Self-cultivation of the Siheyuan God of War

Chapter 11 Lou's Family Affairs

Chapter 11 Lou's Family Affairs

Lou Xiao'e recovered from her injuries for a few days, and the marks on her face could hardly be seen before returning to her natal home.

Lou's mother looked at her daughter, and although she didn't find any injuries, she still said distressedly, "I haven't been home for the past few days! Is there something wrong with the Xu family?"

Lou Xiao'e forced a smile and said, "Oh no! What can happen to their family?! Something was delayed a few days ago, so I came to see you and my dad today!"

Hearing what his daughter said, Father Lou also looked at his daughter with a smile.

Knowing daughter Mo Ruomu, the abnormality of her daughter still made Lou's mother suspicious.

"No, something must have happened to you? Still trying to hide it from your mother?"

Father Lou also looked at Lou Xiaoe in surprise.

"Mom, Dad! Xu Damao didn't come home at night and beat me!" Seeing her parents' concern, Lou Xiao'e cried aggrievedly.

"What? Xu Damao is a bastard! How dare he!" Mother Lou scolded angrily.

Lou's father also showed an angry expression, and said, "There are three uncles in your yard! How did they deal with it!"

"What else can I do, just persuade me to make peace and not to divorce! I want to divorce Xu Damao, but they all disagree, and they all advise me to be patient!" Lou Xiaoe said aggrievedly.

"Could it be that this bastard is spared after beating someone?! No, Lao Lou, you have to vent your anger on our daughter!" Lou's mother said angrily.

"It's not all your fault, you believed Xu Damao's mother's words, and pushed your daughter into the pit of fire!" Lou's father said angrily.

"Mom and Dad, don't be angry! Anyway, life is just like this, bear with it! I figured it out too!" Lou Xiao'e persuaded helplessly, as if she really accepted her fate.

"That's how your courtyard really learned about it!" Father Lou said in disbelief.

"What else can I do! Anyway, he is also my husband! However, the silly Zhu in our courtyard advised me to divorce, saying that if I don't get divorced as soon as possible, I will be the one who suffers in the end! Our courtyard said that silly Zhu is not a good person , I don’t have a wife, and I can’t see Xu Damao living well.” Lou Xiao’e said.

"Oh! Silly Zhu, is that the skilled cook in the rolling mill? The son of the canteen owner He Daqing!?" Father Lou asked after thinking for a while.

"Yes, that's him! Everyone in our courtyard said he was a fool! Everyone called him Shazhu!" Lou Xiao'e said.

"Then tell me what he said so that we can think about it." Father Lou said.

"He didn't say anything, but he persuaded me to divorce quickly. By the way, he also said that our family background is not good. If one day the wind changes suddenly, Xu Damao will be the first to bully our family, because he knows our family best. ?” Lou Xiaoe said indifferently.

"What? Such an important matter, why didn't you say it earlier?" Father Lou stood up in surprise and said.

"It's nothing important, I don't care! Is it really important?" Lou Xiao'e said aggrievedly.

"You, you! No wonder the old lady in your yard calls you silly! You are so stupid!" Lou's father said helplessly, "Well, you let the silly pillar in your yard come to our house today, I will tell you what to do. Ask him if he knows anything!"

"No, you call him, it's too conspicuous! Let me do it!" Father Lou picked up the phone next to him after finishing speaking, "Hello, is this Director Yang? My old Lou!"

"Is there a cook in the canteen of our rolling mill who can cook Tan's dishes?"

"Yes, your sister-in-law has a bad appetite recently, so I just want to make some Tan family dishes for her to try."

"Okay, then let him come to my house later! It's best to let your driver drive him."

Watching Lou's father's operation, Lou's mother also realized the seriousness of the matter, "Old Lou, what's wrong?"

"I haven't been able to make up my mind recently. It seems that this silly Zhu may know something! This is a major issue that affects the fate of our family, and of course I have to care about it!" Father Lou simply explained,

"Okay, don't think about anything! You will find out after a while, just ask!"

Feeling dizzy is bad!

Factory Manager Yang asked his driver to take him out of the cafeteria, and after saying something about being dispatched to cook Tan's family food, he forced himself into the car!
The silent driver along the way made Shazhu even more confused.

The car drove to a single-family villa, the driver put himself down and left!
Stupid silly Zhu, entered the door and saw Lou Xiaoe standing with his parents, and suddenly realized.

"You must be Master He! I am Lou Xiao'e's father! You can call me Uncle!" Father Lou greeted him.

"It turned out to be Director Lou. I heard that he asked me to cook Tan's dishes, right?" Silly Zhu didn't call him uncle.

"Didn't I call you Uncle! You still see me like this, your father, He Daqing, used to come to my house to cook frequently!" Father Lou said, "It's an excuse to ask you to cook today, just to ask if you know any information ?”

Hearing Lou's father's words, Silly Zhu looked at Lou Xiao'e who was on the side, and only then knew that Lou Xiao'e still took it to heart.

"Uncle Lou, you should have known it long ago! The reason why you are still here now is just unwillingness. I am right!" Silly Zhu said.

"You're right, I'm so unwilling, I can't believe it!" Father Lou said with a sigh.

"The second uncle in our hospital knows everything! You should know better. Besides, the driver who brought me here just ignored me! When he sent me to the door, he didn't say a word Leave! You really can't see anything?" Silly Zhu said.

"The problem is, Xu Damao is very clear about your family's situation. If you don't prepare early, you may be really miserable!"

"Thank you so much today, without you I wouldn't be able to make up my mind!" Father Lou said gratefully.

"Then can I ask Uncle for a favor?" Silly Zhu asked.

"Of course, as long as it is within the scope of ability, let alone one, ten will do!" Father Lou said happily.

I'm afraid that if Sha Zhu didn't ask for it, I would have to pay a lifetime of favors, and favor accounts are very troublesome!Especially those who are businessmen.

"That's when you leave, can you take me with you!" Silly Zhu said.

"What? You have such a good background, you don't need to leave at all!" Lou's father, Lou's mother, and Lou Xiao'e looked at each other in surprise, and said in disbelief.

"The main reason is that I want to do something, so I also want to go to Hong Kong Island!" Shazhu explained.

"You actually knew we were going to Hong Kong Island? What else do you know?" Father Lou was really surprised.

"Whether you are going to Hong Kong Island, I really don't know! However, I have plans to go!" Silly Zhu explained.

"Okay, it's a deal! I'll let you know when we leave in a few days! It's just about one more ferry ticket." Father Lou said with certainty.

"What's more, when we get to Hong Kong Island, can you lend me some Hong Kong dollars so that I can make the initial capital!" Sha Zhu said a little embarrassedly.

"It's all trivial, of course it's no problem!" Father Lou said with a smile.

"Thank you, Uncle Lou! Then I'll go back first, and you all should be ready!" Silly Zhu thanked.

The biggest problem has been solved, and Shazhu feels relaxed. Although he will not be in any danger, it is really a pity to waste more than ten years.

My younger sister is also married, and I don't have a partner. I'm completely alone. It's a pity not to leave to do something!That's a complete waste of life!
Therefore, in this life, I must live a wonderful life.

(End of this chapter)

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