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Chapter 368 Beibi's Game Analysis

Chapter 368 Beibi's Game Analysis

"Come out, come out!"

It’s different from Huya’s. Huya’s event settlement is usually around nine o’clock the next morning, but Douyu’s usually settles within ten or twenty minutes after the event ends.

On the one hand, it is because the data on Douyu is small and the income is low.

On the other hand, it is also because the PK competitions like Douyu are relatively easy to count. Most of the anchors are fighting on their own, unlike Huya's anchors who have union competitions and team competitions.

After this Star Contest, there are only two lists on the entire platform.

"First of all, it's the star list this time."

The eyes of many online news anchors suddenly lit up, and they quickly opened the list published by Douyu.

Beibi is Douyu's internal news brother, so he naturally followed the competition throughout the process.

"As you can see, in this competition, Brother Xiao Xiao's personal strength undoubtedly maxed out the entire Shenhao circle of Douyu. I believe that after this competition, Douyu will also change from fan economy to Shenhao economy a little bit. gone."

Beibi analyzed with a smile.

Brother Xiao Xiao has only been here for two days, and the overall atmosphere at Douyu has undergone a huge change.

It is obvious that many tourists no longer look down on the big rocket that costs 2000 yuan a time. Many Shenhao brothers spend 2000 yuan in the live broadcast room. Although they can still win 666 fans, it is difficult for all the tourists in the live broadcast room to pay for it like before. cheers.

Now when it comes to the cards, at least they are all big rockets with more than ten rounds.

"The Phantom God [Brother Xiao Sa] entered the live broadcast room!"

Beibi was about to start analyzing the ranking of this event, but Brother Xiaosa suddenly clicked into the live broadcast room.

Before Beibi could react, fifty super rockets fell down.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!"

"Thank you brother Xiaosa, thank you brother Xiaosa for fifty super rockets, brother Xiaosa is mighty and domineering!"

When Beibi saw the super rocket special effect jumping on the screen, she jumped up in surprise and thanked her repeatedly.

Although he is a good news brother on the platform, there are not many Shenhao brothers in the live broadcast room. After all, Douyu usually focuses on the live broadcast of the anchor, and occasionally plays PK. There is not much excitement on the platform. Their kind of news The material for the anchor is also scarce, and it is difficult to attract the attention of the big brother.

Beibi can get a little more than 2 gifts in a month.

But Brother Xiaosa's sudden 10 rockets cost [-] yuan!
"Don't worry about me, I'm just here to listen to the settlement of this event."

Xiao Sa replied with a smile.

He and Dashuai spent a lot of time in Xiaoleng's live broadcast room, and also sent this account to level 120 and the title of phantom god.

After witnessing the battle between Master Fan and Brother Xiao Xiao just now, Brother Xiao Sa is also planning to be more aggressive.

He also understood a truth at this meeting, only by constantly showing his strength can he integrate into Brother Xiao Xiao's circle. You must know that Brother Xiao Xiao is a big boss who can spend hundreds of millions of cash at will. Brother Xiao Xiao will give them a chance to rise again.

Brother Xiao Xiao leaked a little bit through his fingers, and it was enough to fill them up.

It doesn't even matter if you don't have a relationship with Brother Xiao Xiao, as long as you connect with this line, you can enter Brother Xiao Xiao's network, which is also a lot of contacts!
As for the 10,000+ several million, for a person with tens of billions of assets like him, it is just a drizzle.

In terms of the company's cash flow, at least he can spend three to four billion yuan. In terms of his own cash flow, 2000 to [-] million yuan is still no problem.

It is easier for him to spend 600 million yuan on Douyu a month as a network investment than playing house.

And the first step to integrate into Brother Xiao Xiao's circle is naturally to establish a good relationship with these news anchors who usually see all directions and listen to all directions.

Seeing Brother Xiaosa's barrage, Beibi didn't dare to hesitate, and quickly talked about the competition.

"No.1 in this competition is naturally without a doubt, Xiao Xiaoge's little Tee Mo won the first place."

"No.2 is Xu Bao, No.3 Xiao Leng."

"Everyone can see these rankings. What I want to analyze this time is the recommendation meaning of these ranking anchors."

Beibi first read the ranking, and then deliberately played it off.

"Recommended meaning?"

"If you recommend it, I recommend it. What's the point? It's boring."

Hearing what Beibi said, the tourists were a little confused.

It was the first time they had heard this term.

Beibi chuckled, and then continued to speak.

"Let's first look at the recommendation positions of Xiao Leng and Sister Fa. Have you noticed that many of the recommendation positions the two of them obtained in this event have many similarities."

"For example, this PK drainage recommendation, as long as the anchor plays PK with other anchors, the official will guide the anchor in. What does this mean, don't I need to say?"

"Is the official going to let the anchor continue to PK?"

"I really didn't notice it. It really looks like this. With this recommendation, Xiao Leng and Sister Fa want to increase traffic, so they have to take the initiative to play PK. Once PK is played, there will naturally be more gifts!"

"Niubi Niubi, the official hides so deeply that you have found out!"

Passing through Beibi, the tourists immediately talked about it.

But Beibi shook his head, and then pulled the page to Little Timo, who was ranked number one.

"Look everyone, Little Timo is ranked first, and there is also this PK drainage recommendation, but Xu Bao, who is ranked second, does not have this recommendation."

"It is impossible for the anchor to play PK when he is not playing activities. It is impossible to get a high ranking. Although the official is short of money, it is not short of this. Your guess must be wrong."

"Let me see, the main reason why this recommendation is given to Xiao Tee Mo, Xiao Leng and Fa Jie, is because of Brother Xiao Xiao!"

Brother Xiaosa glanced at Beibi in surprise.

He didn't pay much attention to the platform, but that didn't mean he was stupid.

After being reminded by Beibi, Brother Xiaosa immediately understood what Beibi wanted to express.

PK drainage, Xiao Leng and Sister Fa are both star anchors, so there will be a lack of traffic?
It is probably true that Xiao Leng and Sister Fa helped little Timo drain!

Needless to say, this recommended position is definitely for cultivating little Timo.

Many tourists still don't understand it very well, Beibi doesn't engage in esoteric, and directly explains all the analysis.

After the tourists analyzed it themselves, it seems that this is really the case.

Let Little Teemo and Sister Lengfa fight a few more PKs, and Little Teemo's reputation will naturally spread.

Not to mention, little Timo also has this omni-channel recommendation for Douyu. With the support of both parties, it will be difficult for little Timo not to be popular, right?
"Is this the feeling of being covered by Brother Shenhao? It's so cool."

"Oh my god, the officials tried their best to arrange recommendations for the anchor. This is really the first time I've seen it!"

(End of this chapter)

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