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Chapter 60 Upgrade Reward Legendary Streamer

Chapter 60 Upgrade Reward Legendary Streamer
On the experience column, the consumption limit has exceeded 10, and it can be upgraded at any time.


"Ding! The system has been upgraded successfully!"

[Current level: Level 3]

[Daily money received: 1 yuan]

[Upgrade condition: consumption of 100 million yuan]


[System Upgrade: Give away a lucky draw opportunity*1! 】

[The higher the level, the greater the chance of getting advanced items! 】

"Here comes the chance to draw a lottery!"

Liu Xiao became excited again.

In the first lottery draw, I gave myself an Internet Shenhao consumer card with a limit of [-] million.

In the second lottery draw, I gave myself an [-] million Internet Shenhao consumption card.

This is the third lottery draw, so it shouldn't be the same card, right?

Liu Xiao went to take a bath on purpose, and even found a few incense sticks to light.

"Brother System, don't use the Shenhao Card again, it really won't last!"

"The Emperor of Europe is alive!"

Liu Xiao was very spirited for a while, then became cruel, and directly called for a lottery draw silently.

The turntable suddenly appeared.

The golden pattern around it has added another circle, and the material of the turntable seems to have been upgraded by a level, giving it an inexplicable extravagance.

The huge turntable stopped quickly.

A jet-black card fell off from the turntable and floated beside Liu Xiao.

Liu Xiao tapped lightly, and the card instantly shattered, turning into a beam of energy and dissipating towards the surrounding void.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host: get the wealth doubling card*1!"

[Wealth Double Card: At any time, as long as you use the Wealth Double Card, all the wealth of the host will be doubled immediately. 】

"Wealth Double Card?"

Liu Xiao rubbed his chin.

How should I put it, although this thing is not as good as expected, it is not bad.

The system is upgraded to level [-], and the game currently running is basically enough.

But to upgrade to level 1000, you may need [-] million funds to spend!

And myself, as long as I save enough 500 million.

At that time, use a wealth doubling card to get double happiness directly!
"System, does this wealth doubler card include the Shenhao card limit?"

[Including, all currency wealth of the host can be doubled. 】

"That's not too bad."

Liu Xiao nodded in satisfaction.

The wealth doubling card has been stored in the system panel, so Liu Xiao no longer pays attention to it.

"Now the income is 1 yuan a day. After a while, the income from the game will be credited to the account. I can't see if the system can be upgraded to level [-]!"

After being promoted to the fourth level, Liu Xiao also has enough funds to support him to do some of the real wealth appreciation methods that Liu Xiao planned before.

Managed the background programs of the game one by one again, and the time was approaching the afternoon.

At Tiancheng Company, several technicians were sweating profusely, but the subordinates did not dare to stop at all.

"Brother Yue, isn't this Liu Xiao too perverted?"

"Yeah, how much did he spend on advertising? The game that he just bought yesterday has over [-] registered users today!"

"It's incredible!"

"Test it again, will it be a system bug?"

Wu Yue stood behind a few people with a puzzled expression.

"Okay, confirm again."

"The system detection is normal."

"The IP of the game is normal, and the accounts are all registered with mobile phone numbers, and there is no duplication."

"The verification code system is normal, and there is no trace of illegality."

A few people entered the game to take a look.

From God's point of view, more than 2000 players are building turrets in a hurry, and many players have spontaneously formed kingdoms, shouting frantically on the world channel with small speakers.

After several confirmations, Wu Yue no longer had any doubts.

From taking the game to the present, there is only one day.

There are 4 registered users and 2000 online gamers.

I checked the recharge amount again, and the VIP recharge rate is not too low. At present, the cheapest VIP1 has more than 200 people recharged, and one out of ten has been recharged!

And VIP6, there are seven or eight of them!

The recharge ratio can reach one-tenth, and there are many high-V players. These players are all high-quality users that game companies dream of!
It is no exaggeration to say that Liu Xiao's server has just started running, and it almost exceeds all other servers of their [Guardian of the Great Country]!

"How on earth did he do it?"

Wu Yue looked shocked.

The more people in the game industry, the more they know how difficult this achievement is!
Draining more than 2000 actual players in one day, and the proportion of player consumption is so high, this level of drainage, one day, at least have to invest more than 30 yuan to do it!

But is it worth investing so much in such a small game?

Wu Yue really wanted to make a phone call and ask Liu Xiao how he achieved this result.

But he also knew clearly that this was someone else's business secret, and it was impossible to tell him.

Two thoughts, like a cat scratching, made him feel more and more uncomfortable.

According to his statistics, in just one day, Liu Xiao's income has already exceeded 18!

On the other side of Huya's live broadcast, game anchors started broadcasting in the afternoon.

"Hi everyone, I'm Hoe He, the anchor of console games, and welcome to my live broadcast room."

"I haven't seen you for a day, and Hoe He is handsome again!"

"Hehe, my roommate wants to watch you fight zombies before he dies!"

"Which game are you playing today?"

"Waiting online"

"I hope it won't take too long to load the game today"

"Three Hours of Water King of Tiger Bud!"

Seeing that the style of the barrage was off, Hoe He touched his nose in embarrassment.

Some time ago, when he was broadcasting live, he promised his fans to play a stand-alone plot game called Source of Zombies.

Originally, with his gigabit broadband network speed, it only took about ten minutes to install the game on Steam.

But I don’t know what happened to the network speed that day. It was usually 20M per second, but it suddenly dropped to 1M.

The 10G installation package originally only took 9 minutes to download, but with a 1M network speed, it took three hours to download!

If you change to another anchor, you will definitely choose to play other games at this time.

But Huehe is different, this iron-headed boy directly clicked a background download, and then clicked on the animation. . . . .

Live broadcast... Calabash baby.

The assistants who were rushing to fix the network thought he was crazy.

But Hoe He didn't care at all, he just left Calabash Baby for three hours, and didn't turn it off until the game was downloaded.

Some anchors who were about to watch his jokes sneaked over, but they were dumbfounded when they saw the live broadcast room.

At that time, the 140 million people in the live broadcast room all watched Calabash Baby with him for three hours!
Since then, the prestige of the Hoe He live broadcast room has risen.

Some people even praised him as the real Huya brother.

Although the spending power of the live broadcast room is average, the win is that the fans are extremely sticky!
It seems that in his live broadcast room, no matter what he is doing, he can gain fans' likes.

Even, he played Angry Birds, and under his magical live broadcast effect, fans could enjoy watching it.

An almost magical game anchor!

 Ask for a recommendation ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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