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Chapter 74. Brother Hua Wants to Use a Trick!

Chapter 74. Brother Hua Wants to Use a Trick! (recommendation ticket plus update)

Thank you Brother Xiao Xiao!
"Brother Xiao Xiao is so arrogant!"

Hoe Wo screamed hoarsely.

The audience in the live broadcast room was even more excited. Although the money was not for them, even if it was just an eye addiction, they couldn't stop.

A full 1000 million gifts!

The hundreds of thousands of viewers who just poured in were instantly fancied by Xiao Xiao's frenzied operations.

"It turns out that this is Shenhao!"

"Brother Shenhao, I love you!"

"The house I just bought is only 80 in full"

"When I first came to Huya, I saw such a heart-wrenching scene. No wonder Lu Xun once said that the gap between people is greater than the gap between humans and pigs!"

"Upstairs, Lu Xun also said this?"

"If you believe it, you have it. If you don't believe it, you don't have it. Lu Xun didn't say it, and Zhou Shuren said it too."

And Xiao Xiao's account subscriptions are climbing at an extremely exaggerated speed.

Even, it is faster than the subscription of Hue He!

"Thank you Brother Xiao Xiao, brother Xiao Xiao, come to me next time you want to play any game, I will definitely be on call [-]/[-]!"

Hoe He forcibly suppressed his excitement and thanked him repeatedly during the live broadcast.

Because of these 1000 million gifts, his popularity for hoeing completely exploded tonight!

This is a hot spot that no amount of recommendations can bring!
I believe that tomorrow, countless news anchors on Huya will spread word of mouth what happened tonight.

"Next time definitely."

"Next time, the skin care products are very useful."

Liu Xiao thought for a while, and spoke on the public screen:
"By the way, old hoe, I want to ask you something."

"Brother Xiao Xiao, please tell me, you must know everything!"

Hoe He slapped his chest loudly.

"Actually, it's nothing. Is your girlfriend called Dangwu?"

Hoe He, who was full of passion just now, froze in place, unable to close his wide mouth for a long time.

In the live broadcast room, tens of thousands of rows of question marks frantically swiped the screen.

"Hahaha, Brother Xiao Xiao is too down-to-earth, right?"

"Brother Xiao Xiao like this, I love it!"

"Old hoe, you didn't say anything when we asked you before, but now Brother Xiao Xiao asks, you have to answer directly, right?"

"Brother Xiao Xiao knows how to play!"

Hoe Wo smiled wryly.

He didn't expect that a Shenhao who spends tens of millions at every turn would ask himself this question.

"Since brother Xiao Xiao asked a question today, I have to make a solemn statement."

"I'm a hoe. I'm still unmarried and have no love experience. If there is a beautiful young lady in the live broadcast room, please contact me."

"Hahaha, Huehe, don't dare to do it or admit it."

"In the face of iron-clad evidence, all explanations are absurd!"

"If Chen Shimei is alive, I have to respectfully call you big brother!"

The audience in the live broadcast room couldn't stop laughing when they saw Hue He's serious appearance.

"You guys have wronged the hoe. Although the day of hoeing is noon, it may be the love bought for 500 yuan in the alley, and it is not a girlfriend."

"Yes, yes, when the teacher gave me the formula for the difference of squares, I wondered who the formula for the sum of squares was!"

"Hehe, our medical school is even more terrifying. The two classic cases of hematopoietic stem cells and compound grass coral are still vivid in my memory!"

"You cow beep (sound hoarsely)!"

"I just watched The Legend of Sword and Fairy two days ago, and went to the History Museum to see the painting of Qingming Riverside. Finally, I discussed with our class monitor and school committee a few ancient poems such as the flow of the Yellow River into the sea and dancing to figure out the shadows."

"Hahaha, I just watched Bow Shooting Eagles!"

"A group of egrets go up to the blue sky. The teacher just said it. Hearing what you said, I also think it's not right."

"I've just recited The Crooked Path Leading to a Secluded Place."

"Being very narrow at the beginning, you can understand people."

"Pear blossoms crushing crabapples passing by."

"Really, these barrages above are completely incomprehensible!"


"Hahaha, you guys are amazing!"

Looking at the rolling barrage, Liu Xiao couldn't hold back anymore.

The hoe in the live broadcast room is completely hopeless.

With 240 million online users and the speed at which the barrage scrolled, he couldn't see it at all.

Sand sculpture netizens have a lot of fun, every move is full of memes!
"Come on, I'll continue to give out prizes."

After playing in the live broadcast room for a while, Liu Xiao clicked on the list of awards in the event, and jumped directly into the live broadcast room of Sou Nan.

"Welcome Brother Xiao Xiao to Tiao Nan's live broadcast room!"

In the live broadcast room, my younger brother's old mummy fired a Q skill and licked wildly at the wild area.

Without further ado, Liu Xiao started the renewal directly!
Quo Nan's marriage relationship is not stable recently, and his live broadcast status has been poor.

Originally, the popularity of the live broadcast room was not much worse than that of Hoe He, but now, the peak popularity of the live broadcast on Soo Nan's side has not exceeded one million.

Therefore, Scratch Nan still values ​​the popularity brought by Brother Xiao Xiao's gifts.

"Old scratch, what gift do you want?"

Liu Xiao asked the same question.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, let me give a high-energy early warning."

Scratch Nan originally wanted to choose Huya No. 88, but Huehe had already grabbed it first, so he could only settle for the next best thing, and chose a high-energy early warning with a unit price of [-].

Soon, the 500 million renewal fee was paid, and Liu Xiao made an OK gesture on the public screen.

"The emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent a high-energy warning * 1000!"

"The emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent out a high-energy warning * 1000 * 2 combos!"


A series of high-energy warnings flashed across the screen in an instant.

A barrage is a golden bean worth 8 RMB!
Backstage at Huya, Guoguo was even more angry when she saw Lanlan directing the technical staff to maintain the server.

After thinking about it, Guoguo took out her phone and sent a message to Brother Hua, listing Xiao Xiao's frenzied swiping in the game area.

On the other hand, Brother Hua has already finished the project at hand and has returned to the Daheng resident. At the moment, he is watching Tiaonan's live broadcast in the fifth office.

"Brother Hua, after this event, resources must be invested in the game area."

The fifth child had a solemn face, and his facial features were almost wrinkled together.

Xiao Xiao has been too ruthless these days.

This time, it is cooperating with the official again to hold such an event on the whole platform, which directly promotes the status of the game area.

If this continues, Xiao Xiao's roots in the game area will be even deeper than Daheng's in Xingxiu!

"Old five, how is the fund statistics on Daheng's side?"

Brother Hua turned the teacup in his hand with a calm expression.

"As of now, 6000 million have been received."

"The trade union is still returning the money, and the other Shenhao brothers have also contributed to varying degrees."

"Before the finals, 8000 million will not be a problem."

This time, Daheng was in a desperate situation.

Hua Ge alone invested 3000 million and Jiu Ge contributed 1000 million. The two capital investments made them officially become the first and second largest shareholders of Daheng.

Coupled with the return of funds in May and so on, Daheng has raised a total of 8000 million funds!

"This time, we are in the dark and Xiao Xiao is in the light. It's time for us to use some tricks on Xiao Xiao."

Brother Hua looked at the WeChat message sent by Guoguo, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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