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Chapter 228 Brother Xiao Xiao Didn't Swipe Much, How Did He Swipe 8?

Chapter 228 Brother Xiao Xiao Didn't Swipe Much, How Did He Swipe 800?
Hitting the dream is also helpless.

No matter how beautiful a girl is, she can't hold back such a kiss.

After kissing so many times, the two of them kiss again, not to mention drawing, even the saliva is completely dry, it is not interesting at all.

Brother Jiu was very happy on the sidelines.

This kind of excitement on the verge of the limit made him extremely happy.

Xiao Ke's hair has been loosened, her face is rosy, and her lips are a little swollen from kisses.

Brother Jiu likes girls like this, and he feels like he's been overwhelmed by something.

It's a pity that it's live broadcast at this time, otherwise it would be more perfect for him to go up and participate in the first hand.

The three returned to the table again and started drawing cards again.

Brother Jiu was not lucky this time, he only took a 7 of diamonds, and he easily won with a 10 of hearts.

"Brothers, Brother Jiu is about to activate the Super God Emperor."

"If you want to watch Brother Jiu's live broadcast with super emperor special effects, everyone should use 666!"

Meng Meng intentionally pushed Xiao Ke to the side indiscriminately, he should avoid the women Brother Jiu likes.

Kissing in front is really helpless, if you can avoid it, try to avoid it as much as possible.

And the assistant gave the live broadcast to Brother Jiu immediately.

Seeing a series of 666 on the public screen, brother Jiu's sense of satisfaction suddenly became stronger.

"The Chaohuang is only 150 million gifts, nothing special, I am a little embarrassed by everyone's barrage like this."

Brother Jiu smiled modestly, satisfied his vanity, and took out his phone again.

This sentence is actually alluding to Xiao Xiao.

Xiao Xiao opened Super Emperor yesterday, but he spent a full day on the live broadcast platform, Brother Jiu wanted to beat Xiao Xiao's arrogance a long time ago.

This time, he not only wants to drive the Super Emperor, but also to be the No.1 outdoor hero!
Brother Jiu clicked on the gift interface of the mobile phone, and in front of more than 20 people, lightly clicked the gift button.

"Emperor [Jiu Yuan] sent Huya No. 100*[-]!"

With the gift of 10 yuan, Brother Jiu's weekly list has reached 152 million, which has reached the standard for opening the Super God Emperor.

"Congratulations [Jiu Yuan] for opening the Noble: Super God Emperor!"

The gift special effects of Huya No. [-] have just finished, and the next moment, the announcement will be made three times in a row at the top of the site!

The emperor icon disintegrated in an instant, and quickly reorganized into an all-gold super god emperor icon. Then, a creation dragon roared and slowly condensed in the center of the super god emperor icon.

Brother Jiu's ID was captured by the system to the center of the screen, and after merging with the icon of the Super God Emperor, he returned to the No. [-] position of the VIP seat.

After the special effects of the Super God Emperor finished, the audience in the live broadcast room exclaimed.

Just when everyone was about to congratulate Brother Jiu on his promotion to the Super Emperor, Brother Jiu pressed the finger on the gift again.

"Super God Emperor [Jiu Yuan] sent Huya No. 100*2*[-] combos!"

Another 10 yuan gift was given out!

However, different from the previous special effects of the emperor's gift, the second set of Huya No. [-] rockets sent by Brother Jiu have the small characters of Chaohuang printed on each rocket!

The next moment, Huya's super god list popped up again, and Brother Jiu's ID was heavily engraved on the position of No.2 God of the Sky.

"666, brother Jiu is also on the super king list!"

To enter the Super Emperor Ranking, one must spend more than [-] yuan to become a super god emperor and empress.

Including this group of gifts, Brother Jiu's total gift giving this month is 160 million, which just reached the limit of the super king list.

However, Liu Xiao spends a little more, and Liu Xiao is still the No.1 king of gods.

"Thank you Brother Jiu, thank you Brother Jiu for the gift!"

Thank you again and again.

Brother Jiu's No.2 Witness of the God of the Sky, but he hits dreams!
Meng Meng quickly took a screenshot with his mobile phone.

Although it may not be able to last for a long time, this is also a sharp weapon for him to pretend to beep during the live broadcast in the future.

With the opening of Brother Jiu's Super God Emperor, the popularity of the Mengmeng live broadcast room once again ushered in a wave of explosive growth.

The Super God Emperor's site-wide announcement is still very obvious, and even some tourists who just watched the live broadcast in the Yangqilan live broadcast room clicked over curiously.

In just over a minute, the popularity of the live broadcast studio hit 30.

At the same time, the popularity of Yangqilan's live broadcast room began to drop slightly. In the 1 minute that Brother Jiu opened the Super God Emperor website announcement, the popularity of 50 people dropped by more than 3.

Brother Jiu waited for a while for the atmosphere in the live broadcast room to ferment, and took advantage of the last second of Huya No. [-]'s combo count to send out the third set of gifts.

"Super God Emperor [Jiu Yuan] sent Huya No. 100*3*[-] combos!"

Brother Jiu smiled slightly.

Then, on the live broadcast of Mengmeng, Brother Jiu started poking at the continuous sending button on the screen with his fingers!
"My God, brother Jiu has already called almost 200 million tonight, do you want to call again?"

"My Brother Jiu, Xingxiu still has a large number of anchors relying on you to support them!"

"It's too awesome, it's nothing compared to Brother Jiu's [-] million balance, but it looks really cool!"

In the live broadcast room, tens of thousands of fans echoed.

In the past, when Brother Shenhao bought gifts, they could only see the barrage of gifts in the live broadcast room.

But now, Brother Jiu is sitting under the camera, holding his mobile phone to reveal the 1000 million balance above, swiping madly under the noses of all of them!
Every time Brother Jiu clicks, the gold bean balance in the lower right corner will decrease a little bit.

Although it may not be a big deal to Brother Jiu, but to them, this is worth a hundred thousand!

This is the salary of many people for one to two years!

Brother Jiu's fingers were clicking, and their hearts were beating wildly with Brother Jiu's fingers.

As Brother Jiu sent more and more gifts, the speed of the barrage in the live broadcast room could hardly be seen clearly.

And more tourists who were familiar with Brother Jiu followed the hyperlinks at the top of each live broadcast room one after another and clicked in.

When Brother Jiu sent 650 million gifts, the popularity of the Mengmeng live broadcast room completely exceeded 60, crushing the foreign atmosphere!
This is also the highest point in the history of outdoor live broadcast popularity!

And on the super king list, Xiao Xiao was squeezed to the position of No.2 Cangxiong God.

"Brother Jiu, Niubi, the first place in the Super Emperor Ranking is stable!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao spent a lot of money this month. Brother Jiu spent 600 million after becoming the Super Emperor to catch up."

"Brother Xiao Xiao, in addition to opening Chaohuang in Yang Zi's live broadcast room, this month, he also earned about six million."

When Super Emperor was launched on the 1st, Liu Xiao made 70 million in a row in Yangzi's live broadcast room, unlocking the title of Super Emperor, and at the same time hitting the Super Emperor list.

Secondly, that night, I played a treasure map of 100 million in Baldy's live broadcast room, and then bought 30 gifts in Yangqilan's live broadcast room.

Counting the total of 500 million gifts paid by Wen Laolong and Lao Hu in the live broadcast room of B in the game area this morning, and the 100 million rewards paid in the Yangqilan live broadcast room just now, this adds up to almost 900 million.

And Brother Jiu sent out 650 million gifts, and yesterday's reward to Xia Nuandao and others, plus the 150 million who opened the Super Emperor, the total has just surpassed Brother Xiao Xiao.

Many tourists who hadn't calculated carefully before were shocked.

Brother Xiao Xiao seems to have been playing around for the past two days without a lot of swiping, but he swiped so much back and forth!
You know, today is the second day of July!
Live next door.

While watching the live broadcast of Yangqilan, Liu Xiao glanced at the WeChat that Lanlan had just sent, and silently picked up another mobile phone that he used to watch the live broadcast every day, and gently clicked on the gift bar in the live broadcast room of Yangqilan .

(End of this chapter)

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