Chapter 16 Loans
A few days ago, Silly Zhu bought a shop on the street near the University of Hong Kong.

We are planning to open a new Hong Kong University store of "Five-Star Noodle House".

The reason why I chose the University of Hong Kong is because I took a fancy to the students and the flow of people near the University of Hong Kong.

In fact, it stands to reason that if you want to expand rapidly, renting a store and opening a store is the most appropriate.

But Shazhu knows how much room there will be in housing prices on Hong Kong Island.

Therefore, in the long run, it is more cost-effective to buy it directly.

Sometimes the profit of my "five-star noodle restaurant" may not be able to keep up with the appreciation of real estate.

After all, the housing prices of Hong Kong Island in later generations have always been ahead of the world, and it is not a bragging.

Shazhu didn't pay too much attention to the decoration of the new store, and mostly delegated power to the workers. After all, his energy is limited, and he really can't do it himself in the Broadcasting Road store.

Now I not only have to keep an eye on the business situation of the broadcasting store and control the quality of the dishes, but also take the time to train new employees.

What a stupid pillar, I split it into several petals for use.

Although the operation difficulty of the noodle shop has been simplified to the greatest extent, there is still no slack in training.

The last thing Shazhu wants to see is the service staff who appear in Hong Kong TV dramas, smoking a cigarette, looking at customers casually, and ordering food for customers.

That's not a joke, that's a tragedy, a tragedy in the service industry!

"Ayu, you have been paying attention to the training of new employees recently, have you found any outstanding talents?" Looking at the manager of the Broadcasting Road store he invited, he said with a twist of the unique title of Hong Kong Island.

When I came to Hong Kong Island, the most uncomfortable thing was to address others, and I had to call "Ah what".

It is not as convenient to call "little what" as in the mainland of the motherland.

Maybe it's just that I'm not used to it for a while!

"Boss, after all, they are all new employees. The time is too short, so I really can't tell?" Ayu replied.

As the earliest employee of the boss, Ayu certainly knows why the boss needs new employees so urgently.

"Well! You must pay close attention to the training of new employees. Every employee must know that it is clean, tidy, hygienic, and standard! Another thing to remember is that the customer is always right, and you must never quarrel with the customer." Silly Zhu said solemnly.

"Don't worry! Boss! I will pay attention!" Ayu said.

"Also, on NO.15 next month, the new store at the University of Hong Kong is about to open, and the new employees must work hard."

"Don't worry, it's absolutely fine!"

"Awei, the deputy store manager of our store, how do you feel!? If you are assigned to be the store manager in a new store next month, will you be able to do it?" Silly Zhu asked.

"Well, I don't think it's very good! After all, I put more energy into the staff and training new staff. Ah Wei's ability should be good! As for how to arrange it, it depends on you, the boss!" A Yu smiled wryly. Said.

"I understand what you mean! Next month, let him be the acting store manager of the new store first! As for the future, it depends on his own performance!" Silly Zhu said helplessly.

Awei and Ayu were recruited into the store by himself. He has the ability and is serious about his work, but he just feels like something is missing.

So, I chose Ayu as the store manager at the beginning.

Ayu also couldn't tell whether Awei was competent, so he couldn't give a specific opinion.

When a smart person speaks, everyone understands the meaning, there is no need to speak too bluntly, too blatantly, that would be too hurtful.

"Just keep an eye on the store. I have an appointment with Manager Chen of HSBC to talk about things. He will come over in a while, and you take him to my office." Silly Zhu confessed and went to the office.

"Waiter, come here!" A beautiful girl saw the waiter next to her and said.

"Pretty girl, what do you need?" the waiter said with a smile.

"That was your boss just now?" the beauty asked curiously.

"Yes! He's our boss!" replied the waiter.

"Then is he the son of some family, who opened a shop at such a young age?" the beauty asked again.

"I'm sorry, pretty girl! Our employees don't know about our boss's private affairs! Maybe we can't help you!
If there is no other need, I will go to work!Please enjoy! "The waiter still said with a smile.

"Mr. He, I didn't expect your office to be so simple?" Manager Chen said.

"It's really a start-up, and I don't have the strength to put on a facade.

It can only be supported by hard work!This time, I'm planning to ask Manager Chen for help! "Silly Zhu said.

"Mr. He is very good at joking. The business in your store is so good and the water is so beautiful! What's the hard work!" Manager Chen said with emotion, "To be honest, I never thought that the business of a noodle restaurant can It’s so good! I really admire Mr. He’s decision!”

"Then look at me, can I get a loan from your bank?" Silly Zhu asked.

"Of course no problem! How much is Mr. He going to borrow?" Manager Chen asked in surprise.

"I want to borrow 500 million Hong Kong dollars and use this shop as collateral! What do you think?" Silly Zhu said.

"500 million, that's too much! Could it be less, how about 100 million!?" Manager Chen said hesitantly.

"How is the business of our store? You HSBC know it all! The property right of the store is also my own. On the 500th of next month, the new Hong Kong University store will open! The property right of the store is also in my hands. How to say, I am also high-quality Are you a customer!? It feels like [-] million is not much!" Sha Zhu said in disbelief.

"Eh? I don't know, what is Mr. He planning to invest with the 500 million?" Manager Chen asked.

"Of course, buy a store and open a new store! I plan to open "five-star noodle restaurants" all over Hong Kong Island within a year! There must be at least sixteen stores." Silly Zhu said.

"This! Could Mr. He be too aggressive!?" Manager Chen said in surprise.

"It's not too aggressive! Back then, my own deposit was close to 200 million! You HSBC all know it!
Now I use 200 million to leverage a 500 million loan, is it considered aggressive?Besides, I bought a house directly, which is much more stable than renting a house and opening a shop! "Silly Zhu said.

"Having said that, the population of Hong Kong Island is more than 310 million, and the population is still increasing rapidly! Don't you all see the bright future of Hong Kong Island?" Silly Zhu asked strangely.

"Is it true that all of you HSBC like big business worth hundreds of millions? Don't you like me doing small things?" Silly Zhu said jokingly.

"Mr. He was joking! It's too big, I'll go back and ask the leader first! We will reply to you as soon as possible!" Manager Chen said.

Compared with future generations, the housing prices on Hong Kong Island are really cheap. Buying a house with a loan, even if you don’t do business, just rent it out, you can win without losing money.

In addition, his "five-star noodle restaurant" is a cash cow.

Now, of course, I have to quickly raise the cows, and then the milk production will increase sharply.

Although Manager Chen did not directly agree to loan to Shazhu, Shazhu was not worried, because HSBC would definitely give him a loan!

Think about Xu Jiayin's assets of more than 30 billion in later generations, and the loan of nearly [-] trillion!

Compared with Xu Dashen, he is just swimming in the pond now, making small troubles.

Sure enough, as expected, the next day Manager Chen, on behalf of HSBC, agreed to lend him a loan of 500 million Hong Kong dollars!
Not only to buy a store, but also to open a new store, the work of the central kitchen has to go hand in hand!
It is planned to open [-] stores on Hong Kong Island. In order to ensure the quality of dishes, the construction of a central kitchen is imminent.

(End of this chapter)

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