Self-cultivation of the Siheyuan God of War

Chapter 106 The world of genius, you don't understand!

Chapter 106 The world of genius, you don't understand!
The weather in Beijing is getting colder and colder, and it's almost time for school holidays. The current college students are the same as the students of later generations. When the exam is about to come, they start to prepare nervously and actively, as if they are facing a decisive battle.

In the current Northern Forestry University, there are scenes of students in a hurry and nervousness everywhere, even when they go to the cafeteria to eat, they always look in a hurry.

After the lecture, Feng Cheng did not return to the office, but found Professor Su, who majored in seedling cultivation, "Professor Su, I heard that it will be the graduation exam for our seedling cultivation major in a few days?"

"Yes, this time of year is the busiest time!" Professor Su looked up in a hurry, and said with emotion when he heard Feng Cheng's question.

"Then if I take the graduation exam for seedling cultivation, what do you think, Professor Su?" Feng Cheng asked with a smile.

Hearing Feng Cheng's question, Professor Su put down his work in surprise, looked up at Feng Cheng with wide eyes.

Seeing Professor Su's reaction, Feng Cheng felt a little guilty, thinking that it was against the rules, and quickly asked, "What's wrong? Is it against the rules? Isn't there such a precedent before?"

"There are such precedents, but you only have half a year at most!

Although your seedling cultivation has progressed rapidly, the time is too short!You can't stay with me for a few more days, without you as an assistant, I will be very uncomfortable!
Besides, to be fair, inter-professional exams like yours are very troublesome!
You need to prepare for three exams, the first one is to take the exam with other seedling students in a few days!After passing, there will be subsequent exams! "Professor Su explained to Feng Cheng.

"Oh! So there is a precedent! I was shocked, I thought it was impossible!" Feng Cheng didn't take Professor Su's consideration of himself as an assistant, but said with a wry smile.

"You guys have to think about it! Don't wait until I report it, but you shrink back! I can't afford to lose that person!" Professor Su said with a smile.

"Professor Su, don't you understand me? Am I that kind of person? Just help me get in touch! I'm full of confidence!" Feng Cheng promised with a smile.

"After I pass the test for seedling cultivation, I want to take the test for tree planting, pests and diseases and meteorology together! Then I need you to contact me for the test!" Feng Cheng continued after thinking about it.

Originally, Feng Cheng wanted to take a major in seedling cultivation, but after thinking about it, he decided to take all the majors he was confident in, so that he would be reused.

"What? Are you crazy? You have taken care of all the professional courses I borrowed for you some time ago? This is incredible!" Professor Su said with his eyes widened in surprise.

"Actually, it's not a big deal!

If you think about it, I spend all the rest of my time studying. I have already graduated from university, and a lot of knowledge is actually figured out!

After studying for such a long time and passing the graduation exam, it is not a big problem!
It's just that meteorology is more difficult, and I may not be as sure as other majors!However, if I can pass the meteorology major, that's about it! "Feng Cheng explained with a smile.

If he didn't know Feng Cheng's usual personality, Professor Su would definitely blow the guy's "dog head". The Feng Cheng in front of him is too irritating, and he has mastered so much professional knowledge so quickly.

As for the other three majors, I don't know the situation well, so it's hard to say anything!But for the nursery major, Professor Su absolutely believed that Feng Cheng could easily pass the exam.

In the past six months, I have Feng Cheng as a small follower by my side, just like my assistant. of.

Looking at Feng Cheng's handsome face, and thinking that he is such a genius with a high IQ, Professor Su suddenly felt that the world was so unfair, and finally said helplessly, "I will contact you together! But the ugly words are Up front, if you can't pass my nursery major, don't even think about the graduation exams for the next three majors!

And after this matter is over, you have to cook me a big meal yourself!
No, one meal is too little, I want three meals! "

Hearing Professor Su's promise to him, Feng Cheng smiled happily and promised, "Small! As long as I pass all the exams, I can get a certificate of completion. I promise you can choose from the eight major cuisines! You are satisfied!"

In order to have a good relationship with Professor Su, Feng Cheng has often invited him to his home for dinner in the past six months.When it comes to cooking, Feng Cheng doesn't fear anyone, and he easily captured Professor Su's friendship.

Hearing Feng Cheng's words, Professor Su became happy, and soon realized the inaccuracy in Feng Cheng's words, and quickly refused, "I don't care if you pass the exam, anyway, I'm just helping you get in touch!

You also said that you don't have much confidence in the meteorology major.If you turn around and say that you have only passed three of the four majors, but not the meteorology major, and then refuse to admit it, I am not trying to get water from a bamboo basket! "

"Okay, I promise you! After one of the four games, I will treat you to a big meal!" Feng Cheng promised with a smile.

Hearing Feng Cheng's guarantee, Professor Su became happy. With Feng Cheng's professional level in seedling cultivation, he will definitely pass this time, but he didn't expect the time to be so fast. Sometimes the world of geniuses is indeed difficult for others to understand!
Feng Cheng plans to return to Saihanba after a while, five or seven years like in the original play.

But now that I can learn more knowledge, I can gain more speaking power, and I will no longer be as passive as in the original drama, making myself feel like I was exiled.

Professor Su moved very quickly. When he reported to the school leaders, the school leaders were surprised.

"Professor Su, isn't your joke a bit big? Are you taking the same exam for four majors?" The principal looked at Professor Su in surprise and said.

"That brat Feng Cheng asked for it himself! What can I do? But let me tell you, I don't know the situation of the other three majors, but the nursery major is taught by Feng Cheng personally. There is absolutely no problem!" Professor Su said with a helpless wry smile.

Hearing Professor Su's words, the school leaders present were very surprised. I remembered that Feng Cheng had only stayed at the school to teach for half a year. Could it be that a genius really appeared in the Northern Forestry University? !

The principal was relatively stable, thought for a while and then said, "Since you, Professor Su, have so much confidence in Mr. Feng's seedling cultivation major, let him take the seedling cultivation major first.

Wait until the nursery major has passed the exam, and then talk about the other three majors!
Regarding Feng Cheng's graduation exams for the other three majors, we will keep them secret for the time being, and we will wait until he passes the seedling major. "

Hearing the principal's sound decision, all the school leaders present agreed with it, and Professor Su didn't raise any objections, so the decision was made.

Soon the news spread from Northern Forestry University that Feng Cheng was going to take the graduation exam for seedling cultivation. The students of Northern Forestry University were surprised when they heard the news, and they all felt Feng Cheng's inspiration.

"I heard that Mr. Feng will also take the graduation exam for seedling cultivation this year, and there are still three joint exams! I wonder if Mr. Feng can pass the exam?"

"It's definitely not a big problem! As a substitute teacher, if he doesn't have confidence, he won't apply. Isn't it embarrassing to fail the exam!?"

"It makes sense! Teacher Feng is too genius! Not only is he knowledgeable, he is also so hardworking, and most importantly, he is also so handsome. I really don't know which woman will be cheaper!"

"Oh! That's right! I'm so sad that I can't be Teacher Feng's girlfriend!"

Feng Cheng didn't take all the news about himself in the Northern Lin University. At this time, Feng Cheng, like other students, was busy preparing for the exam.

This exam is really important to me. Although I say I am very confident, I still cannot avoid getting nervous.

(End of this chapter)

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