Self-cultivation of the Siheyuan God of War

Chapter 110 Announcement of Selection Results

Chapter 110 Announcement of Selection Results

Feng Cheng was very surprised when he saw the announcement of the results of his selection as an associate professor on the school's bulletin board, which was probably a surprise.

In fact, Feng Cheng is already thinking about whether it is necessary to go to Saihanba now.

After all, all the work done in the early stage is the preparation work for going to Saihanba.

In the original play, Feng Cheng went to Saihanba in [-], more for Tang Qi, but the current situation is that his relationship with Tang Qi has ended before it even started.

Now that they have obtained the knowledge and education they want, and the unexpected joy of an associate professor, they are indeed ready to go back to Saihanba.

"Hey! Teacher Feng, this is a happy event! He is so handsome, but now his smile is even sweeter! Haha, it's not worth your life to be so obsessed with female students!"

Feng Cheng, who was thinking about something, raised his head and looked at the owner of the voice. It turned out to be Mr. Liu Sanzhong, who was defeated this time.

Feng Cheng said with a smile, "Thank you Teacher Liu for your congratulations! I think Teacher Liu looks very good too!"

"Hey! It's not thanks to Mr. Feng's reminder last time.

Hearing your words that I gain my luck and lose my life completely woke me up!

In the past, I was too persistent, and I had a heart disease!I also hope Teacher Feng doesn't mind! Teacher Liu said with a lot of emotion when he heard Feng Cheng's words.

Seeing Mr. Liu's sincere expression and abnormal behavior, Feng Cheng realized that Mr. Liu in front of him had completely figured it out. In this way, Feng Cheng was really happy, so he said with a smile, "Congratulations in advance too." You are thinking about everything now, which proves that our Linda University has another good teacher, which is the blessing of all the students in our Northern Linda University!"

"Haha, thank you Teacher Feng! You are right. The class taught when you are in a good mood is completely different from the class you teach when you are in a bad mood! It is easier for students to understand and accept! Now More and more students like my class!" Teacher Liu said with emotion.

Hearing Teacher Liu's emotion, Feng Cheng felt lucky for Teacher Liu.

Seeing Mr. Liu leaving, Feng Cheng unconsciously thought of Mr. Zuo Qiuzuo again. Do women just like to play tricks?
It was obviously my own mistake, and I didn't know how to reflect on it, so I hated Feng Cheng to death!
Do you hate Feng Cheng for not being successfully used by yourself?

Teacher Zuo's thinking is too weird!She also spread everywhere that she has Feng Cheng's handle in her own hands, and she will definitely use it at the right time to ruin Feng Cheng's reputation.

The teachers who heard Mr. Zuo's words thought that Mr. Zuo had gone completely crazy because he couldn't accept failure.

Why!They are also losers, how can there be such a big difference!
Getting out of one's own demons like Mr. Liu, doesn't it mean regaining a new life?

It seems that some women are still unreasonable!

Zhong Hui hadn't seen Feng Cheng for a long time, but to be precise, she tried to avoid Feng Cheng as much as possible.

In this way, Zhong Hui thought that taking advantage of the fact that her relationship with Feng Cheng was not too deep, it would be good for both parties if they could be resolved.

People are so strange, the more they don't want to think about who, the more they are in their minds!It's all the damn Feng Cheng's fault!Zhong Hui thought about it with annoyance.

Taking advantage of her own rest today, Zhong Hui came to the North Lin University like a demon, just wanting to take another look at Feng Cheng, and she will stop contacting him after just one look!
Walking into the North Forest University, seeing the students coming and going, Zhong Hui struggled to muster up the courage, and asked two female students passing by, "Excuse me, is there a student named Feng Cheng in your school?"

Hearing Zhong Hui's question, the two girls looked very surprised, looked at each other, and then replied, "There is no student named Feng Cheng in our Northern Linda University!"

"Ah? No way? Did he lie to me?" Zhong Hui widened her eyes in surprise when she heard the girl's answer, and said incredulously.

Seeing the reaction of the strange girl Zhong Hui, the two girls continued happily, "Although there is no student named Feng Cheng, there is a substitute teacher named Feng Cheng in our Northern Lin University. No, he should be an associate professor now!"

"What? It shouldn't be the person I'm looking for! The Feng Cheng I'm looking for is just a student, very young!" Zhong Hui was surprised, then thought about it, and finally said with a wry smile.

Hearing Zhong Hui's words, the two girls laughed, and then continued, "It's definitely true! There are so many girls who come to our school every day to inquire about Teacher Feng!

You must not know too much information, thinking that Teacher Feng is just a student! "

"No, you must have misunderstood! I am really looking for the student Feng Cheng, not the teacher Feng Cheng! Probably just the same name!
The Feng Cheng I am looking for is more than 1.8 meters tall, very fair and handsome!There are two small dimples when I laugh! Zhong Hui thought that the two girls in front of her had misunderstood, and quickly explained.

Hearing Zhong Hui's explanation, the two girls laughed even more happily. They stopped laughing with difficulty, and then said, "You are describing our Teacher Feng! Don't explain, what you think, we Can understand!

Teacher Feng should be in the dormitory now, that red building, on the third floor!

However, we have to warn you!Our teacher Feng is not easy to chase after, there are so many school beauties, our teacher Feng can't even look down on them!
If you are rejected when you come back, don't be too sad! "

"Goodbye, beauty! Good luck!" After the two girls finished speaking, they turned and left.

"Hahaha, another suitor of Teacher Feng. It's so interesting!"

Zhong Hui looked at the backs of the two girls leaving in bewilderment, heard their conversation from a distance, and thought they had misunderstood. Probably this teacher Feng Cheng was too famous, and many students didn't know that there was a student named Feng Cheng!

But looking in the direction of the dormitory that the two girls were pointing to just now, Zhong Hui unexpectedly walked over.

On the third floor of the dormitory, Zhong Hui saw a middle-aged teacher, and asked, "Which room is Teacher Feng?"

The teacher who was asked seemed to be used to it for a long time, and said with a smile, "From this door, the sixth door is Teacher Feng's dormitory. He should be eating now. He likes to eat in the dormitory!"

After the teacher finished speaking, he went downstairs directly, shook his head and said with a smile, "This is another suitor! Teacher Feng's charm is too great!"

Zhong Hui became nervous for no reason, hoping that it was Feng Cheng, but also thinking that it could not be Feng Cheng, so she came to Teacher Feng's door and knocked on the door.

"Who is it!"

Then Zhong Hui saw the face she was familiar with, and said in amazement, "It's really you!"

"Zhong Hui! Why are you here! Come in quickly!" Seeing Zhong Hui outside the door, Feng Cheng was also very surprised, and hurriedly let Zhong Hui into the room.

Zhong Hui still looked surprised, and looked at herself blankly, Feng Cheng said with a smile, "You are the first girl who successfully entered my dormitory, you should be happy, why do you have this expression instead!"

"Happy? You lied to me that you were a student of Northern Forestry University! You lied to me and thought I would be happy!?" Zhong Hui asked Feng Cheng angrily.

"I didn't lie to you! I just said that I was in North Lin University, not that I was a student! Think about it carefully!" Feng Cheng said with a wry smile.

"Ah? You didn't say you were a student?" Zhong Hui was confused, thought for a while, and then said uncertainly.

"I didn't say it! It's just that I didn't say I was a teacher! Then you misunderstood!

Haha, but, if I said that I was a teacher of the Northern Forestry University, you would definitely think that I am a liar! "Feng Cheng said with a smile.

"Sit whatever you want! I'll finish the meal first!" Feng Cheng called Zhong Hui to sit down, and then said, "By the way, have you eaten yet? How about I invite you out to eat?"

"No! I won't eat at night! Lose weight!" Zhong Hui refused.

"No way! It's popular to lose weight now?! It's an era when you can't get enough to eat. If you let others know that you have to go on a diet to lose weight, you won't be mad!" Feng Cheng was surprised when he heard Zhong Hui's explanation. Said with emotion.

It seems that Zhong Hui in front of him is indeed from a wealthy or noble family.

"I lost weight and didn't tell others. Do you think I'll gossip about it? But, you just eat this?" Zhong Hui said to Feng Cheng speechlessly.

"That's right! That's it!" Feng Cheng said with a natural smile.

"Cabbage, potatoes, steamed buns! It's too hard!" Zhong Hui said in surprise, looking at Feng Cheng's delicious meal.

Regarding Zhong Hui's surprise, Feng Cheng didn't find it too strange. After all, he had expected the other party's family conditions a long time ago. Instead, he asked Zhong Hui, "What does your father do?"

"My dad is the dean!" Zhong Hui said with a smile.

"Huh? Guang'anmen Hospital?" Feng Cheng asked in surprise when he heard Zhong Hui's words.


Hearing Zhong Hui's affirmative answer, Feng Cheng was really surprised, it turned out to be the daughter of the boss, no wonder!

But I rejected the daughter of a big boss like this, and I suddenly felt very hurt in my heart. Thinking of Tan Xuemei who hadn't appeared yet, I suddenly wanted to cry, my wife, I sacrificed so much to wait for you!

Looking at Zhong Hui in front of him, and hearing her introduction, Feng Cheng suddenly said, "Zhong Hui, can I count what I said? Can I still regret it?"

"Ah?" Zhong Hui looked at the inexplicable Feng Cheng suspiciously.

"Ugh! Just kidding with you!

I've had a good meal, let's wash the dishes first!You wait for me here for a while! Of course Feng Cheng was just joking, and then said with a smile.

Seeing Feng Cheng who was about to go out, Zhong Hui suddenly hugged Feng Cheng from behind, and said emotionally, "Don't go!"

"I'm just going out to wash the dishes, and I'll be back soon! It shouldn't be like this!" Feng Cheng felt Zhong Hui's fiery figure, which seemed to be at least D-level, and then said helplessly with a trembling voice.

"No!" Zhong Hui just stuck to Feng Cheng's back and whispered.

"But it is very dangerous for you to do this! All my indicators are normal! I will really go off!" Hearing the seductive whisper, Feng Cheng almost collapsed, not everyone can have it. Liu Xiahui's concentration is so strong!

"What did you say? I don't understand!" Zhong Hui whispered with a playful chuckle.

"Ah, never mind!" Feng Cheng shouted, and then
I only heard the "clang" sound of the stainless steel bowl falling on the ground
One hundred thousand words are omitted again below.
(End of this chapter)

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