Self-cultivation of the Siheyuan God of War

Chapter 108 I am lucky, I lost my life

Chapter 108 I am lucky, I lost my life

In the following days, Feng Cheng kept spinning like a small spinning top, completely forgetting about Tang Qi.

It wasn't until a month later that I saw Professor Su who was still full of thoughts.

At this moment, Feng Cheng suddenly felt that Professor Su was so kind. If it wasn't for fear of bad influence, Feng Cheng, who was so excited, would have hugged Professor Su who came back and gave him a good kiss.

With tears of excitement, Feng Cheng took the Guilin rice noodles sent by Professor Su, and went back with uncontrollable emotion.

Now I can finally return to the good time of reading a book while drinking hot water.

During this period of time, Feng Cheng has been busy substituting for Professor Su, so he seldom returns to the office. Today, the teachers in the office felt a little strange when they saw this influential figure again.

The current Feng Cheng is no longer the little transparent student who just studied abroad in the past. He is not only liked by the students of Northern Forestry University, but also praised by the school leaders. He has become a living sign of Northern Forestry University.

In Northern Lin University, you may not know who the principal is, but you must know who Teacher Feng Chengfeng is!

At this time, Feng Cheng, who was concentrating on studying meteorological professional books, suddenly heard a "Humph!" coming from behind him.

Feng Cheng looked up at the owner of the voice in doubt, but saw a stinky face that was close to six plus one, "Ms. Liu, what's the matter? Is it time to feel uncomfortable for a few days every month again? Then You should have a good rest!"

Of course, all the teachers present could understand the meaning of Feng Cheng's words, and couldn't help but want to laugh out loud. Only Teacher Zuo laughed loudly and said, "Mr. Feng, I didn't see it. You don’t even have a girlfriend! You know so much! But what you said is too hurtful! You don’t care about Teacher Liu’s feelings at all!”

Teacher Liu is also a middle-aged male teacher in his 40s. Of course he can understand Feng Cheng's meaning. He already had a bad face. After hearing Teacher Zuo's push, he became even more angry and said angrily, " You brat, you don’t know what to say! You only use your tongue!”

Seeing that Mr. Liu was already so angry with him, and seeing Mr. Zuo's malicious intentions, Feng Cheng didn't take advantage of the victory to pursue him, but just smiled indifferently.

If Mr. Liu hadn't gone too far, I wouldn't have taught the other party like this today. After all, we are all colleagues, and we don't see each other when we look down. There is no need to make the relationship too rigid!
It seems that in the past few days when he was away, something must have happened to the wood processing major that he didn't know about, Feng Cheng thought to himself.

Teacher Liu saw that Feng Cheng was not mocking him, and he was very sensible and didn't feel uncomfortable anymore.

Instead, he returned to his seat and sat down helplessly, tidying up his desk aimlessly.

Teacher Zuo and other colleagues felt a little sorry to see that Feng Cheng and Teacher Liu stopped arguing.

What a lively scene, it just ended like this, it's too unsatisfying!
The person in front of me is Mr. Feng Chengfeng who has been in the limelight recently. Not only is he handsome, he also has a high IQ, and he is also good at quarreling.

Teacher Zuo saw this situation, but refused to give up. He came to Feng Cheng with a mysterious look on his brain, and explained in a low voice, "Mr. Feng, you don't know! Recently, we have to mention a Associate Professor, you know Mr. Liu, and you have been waiting for six years! You must be impatient! That's why you don't like it!"

Hearing Teacher Zuo's explanation, Feng Cheng found it difficult to understand, and asked in confusion, "What does that have to do with me!? If you want to be an associate professor, you don't have to bite anyone you catch!"

Feng Cheng felt really speechless, what's the matter? !It's a completely innocent disaster!

Then, instead of whispering to Teacher Zuo, he spoke uprightly to the teachers in the office.

The teachers present were very surprised by Feng Cheng's non-disclosure, but they all thought that Feng Cheng was still too young and had no city.

Hearing Feng Cheng speak out such secrets so brightly, Teacher Liu's face became even more ugly. Doesn't this make him appear to be very small-bellied?
But Teacher Zuo was a little terrified, and quickly complained to Feng Cheng in a low voice, "Slow down! It's not that you have passed four professional graduation exams in a row recently, you are now the proud son of our Northern Forestry University!

Not only the students of our Northern Forestry University have always sought after you, but even the school leaders have praised you unanimously!
In other words, you are one of the hottest candidates for this associate professor!Of course Teacher Liu will dislike you! "

Hearing Teacher Zuo's words, Feng Cheng was very helpless, and said still puzzled, "But I just stayed here to teach for a short time! It's impossible for me to be the associate professor this time!

Besides, some things are my luck and my life!Blindly playing with scheming and means is meaningless! "

The teachers present agreed with Feng Cheng's words, but Teacher Liu and Teacher Zuo looked very ugly.

Seeing Teacher Zuo next to him with the same complex expression, Feng Cheng realized at this moment why she had contributed to the flames and helped him so enthusiastically to solve his doubts just now.

It turns out that everyone still thinks about their own interests first, and everything they do is for their own consideration.

Looking at Teacher Zuo in front of him, Feng Cheng quickly figured everything out, and then said to all the teachers in the office with a smile, "I remember that Teacher Zuo also stayed in school for three or four years! He is also one of the popular candidates for the associate professor this time." One?!"

The teachers present realized that Mr. Zuo's motives were impure after hearing Feng Cheng's in-and-out words.

On the other hand, Teacher Liu looked at Teacher Zuo with a complicated expression of surprise.

At this time, Teacher Zuo wished he could strangle Feng Cheng immediately. Although you are handsome, can you still be a good friend if you don't know how to see through?
Such a handsome face is really in vain!How do you let us get along in the future!

Feng Cheng didn't know what was going on in Teacher Zuo's heart, and Feng Cheng didn't care about it. Looking at the reactions of the ashamed Teacher Zuo and other teachers, Feng Cheng smiled and continued, "Actually, if you want what you want, you can fight for it yourself." Well, no big deal really!
But it would be too boring to play tricks here!
Besides, in the selection of associate professors this time, the school leaders decided to choose who must have been thoroughly considered!It is useless for us to be impatient! "

Everyone in the office woke up at the same time when they heard Feng Cheng's words.

It turned out that among the people present, the youngest person in front of him could see the most clearly. It turned out that Feng Cheng didn't have city skills and scheming, but he just didn't bother to use it.

Teacher Zuo returned to his seat angrily, lowered his head as much as possible so that no one else could see it, and wished he could find a mouse hole to get in!

When Teacher Liu looked at Feng Cheng, there was no longer the hatred just now, but a deep self-blame and wry smile.

All of this is because I take it too seriously, and I already have knots in my heart, or what Feng Cheng said is right, I'm lucky if I win, and my life is lost!

(End of this chapter)

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