Self-cultivation of the Siheyuan God of War

Chapter 119 Experimental Tree Planting

Chapter 119 Experimental Tree Planting
Now it is about spring, which is the best season for planting trees in spring.

Feng Cheng has been paying attention to the weather in Saihanba recently, and the most he visits are various weather observation points.

In the end, it was concluded that there will be a heavy rain in Saihanba within half a month.

"Director Yu, I have observed that within half a month, there will be a heavy rain, and now we must quickly organize manpower to plant trees in Saihanba!" Feng Cheng smiled and said to Yu Zheng who was beside him.

"Are you sure! This is great! I'll go down and get ready now!" Yu Zhenglai said happily after hearing Feng Cheng's words.

"By the way, this experiment is very important, and it can be regarded as a way to regain confidence in our Saihanba Forest Farm!
So you'd better mobilize all members of the forest farm to go to the dam to plant trees together. "Feng Cheng quickly stopped the impatient Yu Zhenglai, and said solemnly.

Yu Zhenglai understood Feng Cheng's words!
The forest farm has failed to plant trees on Saihanba for five consecutive years, and its confidence has been severely hit.

If Feng Cheng hadn't come to take office this time, no one would have agreed to go to the dam!
Since this experiment is a surefire thing, it would definitely be meaningful if all the forest farm members were sent there, and it would also be able to restore the fighting spirit of all the forest farm staff.

Thinking of these important meanings, Yu Zhenglai also solemnly said to Feng Cheng, "Director Feng, don't worry! I know what you mean!"

The tree planting started in spring, and Yu Zhenglai mobilized all the employees of the forest farm to go to the dam to plant trees together.

Even Uncle Liu from the cafeteria followed the big guy to the dam, working in Saihanba with the big guy in full swing.

"Hey, Uncle Liu! Why are you here too! Who will cook for us!?" A forest farm worker said in surprise when he saw Uncle Liu.

"You are all going to Saihanba, who will go to the cafeteria to eat, of course I will come to Saihanba to plant trees together! Don't worry, I brought a lot of dry food this time, I won't starve you!" Uncle Liu's temper has always been very angry. Hot, looking at the scene in front of him, explained angrily.

"Haha, I'll just say it! Uncle Liu won't let us starve!" the forest farm staff said happily after hearing Uncle Liu's explanation.

"Stop talking nonsense! Hurry up and work!" Uncle Liu couldn't hold back any longer, and urged the boy in front of him to say.

Looking at the spectacular scene in front of him, Qu He had mixed feelings in his heart, and was quite jealous of the new deputy head Feng Cheng.

For some reason, when I saw Feng Cheng in front of me, I felt uncomfortable all over. I always felt that something would happen, as if the new Feng Cheng was my nemesis.

As soon as the newcomer Feng Cheng came up, he asked Yu Zhenglai to help mobilize all the forest farm workers to go to Saihanba to plant trees together. This move was too big, and he didn't care about the consequences at all.

Qu He is a villain, but he is very smart and will not feel uncomfortable at this juncture.

Besides, it is so easy to plant trees on Saihanba.

When Feng Cheng came, did you plant a tree? !

The more employees you mobilize now, the higher you, Feng Cheng, will climb, and the harder you will be thrown.

Thinking that all the trees planted this time were still dead and wasted, so many forestry workers would transfer all their anger to Feng Cheng, the instigator.

That picture was so beautiful, Qu He was so happy thinking about it, he actually laughed out loud unconsciously.

Yu Zhenglai who was next to him heard Qu He's laughter, but he was not working, so he jokingly said to Qu He, "Old Qu, what are you thinking about?

Dreaming of marrying a daughter-in-law, secretly having fun here?
Hurry up and work, it only takes more than ten days!Our task is heavy! "

Hearing Yu Zhenglai's words, Qu He quickly explained with a smile, "I was excited when I thought that these trees would be planted by us on Saihanba soon!
Director Feng is the lifeline of our forest farm! "

The reason why Qu He praised Feng Cheng so against his will was to make Feng Cheng climb higher and do something to fuel the flames.

It was to hold Feng Cheng to the highest point, and then three months later, to watch the hateful Feng Cheng fall from the highest point with his own eyes.

When the time comes, Feng Cheng will automatically leave the Saihanba Forest Farm in despair.

It was reported that Yu Zhenglai would be transferred to the Chengde Forestry Bureau as the director, which was already a certainty.

The future position of director of the Saihanba Forest Farm is his own, and he will never allow Feng Cheng to threaten him.

Feng Cheng didn't have the spare time to sort out Quhe's thoughts, and focused more on the experimental planting this time.

Different from the direct planting of saplings in the past, this time the experimental tree planting is transplanting, and the workload is directly increased, so there is a scene of enthusiasm everywhere. It is really rare for Qu He to have small tricks.

More than ten days of high-intensity labor almost cost Feng Cheng half his life. No matter in his previous life, the courtyard world, or the current Saihanba world, Feng Cheng has never worked like this before, and there must be some discomfort.

Looking at Feng Cheng who was limp at the side, Yu Zhenglai was also quite moved. He really never imagined that an associate professor who had never experienced hardship since childhood, an expert from the forestry department, would actually work with them.

Originally thought that Feng Cheng was just talking, and then they ran up and down the forest farm and broke their legs. I didn't expect that the head of Feng Cheng was so enlightened, and he had been doing the labor for more than ten days by himself.

But thinking of Director Feng's judgment on the weather, Yu Zhenglai said with some uncertainty, "Director Feng, do you really think there will be heavy rain in the next few days?
Otherwise, I'd better mobilize everyone to keep watering!

The method is a bit stupid, but it is safe and reliable! "

Seeing the suspicion on Yu Zhenglai's face, and the hesitation inside and outside the words, Feng Cheng smiled, but didn't take it to heart. He suddenly remembered a joke from his previous life, and stretched out one of his hands to put it in the night. In the air, and then said with a smile, "Old man watching the stars at night, there will be a downpour tonight!"

Only a fan made of feathers is missing, otherwise it would be more perfect!

"What?" Yu Zhenglai felt a little confused when he heard Feng Cheng's words, and then asked with a puzzled expression.

Seeing that Yu Zhenglai didn't get the point of his jokes, Feng Cheng knew that he was not a qualified humorist, and said seriously to Yu Zheng beside him, "Among all my majors, meteorology has always been the most difficult. !

It's also the one that I spend the most effort on!

You should be able to imagine that my current level of meteorology is professional, and you are questioning my professionalism! "

Hearing Feng Cheng's explanation, Yu Zhenglai realized that he was too impatient, and quickly said with a wry smile, "I"

But before he could say anything, he felt water dripping on his face.

Then Yu Zhenglai's eyes widened in surprise, he looked at the dark sky, and then saw more raindrops hitting him.

At this moment, Yu Zhenglai went crazy, running like a happy child in the heavy rain, howling and roaring.

Yu Zhenglai was not alone, the other forestry workers were also having a carnival like Yu Zhenglai.

Seeing the excitement of the crowd, Feng Cheng smiled inexplicably, and then went to hide from the rain by himself.

I don't want to be drenched in the rain here, and then there will be a risk of catching a cold and having a fever.

Qu He hid in a corner where no one was around, looking at everything in front of him with a pale face. It was an unbelievable thing, but it actually happened.

The position of the director of the forestry farm is gone, and there is a high probability that it will be taken away by the newcomer Feng Cheng
Feng Cheng didn't know Qu He's complicated state of mind. If he knew it, he would definitely think with disdain that Qu He and you were villains in vain. The forest farm would soon be upgraded to a mechanical forest farm, and Yu Zhenglai who had been transferred would come back soon.

(End of this chapter)

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