Chapter 67 Xiao Xiao Runs Away? (recommendation ticket is required at three o'clock)

Although he is Daheng's head news anchor, there is a big gap between him and Xia Nuan Xiaofei.

"This time Brother Jiu will pay 300 million first. If it is not enough, I still have 50 in cash, and the other funds have not flowed from the bank."

"More than 300 million?"

"I also have 50 cash in my hand, so I can get up to 400 million!"

"Well, it's an emergency after all, and Xiao Xiao probably doesn't have much funds."

On the other hand, Xiao Xiao stopped after 30 months of renewal.

The list on the opposite side stopped after reaching 40, and there is no movement so far.

Liu Xiao originally thought that there would be some big moves on the other side, but after waiting for a few minutes, the other side didn't even respond.

Liu Xiao was also a little confused.

Seeing that I was online, I took the initiative to challenge myself, and ended up calling 40?

Liu Xiao didn't care what the other side did.

Now that he is online, Yang Zi is his favorite anchor again.

Then Zhou Xing, the magic book, must be taken!
"The emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent out magic books*1000 in the live broadcast room!"


"The emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent out the magic book *1000*5 in the live broadcast room!"

One click is 10 yuan!
Only five clicks helped Yang Zi regain the number one spot on the weekly star list!

"See, this is the difference between Brother Xiao Xiao and ordinary Shenhao."

"Brother Jiu is amazing. Shenhao, who is currently the second most consumed on all platforms, can get a magic book, and it's only a hundred and one hundred!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao is Huya Fighting Emperor, is this a joke?"

After clicking five times in a row, Liu Xiao didn't stop.

Click five times in a row again, and all 100 million will be swiped out.

At this time, Yang Zi's weekly star list has exceeded 113 million, firmly ranking first!

In the live broadcast room, Yang Zi's heart was pounding.

During this period of time, I have talked with Little Orange Baldy, so he naturally knows that Brother Xiao Xiao never asks for cash back when he buys gifts.

In other words, for the 100 million turnover, after taking out the commission from Huya and the trade union, he can get 40!

If you exchange the 40 for gold beans and sell them to the trade union, you can avoid paying huge taxes, and you can get at least 35 in cash.
The most important thing is that 35 cash is enough to give my sister a preliminary operation.

On the other side, the Knife live broadcast room has exploded.

The fans on both sides sent a wave of friendly greetings, and the fans on both sides knew the situation on the other side.

It was originally a situation where fire and water could not be tolerated, but when they met now, they immediately quarreled.

In the live broadcast room, Brother Jiu took a deep breath and pressed the renewal button heavily.

If he loses again this time, he will really lose his face!

"The Emperor [Brother Jiu] renews the Emperor*6!"

"The Emperor [Brother Jiu] renews the Emperor*6!"


Brother Jiu didn't open it slowly this time as before, and clicked the renewal button as quickly as possible.

One or two seconds, you can successfully renew once!
With such a high frequency, the previous message has not been fully displayed, and it is immediately pushed aside by the next renewal message.

At the same time, Lao Wu is also operating his own emperor number, which can be renewed in the live broadcast room every month!

The public screen, which was spraying each other, saw the rapid update of renewal consumption on the public screen, and the barrage suddenly became one-sided.

"Who said our brother Jiu can't move?"

"Thirty months, 100 million renewals!"

"Lao Wu is also there, and it's been five months now!"

"Daheng bull beep!"

"Million Stars, it's time to fight again!"

"You are all right, but Uruguay's population is only 345 million, Australia has 4700 million kangaroos, if kangaroos decide to invade Uruguay, then every Uruguayan will have to kill 14 kangaroos, you don't know, you don't care, you just care Gift."

"666, bull beep upstairs!"

"60 months, 200 million gifts!"

"66 months!"

"90 months!"

"300 million renewal fees!"

The renewal reminder in the live broadcast room gradually dimmed, but the public screen suddenly exploded.

This is the second day of the event, and you just paid 300 million renewal fees?

On the public screen, countless bullet screens have become "the days are over".

On the fifth side, the renewal fee also stopped.

50 gifts!
"Niubi, plus what I did before, this is Zhou Xing who wants to hit 400 million!"

"It's too fierce, I'm going to serve you, a Zhou Xing hits 400 million!"

"Brother Jiu is rich!"

As soon as the 350 million renewal fee came out, Daheng's fans were already extremely excited.

Although compared to the mid-year fan festival, this renewal fee is only one-tenth of Xiao Xiao's.

But now, it's only the second day of the Hope Plan in June!

When the other trade unions were still gifting thousands of yuan to ten thousand or twenty thousand yuan, Brother Jiu directly renewed the fee for 300 million yuan!
Tens of thousands of tourists were attracted by the renewal news, and they were all dumbfounded when they saw the countless renewal screenshots in the Knife live broadcast room.

"My God, the landlord's stupid son, right?"

"It's only the second day of the event, so there's no need to fight like this?"

"Upstairs, you may not know that Brother Jiu's opponent this time is Xiao Xiao!"

"No wonder, no wonder, when you fight Xiao Xiao, 300 million is just basic practice."

The tourists who just came in were stunned.

But Brother Jiu and Lao Wu's mood is not as good as the fans in the live broadcast room.

They didn't swipe for gifts right away.

They are waiting, waiting for news from Yang Zi!
As long as Xiao Xiao doesn't renew the fee within 5 minutes, the public opinion of fans on both sides will be completely fermented. At that time, another wave of frantic swiping will be the real defeat of Xiao Xiao!

According to their estimates, it is noon now, and it will take at least half an hour for Xiao Xiao to transfer the money out of the bank.

Therefore, time is perfectly adequate.

The mood of the two was up and down, uneasy.

In the past, they were the ones who sat in Xiao Xiao's position and made other unions feel uneasy.

But now, at some point, this position was taken by Xiao Xiao.

Every move affects the nerves of the entire Huya anchor.

3 minutes passed quickly, and Yang Zi didn't have any renewal prompts.

Five minutes passed, but there was still no prompt from Yang Zi.

The fifth child sneaked a glance over, and the audience on Yang Zi's side had already started complaining on the barrage.

Out of careful consideration, the two still didn't make a move.

Seven minutes later, Xiao Xiao remained silent in Yang Zi's live broadcast room.

In 8 minutes, in Yang Zi's live broadcast room, Xiao Xiao, who was at the top of the VIP seat, suddenly went offline!
Not only Lao Wu and Brother Jiu, but also the fans in Yang Zi's live broadcast room were all taken aback.

With Brother Xiao Xiao as a person, it is impossible to just go offline and run away without even saying a word, right?

"Impossible, Brother Xiao Xiao is a god who earned more than 3000 million, so he just left?"


"Where is Brother Xiao Xiao, is there no internet?"

"Hehe, I can't beat you and run away. I guess when I go online later, I will say something happened just now."

A few Daheng fans jumped over to ridicule.

"Upstairs, please shut your ass."

"You black fans, I feel sick when you open your mouth!"

"I believe in Brother Xiao Xiao!"

 This week [January 1th to January 4th].

  If there are 1000 recommendation tickets in a single day, one chapter will be added, and if there are 2000 recommendation tickets, two chapters will be added. The daily limit will be 4 chapters.

  With the support of all brothers and sisters, the collection of this book [Shenhao] has exceeded [-]!
  According to an average of 5 recommendation votes per person, 1 brothers and sisters, 2000 votes, only 400 people vote for a free recommendation vote every day, and you can get 4 updates!
  For gentlemen who are as grand as [Xiao Xiao], recommendation tickets are nothing to worry about!
  Tickets are powerful, four updates a day is not a problem, if there are too many tickets, Xiao Jingzi will have five updates in a row!

  The previous two weeks have proved this point.

  For 15 consecutive days, three shifts started, and no one was delayed!

  So, gentlemen who are as brave as Brother Xiao Xiao, let's get violent!


(End of this chapter)

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