Chapter 140

Li Haiwang is worthy of being a personal master. He agreed to Xiaodang's matter, and he really did it for her.

Not only brought Xiaodang to Hong Kong Island, but also entrusted Xiaodang to get a Hong Kong Island ID card for Xiaodang. I don't know what Li Haiwang's plan is.

Looking at his photo on the ID card, Xiao Dang was very happy, but when he saw the strange name on it, Xiao Dang became puzzled, and then asked Li Haiwang, "Uncle, why did you change my name too?" up?

My name is Jia Dang, why is it changed to Jia Ni now? "

"Hehe, your name Jia Dang is too rustic!

It's quite convoluted, and it's hard for others to accept it, but it's so nice to be called Jani!

From now on your stage name will be Jiani!
Calling it this way, does it feel more foreign? ! Hearing Xiaodang's doubts, Li Haiwang said with a smile.

Hearing Li Haiwang's explanation, Xiaodang repeated "Jiani, Jiani" a few times, and it was indeed as Li Haiwang said, feeling more foreign, Xiaodang quickly hugged Li Haiwang and said, "Too Thank you! It's really great! Then I don't know, when will you take me to make a movie?"

Hearing that Xiaodang was impatient and wanted to make a movie now, Li Haiwang was very helpless, and then patiently explained to Xiaodang with a wry smile, "You don't have any acting skills at all, and you are not familiar with Hong Kong Island. You don't need to do this when making movies. hurry!

I signed up for a training class for you, and you have to learn how to act in it.

Because only if you learn to act, can you really make a movie!

Also, you must learn Cantonese so that you can communicate with others! "

Hearing Li Haiwang's explanation to himself, Xiao Dang thought for a while and thought it was true, then he became happy, and put his arms around Li Haiwang's neck and said, "Thank you! I don't understand anything!

Fortunately, uncle you are here!
I knew that Uncle Li treated me the best! "

"Since you are so good as you said, then tonight, Xiao Dang, you have to perform well!" Li Haiwang smelled Xiao Dang's body fragrance, feeling hot all over, and suddenly smiled at Xiao Dang Said.

Hearing Li Haiwang's words and cheap expression, Xiaodang naturally knew what Li Haiwang meant, forced himself to endure the urge to gag, and then said with a winking smile, "You are so bad!"

Not long after, Li Haiwang was exhausted and silent.

But feeling that Xiaodang was moving again, Li Haiwang was so frightened that he quickly took out a notice and handed it to Xiaodang.

Only then did Xiao Dang take the thing that Li Haiwang handed over with a look of surprise and looked at it, and saw that it said "Wireless Artist Training Class"!Xiao Dang was completely happy.

When he left the capital, Xiao Dang didn't hide anything from Qin Huairu, and he also revealed his plan, just wanting to go out for a break.

Hearing her daughter Xiaodang's straightforward explanation and plans for the future, Qin Huairu was in great pain.

But thinking of the future of his son Bang Geng and the dream of his daughter Xiaodang, Qin Huairu forgot the pain, and then taught his daughter the trick to control men.

Therefore, there is no problem at all for the professor's daughter Xiaodang to control Li Haiwang.

Looking at Ah Hong who was busy all the way and looking thin, He Fan felt so distressed at this moment!

He hurriedly took the luggage from Ah Hong's hand, and signaled to the bodyguard and driver Sister Liu that she could leave, He Fan couldn't help hugging Ah Hong in front of him.

After a while, Ah Hong realized that he did not see the two children, and asked He Fan suspiciously, "Brother, where are our two children?"

"Hehe, they are all taking a nap in the house!" He Fan explained with a smile when he heard Ah Hong's question and knew that Ah Hong was missing a child.

Hearing He Fan's words, Ah Hong immediately said pleasantly, "Yes! Brother, you are becoming more and more like a qualified baby daddy now!"

Hearing Ah Hong's compliments to him, He Fan deliberately showed a stinky expression and said, "What is resemblance! I am a qualified baby daddy!"

When she got home, she saw that the two children were sleeping soundly on the bed, so she was relieved, and Ah Hong showed a happy smile.

"Brother, why didn't you see Sister Lou? Why isn't she at home? Did she go to work?" Ah Hong looked around, and then suddenly asked He Fan who was behind her.

He Fan deliberately showed a puzzled expression when he heard Ah Hong's question, and then said to Ah Hong strangely, "Didn't she always live in a five-star hotel? Why is she here?"

Hearing He Fan's doubts and seeing the strange expression on He Fan's face, Ah Hong really thought that Lou Xiao'e would not be here these days, and then explained with a smile, "Oh! I just thought that Sister Lou would be here to help Brother, you are taking the baby!"

Hearing A Hong's cover-up explanation, He Fan suddenly hugged A Hong, and said against A Hong's ear, "Why do I feel that you are carrying me behind your back, is there something wrong with Lou Xiao'e?"

"Ah?" Ah Hong heard He Fan's question, felt He Fan's strong hug, and murmured limply, "No! Brother, you. Misunderstood!"

Hearing Ah Hong's words, knowing that Ah Hong was being tricked, He Fan laughed happily.

Hearing He Fan's laughter, Ah Hong realized that she had been tricked, and then said angrily, "Sister Lou has been to our house, hasn't she?"

He Fan said angrily on purpose when he heard Ah Hong's question, "Hmph! This is not obvious, why do you need to ask more!?

She was already greedy for my body, and you still said that to her!

Even if she knows that what you are telling is a lie, she will not expose it, this is what she wishes for! "

"Hehe, brother, don't be angry!
I also see her as a pitiful person, whether she is high or low!
It's impossible to let her die alone like this! ? "Ah Hong heard the complaint in He Fan's tone and explained with a smile.

"Now you are satisfied! She, Lou Xiao'e, will not die alone forever!

She was still here yesterday, but today I knew you were coming back, so I drove her away! He Fan explained helplessly after hearing Ah Hong's explanation.

Hearing He Fan's explanation, Ah Hong said angrily, "How can you be so heartless, I drove Sister Lou away as soon as I came back!

I'm not afraid that Sister Lou will be sad! "

"You, the eldest wife of the main house, is back, why do you let her be an eyesore here!" He Fan said angrily when he heard Ah Hong's complaint.

"Hmph! If Sister Lou finds out that you only treat her as a housekeeper, she must be very sad!" A Hong heard He Fan's words, and said a little for Lou Xiao'e.

"Forget about Lou Xiao'e, take care of yourself first!
My punishment for you is not over yet!Haha." He Fan said with a smirk when he heard Ah Hong's words.

Seeing his wife Ah Hong who had fallen into a deep sleep, He Fan kissed her, then fell asleep with his arms around her.

(End of this chapter)

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