Chapter 121
The success of transplanting and planting trees has once again gained unprecedented confidence in the forest farm. Feng Cheng, who was the first to propose this method, has also been unanimously recognized by the forest farm.

In this way, everyone realized that the full-light seedling cultivation that Feng Cheng is currently researching may really be successful.

"Director Feng, I went back and thought about what I did last time, and I still come to apologize to you! I almost ruined my promise to you at the beginning! I hope you don't mind!" Yu Zhenglai found out that he was still busy in the nursery. Feng Cheng sincerely apologized.

Seeing Yu Zhenglai's apology was a bit late, but Feng Cheng still smiled and said forgivingly, "Everyone is just for work, so there is no saying who is right and who is wrong.

Now that the transplanting and planting of trees was successful, how did Director Yu decide on the next autumn planting? "

Seeing that Feng Cheng didn't care, Yu Zhenglai breathed a sigh of relief, and then said with a smile, "I'm going to step up efforts to transplant, I can temporarily recruit some workers from the nearby villagers, and then I also want to work with nearby villagers. Garrison contact, what do you think?"

Hearing that Yu Zhenglai still wanted to contact the garrison, Feng Cheng was a little surprised. Yu Zhenglai played too much this time.

"You can see for yourself! My full-light seedling cultivation has also produced results. About [-] seedlings will go to Saihanba during tree planting this autumn!" Feng Cheng looked at the smug Yu Zheng Come, and explained with a smile.

Hearing Feng Cheng say that the full-light seedling cultivation has yielded results, Yu Zhenglai immediately said pleasantly, "Really? So your full-light seedling cultivation has succeeded?"

Before Feng Cheng could answer Yu Zhenglai's words, Qu He said sarcastically, "What kind of success is this?
These nurseries, under normal circumstances, can produce at least 2 seedlings, but now only 50.00%!
So many seedlings died directly in the nursery, what a waste! "

Hearing Qu He's words, Yu Zhenglai was very embarrassed, so he could only smooth things over and said, "It's all for work, Director Qu also needs to support Director Feng's work!

You can't blindly hold opposing opinions, isn't there still 50.00%!What if it can be successfully planted on Saihanba! "

Qu He was about to refute Yu Zhenglai's words, but before he could say anything, Feng Cheng said with a smile, "Don't jump to conclusions! Let's see the results after the tree planting in autumn!

Also, Director Quchang, don't go too far when it comes to being a person and doing things!

Anxious, everyone can't bear it! "

"Hmph!" Qu He became the head of the field as he wished last time, and once again raised his head proudly, disapproving of Feng Cheng's words.

Yu Zhenglai tried to smooth things over, but was unsuccessful, so he could only watch in embarrassment as the relationship between Feng Cheng and Qu He became more and more tense.

For this Saihanba tree planting, Yu Zhenglai really used all his energy.

Not only did they invite many nearby villagers temporarily, but they actually contacted the local garrison, and then there was a vigorous afforestation.

Feng Cheng did not participate in the transplanting and planting of trees this time, but focused all his attention on the planting of full-light seedlings, and the forest farm equipped himself with [-] villagers.

In fact, with so many people, planting [-] saplings is absolutely enough!

But compared with Yu Zhenglai's side which was in full swing, Feng Cheng's side seemed a little deserted.

Looking at the villagers working around him, Feng Cheng actually saw an acquaintance, and immediately smiled and said to Zheng San who was evasive, "Hi! Zheng San, we meet again! It's really a fate!"

"Master Feng, hello! I was wrong last time, please don't remember the villain! Just forgive me!" Zheng San apologized to Feng Cheng when he saw that Feng Cheng had recognized him.

"Haha, don't get me wrong! I'm just saying hello to you! It makes you nervous, and besides, as long as you work hard, no one will trouble you!" Seeing Zheng San's panicked expression, Feng Cheng said with a smile.

"Thank you, Mr. Feng, for having a lot! Zheng San must work hard!" Zheng San promised after hearing Feng Cheng's words.

The memory of the last time was really too deep. The director Feng in front of him was like crazy, and knocked down all the dozen or so villagers brought by Zheng San.

Twenty villagers worked very quickly, and it took only three days to plant all the saplings.

Feng Cheng looked at the sky at night again, and calculated that there would be two or three days before there would be a heavy rain.

But to be on the safe side, I was also a little worried that I would miscalculate, so I didn't let the villagers leave, but kept watering the saplings.

After getting along with each other in the past few days, the little bastard Zheng San no longer felt afraid of Feng Cheng as before, and unconsciously became Feng Cheng's little follower.

"Zheng San! To be honest, your performance this time is really good!
However, we must continue to work hard and strive to become a full-time employee of the forest farm sooner! "Feng Cheng was very satisfied with Zheng San in front of him, and praised him.

Hearing Feng Cheng's praise for him, Zheng San was very happy, and said happily, "Really? A person like me can also become a forestry worker?"

"Of course! Originally, the forest farm had to choose employees from among the nearby villagers. As long as you get rid of your bad habits, you can of course become a forest farm employee!" Feng Cheng said with a smile to Zheng San's words.

People make mistakes. Of course, Zheng San in front of him is not a heinous character, so there is no need to beat him to death.

Sure enough, the heavy rain came unexpectedly three or four days after the saplings were planted. Seeing the torrential rain from the sky, Feng Cheng really felt relieved.

Now everything has been done, just waiting for the expert inspection three months later.

Although he was very confident in the full-light seedling cultivation, he was still a little nervous. To be on the safe side, Feng Cheng asked Qu He to keep five forest farm workers to stay with him in the Saihanba camp, and kept watering the saplings. water.

At first Feng Cheng wanted to keep a few villagers, but Yu Zhenglai's tree transplanting was over, so many forestry workers had free time, so in order to save unnecessary expenses, Qu He stayed Five forestry workers.

Seeing that Qu He still looked like he didn't deserve a beating, Feng Cheng planned to have the result in three months, and then play with him well.

Three months passed quickly, and with five forestry workers working together, Feng Cheng would not be as tired as in the original play.

The current Feng Cheng is not a masochist, and he will not stay on Saihanba forever, nor does Feng Cheng's vow not to plant a living tree in the original play, so he will definitely not stay in Saihanba I have been suffering all the time.

When the result came out, Feng Cheng was going to ask for leave to go back to the capital to see his family. I don't know if Zhong Hui will miss her now. I'm looking forward to it!
If Zhong Hui can still accept herself without feeling disgusted, haha, then she can enjoy the blessing of Qi Ren!

The picture is so beautiful, I should not imagine it at this time!

This time it was still Li Zhong, an expert from the Forestry Department, who came to inspect this time. Li Zhong ran around excitedly, staring at the thousands of planted saplings in front of him, and kept saying in surprise, "It's alive! It's alive! Almost alive!"

Hearing Li Zhong's excited words, Chen Gong, who was still waiting to see a joke, was also surprised. He followed Li Zhong and looked at the saplings in front of him, and found that they were really alive!
What's wrong with this world, it's too crazy!
Could it be that all-light seedling cultivation has really succeeded!
It's too unreasonable!

Qu He still had a look of disdain just now, but he didn't expect to see the two old men Li Zhong and Chen Gong running around excitedly, and felt that something was wrong. Everyone said, "Haha, we did it again!

The survival rate reached 90.00% Three!It even reached 90.00% three! "

"What? Expert Li, are you right?" Yu Zhenglai looked at Li Zhong who looked surprised in surprise, and asked in disbelief.

"How could it be? I'm very professional! I can be [-]% sure that the full-light seedling cultivation this time was a success!" Li Zhong couldn't accept Yu Zhenglai's doubts about him, and he quickly assured him.

Hearing Li Zhong's assurance, Yu Zhenglai became overjoyed. He quickly looked at Feng Cheng who was beside him with a calm face, and said gratefully, "Thank you so much, Director Feng! Without your persistence, we would have lost our minds." I can't even think of Quanguang Seedlings in my head! I also sincerely apologize for my doubts about you at the beginning!"

"No need for this! Director Yu, what you said is really serious!

I just do what I'm supposed to do!
Besides, you were not wrong at the beginning!
This full-light seedling cultivation experiment was a success, which is the success of our Saihanba Forest Farm as a whole! "Feng Cheng actually admired Zhenglai's apology. After all, it was a public apology in front of so many people, and then said with a smile.

Seeing that Feng Cheng really didn't care about what happened last time, Yu Zhenglai felt relieved.

On the other hand, Qu He stood aside with an ugly expression on his face, without saying anything. In fact, his current state of mind is really complicated, and he never thought that Feng Cheng would really succeed again.

The only thing that is quite happy is that he is now the director of Saihanba Forest Farm, and he is still one step ahead of Feng Cheng.

Feng Cheng's success again this time completely dispelled doubts from everyone in the Saihanba Forest Farm, and it can be regarded as completely securing the position of deputy director of the forest farm.

The work in the Saihanba Forest Farm has achieved staged success. Feng Cheng suddenly felt a little tired and wanted to take a good rest, and then made a report on visiting relatives.

This time, Qu He didn't do any tricks, but smoothly approved Feng Cheng's family leave.

Due to the success of the all-light seedling cultivation this time, Chen Gong also completely convinced Feng Cheng.

He took the initiative to take on the important task of looking after the Quanguang seedling nursery. Feng Cheng is not a selfish person, and there is no need to hide his skills, so he taught Chen Gong everything.

Seeing that Feng Cheng really taught him all the full-light seedling raising techniques, Chen Gong regretted that he was a villain in vain, and he really shouldn't be encouraged by Qu He to trouble Feng Cheng.

Even if the full-light seedling cultivation is unsuccessful in the end, so what?
Their forest farm has planted trees on Saihanba for five consecutive years, but they all ended in failure, but no one has ever questioned that this is a waste.

Once some things are figured out, everything is no longer important.

At this moment, Feng Cheng finally got Chen Gong's respect.

Seeing that Mr. Chen understood all the technical difficulties, Feng Cheng could finally return to the capital with peace of mind.

Back in the capital, mother and Zhong Hui were caught off guard by Feng Cheng's sudden return.

"Feng Cheng, why are you back now? Did something happen at work?" The mother looked nervously at her son Feng Cheng and asked.

"No, I'm fine in the unit! Mom, don't think about it!

Some time ago, my experiments were successful in Saihanba. Don’t you feel a little tired?Just go back to the capital and rest for a few days! Seeing his mother's nervousness, Feng Cheng explained with a smile.

After hearing her son's explanation, the mother felt relieved, then took the little Feng Hai in Zhong Hui's arms, and said with a smile, "I'll take Feng Hai out to play!"

Zhong Hui saw her mother go out with the child in her arms, looked at the man in front of her, and felt a little shy.

Seeing Zhong Hui's rare side, Feng Cheng was very excited, and then quickly hugged Zhong Hui and said, "Baby, do you miss me?"

"I don't! Why do you miss you! Let me go!" Zhong Hui said shyly to Feng Cheng's love words.

Feng Cheng breathed in the scent of milk from Zhong Hui, who was a new mother, and suddenly his heart was shaken. He couldn't help but picked up Zhong Hui and walked to the bedroom.

Zhong Hui pretended to be angry and said to the man who was holding her, "Put me down quickly! Or I'll call someone!"

"Then you shout! I'm afraid it's useless if you break your throat!

Our mother must tell the neighbors that I am back!

Haha, little lady, you just obediently obey the uncle! "Feng Cheng said with a smile.

"don't want."

One hundred thousand words are omitted below.
"Why are you like a wolf, never getting enough to eat!" Zhong Hui said exhaustedly to Feng Cheng beside him.

"Hahaha, this is brother's strength, and I can't keep a low profile!" Feng Cheng said with a hearty laugh.

"You are a villain!" Zhong Hui said helplessly.

"Zhong Hui, why don't we remarry!" Feng Cheng suddenly said to Zhong Hui seriously.

"No! I feel fine now!
If I really remarry, I worry that I will become suspicious again! Zhong Hui quickly refused.

"Then if I have a relationship with another woman! It will be useless for you to regret it then!" Feng Cheng said jokingly suddenly.

"Could it be that marriage contract can restrain you? Can it restrain others? If it can, then why do so many people cheat in marriage?" Zhong Hui said disapprovingly of Feng Cheng's remarriage proposal. .

Hearing Zhong Hui's thoughts, Feng Cheng secretly sighed, because Zhong Hui didn't want to remarry with him at all.

After returning to the capital, it is inevitable to visit the former leader Li Kun.

Li Kun was very pleasantly surprised when he saw Feng Cheng appearing suddenly, and quickly greeted him, "Feng Cheng, you boy! Sure enough, I saw you right!
A breakthrough has been achieved so quickly!

I've heard what Yu Zheng said, and I'm about to give you credit! "

"Haha, luck is also relatively good, both methods have been successful!
For the next step of upgrading the forest farm to a mechanical forest farm, the current success is really meaningful! "Feng Cheng said to the old leader Li Kun with a smile.

Hearing Feng Cheng's explanation, Li Kun heard the plan for the Saihanba Forest Farm in the future, and sighed Feng Cheng's super far-sighted vision, but jokingly said, "You boy, you have a lot of ambition!
Not long after Saihanba Forest Farm was built, you thought of upgrading to Saihanba Mechanical Forest Farm! "

(End of this chapter)

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