Chapter 83
Just when everyone in the live broadcast room was in high spirits, Liu Xiao turned into the live broadcast room.

"The emperor [Xiao Xiao] entered the live broadcast room!"

With Liu Xiao entering the live broadcast room, the enthusiasm of the barrage has once again increased to a higher level.

"Hello Brother Xiao Xiao, I'm Ai Xi."

"Brother Xiao Xiao, are you Ai Xi my nanny?"

"You Ashe, let me burn!"

"You Ashe, I am the desert emperor!"

"Upstairs, isn't the voice of the desert emperor oh oh oh?"

"You're wrong."

"There's nothing wrong with you."

"I am pure and trembling in the corner."



Liu Xiao touched his nose, and silently typed three question marks on the screen.

He just came over, and he was also curious when he saw the rhythm of the live broadcast room taking off.

Seeing three big question marks displayed on the public screen, the audience in the live broadcast room laughed even harder.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, don't listen to them, it's all bullshit!"

"Ritta, don't you think so?"

Zitai coughed twice and said seriously.

"Zheng, Ren, Jun, Capital?"

"Hahaha, the brain hole upstairs."

"Brother Xiao Xiao, don't trust him, Zitai is Huya's biggest car king!"

"Qiu Mingshan Zishen!"

The bullet screen kept flying, Liu Xiao took a closer look, and immediately understood what happened in the live broadcast room just now.

Liu Xiao also couldn't help laughing.

"Of course I choose to trust you, Ashe and Nanny."

Liu Xiao typed and spoke on the public screen.

The emperor's font is still very clear.

Liu Xiao's barrage had just been played, and there was another series of question marks in the live broadcast room.

In the live broadcast room with 80 million people, at least 30 million people are asking questions.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, you"

Looking at the barrage, Zitai also couldn't laugh or cry.

What about the agreed Shenhao, what about the agreed elder brother demeanor?
Take the initiative to take your own rhythm!

"Hahaha, Ai Xi and Nanny, Brother Xiao Xiao is also a joker!"

"Why didn't I understand from the beginning to the end"

The people who don't know the truth are confused.

They really didn't understand what these words meant.

"Aixi and Nanny, change the pinyin of He, and change it into one sound again, do you understand?"

"There is no need to explain upstairs, you understand everything!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao is a member of my generation, the appraisal is complete!"

"You are not kind, Zitai, next time something like this happens, don't forget to call us."

"Zitai, remember to record the video next time, it's best to get nine yuan and nine free shipping!"

"I will bypass the wall, you can upload it at ease."

"This kind of good thing, I also want to join in the fun."

Xiao Huya also ran over and spoke on the public screen with a smile.

"Brother Xiaohuya is here too!"

"Brother Xiaohuya, may I ask if you can pick me up with a Rolls-Royce while you're joining in the fun?"

"+1, I also want to participate in such a good thing!"

"+10086, let's make a fortune together!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao, brother Xiaohuya, please let me go."

With a sad face, he almost turned off and ran away.

"Petty bourgeois, if you dare to say it, you must dare to admit it."

"Brother Xiao Xiao is right, petty bourgeois, you have to act after you recognize it!"

Xiao Huya made up the knife behind.

"Don't forget to record the video when you act, and send a copy to everyone later."

Lanlan also jumped out and chased after Xiao Huya.


"The officials have come out, you are finished!"

"Is the old man so proud of himself?"

Xiao Xiao, Xiao Huya, and Lan Lan spoke one after another, and some viewers in the live broadcast room who had been holding back their laughter couldn't help it anymore, and the barrage of hahaha kept playing.

"Lanlan, don't make trouble."

Liu Xiao rolled his eyes on purpose and laughed jokingly.

As Xiao Xiao's exclusive account manager, Lan Lan has been following Xiao Xiao's live broadcast all the time. Her purpose is to make her brother have fun in the live broadcast room.

The incident between Zitai and Ritta is actually not a violation at all.

The illegal characters in the barrage in the live broadcast room will also be automatically blocked as asterisks by the system.

Therefore, this matter will stop at the homophonic stalk, and there will be no harmful consequences.

This is also the reason why Lanlan came out to make a joke.

Lan Lan saw brother Xiao Xiao speak, and retreated behind the scenes contentedly.

Of course, the most important thing is that Lan Lan wants to show her presence in front of Brother Xiao Xiao. After all, it has been a long time since she has interacted with Brother Xiao Xiao.

This time, in her opinion, the effect is still very good.

"Okay, stop making trouble, and take care of the medical expenses."

Liu Xiao typed a bullet screen, and a series of renewal messages appeared on the public screen of the live broadcast room.

This is also the tradition of Huya.

Generally speaking, in the two groups of friendly pk, the eldest brother of the winning party will go to the losing party to collect one or two gifts as medical expenses for the losing party's injury.

Of course, this is also a way that the anchor chooses to ask for a gift.

"Thank you Brother Xiao Xiao! Brother Xiao Xiao is magnificent!"

Seeing Liu Xiao frantically renewing his subscription in the barrage, Zitai didn't care about being ashamed, and got up to thank him again and again.


"The emperor [Xiao Xiao] renews the fee of the emperor*6!"

"The emperor [Xiao Xiao] renews the fee of the emperor*6!"

The renewal news on the public screen is slowly dimming.

"30 renewals, Brother Xiao Xiao recharged another 100 million!"

Many viewers in the live broadcast room exclaimed.

Starting from June, Xiao Xiao first organized a game promotion event to give gifts, which earned more than 6 million yuan, and helped the Longtenghuxiao team win the first place in the June Hope Project.

These two add up to 3000 million!

And since Xiao Xiao came to Huya, plus this time, he has already spent more than 7200 million!

Zitai was even more excited.

Although the annual signing fee is tens of millions, a gift of 100 million is not a small amount of income.

He knew Brother Xiao Xiao was arrogant, but he didn't expect that, just for the medical expenses, the renewal cost was 100 million!
"The emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent Huya No. 100*[-]!"


"The emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent Huya No. 100 *10*[-] combos!"

Huya No. 10 with 100 shots in 100 consecutive groups, [-] million gifts!
"Thank Xiao Xiao for the gift!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao, do you want to play games? I'll take you flying!"

Zitai slapped his chest loudly.

"For a while, I'll go to Uzi and Weishen first."

Liu Xiao did not refuse, and typed a message on the public screen.

Zitai nodded again and again, being able to play games with brother Shenhao would be of great help to the improvement of his circle.

Based on his understanding of Brother Xiao Xiao during this period of time, he earned more than 7000 million in half a month, and Brother Xiao Xiao's family background is at least on par with the first-line entrepreneurs in the capital city of Shanghai!
Liu Xiao went to the Ritta live broadcast room to reward 20 treasure maps, and then returned to the Zitai live broadcast room to post a barrage, and then clicked the link to jump to Uzi's live broadcast room.

"You nurse Ashe Ritta, you go down, I go down."

"Brother Xiao Xiao is leaving?"

"Has Ritta heard, Brother Xiao Xiao's true intention of sending out 20 treasure maps!"

"I didn't expect Brother Xiao Xiao to be so good!"

"I used to be too confident. Brother Xiao Xiao just opened his mouth in such a simple way. I feel that my reputation as Huya Che King is not guaranteed!"

"Upstairs, what do you think, brother Xiao Xiao has seen, there may be more grains of salt than you eat!"

"Upstairs, there is no evidence to suspect the car, please pay attention to your words!"

 Gentlemen who have recommended tickets, please give me a few Xiao Jingzi, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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