Chapter 98
On the other hand, the bald man was also a little dumbfounded when he saw that Daheng was directly avoiding the battle.

Daheng gave up!

As the number one guild on the platform, it is basically impossible for them to take the initiative to confess.

Fans in the live broadcast room forwarded the barrage one after another, and it was as festive as the Chinese New Year.

The Daheng fans who were still clamoring in the live broadcast room just now dared not speak and mock anymore.

Although Xiaofei and the others accepted this challenge, they delayed the deadline after all.

Anyway, today's face is lost.

"Don't be too arrogant, wait for brother Tianhua and the others to make a move tomorrow, and you will have something to look forward to!"

"Hehe, whose dog is barking?"

"So it's Daheng's, that's all right, you guys continue."

There was laughter in the live broadcast room.

Daheng's fans were ashamed and angry for a while, but they still restrained their anger, exited the live broadcast room cursing, and all went to the knife live broadcast room to complain.

"Brother Hui, Daheng has voluntarily surrendered, so are you going to make a move today?"

"Since Daheng stopped fighting, I don't think there is any need for it."

"That's right, save your strength for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. After all, the final will definitely be played in the live broadcast room of the first brother and the first sister!"

"I don't know how much Brother Xiao Xiao will fight this time, looking forward to it!"


After mocking Daheng for a while, the fans in the live broadcast room were also a little itchy.

The melons between the finals are simply too much to eat!

Don't be too cool!
"Whether Daheng admits it or not, we will go."

Baldy smiled, very confident.

"Last month, Brother Xiao Xiao paid me 2000 million. I haven't used the 1000 million personal income yet."

Of course he would not let go of such a good opportunity.

Beat up the drowning dog!
As long as I play a wave today, no matter what Daheng explains, my reputation will be pulled down!

Of course, Daheng handled it well this time, at least dragging back the expectations of the union fans by a day or two.

Baldy discussed it with Yangzi Xiaojuzi in the WeChat group.

"Brother Hui, I think it's better to snatch the magic book Zhou Xing back. This will deal the biggest blow to the knife."

"Snatching is definitely necessary. Brother Jiu is too speculative in this matter, thinking that he can mess around while Brother Xiao Xiao is not around. This time, I will give them a good wash!"

"The trade union has 150 million funds, why don't you get 100 million out today?"

"Then I'll pay 100 million here too." Little Orange nodded.

She has 200 million funds in her hand, so it is not a problem to get half of them out first.

Baldy nodded.

In this way, Yang Zi will have a list of 200 million, and he will add another 400 million to get to 600 million, just surpassing Daheng.

"Let's fight according to the total list of 600 million. If Daheng dares to take over, we will start a full-scale war!"

Yang Zi nodded solemnly.

For the past ten days, he has been arguing with Daheng, and the fans on both sides have already reached the point where they are on fire.

And the Knife live broadcast room has just swiped the weekly star list of 500 million. If the list is snatched at this time, the public opinion effect will definitely explode immediately!

Yang Zi, who quit WeChat and used the excuse of going to the toilet, returned to the live broadcast room again.

"Yang Zi, will you use a knife today?"

"If there is a war, I will add another wave of magic books!"

"I didn't say anything, as long as there is a war, I will definitely support it with all my strength!"

The barrage of gifts in the live broadcast room was still going on, just for a short while, Yang Zi's Magic Book Zhou Xing list went another section, and there were already 15 gift turnovers.

"Don't worry, everyone, even if Daheng is cowardly, we must get the spoils back."

Yang Zi smiled, and changed the title of the live broadcast room again, which was exactly the same as Baldy's live broadcast room in May.

"Zhou Xing, the magic book, I want it!"

"Yang Zi Niubi!"

"6666, be tough, Yang Zi, this is basically the same as provoking Brother Jiu!"

Seeing that Yang Zi changed the title, the fans in the live broadcast room spoke in the bullet screen one after another, and the range of gift movement was raised to a higher level.

As an anchor, it is naturally impossible to openly fight with the eldest brother. If you really dare to confront the eldest brother on the face of it, the platform will definitely block it.

But secretly, no one can say anything wrong with him.

If you really want to be serious, it’s a big deal not to admit it.

"Brothers, Zhou Xing, the magic book, I, Yang Zi, will win it!"

"If any anchor wants to grab it, just let him go!"

Yang Zi slapped his chest loudly.

With a financial backing of 600 million, unless Brother Jiu and Hua make another move, Huya Xingxiu will definitely be swept away!

But having said that, Brother Jiu and Brother Hua will definitely not make another move.

Just now, Daheng has announced that it has given up today, and if it makes another move, it will be a slap in the face.

Therefore, they had no choice but to swallow the bitter fruit of Zhou Xing in this magic book!

"I'm a fan, I'm a fan, Yang Zi is so awesome, there's nothing I can do to beat Daheng to death!"

"To be honest, Baldy Yang and Xiaojuzi are the first batch of anchors who dare to fight Daheng!"

"The previous Xingxiu was simply Daheng's one-word hall, and it was meaningless to play activities. The current Xingxiu is just a group of demons dancing wildly!"

Fans in the live broadcast room spoke in support.

Some neutral tourists went to the Knife live broadcast room and brought Yang Zi's speech in the live broadcast room.

When Knife saw the barrage, the original smiling face was pulled down.

He knew that today's matter would not end easily, but he didn't expect that in just an hour, the Zhou Xing list would not be stable.

The point is, he has nothing to do now!

According to Brother Hua, Daheng must avoid the war now. Xia Nuan and Xiao Fei who just went online have already gone offline. He is the only one of the first-line anchors on Daheng's side.

"Made!" Knife cursed inwardly.

If possible, he just wants to go offline immediately.

But he can't run at all. He hangs online, which represents Daheng's attitude. If he goes offline, won't he just admit that Daheng has lost?

"This Yang Zi is so ruthless. He directly grabbed the magic book Zhou Xing. This is hitting brother Jiu's face together."

Xia Nuan and Xiao Fei also looked unhappy.

Brother Jiu had only been on the list for an hour, and if he was robbed at this time, the fans would definitely criticize him.

"Don't worry, today is just a simple loss. As long as you don't lose, you can get everything back tomorrow!"

Brother Hua quietly sipped his tea, and said firmly.

 Three more votes!
(End of this chapter)

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