Chapter 129 Meeting the Wolf
Seeing that Tan Xue and Meng Yue hadn't come back for a long time, Wu Yansheng felt anxious.

Suddenly, I felt that my proposal just now, to let the two beautiful girls Tan Xuemei and Meng Yue go to find Feng Cheng, was a meat bun beating a dog, and there was no return!

Thinking of this, Wu Yansheng suddenly wanted to slap himself, but in the end he slapped himself involuntarily.

Wu Yansheng slapped himself, which completely broke the tranquility of the boys' dormitory. The other boys looked towards Wu Yansheng in surprise.

Sui Zhichao was a slobber, and quickly said to Wu Yansheng jokingly, "Wu Yansheng, what do you mean? You can't slap yourself because of what you did!"

Da Kui, the Chengde tough guy, also said strangely, "Yes! Wu Yansheng, Sui Zhichao is right! There is nothing you can't think about! Tell me, and we will help you solve it!"

The last boy, Yan Xiangli, has always had a feeling that everyone is drunk and the only one is sober, so he was only curious about Wu Yansheng's childish behavior, and then sneered, which was not easy to be noticed by others, and ignored it.

Seeing that he did such an embarrassing thing unconsciously in public, Wu Yansheng forced a smile and explained, "Hehe, you all misunderstood! I just suddenly felt itchy on my face and thought it was a mosquito. I just wanted to slap the mosquitoes to death."

"Really?" Na Dakui looked at Wu Yansheng in front of him suspiciously, and then said.

Hearing Wu Yansheng's childish explanation, Yan Xiangli couldn't help but said to Wu Yansheng, "Saihanba is now a plateau desert, and there is almost no water. Where are the mosquitoes?"

Hearing Yan Xiangli's science popularization, Na Dakui and Sui Zhichao couldn't help laughing.

At this moment, Wu Yansheng was so embarrassed that he felt ashamed, and wished he could find a mouse hole and get into it immediately.

"What are you boys laughing at? Are you so happy?"

At this moment, a voice completely broke Wu Yansheng's embarrassment.

Hearing this voice, Wu Yansheng was as happy as hearing the sounds of nature, and quickly said joyfully, "Tan Xuemei, you are back! Why did it take so long?"

When Meng Yue heard Wu Yansheng's question, she quickly explained, "Director Feng can speak English, so he translated for us on the spot! It took less than an hour to translate so many materials!"

Hearing the conversation of several people, Sui Zhichao quickly took over the materials in Meng Yue's hand, and said pleasantly while looking at them, "There are actually pest and disease professionals in these materials!

My goodness!
There is also a major in meteorology, Yan Xiangli for you! "

Sui Zhichao didn't notice Wu Yansheng's increasingly ugly face, he still flipped through the documents in his hand in surprise, and kept sighing, "Director Feng is indeed an associate professor and a genius expert in the forestry department, he really has two brushes." !"

It was almost time for afforestation, and the college students decided to go out to find suitable forest land on Saihanba, so they divided into two teams.

Wu Yansheng insisted on forming a team with Tan Xuemei, Meng Yue, and Na Dakui, but He Fan had no proper reason to stop him, so he could only let them do whatever they wanted.

Seeing the smug eight college students, He Fan sighed helplessly. You guys are really worried. It seems that something will happen again, but he has no way to stop it.

In desperation, He Fan had no choice but to let Zhao Tianshan form a team with Tan Xuemei and the others.

"This time, we may go a long way to find suitable forest land, but we must go back before three o'clock in the afternoon!

The places marked in red on the map are all dangerous areas, and you are not allowed to set foot in them at will!

Do you understand everything? "He Fan sighed helplessly, but still ordered.

After hearing He Fan's instructions and having learned the lesson from last time, everyone replied in fear, "I heard it!"

Seeing the backs of Qin Xuemei's group leaving, He Fan sighed again, and followed another team to leave the camp.

The time soon came to three o'clock in the afternoon. Because of Zhao Tianshan's appearance, Meng Yue didn't get sprained like in the original drama, and the five of them were still walking together.

Zhao Tianshan looked at the time, and proposed to rush to the camp, but Qin Xuemei was a little unsure, and then directly refused.

Hearing Tan Xuemei's refusal, Wu Yansheng was very happy, thinking that it was He Fan who asked them to rush back, he sneered and said, "I think Director Feng has a lot to do!

Where is the danger, besides, there are so many of us together!
Even if we really meet a wolf, we are not afraid!
Chengde tough guy Na Dakui is not a vegetarian! "

Hearing Wu Yansheng's praise of him, Da Kui, a pig-headed fellow, boasted excitedly, "Wu Yansheng is right! Although my Da Kui can't be a tiger-fighting hero, he is more than enough to be a wolf-fighting hero." !"

Among the five people, three agreed to continue searching for Yilin land. Needless to say, Meng Yue would also agree. Zhao Tianshan had no choice but to follow their decision.

Before dark, He Fan's team had already returned to the new camp, but they still hadn't seen Tan Xuemei's group, so He Fan knew that something was wrong with them.

What surprised He Fan was that Zhang Fulin didn't run away like in the original drama, but stayed in the camp honestly, and he didn't know what he was planning.

Thinking that Qin Xuemei and the others would be in danger, and didn't care about Zhang Fulin's affairs, he hurriedly greeted Zhang Fulin and said, "Zhang Fulin, there are two horses in the camp, you and I, one for each, take Zhao Tianshan's shotgun, and let's go together Find them!"

Zhang Fulin obediently led the horse over, and He Fan also got Zhao Tianshan's shotgun. At this time, Zhang Fulin suddenly proposed to look for it separately.

Hearing Zhang Fulin's words, knowing that he wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to run away, how could He Fan make him happy, so he smiled and said, "There is no need to separate! We have Xiao Liu, and I am afraid that we will not find them!"

The two rode on horses and quickly disappeared in front of the workers.

Cook Wei Fugui looked at the backs of the two leaving, and said with emotion, "Fortunately, our advance team has Captain Feng in charge, otherwise the camp would not be in chaos today! These college students are really worrying!"

After finishing speaking, he remembered Shen Mengyin and Sui Zhichao next to him, and hurriedly explained embarrassingly, "You two are much better than them! Hehe!"


Both Shen Mengyin and Sui Zhichao were worried about Tan Xuemei and the others' safety, and had no intention of talking to Wei Fugui, so there was no verbal conflict.

It was getting dark, and Tan Xuemei thought about rushing to the camp, but it was already too late.

They soon discovered that they were completely lost in the dark night of Saihanba.

At this time, Zhao Tianshan remembered He Fan's instructions, and suddenly regretted not sticking to He Fan's instructions, but let the group of college students mess around.

Meng Yue was the least courageous, and when she saw that they were lost, she said annoyedly, "If we had known, we should have listened to Director Feng's instructions and not messed around on our own! Now I'm so scared!"

Hearing Meng Yue's annoyance, Wu Yansheng thought of He Fan's indomitable appearance, and was very angry in his heart, and then comforted him with a forced smile, "What are you afraid of? There are so many of us!
Zhao Tianshan is a fighting hero, and Na Dakui is also a wolf-fighting hero.

With their protection, we are safe! "

When Zhao Tianshan heard what Wu Yansheng said, he didn't pay attention to it, and didn't respond in any way. He just kept feeling annoyed in his heart, with a serious and nervous expression on his face.

Na Da Kui heard Wu Yansheng flattering him again, and excitedly boasted to Meng Yue who was scared, "Meng Yue, don't be afraid! My Da Kui will protect you!"

It may be that Na Dakui's bravery is a challenge, and the hungry wolves on Saihanba responded with their howls in the dark night.

Hearing the howling of wolves, the five trembled involuntarily, "There really are wolves!"

Qin Xuemei and the others ran away in fright, Zhao Tianshan hurriedly stopped them and said, "You can't run, the more you run, the more the wolves like to chase!"

Hearing Zhao Tianshan's obstruction, the four of them stopped in fear.

Seeing that the four of them were no longer running around in a panic, Zhao Tianshan suggested, "Let's all form a circle, and no one can run away!

As long as you run, it means you are finished! "

"Really? Captain Zhao! Don't lie to us!" Meng Yue said frightenedly when she heard Zhao Tianshan's instructions.

"Don't worry! I won't lie to you!

After a while, the wolf appeared, and we kept shouting loudly, so that the wolf would be afraid! "Zhao Tianshan asked again.

"Understood!" The four of them answered with trembling voices when they heard Zhao Tianshan's instructions.

Soon a wolf appeared in front of the five people, fortunately it was still one, and the five people kept shouting, trying to scare away the hungry wolf.

But the wolf is not afraid of their bluff, and keeps looking for their weaknesses.

Zhao Tianshan thought that the two girls, Meng Yue and Qin Xuemei, would be unable to hold on first, so he wanted to remind him in advance, but before he could say it, Wu Yansheng suddenly yelled in fear, "Oh my god! I'm so scared!"

Then, just ran away!
Seeing the appearance of the weak point, the hungry wolf immediately pounced on the fleeing Wu Yansheng.

The remaining four people were stunned by Wu Yansheng's behavior at this time, they could only watch helplessly as Wu Yansheng was chased by wolves, and then bitten by hungry wolves!
In the end, Zhao Tianshan was the first to react, and shouted at the other three, "Hurry up and shout loudly, maybe you can scare away this hungry wolf!"

Hearing Zhao Tianshan's reminder, the other three could only follow suit and yell, trying to rescue Wu Yansheng who was bitten by hungry wolves in this way. Step forward.

I don't know how long it took until he heard a gunshot, and the hungry wolf put down his prey, Wu Yansheng, in fear, and quickly disappeared into the darkness. At this time, Wu Yansheng had already fallen into a coma.

The four kept calling Wu Yansheng who was in a coma, and soon He Fan and Zhang Fulin appeared in front of the five of them with Xiao Liu.

Seeing He Fan's appearance, Meng Yue suddenly couldn't control herself anymore and rushed towards He Fan who had jumped off the horse, crying in shock and saying, "Captain Feng, you have finally come to save us! I knew you would not abandon us." our!"

It should be a very happy thing to have a beauty in your arms.

But when He Fan saw the situation in front of him, he couldn't be happy at all, just because Wu Yansheng's life and death are unknown now!
Damn it, he's dying!As the deputy head of the field, I may not be able to do it!
(End of this chapter)

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