Chapter 69 I'm Here!
In Yang Zi's live broadcast room, Liu Xiao turned on the connector.

"The emperor [Xiao Xiao] renews the fee of the emperor*6!"

"The emperor [Xiao Xiao] renews the fee of the emperor*6!"


Compared with Brother Jiu's extreme hand speed, it is still faster with technology.

The emperor's renewal reminder frantically swiped the screen at the rate of once a second in Yang Zigong's screen area.

"Hahaha, I just said that brother Xiao Xiao can't admit cowardice!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao made a move, Brother Jiu is out of action!"

"I thought Brother Xiao Xiao was cowardly when he went offline, but I didn't expect to go to the opposite live broadcast room to face him!"

"Upstairs, how can you be sure it's the frontal gang, I think it's the side gang or the top gang!"

"If the anchor can silence the emperor, I guess the knife wants to seal brother Xiao Xiao for 100 years!"

"Haha, it's almost enough if the emperor doesn't ban the anchor!"

Even the tourists who had just prepared a few black and white words in the live broadcast room couldn't help but praise.

"Brother Xiao Xiao's wave is really bull beeping, riding directly on the face of the knife to output!"

"Brother Jiu is almost pissed to death. He was ridiculed like this after swiping more than 300 million yuan. I don't know how many years it will take to earn so much money!"

"That's what he deserves, who asked him to provoke brother Xiao Xiao?"

Yang Zi was even more excited.

Who doesn't want to have a big brother who can fight and dare to fight?
It seems that from the moment Brother Xiao Xiao entered Huya, the anchors that Brother Xiao Xiao has survived have never suffered a loss!
Let's not talk about Xiaojuzi and Baldy, it's the rabbit that Brother Xiao Xiao doesn't take care of very often, and he's about to enter the ranks of first-line anchors now.

How much more than five times the income than before?
Seeing the renewal news constantly refreshing on the public screen, Yang Zi's eyelids kept twitching.

I silently cheered myself up in my heart and let myself accept this kind of scene.

Since Brother Xiao Xiao intends to support him, then his live broadcast room will definitely have such big scenes in the future!

"The emperor [Xiao Xiao] renews the fee of the emperor*6!"

"120 months, 400 million renewals!"

Adding the previous 100 million, this is 500 million!

Just as Xiao Xiao stopped, the data emperor had already reported the numbers.

Brother Jiu, who was watching the screen on the other side, suddenly turned pale.

He didn't expect that Xiao Xiao could really earn 500 million!
On my side, I can get a little better, but even if I get all of them out, that is a list of more than 400 million, it is basically impossible to surpass Xiao Xiao.

"This Xiao Xiao, how much money does he have?"

"Forty-five million yuan, just lying on the account like this?"

Brother Jiu scolded in the group.

Brother Jiu was really impatient this time.

In Huya, the anchor who was slapped the most by Xiao Xiao was Xia Nuan, but the most slapped Shenhao was himself!

More than 2000 million brushes have been swiped back and forth, and other Shenhaos have long been conferred gods by tourists, but now, he doesn't even have a sense of accomplishment on the platform.

If he hadn't invested in Daheng, he would have gone offline right now!
Huya is completely unplayable!
Brother Hua saw that the situation was not good, and his face changed again and again.

After thinking about it, I still logged into the Huya account.

Things have developed to the point where, if he doesn't play again, Daheng's signboard will really be smashed.

"The emperor [Huahua] entered the live broadcast room!"

The news that Brother Hua entered the live broadcast room instantly appeared on the top of the public screen.

"The emperor [Huahua] sent Huya No. 100*[-]!"

"Thank you Brother Hua for rewarding 100 hairs of Huya No. [-]!"

"Brother Hua, why do you have time to visit Huya these days?"

Seeing Brother Hua coming to the rescue, Knife hurried forward to cooperate.

If Xiao Xiao really kicked Brother Jiu off the Internet, the anchors on Daheng's side would have to cut their monthly income in half!

Although Brother Jiu is a bit arrogant and lecherous, he is generally easy to talk to. As long as they lick well, he can earn them a hundred thousand or so with less talk in a month.

As for the female anchor, Brother Jiu posted more!
Besides, Brother Jiu was still put on the knife by him today. If this matter is not resolved, who will dare to buy gifts in his live broadcast room in the future!
Maybe at some point, brother Shenhao will have to be given Zhou Xing as a gift?
Although he would definitely not do this, as long as he was beaten for real today, it would be yellow mud falling off his trousers, and it was either shit or shit.

Therefore, the knife coordination is still very hard.

"The company is almost busy with things, so I have nothing to come to Huya to have a look."

"Brother Hua will be invincible when he goes online!"

"Online is 100 hairs of Huya No. 10, and it's [-] yuan at once!"

"That's right, I don't even look at who Brother Hua is. Xiao Xiao took advantage of Brother Hua's absence these two days."

"Xiao Xiao's online brushing is only a treasure map, one 5000 yuan is all, and occasionally 5 are only [-] yuan, there is no way to compare with Brother Hua!"

The atmosphere in the live broadcast room, which was about to explode, suddenly became active.

Xiao Xiao has only been in Huya for four or five days, but Brother Hua has been active in Huya for nearly a year!
Before Xiao Xiao, Brother Hua was the well-deserved No. [-] hero on the Huya platform.

The annual consumption is more than 4000 million, which is three or four times that of Brother Jiu.

There are even rumors that Brother Hua is actually the big boss of a company with a market value of tens of billions of dollars, and any business talk starts at 8000 to [-] million.

A rich second generation like Brother Hejiu is the difference between heaven and earth!

"If Brother Hua was here a few days ago, it's hard to say who will win the mid-year fan festival!"

"In my opinion, Xiao Xiao is completely vulnerable in front of Brother Hua."

"Aren't you out of your mind? Brother Xiao Xiao spent 3500 million in just a few days, which is almost close to what Brother Hua spends in a year!"

"Brother Hua had no opponents before, and Brother Hua didn't go online often. If it really happened, it would be only tens of millions. Brother Hua wouldn't even blink!"

Brother Jiu watched the rhythm of the bullet screen on the public screen completely favoring Brother Hua, he let out a sigh of relief while feeling envious, and quickly quit his account while no one was paying attention to him.

"Daozi, I haven't been online for a few days. I just watched the barrage and said, it seems that you were beaten up by other anchors?"

"Brother Hua, help me!"

The knife understands.

"I just want to get a magic book Zhou Xing, but the ending team has been targeting me, and the weekly star list is almost 400 million!"

"End the team?"

"Brother Hua, you may not know that in the past few days when you were away, a hero Xiao Xiao came to the platform."

"The official event is held, and the team formed by the anchors supported by Xiao Xiao is the ending team."

"Well, I have some time these few days. If I have time then, I will help you with this event!"

Brother Hua smiled and spoke on the public screen.

Daheng's fans were even more excited. They seemed to have seen a Hua brother who slapped his chest loudly in the big brush.


"Brother Hua is arrogant, Xiao Xiao is a hammer!"

Everyone praised him for a while, seeming to have forgotten the huge pressure that Xiao Xiao brought in the live broadcast room just now.

Brother Hua chuckled and spoke again on the public screen.

"I'm here for this event!"

"See you in the finals next week!"

(End of this chapter)

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