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Chapter 261 Before the Finals: Let's Have a Ten Thousand Lucky Draw

Chapter 261 Before the Finals: Let’s Start a Million Dollar Draw (4200 words)
For the next three days, Liu Xiao's life was quite ordinary.

After passing the test of body flexibility, it is no longer a problem to start jujitsu. Coupled with the professional guidance of the beautiful coach, Liu Xiao can already make some relatively difficult moves.

Of course, as a five-good youth in the new era, learning these few moves is not for hitting people, but mainly for strengthening the body and preparing for more postures in the future.

Soon, it will be July 7th.

Every 19 years, the solar calendar and the lunar calendar will overlap once, and this year's July 7th of the solar calendar coincides with the Qixi Festival of the lunar calendar, which can be regarded as a coincidence created by heaven.

The whole magic city was shrouded in joy, couple after couple of young couples, and they didn't know how much stock they would consume tonight.

Liu Xiao originally wanted to go out with Zhao Ning for a while, and then went to Zhao Ning's house for a night on the pretext of forgetting the password of the door lock at home, but he called and found out that Zhao Ning had gone early this morning Recording studio.

Zhao Ning's original song has been produced to the last one. Starting tomorrow, Zhao Ning will be able to release her first electronic album on the Internet. This is also Zhao Ning's first step towards her music dream.

Hearing Zhao Ning's reply on the phone, Liu Xiao could only say cheers in a daze.

After training for three consecutive days, under the advice of the beautiful coach, Liu Xiao did not go to the gym today.

Different from conventional training, if Jiu-Jitsu training can't achieve a balance between work and rest, it is very likely to leave the root cause of disease to the body. Now the training plan made by the beauty coach for Liu Xiao is three days and one rest.

Today is the fourth day, just in time to let the body chicken relax.

Although the muscles have passed the period of pain and swelling, the feeling of lactic acid decomposition is still not very pleasant.

"Today should be the final of the Road to God event."

Liu Xiao turned on the Huya live broadcast and took a look.

The Road to God event coincided with the solar calendar Qixi Festival, and under Huya's deliberate diversion, there were extraordinarily many anchors and online tourists who started the broadcast today.

It was only eight o'clock in the morning, and the three news anchors Yang Zi, Dao Zi and Xiao Chun, and the first-line anchors such as Da Mao and Jun Jun were almost all online.

In the game area, Hoe He, Scratch Nan, Kaka, and Miss are all online.

In the live broadcast room, Xiaochun was analyzing the current situation of the platform.

Today is the last day of this event. Xiaochun did a lot of homework last night. The popularity of the live broadcast room is not low, with a total of 11 visitors online.

Liu Xiao didn't log in to his account, so when he clicked in, he saw Xiaochun talking impassionedly about the activities in July.

"Everyone can see that since the announcement of the new title of Super God Emperor in July, all the big brothers on the platform are ready to move, but the huge threshold of 7 million is placed here, and many big brothers have not planned to open it yet. This title."

"But for super gods like Brother Xiao Xiao and Brother Jiu, it's really too easy to open a super god emperor."

Xiaochun just circled a wave of gifts, and this time he will slowly analyze the information he has collected.

"Xiaochun, don't be fooled, hurry up!"

The audience in the live broadcast room urged.

Many die-hard fans of Xiaochun laughed and cursed.

This guy Xiaochun, he doesn't give up without presents.

However, Xiaochun's live broadcast is also unique. After all, Yang Zi and Dao Zi are hostile unions. If they want to hear more fair news, they can only go here.

This is also the charm of Xiaochun's live broadcast.

"Don't worry, everyone, I'll start now."

Xiaochun took a sip of water, adjusted the mirror frame, and started talking with a smile.

"Currently, there are five big brothers who have activated Chaohuang: Brother Xiao Xiao, Brother Xiaohuya, Brother Jiu, Brother Fourth and Sister Lele."

"There are three anchors who have activated Chaohuang: Yang Zi, Baldy and Brother Li."

"Let's not talk about the anchors who have activated the Super Emperor. It's nothing interesting for the anchors to help each other. Let's talk about this month's Road to God event from the perspective of the big brother."

"Today is the last day of the event, and everyone should have a thorough understanding of this event. As far as the rewards of the event are concerned, the three top-ranked anchors in different sections can get the two recommendations of becoming gods and demigods. , and the top three big brothers on the Chaohuang list can also be recommended three anchors to get the two recommendations of becoming gods and demigods."

"At present, the situation in the game area is very clear, but the star show area and the outdoor area are still very anxious."

When Xiaochun said this, the visitors in the live broadcast room were shocked.

They don't care about how the two recommended positions of becoming gods and demigods are. What they care about is who can win the event in the end. This is the core essence of eating melons.

Xiaochun spoke again unhurriedly:
"According to my point of view, the highest list of anchors this time should be born between Baldy and Xiaofei."

"Brother Shenhao's top list should be born between Brother Xiao Xiao and Brother Jiu."

"Everyone, don't look at the fact that Baldy and Xiao Fei are not high on the list in the live broadcast room, but this is because the two of them have not officially started fighting. Baldy joined Lehua, and this first battle must be fought, and Xiao Fei, as Daheng, It is impossible for the bald man to get the position of the first brother so easily."

When Xiaochun said this, the audience in the live broadcast room raised doubts.

"Brother Chun, if Baldy and Xiaofei want to take the first place, they must both have swiped 1.5 million?"

"Little Orange is already on the list of 1.5 million. It's impossible for Baldy and Xiao Fei to get so high. Besides, Brother Jiu has already used up all the money in his hand, so he probably won't be able to go up this month."

Last month, the one with the most hits was Baldy’s list of more than 1 million. This month, Little Orange has hit so many. Can Brother Xiao Xiao still hit another 1.5 million?

Xiaochun glanced at the barrage, not panicking at all, he had already analyzed these.

"Everyone listen to me first."

"Brother Jiu is the one with the most swipes this month, and the list is 2000 million."

"Second is brother Xiao Xiao, currently on the list of 500 million."

"The third is Sister Lele, who spends 8000 million."

"The reason why I said that this month's highest list will be between Brother Xiao Xiao and Brother Jiu is also based on the strength of the two big brothers."

"Although Brother Jiu only took out 2000 million at the beginning of the month, have you noticed that Brother Jiu has paid [-] million more than what he took out at the beginning of the month?"

"It's not hard to see from here that besides the money from the beginning of the month, Brother Jiu has recharged the account again, so the fan who said just now that Brother Jiu has no money must be wrong."

Xiaochun smiled at the camera, but secretly complained in his heart.

How could Brother Jiu not know how the money in Brother Jiu's hands came from?
Trade union funds brushed out of it.

Daheng's funds this month must be more than [-] million yuan. Even if it is to get the first place in this super king list, Daheng will not let others use the remaining funds.

If you let Brother Jiu make another [-] million, then Brother Jiu's list will be [-] million, isn't it more cost-effective than letting other people make it?

This is also the reason why he is sure that brother Jiu is the number one contender in this Super King list.

But these are all internal affairs of the trade union, and it is not easy for him to tell the audience in the live broadcast room, so he can only change his mind to explain to the trade union.

"That's right, brother Jiu is obviously recharging."

"It's still Xiaochun who observes carefully. If Xiaochun hadn't said it, I would have thought Brother Jiu would not fight again this month."

Listening to Xiaochun's explanation, the audience in the live broadcast room suddenly understood.

From their point of view, this is indeed the truth. If Brother Jiu hadn't recharged the money, the [-] million quota as of now would definitely not be available.

"As for Brother Xiao Xiao, let alone, it seems that he has never disappointed us in the past few months."

Xiao Chun flattered Brother Xiao Xiao again.

"Secondly, let me talk about why this month's No. [-] was born between Baldy and Xiaofei, instead of Xiaojuzi and Brother Li who already have such high rankings."

Xiaochun cleared his throat.

"As I said before, Baldy and Xiao Fei are both male anchors, and they are also the cards of the two unions. In terms of fan base and big brother base, both of them are the best in the Xingxiu District."

"And the big brothers also take special care of them. This is also recognized. Brother Jiu and Brother Xiao Xiao must be going to their live broadcast room tonight to join in the show."

"Brother Jiu, as the resident elder brother of Daheng, paid [-] million for a new anchor who joined Daheng, so there must be a little more for Xiaofei. This is also the style of Brother Jiu's work for so long. .”

"And with Brother Xiao Xiao's temper, if Brother Jiu gets up to it"

Xiaochun didn't dare to say the latter because of the platform's rules that he can't talk about big brothers, but the tourists in the live broadcast room all understood.

Brother Xiao Xiao has always disliked the anchor of Daheng. At least half of the tourists in Xingxiu District know about it.

If Brother Jiu is buying gifts from Xiao Fei, then Brother Xiao Xiao will definitely be bald.

Combined with what Xiaochun said before, the tourists in the live broadcast room thought about it carefully, and it seems that this is really the case.

Although Xiaojuzi's current list is 1.5 million, but Xiaojuzi has already finished playing, and the possibility of making another list tonight is not great.

On the contrary, with the support of Brother Jiu, Xiao Fei is likely to win the first place in this event!

And tonight's list will definitely be more than 1.5 million!
Thinking of this, the visitors in the live broadcast room suddenly became excited.

Listening to Xiaochun's analysis, Liu Xiao shook his head slightly.

Xiaochun thought well.

As the first brother of Daheng, Xiaofei is very necessary to support Xiaofei.

After all, it is Daheng's biggest card. If they don't get a ranking or something, they can't justify Daheng's union fans.

But Xiaochun forgot a very important thing, it can also be said that Xiaochun took it for granted this time.

Liu Xiao already knew that Brother Jiu was a guild account, and Daheng had paid out 1.5 million before and after this month. How much money does Daheng still have?
When communicating with Sister Feifei two days ago, Liu Xiao also had a general understanding of the operation and revenue of the union.

Liu Xiao originally studied mathematics, so he is quite sensitive to numbers.

With a level like Lehua's, if more than 2 million yuan is generated in a month, it is definitely a loss, and it is the kind of blood loss.

Like Daheng, even considering long-term benefits, [-] million a month is probably the limit.

But now, Daheng has paid 1.5 million yuan. Is Daheng planning to give Xiao Fei all the remaining 1.5 million yuan?

But don't forget, Daheng still has two first-line anchors.

If Daheng really dared to do this, he would give Xia Nuan and Daozi a zero egg this month. Even if Xia Nuan and Daozi recognized it by themselves, so many fans in their live broadcast room would not recognize it.

Everyone knows the character of Daheng's fans, and it would be a good idea not to dismantle Daheng by then.

Furthermore, even if Xiao Fei made the list to 1.5 million, he still couldn't beat Xiaojuzi.

Even if I can type a little more, the more than 1000 million yuan that Sister Feifei just applied for has not been moved yet. How can Xiao Fei have a chance?
Therefore, what Xiaochun said is obviously logically problematic.

From Liu Xiao's point of view, Daheng's chances of defeating Lehua this month are slim.

But what Xiaochun said is quite right.

Baldy, as his loyal fanboy, Liu Xiao will definitely go over to stand up for the rankings at night.

Of course, certainly not too much.

After all, it is estimated that Daheng didn't give Xiao Fei much brushes this month, and Liu Xiao is not stupid, just play around, and it's not worthwhile to play too much.

Cut off the live broadcast room, Liu Xiao went directly to Yang Zi's live broadcast room.

"Welcome Brother Xiao Xiao!"

Seeing the special effects of the Super God Emperor, Yang Zi hurriedly greeted him.

On the 1st, Liu Xiao didn’t come to Yang Zi’s live broadcast room after earning close to 200 million, but Yang Zi still managed the live broadcast room very well these days, with a full 15 popularity in the early stage, 14% higher than the popularity. Wan's knife needs to be set on fire.

"Good morning Xiao Xiao!"

The tourists who came to listen to the news early in the morning also said hello.

Now Yang Zi is talking about the battle between Little Juzi and Brother Li a few days ago. Although the visitors in the live broadcast room have listened to it several times in the past two days, Yang Zi still listens with great interest when he talks about it today.

This is not to say how classic this incident is, but that there is really nothing happening on the platform these days.

Daheng's side has been completely silent for the past few days. Brother Jiu hasn't shown up for several days, let alone Brother Hua. I heard tourists from Daheng's side say that they are doing business in the capital and can't come back.

On Lehua's side, only Brother Junjun and Xiaotian were there these days.

Even Xiaojuzi has hired Hypothesis to record an album since yesterday, and didn't even start the live broadcast.

Brother Xiao Xiao, who can make trouble the most, has played games in the game area at noon for a few days before going offline, and has never been to the Xingxiu area at all.

All the tourists are about to fade out.

If it weren't for today's finals, and the Huya trade union's all-round publicity, many people would not choose to play on the Xingxiu board today.

In the past few days, the live broadcast of the foreign air blue next door has become more and more exciting, attracting many tourists to stop by every day, and even watch the live video with relish.

However, after all, Western Style Blue only starts broadcasting around midnight, and most tourists still can't catch up.

But now that Brother Xiao Xiao is online, most of the tourists are excited.

In any case, the signal that brother Xiao Xiao went online means that trouble is about to happen!

Seeing how active the tourists are in the live broadcast room, Liu Xiao thought about playing for a while.

Today is Qixi Festival, and the whole world must be full of fearless troops charging with small umbrellas.

It is estimated that Zhao Ning will be busy until the evening before returning.

During the day today, Liu Xiao didn't intend to go to the street to watch the young couple show their affection. If they were accidentally rubbed by the "hundreds of millions" warriors on the body of a certain female God of War, it would be a bit disgusting.

Liu Xiao thought for a while, and typed a barrage on the public screen.

"It will be boring in the morning, why don't you play a million-dollar lottery?"

(End of this chapter)

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