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Chapter 42 The Showdown Between the Big Bosses

Chapter 42 The Showdown Between the Big Bosses

If Xiaofei's side brushes less, and Xiao Xiao goes back to make up for it, and then brushes Xiaojuzi again, directly topping Xiaofei's number one, then Daheng will really suffer a heavy loss this time.

"This time we miscalculated. For the position of the first sister Xingxiu, let Xiaojuzi sit for a while. There is no need to worry about the game area. What we need to do now is to keep Xiaofei!"

The fifth child nodded repeatedly.

So, is this a duel between business tycoons?

Every step is dancing on the tip of the knife!

As long as one party makes a slight mistake, the balance of victory will immediately tilt.

And they, Daheng, have already made two mistakes, and the price they paid was too great.

Underestimated the enemy!
The game area is gone, and the first sister Xingxiu is gone too.

If the first brother is gone, then Daheng's cards will definitely plummet!

Originally thought that Xiao Xiao was on the third floor, but after they injected capital, they were on the fourth floor, so they were sure.

Unexpectedly, just because of a wave in Xia Nuan's live broadcast room, Xiao Xiao stood on the fifth floor!
Almost overturned their Daheng!
The fifth child really felt that his brain was not enough. The original scheme in Huya, in the confrontation between these two top bosses, felt like a child.

How much effort did I waste to lock the bald man in a small black room for three months?
I don't know how much energy wasted, how many activities were played, and how many resources were used to support the two card anchors Xia Nuan and Xiao Fei?

But Xiao Xiao almost suppressed Daheng's entire guild just by simply swiping gifts!
With a cost of only tens of millions, the game area is full of fans of Xiao Xiao, and Xingxiu can even announce in advance that Little Orange will become a sister!
The fifth child stood obediently behind Brother Hua, not daring to have any more conceit.

If it wasn't for Brother Hua, I would still be confused.

If Xia Nuan continues to play activities to consume funds, Xiao Xiao's heart will be cruel, and he will lose his position as the first brother!
"Brother Hua, what if Xiao Xiao is so cruel that he wants to beat the bald man?"

The fifth child thought of a possibility and hurriedly asked.

Brother Hua smiled calmly, sat down again, picked up a piece of pastry and took a bite.


"Ah? For example, Xiao Xiao's side is the same as us, and there are other people buying shares?"

The fifth child is very puzzled, the probability is not small!
"It's very simple, because Xiao Xiao has no quota."

"Think about it, how many days did Xiao Jiu recharge in advance for this event?"

"Daheng's side is directly helping him to renew the Emperor first, and the package is full of pure gold bean coupons."

"Otherwise, do you think he can put Xia Nuan and Xiao Fei on the list of tens of millions in one night?"

"Yes, yes, I was confused."

For Huya, the daily recharge limit is 1000 million.

In other words, after rushing to 1000 million, no matter how much you rush today, you will not be able to make it up.

Before this, no one was able to send out 1000 million a day, so everyone ignored this incident.

Brother Jiu started to recharge two days in advance, which ensured that he could get more than ten million gifts in one night.

But Xiao Xiao, it seems that they are all instant charges and instant renewals, right?

I spent 270 million on PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds in the morning, and 450 million on Xiaojuzi at night, which adds up to 720 million!

In other words, Xiao Xiao can still charge up to 300 million if he is full of money.

If you open a trumpet to compete on the list, it can only be called stealing towers, even if you win, fans will not recognize it.

Lao Wu realized again.

No wonder, Brother Hua wants to hit 1300 million for Xiao Fei.

This is the point to put an end to all possible comebacks for Xiao Xiao!

However, according to common sense, it is unlikely that Xiao Xiao will continue to recharge.

Female anchors and male anchors are two systems, and there is no need to compete for the first and second.

Little Orange has a No.2, which is already a proper first sister status.

Why let 300 million go to waste?

If it wasn't for Daheng's fear of accidents, the 300 million would not have been paid.

"The trade union can pool another 300 million, no problem?"

Brother Hua looked at the fifth child.

"No problem, some small anchors put it down first, and the union will take another 250 million, and let Xiaofei take another 50. After all, you only returned 5% of your capital injection from Brother Jiu and Brother Hua. They didn't Post the money."

The fifth child laughed.

This time, I want to completely cut off all thoughts of Brother Xiao Xiao!
Xiao Xiao stood on the fifth floor and kicked Da Heng hard.

But this time, Daheng has already reached the sixth floor, and in the future activities, he will naturally be able to come back slowly!
"Unfortunately, I have to explain to Xia Nuan."

Thinking of this, Lao Wu had a headache.

Xia Nuan is currently considered the top anchor, and she even made a promise to her before.

Counting today, it was already the third time Xiao Xiao had slapped her in the face.

If there is no reasonable explanation for this, I am afraid that Xia Nuan's fans will be fried.

"There is no need to explain too much, as long as another hour passes, after 12 o'clock tonight, Xiaofei takes the first place, and everything will come back."

Brother Hua didn't care too much.

Isn't it because the second place has never been contested, as long as the first place is there, everything is easy to talk about!

"That's the only way to go, let Xia Nuan suppress it first."

The fifth child nodded helplessly.

In the live broadcast room, Xia Nuan was on the verge of crying after receiving the notification from the fifth child.

Xiao Xiao was still swiping the presents at a leisurely pace. At the beginning, it was in groups of 5 seconds, and in the last few groups, it would be in groups of 1 minute, waiting to be stuck until 11 o'clock in the evening.

I just changed the title to ridicule others. This time, Xiao Xiao's million list will be only a few hundred thousand short of the last one. The fans on the opposite side have not come over, and my own fans have already exploded.

This time, Lao Wu didn't care about it, and directly dumped the mess on himself.

It's so hard!


She regretted it a little now, it would be nice to honestly brush up on the presents, and she had to change the title to mock others.

"Brother Jiu really tried his best this time. He swiped 600 million by himself. It's a pity that Brother Hua didn't go online, so we lost a little bit."

There are many diehard fans speaking on the public screen, and within a few seconds, they will be completely overwhelmed by the barrage.

"Hehe, isn't Xiao Xiao alone?"

"If you can't compare it, you can't compare it, so much nonsense!"

"I really don't know how I became the first sister. I can't even beat a new anchor, and I'm ashamed to be on the 730 million list!"

"I really regret running your brand in the first place!"

"Hurry up and download it, garbage!"

How crazy the live broadcast room was before, how crazy the current live broadcast room is.

Countless fans who had gifted Xia Nuan now became the most rhythmic trolls.

Even the field controllers in the live broadcast room did not dare to block any of them, for fear of causing public anger if they were not careful.

"Don't worry, everyone, this event was just an accident. Brother Hua has been busy with company affairs for the past two days. When Brother Hua comes back, he will definitely call back from the next event!"

Xia Nuan spoke quickly.

"Besides, brother Jiu hasn't really made a move yet. After all, brother Jiu has already recharged the limit today. I'll finish it for Xiao Fei later. If there is any leftover, I will come back to make another round."

(End of this chapter)

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