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Chapter 314 The old 5's idea, the robot swipes the ticket

Chapter 314 Old Five's Thoughts, Robot Swiping Tickets (Part [-])
In the live broadcast room, Brother Li has already started the prelude.

What Li Ge performed this time was a 4-minute long love song skewer, which was similar to the love song king sung by Ku Juji at that time, but the love song king was the male version, and Li Ge's pitch was raised two keys to become The female version, and the rhythm of the King of Love Songs were pulled away at once.

Combining more than 30 trendy songs together, adding a proper amount of adaptation and composition, it became the super medley that Brother Li performed today.

【The joys and sorrows of practicing love, just.】

【How many regrets】

As soon as Brother Li opened his mouth, it was JJ's song "Practice Love".

The unique smoky voice playing immediately endowed the song with a different artistic conception.

Even JJ was slightly surprised.

After practicing love, Brother Li has included a series of songs such as "Little Love Song", "Wait for me to say first", and "The Wind Rises".

Under Li Ge's arrangement, the appearance of each song is just right.

And this medley, without the lengthy prelude before the chorus of the song, is the peak of the song at the very beginning.

"Brother Li Niupi, this skewer has the level of a love song king. I hope Brother Li will release a single in the future!"

"I'm afraid the single version will be difficult. There are too many issues involved in this copyright. If we really want to do it, I'm afraid it will cost a lot of money."

"I'm afraid you don't know that there is something called VIP songs. As long as you sign the VIP agreement, all the copyright fees you invested in the early stage can be earned back!"

Tourists buckled 666 one after another.

In everyone's impression, Brother Li has always been an anchor like shouting wheat, and he never thought that Brother Li could sing such a wonderful skewer song.

Moreover, under the sound effects and sound recording of Lige's top-equipped live broadcast room, the live effect is even more explosive.

The superposition of all kinds immediately gave the audience a different surprise.

And brother Hua is not so calm now, to be precise, his face is a little green.

"This little Huya and Xiao Xiao did it on purpose!"

Brother Hua looked at the frantically beating votes on the public screen, and his eyelids also kept beating.

When he saw that the number of votes was topped to 9 million in just eight or nine minutes, Brother Hua felt like vomiting blood.

No need to think about it, after the tourists on Lehua's side have no ideological burden, 90.00% of the votes in their hands will be cast.

After all, Brother Li's performance is indeed the most exciting one so far, and after 500 million votes, there are still 10 votes for a welfare draw of [-] yuan. How the audience will choose, it doesn't need to be analyzed by him. The crazy number of votes is the best answer.

"Brother Hua, isn't this Xiao Xiao planning to win?"

The fifth child is also very uncomfortable.

Brother Hua is in charge of the union's decision-making, while his fifth son is in charge of the union's various expenses.

Now there are 520 million votes, which requires at least 450 million or more funds to come down.

The point is, it's less than 10 minutes now!

Xiao Xiao only invested 1000 million in funds two days ago, this is also going to make them bloody!
Brother Hua shook his head: "Don't care about him, it's only 1000 million funds, we Daheng can still get it out."

"Since Xiao Xiao wants to let us take the first place, there is no reason for us not to take the first place. You must know that if the omni-channel recommendation of Xiaojuzi does not have this first assistance, the effect will be somewhat reduced."

Now that things have happened, Brother Hua can only be slaughtered passively.

Although I feel uncomfortable, Brother Hua doesn't take the 1000 million seriously after thinking about it.

Baldy's three-day omni-channel recommendation has ended, and the effect is just to promote Baldy to Brother Li's popularity. In terms of fan stickiness, Baldy may need a month's development to catch up with Brother Li.

Xiaojuzi’s omni-channel recommendation is even better, but as of today, her omni-channel recommendation should be over.

Now many individual visitors in the live broadcast room, a large part of them come to watch Xiaojuzi's performance from other major websites. In this situation, the home field advantage of the game is concentrated on Brother Li.
This is equivalent to saying that Daheng spent 1000 million yuan to snatch more than half of Xiaojuzi's omni-channel recommendations to Brother Li.

For the promotion of 5000 million funds and channel costs, Daheng's wave is definitely profitable.

They hit Daheng with 1000 million yuan, so they still care about the [-] million yuan?

"I'm afraid Xiao Xiao didn't expect that so many gods from Daheng would come to help out, and I didn't expect Brother Li to come up with this skewered pop song we prepared as a surprise for her."

"Xiao Xiao can suggest that Lehua's fans should not vote for Brother Li, but he also knows that our Daheng fans are more united. As long as Xiao Xiao says this, our Daheng fans will definitely not vote for Xiaojuzi. In comparison, Lehua may still suffer."

Brother Jiu opened his mouth to analyze.

Brother Jiu felt that he had completely seen through this wave.

Xiao Xiao and Xiao Huya's speeches on the public screen just now are obviously helpless. On the one hand, it consumes their Daheng's funds, and on the other hand, it is to win their Daheng's hearts.

Lehua's fans voted for Brother Li without restriction, and Daheng's fans are not so narrow-minded. When Xiaojuzi's performance is very good, they don't vote for even one vote, right?
Only in this way can Lehua overtake in a corner and catch up with Brother Li's current number of votes.

Brother Hua was not surprised by Brother Jiu's analysis.

No matter how bad Brother Jiu is, he came from a big family. The elite education he received since childhood made him have a high vision. It's not unusual to see this.

On the contrary, the fifth child was shocked by Brother Jiu's frequent wise analysis these days.

Once Brother Jiu gets serious, his fifth son will seem a bit redundant.

"I think so too, but Xiao Xiao is just dying to do this. There are a total of 600 million viewers at the scene. Brother Li can get at least 550 million votes now. The probability of Xiao Xiao wanting to win is very small."

"I suggest finding some little white robots to collect 20 votes, and push Brother Li's votes to the limit."

Hearing what Lao Wu said, Brother Hua nodded with a smile, and then shook his head.

Brother Jiu and Lao Wu can slowly keep up with the thinking of playing games with Xiao Xiao, which is undoubtedly a great help for him. This is equivalent to saying that with the two military advisers of Crouching Dragon and Phoenix, he will also be able to fight against Lehua in the future. There is no need to fight alone.

I have to say, this feeling is really cool.

But what Lao Wu said about asking a robot to swipe tickets is absolutely unacceptable.

"Old Five, have you ever thought about it? Although the robot swiping tickets is very effective, as long as Huya's technical department is not stupid, it will be easy to find the swiping of tickets."

"The server suddenly flooded with 20 million people. As long as it is not cerebral palsy manipulating the voting system, everyone knows what is going on."

It is meaningless if the number of robots is small, and it will be seen if the number of robots is large.

"We are in a good situation now, with a guaranteed profit of 550 votes. Why should we ruin our great advantage in order to get a robot with 20 million votes?"

(End of this chapter)

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