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Chapter 304 The opening of the final, explosion of popularity

Chapter 304 The opening of the final, explosion of popularity
Hua Ge said this very confidently.

You know, the top 13 all have a minimum of 200 million basic rewards.

When 100 entered 13, only Xia Nuan and Li Ge made the top ten of Daheng's anchors, but when [-] entered [-], their Daheng fully entered four anchors!

Among other things, even if none of these four people is in the top three, each of them can get a reward of 200 million.

No matter how much the money is, as Xiao Xiao, going to these hostile anchor live broadcast rooms to buy gifts a few times is enough to embarrass him, right?
Brother Hua never thought that Xiao Xiao would let the anchor of their union enter the top thirteen to win awards. In essence, he just made the anchor feel disgusted by Xiao Xiao, and then defeated Xiao Xiao's personality. Nothing was ignored.

Four of the thirteen people are their Daheng's anchors. Isn't this finals going to be dominated by their Daheng?

Most of these recommended resources created by Xiao Xiao will become their Daheng's wedding dress!
After hearing Brother Hua's analysis, Xia Nuan and Brother Li's minds gradually came alive.

This is the last round of the competition, and Huya officials have also invited superstars from the entertainment industry to help out.

No matter how crazy Xiao Xiao is, he won't be targeting them in this kind of competition, right?

Most of their tourists from Daheng will pass this time, and Xiao Xiao will not be able to calm down like last time when Xiao Xiao arouses public anger.

After all, there are only thirteen people. If all four of their anchors are teased, then this event will no longer be held, and the effect of the event will inevitably fall off a cliff.

Moreover, with the strength of the two of them, they are still very competitive against the top three.

Even if you only get third place, that's still a gift of 1000 million!
"You must show the best level. I will also find a few familiar directors from Huya's side to ensure the authenticity of the background data. It's fine if Xiao Xiao doesn't cheat. If he cheats, we will give him in public. burst out."

Brother Hua snorted softly.

After finally catching Xiao Xiao's mistake, he certainly didn't want to let go of this opportunity.

Lao Wu quickly arranged a live broadcast room for Brother Li, and all kinds of top-notch equipment kept piling up.

In this kind of competition, the best opportunity is not to sing new songs, but to adapt old songs.

It's like a combination of two Jay Chou's songs that Xiaojuzi changed yesterday, the live broadcast effect is simply explosive.

Brother Li also made preparations this time, and the studio also adapted a song for her. Lao Wu had heard it once before, and felt that it was no different from the songs Xiaojuzi sang in previous competitions.

With the strength of Brother Li and the help of their Daheng, they are definitely the favorites to win the championship this time!
At eight o'clock in the evening, the No. [-] positions of all Huya's channels and regions were replaced by a black live broadcast room.

The room number of the live broadcast room is five zeros, and the screen is still black. There is only a solitary title shining golden light at the top of the live broadcast room.

"Live broadcast of the talent contest final!"

Tourists in the entertainment area clicked in almost immediately.

Many tourists from the game channel and the sports channel also gathered here.

Although it was still a live broadcast room with a black screen, the title of the live broadcast room was attractive enough.

In just four or five minutes, the live broadcast room was still black, and the popularity exceeded 5 million!

At 300:300, the popularity of the live broadcast room has reached [-] million. In the dark live broadcast room, more than [-] million tourists are discussing enthusiastically.

"For this event, Huya really went ruthless."

Several union managers peeped at the screen and secretly sighed.

In the entire live broadcasting world, Xiao Xiao is the only person who can make Huya take this kind of fight.

This is the top live broadcast room on all platforms in Huya!
Whether it's the entertainment area or the entertainment area or the sports area, the number one spot in the live broadcast room is this black screen page!

It's true that they are envious, but when it comes to jealousy, they really don't have it, or they don't dare to have it at all.

If they can also spend [-] million on the platform within two months, they believe that Huya will definitely give them this treatment.

What's more, Xiao Xiao is the big brother Shenhao who is opposed to Huya's old platform Daheng. He almost single-handedly raised Huya's overall consumption level, and forcibly promoted a new union that could compete head-on with Daheng.

Such a big brother, such a terrifying record, no matter who meets him, he will kneel and lick him, right?
Huya officials may have been very restrained in doing so. If they were replaced, even if it would stop all the live broadcasts of the anchors on the entire platform, they must ensure that Brother Xiaoxiao had a good time!
The public screen in the live broadcast room suddenly flashed, and the promotional animation of the event appeared again.

Then, the screen began to broadcast various exciting moments in this competition in rotation.

"Hi everyone, I'm singer JJ, and I'm very happy to be a guest on the Huya platform."

Wearing a light black dress, JJ greeted the camera with a smile.

"My God, really!"

"Mr. Du is awesome, you really invited JJ here!"

"I have a hunch, JJ will definitely sing tonight!"

As a singer-songwriter, of course JJ also has a computer and recording equipment at home, so it is not difficult to start a live broadcast.

And because of the top-level equipment at home, the sound transmitted to the live broadcast room was not distorted much.

That's enough to get the audience excited.

This is the most pinnacle existence in the Chinese music scene, tied for first place with the few others!

With the appearance of JJ, the popularity of the live broadcast room has won a new peak.

Some local tyrants who were watching the live broadcast even started sending large gifts.

"Thank you, everyone. I came here today to be a guest host. Next, let's invite today's protagonist Xiao Xiaoge."

JJ said with a smile.

He came here today not only to see Vice President Du's face, but also to make friends with Brother Xiao Xiao.

As the pinnacle of the entertainment circle, he knows not a few bigwigs in the business world, and he understands what a godly hero like Brother Xiao Xiao means.

That's pretty much a networking opportunity with the very top circle!
Although his social status is not low, he is still inferior to a big brother like Brother Xiao Xiao. Therefore, after Vice President Du invited and explained the situation, he readily agreed.

Liu Xiao also took the time to go online today.

"Super God Emperor [Xiao Xiao] enters the live broadcast room!"

"Welcome Brother Xiao Xiao!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao, good evening!"

There was another burst of cheers in the live broadcast room.

"Good evening everyone, welcome to JJ as the host of this competition."

Liu Xiao also turned on the microphone, and greeted the millions of viewers in the live broadcast room with a smile.

Except for turning on the microphone a few times when playing games in the game area, this function has not been used recently.

After chatting with JJ for a few words, the final finals also entered the preparation stage.

On the other side, Huya's gods from various departments also began to jump over one after another!
(End of this chapter)

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