Chapter 32 Confronting Daheng

"The operation of the trade union is naturally kept secret here, and I can't reveal too much to everyone."

The knife chuckled.

"But one thing I can be sure of!"

"The champion of the fan festival, Daheng wants it!"

The knife deliberately played a BGM with a grand rhythm, and the atmosphere in the live broadcast room was pushed to the peak in an instant.

At the same time, the title of the knife live broadcast room was also changed.

This trick was obviously learned by a bald man.

Many tourists who knew the situation in the live broadcast room were happy.

Although I don't know exactly how much to fight, but judging by the attitude shown by the knife, it is determined to do it!
Undoubtedly, this time it will be even fiercer than last year's annual battle!
Fans of the Daheng trade union are honored.

Many fans who wear Xia Nuan and Xiaofei brands have even learned how to swipe the screen in Baldy's live broadcast room.

"The champion of the fan festival, Daheng wants it!"

News anchors went online one after another, and the events of the previous two days became more and more fermented.

Most of the fans in Xingxiu District knew about this fan festival, and they were all looking forward to the battle of the century tonight.

On the other side, Liu Xiao, who just woke up, did a little exercise to stretch his muscles and bones.

Lanlan just sent herself a WeChat message, summarizing Dao Zi's speech in the live broadcast room.

As an S-level account manager, as long as it involves customers, she must give feedback as soon as possible.

"Daheng wants to take the first place in the fan festival?"

Liu Xiao sneered, and put the phone aside.

If Dahenggong has one billion yuan in his account, Liu Xiao will immediately admit defeat!

In the past two days, Liu Xiao has also thought about many ways to start a business, but currently he has a few ideas.

The first one is to do e-commerce, use the funds distributed by the system every day to invest in it, as long as the publicity starts, and then find some people who make orders to make sales.

It is not a problem to increase the ranking of the store and earn hundreds of thousands or even over one million a month.

However, this requires a lot of start-up capital, even if Jingdong borrows it all over again, it may not be enough.

To really implement it, it is estimated that the system will be upgraded to the third level, and there will be 1 yuan of funds per day.

As for lending money to upgrade the system, and then using the upgraded funds to repay the loan, this behavior is expressly prohibited by the system, otherwise Liu Xiao would have gone to find a relationship mortgage loan.

The second method is to use the existing anchor resources to promote apps such as games, or let them live broadcast and bring goods.

This kind of game agency is generally very cheap, and it costs [-] to [-] yuan to represent the game with the game developer.

But for Liu Xiao, this doesn't fit his personality on the live broadcast platform.

A big brother Shenhao who spends tens of millions of dollars on a disagreement, still cares about such a small income?

Therefore, Liu Xiao also has a bit of a headache now.

Money must be earned, but to Liu Xiao, earning less is meaningless.

After all, there is no shortage of such points.

In the past two days, he always felt that the system was a bit messed up.

What's the point of giving yourself [-] billion online consumption quota if you have nothing to do?

Isn't it delicious to replace it with real consumption?

It's good now, after brushing hard for two days, my fingers are aching, and even a billion hairs haven't fallen off.

So much money is stored in the bank. Although there is no set financial management package, interest is generated every day. I don’t know how the system works. The interest on this fund is three times the annual interest of ordinary deposits, which is exactly 10%.

Although it is far from the bottom line of the 20% income of the asset banker's investment, if one billion is saved, there will be a normal interest of one billion every year, which is more than 27 per day on average.

And this interest can only be used for online consumption.

This means that when Liu Xiao opens his eyes every day, he will have an extra 27 online virtual item consumption quota.

It's full of helplessness.

Liu Xiao shook his head, and clicked into Huya's PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds.

But I'm defeated, what else can I do?

It's just that the Internet Shenhao experience has been relatively long.

It was early nine o'clock, and the game area was already full of heat.

Perhaps because they knew about the battle in the Xingxiu District at night, some anchors who started broadcasting at night also temporarily adjusted the live broadcast time to the morning to avoid being accidentally injured by the trade union war at night.

Laolong's live broadcast room is currently ranked first, and it is playing black with Lao Hu Junjun.

"Welcome Brother Xiao Xiao to enter the live broadcast room!"

The golden Emperor's logo flashed, and [-]% of the people in the live broadcast room recognized it.

"Welcome Brother Xiao Xiao!"

"Boss, may I ask if your family lacks a nanny, the kind that can be used as a surrogate!"

"The person upstairs is shameless, brother Xiao Xiao can be such a person?"

"If it is, please come to me. I am in good health and can conceive twins!"

"Hehe, some lesbians upstairs don't talk about martial arts anymore. They want to have children and inherit hundreds of millions of fortunes. Brother Xiao Xiao, don't believe it!"

"I won't be able to have children in this life, Brother Xiao Xiao, I'm absolutely safe!"

"I'm afraid the upstairs is not a man?"

"Nonsense, I've been to Thailand before, if you don't believe me, I'll show you shame, shame."

"Ahem, may I ask upstairs, do you usually go to the men's room or the women's room when you go to the public toilet?"

Watching the barrage go further and further away, Liu Xiao threw out five treasure maps.

"Old Dragon, hold a bullet screen lottery for fans."

"Brother Xiao Xiao, bull beep!"

For now, fans from the Huya Game Zone and Xingxiu Zone welcome Xiao Xiao with both hands and feet.

In just two days of going online, I don’t know how many million households have been created.

As far as the game area is concerned, the lottery draw is almost 100 million in the past two days!
As for the Xingxiu District, 200 million was just released yesterday.

The most important thing is that all these lucky draws are free!

The lucky winners are even more fanatical. No matter which live broadcast room they are in, as soon as Brother Xiao Xiao goes online, he will definitely come after the treasure map.

As long as there are people on the platform who dare to say that brother Xiao Xiao is not good, they will dare to catch up and fight!
"Thank you Brother Xiao Xiao!"

"Come on, let's draw a prize of 1 yuan, just type "Thank you Brother Xiao Xiao" on the public screen of the TV to participate in the lucky draw!"

Liu Xiao clicked on the fan festival rankings and took a look.

The current Laolong list is 37, ranking second, and the first is the anchor Guaiguai, with a list of 52.

"Old Dragon, change the title of the live broadcast room."

Liu Xiao spoke in the fair area.

"Change the title?"

The old dragon took a look, there was no typo in the title?
"Yes, change it to number one in the PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Fan Festival, I want it!"

The old dragon was shocked.

Of course he knew about the bald man and Daheng, and now brother Xiao Xiao wanted him to do this, it was to fight Daheng!

The old dragon not only hesitated.

Having been in Huya for so long, he knows exactly what's going on in Daheng.

The branches and leaves are luxuriant, the tree is big and the roots are deep!
Daheng's anchors are all over star shows, appearances, outdoors and games.

Although Daheng is currently focusing on Xingxiu only one section, the game also chose the weakest PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and promoted a newcomer anchor, Guaiguai.

But even so, Daheng is not something an anchor like him can provoke.

Bald is the best example.

It's good that I have Brother Xiao Xiao's support now.

But brother Xiao Xiao is just a hero after all.

Daheng will continue to work in Huya, but Brother Xiaoxiao may quit playing online in a month or two.

Once I face Daheng, who else can I rely on?

(End of this chapter)

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