Chapter 30 1000 guarantee!

But then again.

No matter how much it costs, Daheng must protect Xiao Fei's position as the first brother.

The current Xiao Fei list is close to 170 million, with a gap of less than 400 million.

On Xia Nuan's side, she tried her best to keep the second place, and if she couldn't, she had to take the third place.

"Fifth brother, Xiao Xiao said that he will help the bald man in this event tomorrow. You know, he has made 700 million in the past two days!" Xia Nuan reminded.

From today's point of view, Xiao Xiao's spending power far exceeded their expectations!
700 million in two days, and money was distributed across all platforms, in the game area in the morning and in the star show area in the afternoon.

"Didn't you realize that the money that Xiao Xiao gave out today was prepared long ago?"

The fifth child took a sip of tea calmly, looking as if he was in control.

"In my opinion, this Xiao Xiao is really a hero, but you have to know that he has made 700 million rounds in the past two days!"

Although Xia Nuan and Lao Wu both said 700 million, they obviously had two meanings.

What Xia Nuan means is that Xiao Xiao's spending power is extremely strong and should not be underestimated.

And the fifth child said from the side that Xiao Xiao has already spent 700 million, how much more can he spend?

In this world, how many people can spend so much money at once without blinking?
Not everyone is YY's misty rain!
Xiao Fei also came out from the broadcast room.

As the first brother of Xingxiu, although Xiaojuzi and Xia Nuan's pk affected a lot of popularity in today's live broadcast, the money in this circle is not bad at all.

As for the battle between Xia Nuan and Xiaojuzi, he was also secretly watching the battle, and also analyzed a wave of brother Xiao Xiao, a new hero.

"The president is right. Xiao Xiao's 400 million today was obviously recharged a long time ago. I guess the purpose is to let the bald man reach the top tomorrow night, but I didn't expect to be pushed out by you today."

"Spent 700 million in two days, even Brother Hua, you have to take it easy."

Xiaofei very much agrees with Lao Wu's point of view.

You know, Daheng originally only planned to give itself a list of 350 million.

And if tomorrow, Xiao Xiao hits 400 million directly at the last moment, plus a little bit from Baldy's own home, it will be enough to make a list close to 450 million, or even 500 million!
If it's the last time, there will be no way for Daheng to recharge even if it wants to.

After all, who puts millions of dollars in cash on cards these days?
The rich can't wait to put a dime in the market for circulation, and the money will go away!
If you want to get an amount of more than one million, you have to make an appointment a day or two in advance.

Therefore, if Xiao Xiao did this in Baldy's live broadcast room tomorrow, Baldy might really win the first place!

At that time, as the first brother, he might really lose face and be chased and sprayed by the fans in the live broadcast room.

"So, I blocked the gun for you?"

Xia Nuan is not stupid. Hearing what the two said, she suddenly realized.

"Yes, think about it, the pk between you and Xiaojuzi was an emergency, right?" Xiaofei said.

Xia Nuan nodded repeatedly.

"Brother Jiu paid 200 million in advance, but Xiao Xiao, 10 minutes! Without blinking, he directly renewed 400 million!"

"If he didn't prepare before, how could he spend so much money?"

"400 million in cash, at least it takes more than a day to get the money back!"

"Xiao Xiao must not have much cash in his hand now!"

The three of them looked at each other and laughed.

"Xiao Xiao is still new to the live broadcast business. I don't know how deep the water is here. After being provoked by you, he easily paid 400 million."

The fifth child sighed.

Today's incident can be said to be a blind cat meeting a dead mouse.

To be honest, Lao Wu is still a little bit lucky, if Xia Nuan hadn't been so excited today, he might really overturn tomorrow!
"There is only one day left now, even if Xiao Xiao has a little left in his hand, but with such a little time left, it is not bad to be able to get back 200 million to 300 million."

"Let's say he can come up with 400 million tomorrow, but what's the use of it?"

"Little Orange's current list is 540 million. Even if he gives it all to the bald man, and the bald man tries his best, he will barely surpass the current list of Little Orange!"

The more Xia Nuan thought about it, the more excited she became, and the annoyance of being beaten up during the live broadcast just now completely disappeared.

On the live broadcast platform, the final result is the result!
What's more, she was taking the blame for the trade union, and the trade union had to give her some compensation no matter what.

As long as Xiao Xiao loses in the arena tomorrow, she can stand up again!
"By the way, President, how much money can Daheng bring out tomorrow?"

Xia Nuan asked curiously.

The fifth child smiled and stretched out a finger.

"1000 million!!!?"

Both Xia Nuan and Xiao Fei were shocked.

"I haven't had time to inform you of what happened just now."

"Brother Hua and Brother Jiu invested in Daheng, the 1000 million is the first injection of funds."

"After that, more funds will flow in, and Daheng will only do better and better!"

The fifth child is in high spirits.

His goal is to win the bulk of Huya's star income. After that, he will expand the game area, outdoor area, and appearance area, and bring all the hot spots from Huya!

"In this way, tomorrow will definitely be safe!"

Xiaofei was very happy.

With a base of 1000 million, he will be the first in the Fan Festival, absolutely stable!
"Xiao Fei, take 100 million for yourself, and then I will give you 500 million."

"With 600 million funds, I don't believe we can't win!"

And Xiaofei's current list is a full 170 million.

Calculated, the overall investment is close to 800 million!
"President, how much do you plan to invest in me here?"

Xia Nuan asked quickly.

"Probably another 200 million will be taken out, and the remaining 300 million will be distributed to other live broadcast rooms. If the knife can be ranked in the top five, the big head will be given to him."

The fifth child said with a smile.

Xia Nuan rolled his eyes.

On the side of the trade union, another 200 million will be used this time, and on Brother Jiu’s side, there is still 100 million that has not been collected today, and with the 50 in his hand, he can make up hundreds of thousands by selling meat.

In other words, her funds are only 100 million less than Xiaofei's, and there is 400 million!
Including the previous 200 million list, the total is 600 million!
Calculated in this way, it is 60 million higher than the current Little Orange!
Maybe, she can keep her first sister's position!

"For this event, all you have to do is return your own income. All the funds in your hands can be used for activities for yourself."

"This is also Hua Ge's special care for you, don't tell others."

The fifth child laughed.

"No problem!" The two quickly agreed.

After leaving the trade union, both of them were in a good mood.

The two Shenhao invested in the labor union, and the future development of the labor union can be expected, and they don't feel distressed about their current investment.

In the future, as the first brother and one sister of the trade union, they will also be the first brother and one sister of the Huya platform!
Hundreds of thousands of investment, sooner or later earn back!

 Book Friends Group: 371599915, welcome everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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