Chapter 164

"Silly brother, it's New Year's Eve today! Don't you really have a New Year's Eve dinner at Sister Qin's house tonight? After all, it's been so long! You, a big man, can't be so stingy!" He Yushui looked at Brother He Fan, who was about to go to work, suddenly said with some confusion.

Seeing his younger sister being subdued by Qin Huairu and the uncle again, He Fan was really speechless.

At the beginning, when I heard that my elder brother was so pitiful that he was begging everywhere, and then he was surrounded by the neighbors in the courtyard, He Yushui burst into tears of distress, but he didn't expect that he would return to the uncle and Qin Huairu's subordinates so quickly and solidly.

Now He Fan has long lost interest in He Yushui's preaching, and it is her personal freedom to associate with anyone.

After all, they are adults who are about to get married, and this cheap brother like myself can be completely relieved.

"As I said, I won't have anything to do with Qin Huairu's family anymore!

Besides, I have to help my friends in the evening recently, so how can I have time for New Year's Eve dinner?
If you want to go, you can go by yourself!

And ah!Don't bring Qinhuai Rujia's children into my house.

You also give me a sentence, if I find something missing in my room, I will call the police directly! He Fan said coldly after hearing what his younger sister He Yushui said.

Hearing what He Fan said, He Yushui felt that the elder brother in front of him was completely unreasonable, and then said incomprehensibly, "Bang Geng, they are still children, and you are an adult, so there is no need to be familiar with them!

Isn't it just to eat something from you?You still want to call the police!

It seems that just like the uncle said, you are becoming more and more unreasonable! "

Hearing that his younger sister He Yushui had the same speech and way of thinking as his uncle, He Fan was not surprised at this time, but smiled and said, "The three brothers and sisters of Bang Geng are children, that's right!

But he is Jia Dongxu's child, not my He Yuzhu's!

I have no obligation or responsibility to support them, I can only see my good mood!

Now I will no longer condone any stealing from me, because it is a crime!

As for who you associate with, that is your personal freedom, and I will not interfere!

However, please do not interfere with my freedom! "

Although He Fan in front of him was smiling all the time, He Yushui felt a burst of coldness, and suddenly got a little scared of his silly brother.

When He Yushui said that He Fan was too busy to have the New Year's Eve dinner with them, Qin Huairu knew that this was He Fan's excuse.

It's been so long since the last incident, and recently He Fan has been leaving early and returning late. I heard that He Fan is doing some private work outside, and the income must be high.

Thinking of this, Qin Huairu made He Fan's idea again.

When it comes to Chinese New Year, spending money is like flowing water. If we can get He Fan's help again, our family can have another good year.

With an idea in mind, Qin Huairu directly approached the elder Yi Zhonghai to discuss He Fan's matter, and then the elder man proposed that the 33 families should spend the New Year together, and then He Fan would naturally give another blood transfusion to the Jia family.

But neither of them expected that the current He Fan was completely unwilling to talk to them, instead of the conflicts and petty temper in their impression.

Although she didn't get what she wanted, Qin Huairu was not a woman who was willing to admit defeat. She decided to continue stalking He Fan, anyway, she must get benefits from him.

Looking at Qin Huairu who appeared in front of him, and hearing the words he had expected, He Fan was completely disgusted with the scheming whore in front of him who didn't know how to advance or retreat.

"Sister Qin, if I heard correctly, you want me to steal something for you?" He Fan widened his eyes in surprise, and said in an incredible tone.

"Eh? I really have no other choice! Otherwise, I wouldn't have come to beg you! Just help my sister!" Hearing the surprise in He Fan's words, Qin Huairu still said pitifully.

As Qin Huairu spoke, he started to cry. He Fan, who was supposed not to see Qin Huairu cry, suddenly became disgusted.

"My mother passed away early, and my father is not very responsible, but they never taught me to steal!

So, Qin Huairu, you should go beg someone else! "Hearing Qin Huairu's crying voice, He Fan completely lost his patience and said bluntly.

Hearing He Fan's straightforward rejection without any emotion, Qin Huairu's eyes widened in surprise, and he said in disbelief, "Are you even bullying me like this? Are you really going to die?"

"What happened to you now is entirely your own choice!

Why should it be blamed on my neighbor?

I, He Yuzhu, don't seem to owe you the Jia family, do I?Why should I support your family?
If you can prove that the three brothers and sisters of Bang Geng are the children of my He Yuzhu, and think that I, He Yuzhu, have the responsibility to support your whole family, you, Qin Huairu, can sue me in the street or the court!

Also, I warn you, the next time I find out that your children are stealing from my room, I will directly call the police! He Fan sneered when he heard that Qin Huairu kidnapped him morally for no reason, and then said in a stern tone.

"As a neighbor, let me warn you one last time, don't think about going to the warehouse to steal, and deputy director Li is drinking in the box, you should know what kind of thing he is!
If he caught the handle and directly ripped off your clothes, making you lose your ass and lose others, you will be to blame yourself! "

After He Fan finished speaking, he explained the matter to Ma Hua, turned around and left directly, and stopped talking to the scheming whore Qin Huairu who was standing there in a daze.

The younger sister's unrepentant behavior and Qin Huairu's endless entanglement really made He Fan very tired. He no longer has the interest in fighting with them, so let them moldy and rot there!

Based on what I knew about Qin Huairu, even though I warned her, Qin Huairu might not take it to heart, and she would probably go to the warehouse to steal as usual.

Now that I'm leaving directly, I also have some thoughts of being out of sight and out of mind. Maybe Qin Huai is eager to get in touch with the surnamed Li, so I don't want to be a villain and be a licking dog anymore!
The ability of the surname Li is outstanding, maybe it can really support Qin Huairu's family, and it can also give Bang Geng and Xiao Dang the good future they want.

Recently, Qin Jingru reappeared in the capital, and he had a heated fight with Xu Damao. He Fan knew it all, so it was hard to persuade the damned ghost with good words. So many people knew that Xu Damao had no fertility, Qin Jingru still jumped into it happily Xu Damao's pit was really her own choice.

He Fan in this life feels that it is best not to interfere in other people's lives!

(End of this chapter)

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