Self-cultivation of the Siheyuan God of War

Chapter 147 The Proud Qin Huairu

Chapter 147 The Proud Qin Huairu
The current Qin Huai Ru is in the nearby streets, whether it is financial resources or reputation, it can be ranked first.

Qin Huairu is now not only a wealthy family, with filial sons and daughters who are filial and promising, but also very civic-minded in supporting the elderly nearby.

Facing such a fraternal Qin Huairu, the director of the subdistrict, who almost fell out with Qin Huairu last time, had to come to congratulate and praise Qin Huairu on behalf of the subdistrict.

Seeing the arrival of the street director, Qin Huairu was as modest and cautious as ever on the surface, but he was very happy in his heart.

After all, since Jia Dongxu passed away, I have been begging the street director in front of me for almost 20 years, and now I have finally changed my luck, and finally gained the respect of others!

Although the director of the street is an old man, he doesn't have clairvoyant eyes. Seeing that Qin Huairu in front of him is as humble as ever, it is impossible not to be moved in his heart. The director of the street excitedly took Qin Huairu's hand and said, "Huairu! !You are doing really well!

Hope you keep it up!

With you on our street, I am really relieved and at ease in my heart! "

Hearing the director's words, Qin Huairu's heart was about to fly with joy, but he said to the director with a humble face, "The director's words are serious!

I just do what I can!
After all, the pension issue is something everyone must consider!
While I am still young, do more things, and when I am older, I will not regret it! "

The street director was really moved when he heard Qin Huairu's words.

Suddenly, he looked at the courtyard in front of him. Not only did He Yuzhu walk out of here to open a children's welfare home.

Qin Huairu, who had the most difficulty in the courtyard house at the beginning, also opened a nursing home after him.

Now it seems that the feng shui of this courtyard house in front of me is really good!

After exchanging pleasantries, the street director left happily.

Seeing the back of the street director leaving, Qin Huairu raised his head slightly unconsciously.

Since his family is rich and his younger sister Xiaodang is still far away on Hong Kong Island, in order to make it easier for his mother Qin Huairu to keep in touch with Xiaodang, Bang Geng filially helps his mother Qin Huairu install a telephone.

When there is not much to do, Qin Huairu will guide Xiao Dang in Hong Kong Island from a distance, and he is worried that Xiao Dang will often mess up like her grandma Jia Zhang.

As soon as the street director was sent away, Qin Huairu saw his son Banggen coming back, but unlike usual, Xu Damao was still behind him.

"Mom, I'm back! Is the meal ready?" Bang Geng said immediately when he saw his mother Qin Huairu standing at the door.

But he found that his mother was staring at Xu Damao, the little brother carrying the bag behind him in surprise, and immediately turned around and said to Xu Damao behind him, "Old Xu, just give me the bag! You go back first!"

If necessary, I will greet you! "

Hearing Bang Genggen's instructions to him, and feeling Qin Huairu's surprised gaze sizing him up, Xu Damao suppressed the resentment in his heart, and said with a low eyebrow, "Yes, Mr. Jia!"

After waiting until Xu Damao's back was lost, Qin Huairu looked at his son Bang Geng in surprise and asked, "Bang Geng, what's going on?
Why did Xu Damao become your bag carrying boy? "

Hearing his mother Qin Huairu's question, Bang raised his head happily, and explained to his mother, "Xu Damao said he was going to sleep on the street, and begged me to take him in, so I can only help him kindly!
I still have to pay him 60 yuan a month! "

Hearing Bang Geng's explanation, before Qin Huairu had time to say anything, Jia Zhang from the room immediately ran out excitedly, and said to Bang Geng, "Bang Geng, are you stupid!

Why do you give Xu Damao so much salary like a boy who spread money?
It would be nice to give him 20 yuan a month! "

Hearing grandma Jia Zhang's complaint, Bang Geng smiled indifferently, but he didn't take it seriously, and then explained with a smile, "Anyway, Xu Damao used to be my uncle! They are all relatives!
If he is in such a difficult situation now, he should be doing a good deed! "

Seeing that her mother-in-law, Jia Zhang, was still relentlessly reprimanding Bang Geng, Qin Huairu smiled and smoothed things over, "Mom, don't worry about it!
Bang Geng came back so late, he must be hungry, let's eat first! "

Hearing Qin Huairu's words, Jiazhang just remembered to eat, and was about to serve the food immediately, then suddenly remembered about Qin Huairu, and continued to reprimand Qin Huairu, "I said Huairu! You said you are What do you think?

Our family's life has just gotten better, and you are tossing about a nursing home. Do you really have such great ability?

The old man's eating, drinking, lazards, and illnesses, such a great pressure, are all placed on my grandson Banggen alone!
As the saying goes, people can eat as much food as they have bowls!
How can you toss around beyond your control?

Aren't you killing our precious grandson? "

Hearing her mother-in-law Jia Zhang's incomprehension and accusation towards him, Qin Huai felt aggrieved.

Just now, the director of the street was in a good mood to compliment him, but was swept away by Mrs. Jia Zhang again.

Bang Geng saw grandma Jia Zhang's complaints and accusations towards her mother, and quickly explained with a smile, "Grandma, you can't blame my mother!
I let her open a nursing home!
There are some things you don't understand. This kind of good deed can offset part of my company's taxes!

This is our Jia family taking advantage of it! "

Hearing Sun Tzu Bang even said that the Jia family took advantage of it, Jia Zhang finally gave up, and then went to serve the meal cursing.

When Bang Geng saw Qin Huairu, his aggrieved mother, he quickly comforted him, "Mom, don't be as knowledgeable as my grandma!
She doesn't understand anything, and she only wants to take advantage of it to be happy! "

Hearing his son Bang Geng's comfort, how could Qin Huairu not understand his mother-in-law Jia Zhang, but when he heard Bang Geng's evaluation of Jia Zhang's love for taking advantage of it, he couldn't help but burst into tears and said, "How can this be so?" Talk about your own grandma! Not big or small!
However, just now you said that opening a nursing home can offset part of the tax. Is it true? "

Hearing his mother Qin Huairu's question, Bang Geng explained with a smile, "Of course it's true! After all, policies need to encourage companies and individuals to do more charity!"

Hearing his son Bangeng's explanation, Qin Huairu became happy again. He really didn't expect that he could help his son Bangeng's management inadvertently.

Some families are happy and some are sad, here, Qinhuai is like a happy and thriving family.

But Xu Damao stayed alone in a small earthquake shelter built temporarily in a courtyard house.

Xu Damao had already sold the house to Bang Geng, and Bang Geng arranged Xu Damao, the bag-carrying boy, in the small earthquake shed that the second uncle Liu Haizhong had built in the backyard.

His wife, Qin Jingru, left him without any savings, and his parents were unwilling to talk to him. This is Xu Damao now.

It can be said that Xu Damao has nothing in his heart except hatred for the Jia family.

The only thing he wants to do now is to get more criminal evidence.

Although he now has a lot of criminal evidence in his hands, and these are only when Li Haiwang was the director of the rolling mill, there are no Bang Geng and You Fengxia. What Xu Damao wants is to catch them all!
When the time comes to see Qin Huairu wagging his tail and begging for mercy in front of him in pain, Xu Damao feels that he can relieve his hatred!
Just like that, the gloomy Xu Damao curled up in the corner like a poisonous snake, staring coldly at his prey, Qin Huairu's family.

(End of this chapter)

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