Chapter 20 The Wise Old Lady

"Comrade Ma Hua, thank you so much today! If it weren't for your help, my teacher wouldn't be so happy!" Ran Qiuye looked at Ma Hua in front of him and said gratefully.

I never expected that Comrade He Yuzhu's apprentices are all so good at cooking!

"Teacher Ran, you are polite! You are my master's friend, and it is my honor to serve you!" Ma Hua said politely.

"By the way, I may have to leave first! I brought a piece of braised pork to the old lady in our hospital, and I have to bring it back to her quickly! It should be able to catch up with her old man's meal!" Ma Hua said.

"Old lady? Is that the one in the backyard of your courtyard?" Ran Qiuye asked excitedly, remembering the heroic old lady who had dinner with Comrade He Yuzhu's house.

"Yes! Teacher Ran, do you know him?" Ma Hua asked.

"Well! We had dinner at the home of your master Comrade He Yuzhu!" Teacher Ran said, "How about it! I'll go and see her with you! I haven't seen her for a long time!"

"That's fine! Let's go together!" Ma Hua said.

"Why did you think of taking care of the old lady? Remember you just moved into that compound?" Teacher Ran asked.

"Actually, it was my master who told me before he left! He left me some money for the old lady's retirement! I also showed the house to the master, so I lived in that yard!" Ma Hua explained.

"Your master, Comrade He Yuzhu, is really a good man! He is also a caring person!" Teacher Ran said with admiration from the bottom of her heart.

"Little Twist? Why are you here again?" the old lady said in surprise, and then saw Ran Qiuye behind Ma Hua.

"This is your daughter-in-law? Why does she look familiar?"

"Old lady, you misunderstood! This is my master's friend, named Ran Qiuye!" Ma Hua quickly explained.

"Old lady, we had dinner together at Comrade He Yuzhu's house, remember?" Ran Qiuye quickly explained.

"Oh! I remembered, we had dinner together! You are Teacher Ran Qiu Yeran, right?" the old lady suddenly realized.

"However, Mr. Ran, you and Ma Hua look so good together! Are you talking about someone!?" The old lady suddenly said with a smile.

"Old lady, you misunderstood! Today I asked Ma Hua to do me a favor! Come and see your old man!" Ran Qiuye explained with a blushing heart.

"Well! You are right! Ma Hua is a good boy! My grandson is said to be stupid, but in fact, he is very accurate! Ma Hua is a good boy! You will not lose money if you follow him!" The old lady pretended to be confused. Answer Hu Ying said.

Ran Qiuye blushed even more, and didn't know how to answer for a while.

Seeing Teacher Ran's embarrassment, Ma Hua quickly changed the topic and said,
"Old lady, don't mess with the mandarin ducks! See what delicious food I brought you?"

"Wow, braised pork! Ma'am, I like it!" The old lady said in surprise.

"By the way, little mahua! After dinner, go and call one, two, three, three uncles in the yard to me, and tell me that I have something to order!" The old lady said suddenly.

"Okay! Ma'am, I'm going now!" Ma Hua said, and went to call someone.

"Teacher Ran! It's just a matter of time before you write a certificate for me!" The old lady looked at Teacher Ran and said with a smile.

"Okay, old lady!" Ran Qiuye said.

"My eldest grandson, silly Zhu! Suddenly enlightened, he knows to think for himself! Now he has his own thoughts, and he is no longer entangled with the messy things in the courtyard! I never thought that when I left, I would still think about me. Old woman, you know how to arrange a little twist to take care of me! Old woman, I am touched!" The old lady suddenly said emotionally.

"Mmm! Comrade He Yuzhu is a good man!" Ran Qiuye said with sincere admiration.

After a while, Ma Hua came in with three uncles.

"Old lady, do you have any orders for calling us here?" The old man asked respectfully.

"It's like this, my silly grandson, before he left, he arranged for Xiao Mahua to take care of me from time to time, and left me a lot of retirement money! My grandson is filial, and I can't be stingy as a wife. This house will be given to my eldest grandson, Sha Zhu! You and the two of you have no objections, right?" the old lady said tremblingly.

The second uncle and the third uncle both looked at each other in surprise.

But the uncle said without any surprise, "We have no objection! It depends on your arrangement!"

"That's good! Teacher Ran Qiuye also came to see me today. Teacher Ran, you can help my old woman draft a certificate, and then let all three of them sign it! My grandson is really serious. I, an old woman, must not leave it to him. No trouble!" The old lady said wisely.

Soon Teacher Ran finished writing the certificate, and the uncle took the lead in signing his name, Yi Zhonghai.

The second uncle and the third uncle, seeing that they were powerless, could only reluctantly sign their own names, Liu Haizhong and Yan Banggui.

Seeing that she had an explanation for the last matter, the old lady happily handed the proof to Ma Hua who had been silent beside her, and said, "Little twist! You must keep this proof! When your master comes back, give it to him! Tell him, old lady, I miss him! Also, you must handle the matter that your master told you carefully! When your master comes back, he will never treat you badly! Take care of the house for him! From now on, things in this yard , and you must not get involved or interrogated. And Yi Zhonghai, don't be a master! Take care of your wife with peace of mind!"

Hearing the old lady's words, the second uncle and the third uncle were not disturbed at first, but in the end they both looked at each other in surprise.

People say that people are old and smart, and they are not confused when things happen!Sure enough, the old lady has always been the most sober one in the courtyard!Everything can be seen clearly.

Silly Zhu sorted out his travel clothes, and said to Wang Mingquan next to him, "It will take about a month or two for me to go to Fusang this time, and I will come back after finishing the Fusang franchise store!"

"Brother Zhu, why don't I go with you!" Wang Mingquan said reluctantly.

"Aren't you filming? Can you really accompany me!?" Silly Zhu asked suspiciously.

"Oh! I'm so annoying!" Wang Mingquan said angrily.

"Hehe, I'm not here, so you can just rest and recuperate! Don't you often complain that I don't let you rest?" Sha Zhu said jokingly.

"Brother Zhu, you're dead!" Wang Mingquan slapped Silly Zhu, and said resentfully.

"Haha, just kidding! You finished filming this scene, if I'm still in Fusang, you can meet me in the past! Let's go to Fusang Hokkaido to see the snow together!" Silly Zhu said.

"Brother Zhu is the best!" Wang Mingquan said in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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