Chapter 64 Magic Book Zhou Xing ([-]rd watch)

After receiving Wu Yue's call, Liu Xiao still felt quite normal.

If he was Wu Yue, he would have to doubt his life.

"I'm cooperating with the Huya Live Streaming Platform. This is the only time. There is no possibility of copying."

Liu Xiao smiled and explained to Wu Yue.

"It's such a pity."

From what he saw, Liu Xiao's luck was simply against the sky.

Since it cannot be copied, there is no need to ask any more.

After going to the gym and letting the beautiful coach take him to practice the equipment, Liu Xiao went home and boarded the Huya live broadcast.

In the live broadcast room, Knife was working hard to collect money.

"Knife, how much do you think Brother Xiao Xiao can play in this event?"

"Can Daheng win this time?"

"I think with Brother Xiao Xiao's strength, it will be difficult for Daheng to win this time."

"It's not just difficult, with brother Xiao Xiao here, Daheng wants to win, and he can't stop it with tens of millions!"

Just as everyone was discussing in the live broadcast room, the public screen area suddenly lit up.

"The emperor [Jiu Yuan] entered the live broadcast room!"

"Welcome Brother Jiu!"

Knife greeted quickly.

"The emperor [Jiu Yuan] sent out a treasure map*1!"

"It's okay, you continue to say, I'll come over and listen to the news of the past two days."

Brother Jiu took the initiative to swipe a treasure map, which boosted Daozi's popularity.

"Okay, thank you Brother Jiu!"

Daozi beamed with joy.

This treasure map is not a gift for him to make a list, but Brother Jiu's personal one.

In other words, he can eat all the proceeds from this treasure map.

Got more than 2000!
Knife sorted out his emotions, and then spoke.

"Let's continue the topic we just talked about."

"No one knows Xingxiu better than me. I know exactly what the end team wants to do next."

The knife hehe smiled.

"Let me analyze it for you first."

"Brother Xiao Xiao has joined hands with the official to hold a game download event in the past few days, and the focus has shifted to the game area."

"Without the support of Brother Xiao Xiao and the bald man and the little orange, there has been basically no movement in the past two days."

"Tsk tsk, it's not just that other people are silent, Daheng is also silent!"

"The official schedule for this activity is too long. I think one week is just right, two weeks is not necessary."

"Yeah, it's not pretty at all."

Many audience members spoke one after another.

"You are wrong to blame the official. The official did this to train the middle-level anchors. The first week is basically used for the middle-level anchors to play activities."

"It can't be that Brother Fei and the others come and go at the beginning of every event, right?"

Knife explained.

"There are some middle-level anchors who are fighting, but compared with Brother Fei and Baldy, this kind of thing is too boring."

After the big battle at the end of May, many viewers have looked down on the PK of several thousand yuan in a single game.

The anchor shouted very energetically, but the gift was only a few thousand sets of light sticks, so there was no enthusiasm at all.

"Brother Jiu has to be the one to get the gift, one hundred shots of Huya No. [-], I don't know how many gods are killed in seconds!"

The fans in the live broadcast room flattered Brother Jiu.

"Hahaha, since everyone wants to see it, I'll give Daozi a weekly star today. After all, Xingxiu's side has really been too ordinary in the past two days."

"Wow, brother Jiu is going to make a move again!"

"Knife, here comes the chance to get rich overnight!"

Many fans were shocked.

If Brother Jiu wants to make a move, naturally it can't be just a small scene, and now I have seen it again!

"It's just a Zhou Xing, it's nothing."

Looking at the barrage in the live broadcast room, Brother Jiu chuckled and typed a barrage at random.

Ever since he was bullied by Xiao Xiao last time, he realized that pretending to be low-key is the most enjoyable.

While saying nothing, while raising his hand to swipe out hundreds of thousands of gifts, the public screen in the live broadcast room must be filled with admiration.

This is the realm of Shenhao.

Low-key and without losing connotation!
"Brother Jiu, what do you think of the magic book Zhou Xing?"

Knife rubbed his hands together, and deliberately clicked on the star list.

Currently number one on the list of magic books is Yang Zi from the Lehua union.

At noon yesterday, Lehua specially gave Yang Zi 13 Zhou Xing gifts, but it gave Yang Zi a wave of popularity.

Also as a news anchor, Knife naturally felt that Yang Zi was an eyesore everywhere, and there would be a chance, so he naturally wanted to find a place.

It would be great if Yang Zi could be suppressed by this wave.

Even if it can't, the audience of Xingxiu must know that the first brother of the news anchor is a knife!
"Hahaha, the knife is so cruel, I dare to fight Brother Jiu."

"This Yang Zi is Lehua's anchor, be careful that Little Orange will come and beat you up!"

"But don't tell me, one hundred thousand is just a drizzle to Brother Jiu, but the opposite is Lehua's anchor, and Xiaojuzi is currently in full swing."

"If Brother Jiu really hits Zhou Xing, it's inevitable that Lehua will fight back, and then it will be difficult to end."

Brother Jiu felt a little upset when he saw all the public screen bullet screens falling towards Lehua.

Isn't there just Xiao Xiao, Lehua made a 10,000+ magic book Zhou Xing, and he was so scared that he didn't dare to read it?
Xiao Xiao made 500 million swipes last month, but he also swiped more than 2000 million swipes back and forth!

Moreover, in order to hope to plan this event in June, he and Brother Hua injected capital again!

He alone put up 1000 million funds to invest in the stock!

Furthermore, Brother Jiu still has some spare money.

It's only the first week of the event, and I just heard Brother Hua analyze Xiao Xiao's layout yesterday.

At present, Xiao Xiao's focus is still on the game area, he doesn't believe that Xiao Xiao can come here specially, to compete with himself for a little Zhou Xing!
"Small idea."

Brother Jiu simply typed three words and went directly to the recharge page.

Without further ado, just click Renew!
"Emperor [Jiu Yuan] renews Emperor*6!"

"Emperor [Jiu Yuan] renews Emperor*6!"

Two consecutive 6-month emperor renewals, fully worth 40 gold beans!

The public screen was swiped by 666 in an instant.

The 40 yuan is not Daheng's union funds, but his own money.

As a big brother who often spends at Huya, he spends most of his time on the platform except for cooperating with the trade union during events.

He is the number one of many beautiful female anchors in the Xingxiu District.

Knife was even more excited.

He just wanted to try to see if he could circle around a hundred thousand.

After all, I also spent a lot of money in May, and my pockets are cleaner than my face.

Unexpectedly, Brother Jiu was so powerful that he directly renewed the Emperor for 12 months!
If you brush it all up for yourself and share it with your hands, 16% will be an income of [-]!
On the other side, just after Liu Xiao went online, he saw Brother Jiu's renewal news in the Knife live broadcast room.

Liu Xiao didn't care much.

I came to Huya to have fun, not to fight Daheng.

On the contrary, at the Fan Festival event in May, Daheng was beaten by himself and ran away, very embarrassed.

Daheng's anchor didn't provoke him, and Liu Xiao didn't plan to take the initiative.

 Summary of this week:
  This week's pk ended, with the support of all brothers and sisters, Xiao Jingzi successfully won No.1 in the same period, and the editor gave a banner on the homepage, which is in place.

  This achievement is inseparable from the support of everyone. Xiao Jingzi is here to thank every friend who voted for Xiao Jingzi.

  The plan for next week is still recommended tickets plus updates!

  Ladies and gentlemen, let's smash the tickets!
  Thanks again!

(End of this chapter)

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