Chapter 28 200 million bullet screen lottery draw (recommendation ticket plus update)
"Is this just admitting defeat?"

A basin of cold water suddenly poured on Xia Nuan's head.

As for the other half, Liu Xiao even clicked into the gift section.

The treasure map is Huya's card gift, worth 5000 yuan, but only one can be given out at a time.

As for Huya No. 1000, each one costs 10 yuan, and you can give up to [-] pieces at a time, which is [-] yuan.

But in Huya, the most prestigious gift, the above two are not counted.

The most famous one is the magic book!

A magic book is worth 100 yuan, and the most important thing is that its gift limit is 1314 at a time!
In other words, more than 13 can be sent at one time, which is the upper limit of the single value of all Huya's gifts!

Liu Xiao directly clicked on the magic book, selected the quantity 1314, and then directly clicked to send!

"The emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent [Magic Book] *1314 in the live broadcast room of Xiaojuzi!"

Click once, it is 13!
The public screen fell into a brief silence, and immediately, countless 666s followed one after another!

There was more than a minute left in the pk time, and Xia Nuan's fans had completely given up.

On the field, Brother Xiao Xiao was left swiping the screen alone.

"The emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent [Magic Book]*1314*28 combos in the live broadcast of Xiaojuzi!"

"The emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent [Magic Book]*1314*30 combos in the live broadcast of Xiaojuzi!"

A total of 400 consecutive hits, within a few minutes, [-] million wildly swiped!

"Brother Xiao Xiao, you will be my real brother from now on!"

"It's amazing, it's the first time I've seen Shenhao in this life!"

"Shenhao, are you still missing a pendant on your leg?"

The tourists in Xiaojuzi's live broadcast room have gone crazy.

A full 400 million gifts, all swiped out at one time!

Xia Nuan had already conceded defeat, and a million or so would have been enough.

But Xiao Xiao, all 400 million came out!

"Shenhao is worthy of being Shenhao, he is so domineering!"

"Hehe, why are those people who said Brother Jiu just now disappeared?"

"Quan Huya is the most awesome, we have to look at Brother Xiao Xiao!"

"You can't say that, after all, Brother Hua hasn't made a move recently."

"Cut, Brother Hua may have quit the Internet, how can he compare with Brother Xiao Xiao?"

At the end of the Pk line, Xiaojuzi crushed Xia Nuan's 407 with the terrifying data of 3350!

Nearly four times the gap!

The little orange song has already been sung, and seeing the more than 400 million streams on the public screen, his eyes are full of disbelief.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, there are too many presents, I really dare not take them."

Little Orange shouted hastily.

400 million, she can get a share of 160 million.

Including yesterday's commission, you can get a full 200 ​​million!

And the day after tomorrow, which is the 31st, all her commissions will be credited to the card
She was really panicked when she suddenly gained so much wealth.

The total gifts that Xiao Xiaoge got in her live broadcast room are almost enough to buy a house in her community!
Put it in third- and fourth-tier cities, and you can even buy four or five sets!
"I brushed it, you just take it."

Liu Xiao smiled and sent a barrage.

"If you find it hard to hold, you can take half of it out for a barrage draw, and count it as a benefit I give to fans!"

Little Orange hesitated for a while, but still agreed.

No way, the money was already in her account.

He didn't know Xiao Xiao's bank account number, how could he pay it back?
Sister Feifei was even more overjoyed.

A total of 400 million gift turnover!

In addition to the previous ones, it has already broken 540 million. With so many gifts, it is possible to get the first place, let alone the top five!

Sister Feifei hurriedly sent a private message to Xiaojuzi in the background, saying that it was the 80 cash from the union, which could also be used as the fund for this barrage lottery.

To achieve such a great effect, even if it cost 80 yuan, she would still be willing!

"Starting today, we will draw 1 lucky viewers every day, and each person will give out 200 yuan in red envelopes. It will last for four days, with a total of [-] million yuan!"

Xiaojuzi and Sister Feifei made up their minds, and asked Brother Xiao Xiao's opinion in the background, and finally decided on the lucky draw mode.

50 a day, 200 million in four days!
The trade union takes out 80 yuan, and then advances 20 yuan to cover today and tomorrow.

For the remaining 100 million, after the settlement on the 31st, the running water will be issued and can be continued.

Overall, the trade union gets 80, and Xiaojuzi gets 120 million.

But even so, in the past two days, Xiaojuzi's personal income was just over 80 yuan!

"Brother Xiao Xiao, bull beep!"

"Thank Xiaoxiao brother, thank you little orange!"

The barrage public screen is almost maxed out.

Tourists feel that Huya in the past two days seems to have become a platform for distributing money.

First, Kaka in the LOL area live broadcasted a 50 bullet screen lottery draw.

Then there is the anchor of the entire PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds area, and the lottery ranges from [-] to [-].

Then there was the lol area just now. After Kaka, there were more lottery benefits.

Until now, Little Orange Live!
A full 200 ​​million bullet screen lottery!

A lot of lucky fans who had been drawn by Kaka in the morning were even more excited.

What a platform for spreading money!

Lanlan in the background quickly gave Xiaojuzi permission to go on TV.

Xiaojuzi has just become an anchor, and has just passed the qualification review. Generally, new anchors do not have the right to appear on the TV lottery.

After all, Huya is also afraid that some scammers will promise high lottery rewards, and run away after cheating money on the platform.

The current Little Orange naturally does not have these problems.

As soon as the TV was turned on, the barrage on the entire public screen suddenly changed.

Today, whether it is the game area or the Xingxiu area, it seems that the barrage of the entire Huya platform is thanking brother Xiao Xiao!
Tens of thousands of thanks to Brother Xiao Xiao for constantly swiping the screen, which made the popularity of Xiaojuzi's live broadcast room higher and higher.

Even the popularity of Xia Nuan and Xiao Fei's live broadcast room was taken away by more than half.

Xia Nuan was even more embarrassed, almost digging out three rooms and one living room with her toes.

She is still connected to the mic with Xiaojuzi!
And on the public screen in her live broadcast room, there were even more abuses.

Those fans who gave gifts scolded even more viciously!

"Just you, still the first sister of the platform?"

"I can't even beat a young anchor who just came to Huya, so go home, wash up and sleep."

"Hehe, Little Orange's 200 million income is used to give back to fans, how about you?"

"That's right, a new anchor knows how to give back to fans even without getting money. As the first sister of the platform, is that what you mean?"

The public screen has become a hard-hit area.

She was even more distressed, and she couldn't swear tens of thousands of mmp in her heart.

Where do these tourists know what's going on behind the scenes?
Brother Xiao Xiao is a real fan, and Xiaojuzi can naturally use the proceeds to draw a lottery on the barrage to increase his popularity.

But on my own side, I have to make up [-]% of how much my elder brother swipes for me!

The platform deducts half, even if the union does not take a cut, I have to pay the remaining [-]%!
 Immediately 400 recommended votes, add a new chapter first!
  The other two chapters are at 12 noon.

  Add updates this week: two chapters guaranteed at 12 o'clock every day, 200 recommended tickets plus one update, and a total of four updates per day.

  Book Friends Group: 371599915, welcome everyone to join the group!


(End of this chapter)

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