Chapter 226 1000 million golden beans!

Brother Jiu was gasping for breath in excitement.

Although Brother Jiu restrained himself a lot due to the cell phone that was recording video next to him, there were still some things in his bones that he couldn't hide.

The Mengmeng assistant who had been taking pictures next to him also felt that something was wrong, but Brother Jiu's identity as the eldest brother Shenhao still made him quickly remove the camera from Brother Jiu, and concentrated on taking pictures of Mengmeng and Xiaoke.

It's going to be a bit of a blast, too.

Compared with the psychological effect of Brother Jiu next to him, Jianmeng feels that he is neither sitting nor standing now.

"If this is more powerful, I am afraid it will really violate the rules!"

"Hahaha, brother Jiu is still stubborn. Brother Jiu is sitting here, and the super-manager doesn't dare to make a move."

"Anyway, Brother Jiu is also the top three brother Shenhao on the entire platform, so I still have to give Chaoguan some face."

There are also many kisses on TV.

Openly kissing in the live broadcast room is not in line with the core values ​​of truth, kindness and beauty, but those who care can only condemn it morally.

Including the Huya platform super tube, if there are anchors who do this, it will only be a 3-minute video block, which is not too serious.

When the first-line gods on the platform are around, they won't even upload the video. This is also the platform's respect and privilege for the first-line gods.

In the final analysis, this does not conflict with the spirit of the documents issued by Radio and Television, and the management and control of the Huya platform is only implemented according to the documents issued by Radio and Television.

If one day an anchor is really banned because of kissing, then there will be no need to film kissing scenes in TV dramas in the future.

This is of course impossible.

Seeing that the live broadcast room was safe and sound, Jian Meng let out a sigh of relief, and at the same time, his sense of belonging to the Daheng trade union grew stronger, and this meeting also had a certain point.

In the future, he will live broadcast outdoors, maybe he can broadcast something more exciting to attract popularity.

"Ahem, let's continue."

Brother Jiu coughed twice.

The two separated for tens of seconds, Brother Jiu gradually calmed down.

The three of them sat together again.

Xiao Ke's face was blushing, and while the camera was filming the poker table, he secretly glanced at Brother Jiu.

Jian Meng next to him saw it, and although he was a little surprised, he still didn't say anything.

Xiao Ke is just something he hired at a high price. If Brother Jiu likes it, he can pay a little more for Xiao Ke to accompany Brother Jiu for a few days.

Jian Meng observed carefully again, and Xiao Ke flirted with Brother Jiu a few more times.

Now Chimeng was sure in his heart.

No wonder Brother Jiu just made such a request.

Originally, according to Hua Ge and Lao Wu's arrangement, it was time to end the live broadcast of the Super God Emperor honestly.

But Brother Jiu was stunned and added a kiss.

Hitting the dream just now, I was still wondering secretly.

He used to think that he was quite perverted, but when he used so much force, he didn't expect Brother Jiu to be more perverted.

Like to watch the girls you fancy have sex with other people?
I'm afraid this isn't a green hat king, is he?

There was a moment of embarrassment in Shimeng's heart, and he honestly drew a card out of his hand.

This time I was lucky and got Zhang Plum Blossom King.

"I am 3 of Hearts."

Brother Jiu spread his hands and put the cards on the table.

Heart three, this is almost a losing card.

As soon as the plum blossom K in Jianmeng's hand lit up, Brother Jiu resolutely surrendered.

"Fuck, luck."

Chi Meng smiled.

"It's a pity, it's a pity."

"Zhimeng is not strong, this hand has such a big card."

"I exchanged 100 years of life upstairs and downstairs for Brother Jiu to win the next game!"

"Fuck, watch a live broadcast on the computer, these B pop-up windows keep popping up, it's so annoying!"

"The computer pop-up window is a good thing, but there are some unhealthy pictures on it."

"Upstairs, you are wrong. The worst thing about the pop-up window is that it looks very unhealthy, but it is very healthy when you click in (manual dog head)."

The audience in the live broadcast room analyzed it for a while, and immediately brought the atmosphere of the live broadcast room to the peak again.

Regarding Brother Jiu's gifts, everyone in the live broadcast room said that they didn't expect it, which must be a lie.

And now the assistant next to him gave the screen to Brother Jiu, which aroused the excitement of the tourists in the live broadcast room.

"There's nothing fun tonight, so I'll give you some gifts to cheer everyone up."

Brother Jiu chuckled and put his phone screen under the camera.

"Fuck, how many zeros is this?"

"I've heard that brother Jiu will spend [-] million yuan this month to play activities, and now it seems that it is true!"

Brother Jiu didn't move the screen, but deliberately put the balance column under the camera.

The tourists walked through the digits while pressing the screen, while silently chanting in their hearts.

The three zeros at the back represent golden beans.

The number in front is equivalent to RMB.

"Seven, eight, nine!"

"Nine digits, that's a hundred million!"

"Brother Jiu really took 7 million in July, and all of them were filled into gold beans!"

"To be precise, it is 1000 million, and there is still a 10% rebate of the emperor's top-up!"

"Brother Jiu is domineering!"

For a time, nearly 20 outdoor tourists echoed.

Today they have fully seen what a golden bean worth [-] million looks like in their account.

In Huya, this almost means invincibility!

The camera phone was right in front of him, so Brother Jiu could of course see the bullet screen floating on the phone.

Hehe smiled, and felt even more proud.

Although the money was used by the investment union, it is naturally okay to pretend to be beeping in his account now.

And he came today with a purpose, just to make their Daheng name famous!
"Today, I'm just playing around here at Mengmeng, let's do a little brushing first."

Brother Jiu chuckled, raised his hand and sent out 100 rounds of Huya No. [-].

Huya No. [-] also has a treasure chest.

For a while, the audience in the live broadcast room even praised.

Even the dreamer at the side was blinded.

Brother Jiu said about the [-] million thing in the live broadcast room before, and even posted screenshots.

He dreamed that Brother Jiu had [-] million yuan, but he never believed that Brother Jiu would recharge all the [-] million yuan into gold beans.

After all, Huya does not have a refund procedure. After filling it with gold beans, the [-] million can only be spent in Huya.

But what he didn't expect was that Brother Jiu really did it, and in front of him, he showed the 1000 million gold beans exchanged for the [-] million in his live broadcast room!

(End of this chapter)

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