials. At eight o'clock tomorrow morning, remember to lock Yang Zi's live broadcast room!"

Yang Zi chuckled, greeted all the gods and then downloaded it.

The bald man and the little orange were also sown one after another.

After a whole night of activities, the two of them were too tired.

For a while, the tens of thousands of fans who were going to stay up all night had nowhere to go.

"Why don't you go and watch Feng'er dance? I just saw Feng'er's figure is very hot!"

"Let's go, late night welfare!"

Many viewers who had left just now returned to the Feng'er live broadcast room again.

Several elder brothers who thought Feng'er was in good shape also jumped over.

"Welcome everyone to watch me dance, thank you very much."

Feng'er chose an accompaniment.

The hottest thing right now is the dance performed at Di Lieba's birthday party.

Feng'er is a graduate of the Dance Academy, and has done some research on this dance.

As the prelude sounded, tourists in the live broadcast room launched flower emojis on the public screen.

I have to say that Feng'er's dance level is still good. Although the environment is limited, the temptation and dance tension that should be expressed are very good.

"666, don't poke the jumping needle!"

"The figure is really good. It would be great if it was my girlfriend."

"From ancient times to the present, the first soldier to rush in must have blood on his head."

"Junior high school physics, if you want to heat up in a humid environment, you have to keep rubbing in a narrow space."

"Don't think that those are two ordinary doors, in fact, many people died there!"

"Upstairs, I think something is wrong with you!"

"I advise you to shake hands with the dragon lightly, and don't use your children and grandchildren to sacrifice to Internet celebrities!"

"Hahaha, it's so beautiful, it's too beautiful!"

"Typing with both hands to show innocence!"

The audience in the live broadcast room watched Feng'er's hot dance, and made jokes one after another.

"I also have a famous saying, which was said by Beethoven."

"How fast the finger is, how high the decibel is."


"I suspect you are driving, but I have no proof!"

"Okay, okay, don't say a few words, the most basic respect for girls is still necessary."

In the live broadcast room, several kings took the initiative to help Feng'er control the rhythm.

Anyway, this is also the live broadcast room that brother Xiao Xiao has swiped tens of millions of times!
 Ask for a monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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