Chapter 302 Xiaochun Is Hungry Too (Part [-])

Holding the palm-sized card, look towards the middle of the card.

In the middle, a huge tree glistens.

It seemed nothing at first glance, but at the second glance, it suddenly felt that the palm-sized tree had grown infinitely taller.

Standing in the black space, Liu Xiao suddenly felt that the cards in his hand were out of his palm, and they were flying in front of him. In a few moments, they grew to a terrifying height.

"My God, is this real or virtual."

Seeing the huge tree in front of him that almost reached the sky, Liu Xiao was very worried that if he left this space for a while, a big hole would be poked out in the roof of the house he just bought.

The introduction of the card has already been instilled into Liu Xiao's mind, so Liu Xiao still has some understanding of this.

This technology tree can be regarded as a relatively good one in the prize pool. With Liu Xiao's current system level, being able to draw this reward is considered pretty good.

In this technology tree, there are countless kinds of civilization development technology, the highest cap is level 1.

Of course, these are all applied technologies, such as making weapons and developing genes are not available.

The current civilization of the human beings on Earth is level 0.75, and this technology tree is slightly higher. According to the system's estimation, the application technology in it should be about 100 years ahead of the current human beings.

And this card allows Liu Xiao to choose a branch among them and obtain all its technological content.

"Unfortunately, these are all civilian applications. Otherwise, if we create a weapon category that is 100 years ahead of the world, our country of China will be invincible?"

If there is a weapon that is 100 years ahead of the world, even a little boy can easily intercept it. Can't this directly become the world's hegemon?

Liu Xiao glanced through it hastily, feeling a little emotional.

For this reward, Liu Xiao still has some plans.

After the upgrade of the hotpot restaurant this time, Liu Xiao also intends to enter the Internet industry. If he wants to gain a foothold in the Internet industry, it is necessary to find a better technology.

After looking around, Liu Xiao still intends to choose the virtual disk service operation technology.

To do the Internet, the most important thing is three points.

One is technology, the second is computing power, and the third is storage.

Needless to say, technical issues are very important, but not that important.

In this industry, storage and computing power are actually the most important.

The feasibility of certain technologies can be calculated only when the computing power of the computer is reached. For example, the quantum computer currently being developed is actually to increase the computing power of the computer.

Not to mention storage. With the development of the computer industry, there is more and more network information. Many countries choose to concentrate on building servers to supply the huge Internet demand. Some countries even directly build servers for server heat dissipation. Into the sea to ensure cooling.

And this virtual disk operation technology focuses on solving the latter two problems.

In the final analysis, this thing is a combination of a technologically mature quantum computer and a special composite storage module.

As long as a house-sized server is built according to the drawings, basically all the information in the world can be entered.

The speed has also reached trillions of calculations per second, and the computing power is extremely strong.

Of course, there is no need to make it so big in the early stage, and it is enough to make it the size of a laptop.

With such a thing, it will undoubtedly greatly reduce Liu Xiao's investment in computing power to enter the Internet industry.

"But this thing is not available at the moment, let's wait and see after a while."

Liu Xiao shook his head slightly, and exited the system page.

The technology tree has disappeared, and all the information on the virtual disk operation technology has been transferred to Liu Xiao's mind.

There was no feeling of a splitting headache, and after gaining this knowledge, Liu Xiao almost didn't feel anything, just suddenly felt that he knew something.

There are still 230 million available funds in hand.

After re-calling 130 million of the clothing company to ensure that the clothing company can operate well, Liu Xiao didn't pay much attention to the clothing store.

"After saving for a few more days, the first hot pot restaurant can be launched."

Liu Xiao was a little helpless.

I was still swimming in the world of Internet knowledge just now, but now I suddenly think about the real world and I feel a little uncomfortable.

Early the next morning, Liu Xiao was on Huya's live broadcast.

Yesterday, the competition of the [-] anchors was over, and the top [-] were also decided.

The reason why Liu Xiao didn't go online yesterday was because he wanted to see how many anchors Daheng could come up with.

In fact, it did not exceed Liu Xiao's expectation.

Yang Zi live broadcasted all day yesterday, but today the broadcast did not start. Liu Xiao walked around and finally entered Xiaochun's live broadcast room.

"Welcome Brother Xiao Xiao!"

Seeing Xiao Xiaoge's unique live broadcast special effects appear, Xiaochun was pleasantly surprised.

"Super God Emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent Huya No. 100*[-]!"

"Thank you Brother Xiao Xiao, Brother Xiao Xiao is so generous!"

Seeing the gift, Xiaochun was even more excited.

Although Brother Xiao Xiao stayed for a while when he came last time, he didn't buy many gifts.

And this time it just went online with a gift of 10 yuan. As long as you lick brother Xiao Xiao happily, the follow-up gifts will definitely be indispensable!

"Everyone, don't be in a hurry, and don't be too excited. Brother Xiao Xiao will definitely play a little longer when he comes over this morning."

Xiaochun looked at the screen full of bullet screens and the ever-increasing number of people in the live broadcast room, Le's eyes narrowed.

In Xingxiu, as long as Brother Xiao Xiao appears, at least [-] to [-] people will be airborne!
And if Brother Xiao Xiao buys gifts, his popularity will have to be doubled several times.

In just one minute, the number of viewers in his live broadcast room has increased by more than 1, and the popularity number in the upper left corner is still jumping upwards, with hundreds of people going up every second.

Brother Xiao Xiao is present, at this time, he is the well-deserved number one in popularity!

Xiaochun has not experienced this feeling for a long time.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, what news do you want to hear here? I am basically following what happened on the platform these days, and I promise to satisfy you."

Xiaochun adjusted his gold-rimmed glasses and said with a smile.

"Xiaochun, you have changed. You were not like this before."

"I regret the dime gift I just gave to Brother Chun. It doesn't match the image of the fairest news anchor in my heart."

"Hahaha, don't worry upstairs, when Brother Hua and Brother Jiu came to the live broadcast room, Xiaochun was about the same."

The tourists were amused by Xiaochun's gesture.

Xiaochun, who usually prides herself on being fair, only shows this attitude when she meets the super hero on the platform.

Most tourists understand that too.

After all, Xiaochun only stays in a small guild, and there are only a few big brothers in the guild, so it's not easy to get mixed up in this role.

Of course, the most critical issue is that brother Shenhao is rich.

Other anchors are hungry every day waiting for their big brothers to give them food, and Xiaochun is also hungry!
(End of this chapter)

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