Chapter 18

The third master is still guarding the front gate of the compound like a door god.

Seeing the second uncle, Liu Haizhong, entering the compound after get off work, he quickly said, "Old Liu! This idiot has been gone for almost a year! I haven't seen anyone for so long, I'm still panicking! You think it's strange No?!"

The second uncle looked up at the third uncle, and said disdainfully, "You are a bitch! That stupid guy Sha Zhu doesn't take us old guys seriously at all, what do you want him for?"

"Haha, I agree with what the second uncle said!" Xu Damao, who came back, heard the conversation between the two and said in agreement.

"I have news for you guys! Shazhu may not come back!" Xu Damao said with a stinky expression on his face.

"Hey, what do you say? Do you know something inside? Tell us all quickly!" The third master said curiously.

When Xu Damao saw the neighbors in the yard, those who were at home and heard the movement, they almost all looked over.

Immediately said proudly and eloquently, "Before Sha Zhu left, he cooked food for a senior leader, but he annoyed that senior leader, so he was kicked out of the rolling mill by the senior leader! He said to take care of him because he was afraid of shame. His father!"

"Impossible! Shazhu is not a very good person, but his cooking skills are nothing to say! No one is dissatisfied with the dishes he cooks!" The third master retorted in disbelief.

The other neighbors also agreed with the third master's statement, and thought they would hear a lot of news.

That was it, and then I was a little disappointed.

Seeing everyone's reactions, Xu Damao became anxious.

"Don't you believe it! Shazhu is a good cook? But don't forget, people make mistakes, and horses make mistakes!" Xu Damao continued, "I was there at the time, and I was also showing movies to senior leaders! So, at that time I know the situation best!"

"During the Qing Dynasty, there was an imperial chef who made a dish of twice-cooked pork for Cixi, but the imperial chef missed it because it was too spicy! Cixi beat him up and kicked him out of the palace!
Shazhu's work is the same, that is, the dishes he cooks, and the senior leaders are not satisfied!Just got kicked out of the rolling mill!Even sweeping the streets, people don't want him!That's why he ran to Baoding City to find his father! "

"No way! Could it be that what Da Mao said is true!?"

Hearing Xu Damao's serious narration and Shazhu's long time away, everyone was a little shaken!Some of them believed Xu Damao's words.

"Xu Damao, what are you doing here! It's been almost a year! With your character, why didn't you say it at the beginning!?" The old man said still in disbelief.

"Ma Hua, Shazhu's apprentice, isn't he living in his house now? If you don't believe me, go and ask!" Xu Damao said bluntly.

"Grandpa, you should recognize the reality! Silly Zhu, you can't count on it! I know what you want to do! The neighbors in the yard also know it. So, you'd better be more polite to me in the future! Maybe One day, you will beg in front of me."

There are no tigers in the mountains, but monkeys dominate.

The courtyard god of war, Sha Zhu, was not there, so Xu Damao, a monkey, immediately went berserk.

"Huairu, do you think what Xu Damao said is true?" Jia Zhang asked Qin Huairu curiously.

"How do I know! Maybe what Xu Damao said is true!" Qin Huairu said uncertainly.

"Xu Damao is also divorced. I think it's just right to introduce Qin Jingru to Xu Damao as his wife. Then our two families will be relatives in the future, and it will definitely treat our family well!" Jia Zhang suddenly said.

"Xu Damao is just a bastard, he beats his wife every now and then. If you marry Jingru to him, wouldn't you push Qin Jingru into the fire pit?!" Qin Huairu refused,

"Besides, you don't even know the situation. Recently, Xu Damao has been having a hot fight with Yu Haitang, the belle of our rolling mill, the female announcer!"

"Ah! What can we do then? Our family's life is getting more and more difficult!" Jia Zhang said helplessly, "It's all because of silly Zhu. Not only did he not help our family, but even everyone disappeared! This heartless person Oh silly! I curse him for not being able to find a wife for the rest of his life!"

"Let's go! We didn't even leave the house to our family, but gave it to Mahua, who is also stupid! I'm really mad at the old woman!"

Qin Huairu ignored his mother-in-law's curse, but thought about what Xu Damao said just now.

Could it be that Shazhu is really not coming back, then where can I find such a good prostitution partner.

Xu Damao is as shrewd as a monkey.Before taking advantage of him, it is likely to be wiped out by him.

Shazhu's apprentice, Ma Hua, is suitable, but he has many brothers and sisters in his own family, and the burden is heavy!It is impossible to support one's own family.

Uncle, he has been supporting himself intermittently in the past few years, and it seems that he will continue to maintain it.

Do I really want to agree to Director Li of the rolling mill! ?

Do you really want to be Director Li's lover like Liu Lan in the cafeteria? !

No, this is the last step, and I must not take it lightly.If you take this step, there is no going back.

It seems that they can only continue to entangle with Xu Damao.

The second aunt, looking at the second uncle who came in, asked in a low voice, "Old Liu, is what Xu Damao said just now true?"

"Fart! Do you believe Xu Damao's words? He is an even more asshole than Sha Zhu!" The second uncle said disdainfully.

"You don't know yet! Yu Haitang, the factory flower of our rolling mill, is Yu Li's younger sister. I planned to let her marry our son! But this Xu Damao suddenly made a cross! Now he is hooking up with Yu Haitang Yes! Don't take me, the second uncle, seriously."

"No way?!" The second aunt said angrily.

"Xu Damao, don't let me seize the opportunity, if I seize the opportunity, I will kill him!" Liu Haizhong said fiercely.

"Old Yi, Shazhu is really not coming back!?" The big mother also asked the same question as the big grandfather.

"Hey! Who knows!" The elder said helplessly, "It seems that we can only rely on Qin Huairu! You will send Qin Huairu [-] catties of stick noodles later, and the relationship between the two families must be maintained."

"I don't quite believe Xu Damao's words! But what I'm worried about is, will Shazhu leave with Lou Xiao'e! That would be troublesome!" The uncle is indeed the ultimate boss of the courtyard house, and he guessed things very accurately. .

"No way!?" The aunt looked at the lord in fear, "It seems that Sha Zhu left first?"

"Silly Zhu left first, wouldn't he be waiting for Lou Xiao'e somewhere else!?" said the uncle.

"Oh! I hope I'm wrong!"

(End of this chapter)

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