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Chapter 94: To accept the battle or not?

Chapter 94: To accept the battle or not? (two more)

As soon as Yang Zi said this, there was an uproar in the live broadcast room.

The news anchors of the major OBs were even more stunned.

In their minds, today was just a promotion match for other unions, and had nothing to do with Daheng Lehua.

If they want to make a move, it will definitely be tomorrow night, when 8 enters 2.

Unexpectedly, Yang Zi declared the war directly!

In less than 5 minutes, the bald man was also registered.

The title of the live broadcast room: The end team declares war, Daheng, do you dare to take it?
"666, the bald man is tough!"

"Brother Hui is back, Daheng, do you dare to take it?"

"Daheng's scumbags, didn't you just scream crazy? Come out now!"

Baldy didn't speak, just opened the live broadcast room, and sat quietly on the chair, but the title of the live broadcast room still exposed Baldy's agitated heart at the moment.

He's been wanting to do this since last year.

Unfortunately, at that time, he was unable to do this.

Now, after more than a year, he has the ability and money!

If Daheng dares to respond, he will dare to make today a final!
After the bald man, the little orange is also online soon.

The title of the live broadcast room was also changed: The end team must win!

"Yang Zi, you can do it, my brother and sister have come out to cheer you on!"

"666, I thought I would see it the day after tomorrow, but I didn't expect to fight today!"

"Hahaha, Daheng's black fans are probably fooled!"

"[Daheng fans]: We are just talking about it, don't take it seriously!"

"Upstairs, hahahaha!"

"Yangzi is domineering, bald is domineering, and little orange is domineering!"

"I didn't say anything, I just did it!"

Before Yang Zi could speak, countless fans had already donated generously.

【Mai Tao's Little Girl】Give away a magic book*1!

【Bi Yuntao】Give away magic book*5!

[The past of the two eggs] Send out the magic book*1!


For those who play live broadcasts, not only Shenhao can consume, but countless ordinary swordsmen, knights, and lords can read magic books!

And watching the live broadcast, isn't it just a picture of refreshment?
Yang Zi's operation really made them happy from head to toe!
On the weekly star list, the ranking of Yang Zi's magic book gifts quickly went up from 0 at the beginning.

In just 5 minutes, there were already [-] gift turnovers!
Ten thousand in 1 minute!
"Thank you for the magic books you sent, and thank you all for your generosity!"

"I just want to say one thing here, the black fans of Daheng, if you dare to say hello, you will have to pay the price!"

"Come on, Daheng's anchor, let's go to war!"

Yang Zi tapped the keyboard to enter.

The title of the live broadcast room only has two words.

Come fight!

"Yang Zi Niubi!"

"You are the first news anchor I've ever seen so fiercely, among other things, ten magic books are here!"

"Baldy and Xiaofei's first brother haven't competed yet, yet another Cheng Yaojin has come out here, haha!"

"It's over, Daheng is so arrogant all day long, I really think no one is afraid of him!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao hasn't made a move yet, if you wait for Brother Xiao Xiao to make a move, Daheng will be destroyed soon!"

The entire Xingxiu platform knew the news in just half an hour.

Countless tourists from Xingxiu gathered towards the live broadcast room of Yang Zi and Dao Zi.

Some of the anchors who originally planned to hit the top eight today were even more about to cry.

The popularity has been robbed at once, what is the use of them making this list?

"Everyone go to Yang Zi's live broadcast room, to end the team's side, the momentum must be there."

Baldy looked at the tens of thousands of people who had just come up in the live broadcast room, and said with a smile.

The battle for the first brother does not lie in today.

He believed that Daheng would admit defeat today.

In the hands of the three of us, 2000 million funds are here!
The Daheng trade union, Xiao Fei and Xia Nuan were notified and rushed back to the trade union as quickly as possible.

Xia Nuan herself was still in the hotel with a big brother. Hearing the news, she almost frightened her back.

The plan arranged by the union is that when the broadcast starts tomorrow night, the union will play a round to win the No.1 or No.2 team, and then the real final will be on the night of the 15th.

As for the live broadcast tonight, the original plan was to collect money.

It was too late to play with her eldest brother last night, and she still wanted to take a good rest at noon.

This time, a day earlier, many gifts that should have been circled were gone.

"Brother Hua, shall we take over today's matter?"

Xiao Fei asked cautiously.

With a gloomy face, Brother Hua first nodded and then shook his head.

He was engaged in business warfare before, and he didn't know the role of union fans, which led him to miscalculate the fanaticism of his own fans.

These black fans of Daheng today taught him a good lesson.

Originally, after Brother Jiu cleans up, everything will be fine, but these black fans are lucky, so they ran to Yang Zi's live broadcast room to mock him!
He also didn't quite understand what these black fans were thinking.

When he received the news, the rhythm was completely uncontrollable.

"No matter what, you go online first, and then reply to the challenge from the end team in the live broadcast room, and you accept it."

"If you back down at this time, the consequences will be more serious than the failure of this event!"

Brother Hua spoke directly.

"it is good!"

Xiao Fei and Xia Nuan looked at each other, then returned to their live broadcast room and turned on the equipment.

They and the trade union have a relationship that both prospers and loses. At this time, the interests of the trade union must be firmly safeguarded.

"Brother Hua, what should we do next?"

Lao Wu and Brother Jiu looked at each other, both of them were silent.

Brother Jiu's investment in Daheng was completely brought by Brother Hua. He is just an ordinary rich second generation. idea.

What he usually likes to do the most is to give rewards to those female anchors, see which one is beautiful, give some gifts, and then make an appointment offline.

As for other things in Daheng, the fifth child used to do them all the time, but now that Brother Hua has taken over, he is also happy to be at leisure.

But this time, he was quite nervous.

Brother Jiu just showed off his muscles in the Knife live broadcast room and swiped 500 million magic books.

I thought I had regained my face, but in less than an hour, Lehua directly declared war.

He sometimes feels that he is a lone star of the gods, as long as the opponent is fighting, he will be the first to be pointed at.

At this time, if a war starts, will he get on the number again, or not?
If you don’t get on the account, I’m afraid the positive effect of brushing Zhou Xing’s gifts this time will be wasted. Next time when you go online, there will be a lot of black powder spraying yourself and being beaten by Xiao Xiao, and you will have to spit out two old mouthfuls in anger. Blood.

But what if you got the number and got tricked again?
If Xiao Xiao beat him up again, he would really have no face to play with Hu Ya again.

Just imagine, when you are sharing the bed with your favorite female anchor, the female anchor suddenly mentions "Xiao Xiao is really awesome"
He was afraid that he would die of depression on the spot!

(End of this chapter)

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